Chapter 10: Bar Fight, but with Blood



*8 hours before the Little Date with Zheng*

Your Pov.

Once again I skipped Glynda's class and I guess she's not having it today. She knew that I won't fight, yet she keeps presuming that I must fight. I have known her ever since Ozpin adopted me, after the incident... She was like the adopted mother, always caring for me and teaching me mostly about combat. Although Ozpin and Glynda aren't dating or anything like that. Well, they did once and I think it didn't go as well then I thought. Since I remembered that night, Ozpin came back home covered in food. We don't talk about it, but I still wondered what happened.

Anyway, my team found me and told me that Ozpin wants to talk to me about the combat class. I just nod and walked over to the elevator and started to go up to the top of the tower. I never really knew about my adoptive father's past. Like my original parents. He did tell me he once had a wife with a child, but his child passed away as for his wife, disappeared. That's the only thing that I know truly about him. The other things I know, it's just his personality and how he acts around everyone. We've might not have a great of a relationship like Yang's and Ruby's father, but I still love him like one all the same.

The elevator stopped, as the door open revealing my adoptive father sitting on his desk with his cup of coffee, fresh and hot as ever. I slowly walked over to his desk.

"There you are (Y/n), I thought that you left Beacon once again," He said with a smile.

"Not this time, father... I was... feeding the squirrels again..." I said looking away embarrassingly.

He chuckled, "You always so kind towards animals, insects, plants, even Grimm." He stood up from his desk and walked around towards the front.

"So... tell me why did you skip combat class again?" He asked as he sat on the front of his desk.

"You know why, father," I told him.

He sighed, with his expression changing to disappointment. "You can't just avoid combat class (Y/n). At this rate, you'll fail the course you'll have to restart year one."

"It's not like I wanted to join Beacon, father. You know, I never wanted to hurt people or Grimms," I told him. 

"But others and Grimm will hurt you (Y/n) and your friends. You saw it yourself during the Initiation. I'm doing this for your own good, it's a dangerous place out there, especially when you're a Grimm yourself."

Hearing those last three words made me flinch. "I'm Not LIKE THEM, and They're not like What YOU THINK!!! THERE MISSED UNDERSTOOD CREATURES!!! They're family to me!!!" I aggressively growled, as my eyes slowly glow red through my blindfold.

"(Y/n) calm down, you don't want to repeat the same deed you did when I found you," He demands, yet his stance stiffens knowing the danger if I ever 'turned'.

I shake my memories out of my head, as I calmed down. "S-sorry... I... I... I need-"

"It's alright," he shot off his desk and walked over to me. He then places his hand on my shoulder. I slowly looked up, to meet his eyes. "I just want to make sure you can protect yourself. I know I can't protect you forever (Y/n) from everything. All I could do is to prepare for that moment. I need you to stay strong and ready to fight for yourself, (Y/n). You can't just avoid your problems forever, they'll come back at you,  and become even stronger than ever." 

He then moved his free hand over to the knot of the blindfold and untie it. The blindfold slowly fell from my eyes onto the floor. Showing my black veins around my Grimm eyes, the only Grimm eyes that showed emotions. "I need you to make a promise (Y/n), can you keep it?" He asked. 

I responded, with a slow yet shy nod. 

"I want you to fight when you or your loved ones, are in trouble, even if it hurts them or the enemy. No more running, you must stay and fight."



Third Pov.

(Y/n), the woman and Zheng were hiding behind the bar counter with Joiner and the malachite twins. Faunus and Humans alike screamed as they ran out of the club as fast as they can. Some even claiming over each other. Joiner's goons tried to fight back, but most have been killed. Blood and alcohol spilled everywhere on the floor, chairs, seats, and walls. Bullets flew everywhere, the strangers in hoods came from all directions.  They're not here to take over or kill, they're here for (Y/n). Although their order wasn't clear, they must eliminate her.

Your Pov.

My breaths were rapid, I was shocked yet scared. The smell of blood, making my Grimm indicted act up. Wanting to slaughter every one last of living beings, while sensing many negative emotions. They're everywhere, from sadness, hatred, and fear. This is the last situation I want to be in. The only people that don't show any negative emotions are Zheng and the strange women. I quickly peeked over the counter and saw men in red with hoods and masks with a symbol on their shoulders...

(I made this from Photoshop, I hoped you liked it)

My vision flashed, remembering when I saw that logo long ago. The same hidden men standing in front of a fire with two people in front, one with a mask and the other had a helmet with a visor.

"Zheng!" I heard Junior yelled, snapping out of my vision. "Who the fuck are they!?"

Zheng, still drunk, just shrugs, "I don't know." 

"Yesh, your  calm about this..." Joiner commented.  

"It's not my first firefight," Zheng smiled, as she took out the two green blade axes. "Time to have some action."

Before she could stand up, the strange woman stopped her, "What do you think you doing?" 

"What do you think? I want to have some fun," Zheng told her. 

"You cannot, my mission is to protect you. An order from Wei Raim."

Zheng groaned and facepalms herself, "She can't just leave us alone for a minute!" 

"Well, she certainly cares for you, for a criminal and drunk right now."

Zheng glares at the women, "You better stop talking shit, or I'll cut your head in half." Showing off her Red Sisters. 

"Zheng, can you please lower your weapons. There are bigger problems behind this bar," I told Zheng. 

"Yeah, but I could take care of them easily just watch me."

Junior then used his missile launcher and fired at the attackers. The attackers dodged his missile easily and fired back at him, making him go back to cover. "Dammit, I really don't want to get hit by those bullets! They pierce our Aura as if it wasn't there!" 

