The moment my feet hit the ground of California, I was struck by a huge relief rushing down my veins. The hum of the jet's fans died down behind me as I was led down the stairs by Christopher and I found myself stealing glances at him, without even realizing it.
It still surprised me how quickly we'd arrived. The fact that his parents had allowed him to leave so soon after his coronation felt almost impossible. But all the same, I was thankful but still wondered how they let him go without a single reaction.
A sleek black car rolled to a stop in front of us, its polished exterior gleaming in the sun. The driver stepped out, a man in a crisp suit who handed the keys to Christopher with a slight bow before walking off without a word.
"No guards?" I asked, arching a brow as Christopher moved to open the passenger door for me.
"Why would I need a guard?" he replied casually and I felt a sudden way with the way he spoke. His response wasn't rude or mean, it just felt... weird.
"I..." I hesitated, unsure why I even brought it up. "I just thought, since your coronation, you'd be..."
He shook his head, cutting me off. "I don't need that here."
"Oh." The single word came out quieter than I intended, and I didn't press the subject further. Instead, I slipped into the car, smoothing my dress as I settled into the leather seat.
My eyes stayed on him as he walked around to the driver's side. He climbed in, started the car, and fixed his gaze straight ahead. No glance in my direction. No sly, devious smirk-the one he usually wore when he was up to no good.
I thought that, without guards or an audience monitoring his every move, he'd at least try to tease me, maybe even push his luck and make some attempt to seduce me to his bed as always. But instead, it felt like he wasn't interested in me anymore.
Was he satisfied with the one time we had sex?
But the time in his office, I thought. . .
I turned my attention to the window, trying to shake off the uneasiness settling in my chest. It was like a rope tightening around me, suffocating. I needed to relax, to be patient.
Any moment now, I told myself. Any moment, he'd start with his flirty antics, and I'd be ready to shut him down like always.
My body jolted, every nerve on edge, as I felt his hand slid to my thigh. The fabric of my mini skirt offered no protection and that alone was enough for my adrenaline rushing all over with full speed.
"Um, Sarah, love."
"Yeah." My throat felt dry as I swallowed hard, trying -and failing -to control the sudden heat pooling between my thighs.
What is happening to me?
"Could you tell me your apartment address so I can drop you off?"
"Drop me off?" I questioned as my eyes shifted between his face and his hand lingering on my thigh, hoping he'd take the hint and move it away, but he didn't.
Aside from the fact that his hand was now on me, his expression gave nothing away. Calm, neutral-like this was completely normal. The hand didn't shift, didn't move, just stayed exactly where it was.
"Yeah." He said so casually as if we weren't sitting in the car with his hand burning through my skin like a brand. "So, your address?"
"You want to drop me off at my apartment?"
He nodded. "Yes. is that wrong?"
"Of course not. It's just..." My words trailed off. It's just... I thought you'd want me to stay with you.
His brows furrowed as he tilted his head, those eyes seeming to look straight into my soul. "Just what, love?"
That word. Love. It hit me like a punch every time he said it. I hated how easily it rolled off his tongue, hated how much power it held over me. I hated how it made my heart skip and my breath catch. But I also hated that I loved it. That I craved it, even when I knew better.
I glanced at his hand on my thigh, heavy and warm, completely still. It wasn't moving, wasn't sliding higher, wasn't doing anything that should've made me feel this... aware of him. He still wanted me, that I knew but something was holding him back.
Even on the jet, I'd thought he might... I don't know, do something. The flight wasn't long enough to sleep, and honestly, I didn't bother trying. A part of me had been hoping-expecting-him to make some kind of move. But no, he'd ignored me completely, his attention fixed on his phone and work.
The only time he spoke was to ask if I needed anything or if I wanted to rest. Like I was a guest. Not the woman he confessed in his office about how he desired her.
"Uh, no." I shook my head, forcing a smile that felt more like a mask. "I was just wondering when my things would arrive since I realized we got here without them." I quickly changed the subject, trying to keep my face neutral. Deep down, I was struggling to understand this version of him, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of showing my confusion or defeat.
"Oh, yeah..." He leaned back in his seat, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "I'll arrange for the delivery. I actually have an important meeting right now, so I needed to drop you off first then leave."
I nodded, trying to process his words while my mind raced with thoughts of how to exit the car without revealing how his strange behavior affected me. My gaze drifted to the ring on my finger, and I couldn't help but wonder if I should-
"Don't think of taking them off, Sarah."
"What?" I turned back to Chris, surprise washing over me. His expression was serious, and it sent a chill down my spine, stirring something inside me.
"The ring. I can see what you're thinking, love, and you're not taking it off."
"Why?" I shrugged, attempting to sound indifferent. "Your parents aren't here to question me, and I don't think Alex would mind since we're far from your kingdom-"
"I would mind, Sarah." His hand gripped my thigh harder, seriousness flickering in his eyes, and I was tempted to laugh. Gotcha.
"Don't remove it. Sarah."
"Well, that's too bad because I don't care about what you think." I raised my hand, the ring glinting in the light as I held it up for him to see. "I'm taking it off, Chris. I have my own life to live, and if anyone sees this ring with me, it'll raise so many questions that I don't think I'm ready to answer."
"Remember the contract, Chris, darling." I flashed a teasing smirk. "No one must know about this, and let's not forget we're in California, not your kingdom."
He pressed his lips together, jaw tightening as he closed his eyes. After a moment, he let out a soft sigh and opened them, locking onto mine.
"You know what?" A genuine smile broke across his face, catching me off guard. "You're absolutely right."
What... what?
"I-I am?"
"Yes you are. I understand what you're saying, and I agree with you." He gently removed his hand from mine, and I felt cold. Too cold if I might add.
I didn't like this.
"You do?" This wasn't the reaction I'd hoped for. I envisioned teasing him like old times, then him pulling me close, placing me on his lap, whispering all the naughty things he'd do to me if I don't listen to him.
But this... this was the complete opposite of what I'd imagined.
I lingered on the memory of our last kiss, craving more, yet he seemed utterly unwilling to give me anything.
Who is this Christopher, and what has he done to the man I once knew?
"Yes, I do, and I should respect your decision."
When have you ever respected my decisions? Why would you start now?!
"Oh, okay then." I gripped the door handle, ready to escape the car as confusion and frustration swirled within me, fueled by emotions I could barely identify.
And anger was the most familiar.
"Oh wait." He called out, halting me. I paused. "What's your apartment number so I can drop off your stuff?"
I gritted teeth hard before I responded, "I'll text you the number." And with that, I stepped out of the car, slammed the door before he uttered another word and strided straight into the building.
Oh fuck him.
My heels clicked louder as I made my way to the elevator. I had no idea what expression was on my face as people gave me curious looks each time I passed them.
The elevator opened, and a few people left as I entered and hit the button. The minute the door shut and I realized I was the only one there, I stomped my foot so hard that the heel point would've fallen if it wasn't legit.
I stared at it and remembered I had them. Chris bought them for me, and I don't even know how he knew my size, but didn't care. It felt nice to be bought nice things for once.
We weren't even together, and he has done so much more than my previous exes. They would never do things like this. Once they took a look at how big Sam and I's apartment was, they had this mindset that I came from money and took me on cheap dates, bought clothes that I knew were worn before, or even flirted with other women when I was there.
Bastards. All of them were fucking bastards.
Well, except Christopher.
"Fuck," I whispered. "Stop thinking that. He's not yours."
I kept reminding myself, but my mind wouldn't listen. It was too stubborn to agree to the fact I can and never be his. He's taken, and now that he's here where there's no one to watch over him, observe his every move unlike the palace, he can do whatever he wants.
And have whatever woman he wants as well.
Oh God. Why do I care so much? Why does it sting to think about him with other women right now?
I shook my head as the elevator opened and I walked out.
"It's not my business who he's with." I held my bag tightly as I said those words. "In fact, he's free to fuck whoever he wants." I stopped and stared at my apartment door. "I don't care if he's even having a threesome right this minute."
After a moment of realization about the true nature of things, my heart felt sore, but I rubbed my chest, trying to erase any stupid feelings I thought were there, and knocked on the door.
I heard footsteps, and a smile grew on my face.
"I'm back!" I sang out, loud enough for her to hear, and a huge scream erupted from the other side.
"Bitch!" Sam cursed as she opened the door. Her eyes widened when she saw me, and she jumped on me without any warning. "How did this... how are you here?!"
"Let a girl breathe, won't you?" I laughed so hard I almost fell from her weight, but finally, she dropped down and dragged me inside.
She closed the door and hugged me once more, her body bouncing with so much energy that I could hardly keep up.
"I missed you too." I chuckled, freeing myself from her grip and heading straight to the kitchen.
Heaven knows how much I've missed this place.
"How did you get here so fast?" Sam asked as I reached into the fridge and grabbed my favorite strawberry ice cream the second I spotted it.
"Chris owns a jet-oh, can I wear your hoodie? My things aren't here yet." And honestly, I wouldn't even know if they were, since I hadn't texted Chris yet.
Her jaw dropped, and she blinked twice. "Did you say jet? Like an actual jet?"
I wiggled my eyebrows and grabbed my phone, tossing it towards her. She caught it effortlessly.
"You can see some pics there. I managed to snap a few things."
"You sneaky girl." Sam smirked as she plopped down on the stool. "I thought you said you couldn't take pictures."
"Honestly, I couldn't, but it would be weird not to-" I jumped when Sam screamed again. I was about to ask what had happened until she raised my hand, staring at my so-called engagement ring.
"Is this a diamond ring?!" I almost winced at her excitement but managed to stay calm as she examined it, scrutinizing whether it was real or fake. "This must be real diamonds!"
They are most definitely real diamonds but it doesn't change anything. They don't mean anything,
Okay... I needed to stop acting like a child yearning for some candy and behave like an adult. I'd been telling him to give me space, and now he was finally doing it.
I should be happy.
I should be jumping on my bed and heading out without a care in the world.
But instead, my chest was stinging so hard.
Like a bee piercing through skin.
It hurt so damn much.
He wanted to respect my decision now.
Why now?!
Why the hell does he want to respect it now? After the shouting, the curses, and all the warnings he ignored, after he took me to sin and touched me in ways I couldn't shake off, now he wanted to act like nothing happened the moment we got here?!
Screw him.
Was it something I did at the palace? I just wanted to come here and see Sam and James, and he seemed excited to join. I thought he'd come up and I'd introduce him to Sam.
"Why do I want to do that?" I mumbled to myself.
"Okay, I think they're real." Sam gasped for the third time. "Maybe I'll check if I just..." Her hand brushed against the ring, and when I felt it being pulled from my fingers, I flinched back and stepped away. "Oh, what's wrong?" Her face turned to worry, as if she thought something terrible had happened to me.
"Don't remove it, Sarah." Of all the things he said, those words stuck like glue.
Why did I remember that?
"Sarah." A hand touched my shoulders, and I saw worry mode activate on Sam. "Are you alright? Is it the jet that's making you like this? I heard sometimes you can get dizzy-"
"Oh no, I'm fine," I said, holding her shoulders and sat her down on the nearest chair. "I was just jumpy because..."
"Because..." She raised her eyebrow, waiting for my reply.
Think of something. Think Sarah.
"I was just worried when you wanted to remove my ring."
I shrugged casually. "It's part of the contact. I can't take off the ring on any occasion."
"Seriously?" She scoffed, folding her arms tightly across her chest, "I already see why you don't like those royal forks. See how they are telling you what to do when they are not even here?"
I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "They are not all bad." I left her shoulders and made my way to her room, stepping inside to find clothes strewn everywhere. I shook my head, a smile creeping onto my face despite the chaos.
I've definitely missed this.
"Didn't know you would come back today..." Sam said from behind me, her voice tinged with a playful embarrassment as she took in the state of her room. I paid no mind to the mess and headed straight for her wardrobe, searching for a fresh, comfy baggy top.
"So his parents..." she began, and I rolled my eyes, trying to shake off the memory of his mother and her taunts. "How are they like?"
I pulled off the top I was wearing and slipped into Sam's oversized hoodie, feeling the soft fabric envelop me like a warm hug. "They are just like normal parents... but add an obsession with royalty and a mother who hovers because you're not up to her taste."
"Exactly." I nodded, heading back to the living room. I grabbed my phone and the ice cream, sitting down on the stool until I saw Sam and she spoke again.
"What about him?" I could practically feel her smirk as she leaned closer to the counter.
"Who?" I asked, grabbing a scoop of ice cream and letting it melt softly beneath my tongue, trying to distract myself.
"Your boyfriend, of course-"
"Not my boyfriend." I shot her a glare, but I could see the amusement dancing in her eyes.
"Sorry, I mean fiancée." She sat next to me, her smile bright and teasing. "Did he drop you off?"
"Yep." I began playing with my ice cream, feeling not in the mood for it since Sam called Chris name. I then opened my phone and stared at his number wondering if I should message him now or not.
Why hasn't he called me? He should be calling and asking if I'm home safely.
Normally he would send a message but now... nothing.
"That's nice of him," Sam said to which I hummed.
"I guess so."
"Hmm." Why won't he just call me-
"Are you missing him already?"
"What?!" I shouted, my eyes turning to her with such rush. "I... I don't miss him." I scoffed. "Why should I? When he has been behaving like a dick since he dropped me off and acts like he wouldn't miss me so why should I...."
"No way!" Sam laughed at me. "Sarah. Are you actually saying this?"
"I...I don't understand what you're saying." This was so embarrassing.
"You certainly do. I can't believe I'll see the actual day."
"Which stupid day, Sam? There's nothing going on-"
"You have feelings for him, Don't you?"
"No I don't-"
"And if I'm certain..." She raised my fingers, where my ring was placed again. "He told you not to remove this ring. It's not part of the contract, am I right?"
"No." Yes.
She gave a sly grin. "I know you, Sarah. We're practically sister, and news flash: you can't lie."
I pulled my hand away and scoffed, stepping away from the counter. "I'm not lying, and I don't have any feelings for that man."
"Oh really?" She folded her arms and crossed her legs. "So you feel nothing."
"Yes!" I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling so confused and tired. She raised her hand in surrender, but I knew she didn't believe me.
Can't I have a day without his name popping up?
She looked at me one last time and sighed. "Fine, I'll believe you..." A huge relief washed over me until she added, "...if you remove the ring."
I froze. "What?"
"Remove the ring and tell me once again you don't have feelings for him."
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