"Huh? So that's why your goons died so easily," Zheng said.

"It's gunpowder," I told them. "It's not like any dust, it's a destructive material that explodes with a strong force. And that force and forced a bullet to pierce through Aura," I explained. 

"Smart, yet cowardly..." Zheng whispered to herself. "Got any idea how we get out of here?" She asked me. 

"Huh?... Why are you asking me?!" 

"Because you're my team captain! And I know your too cowardly to fight!" She shouted.

"Hey! That's because I don't like violence!" I told her.

"That's the problem with you and that's why our team is failing at that stupid school!" Zheng groaned. "Whatever, you stay here and I'll fight them with my new battle-axe."

The bullets soon stopped, as one of them spoke, "(Y/n), we know you're here come on out, your surrounded."

'What? H-how do they know my name?' I asked myself. I have never met them or even see them in my life. What do they want from me? Are they here to kidnap me?

"What the..." I Zheng whispered to herself and she looks over at me. "Do you know these people?" She asked.

"N-no! I have no idea how they know me or even why they're after me!" I told her. 

"Well, they certainly know you."

I then peeked over the counter as I see them bring three civilians with their hands tied behind their back. They then forced them onto their knees with each one aiming their revolvers to their heads.

"Surrender yourself (Y/n). Or we'll do what we must," The man closes to the counter said. "I know you let these people die. Their blood will be both on our hands, I preferred we don't sacrifice an innocent life."

"Innocent my ass..." Zheng commented. "Most of these people are either drug dealers or addicts, lawbreakers, assholes, perverts and me." 

"You have ten seconds before this man gets a bullet in his brain!" The leader shouted. As the hooded man cocked the hammer of the revolver with the trigger on his finger. With the tip barrel pressed against the back of his head. 

(The Revolver that they used; Also I don't own this art, just found it on google image) 

The tied male started to panic, "W-what? Please! Let me g-go, I go money-ack!"

He was then hit on the back of his head with the bottom grip of the revolver.

"Shut it, you," The hooded man commanded. 

I can't let anyone die because of me, not again. Just before I could stand up and surrender myself, Zheng pulled me down beside her. 

"What the fuck, you think you're doing?" She asked with anger in her voice that matched her expression. 

"I'm surrendering myself," I told her, sadly.

"What? Why the fuck would you think that?!" 

"I-I... I don't the people to die because of me."

"Who cares? (Y/n), we don't know them. There no one to me or you, right now we must get out of here or fight them."

"Well... I do care! I'm not going to let them killed them because of me." That's when I notice that the mysterious lady was gone, "Um... Zheng where did that lady go?" I asked her.

Third Pov.

As the two wondered where the mysterious lady went. The lady was high up on one of the balconies of place in the shadows. Her main mission is to protect the two Huntress, anything that harms them is a failure in her eyes. As she looked around trying to find a way to eliminate these 'Inquisitor's Watchers', the name that she remembered when she first conscripted as a Loyal Followers group. A Group that is part of the Royal Nights ever since they formed and take orders from the King or Queen's members. 

There are only 15 of these Inquisitor's Watchers. Seven are in the middle, where they holding three hostages, while the other all spread out guarding every section of the building. This is going to be difficult for her and there's a high chance of them hunting the two huntresses. She doesn't care for that owner and his lady bodyguards, her priority is the two girls. 

She then grasps her Geist'tachi in her hands, a one-sided, 85 cm curved sword made by her people, the Chūji'shi Clan, when they joined the Royal Nights.  A sword that connects to its user Aura by ritual, that makes the blade ignore people's Aura. Bellow, her was an Inquisitor watching his Captain counting down. 



The mysterious lady breathed in and out, reading herself her assault. Making sure that the two would escape. 



(Y/n) was now frightened, she can't let the people die. Her instinct tells her to fight them to protect the hostages, but she doesn't want to hurt them. She doesn't want to hurt anyone in any way. Yet the voice of her Adoptive Father wanting her to fight is haunting her. She hates it, as her Grimm instinct grew more. 

"Let go, Zheng! I must do this," She told her. As her breath began to become more rampant and she tried to shake her arm from Zheng's grasp. 

"No! I won't you stupid bitch! I'm not letting you do this!" She spat at her. 

(Y/n) saw her face, even in her drunken state. She kept the same face she always has, but this one looked and felt different. Zheng can sense pain and anger within her, yet fear. Her eyes told showed that she cared for her, worried about losing (Y/n) of all people. (Y/n) don't know that she knows or understands why she's feeling this way.



"Why?! Why do you care?!" (Y/n) asked confused and now ferrous that Zheng is not letting her give herself away. 



"Caused I-" Before Zheng could finish. The lady activated her sword making the blade growled Bright Yellow, the colour of her Aura. She jumps down had cuts the man below her in two. Blood spills and gushed everywhere on the floor and herself. 

The Inquisitor's Watchers and rest all looked over to death guard, seeing his body slowly splitting apart.

"Get her!" The Captain ordered as every Inquisitor's Watchers aimed towards.

The Lady quickly looked over to Zheng and (Y/n), "Get out now!!!" she shouted as they fired upon her. 

The lady then activated her Selmbance and stopped the bullets in their place, with a yellow glow around them, around her. The lady then charges forwards towards the enemy near her. The man was about to fire, but she deactivated her semblance letting the bullets that were now behind her fly into the walls. She then used her ability to freeze his gun and arm in place. 

The man couldn't feel his arm as he tried to move it. Before he could take out his dagger from its sheet on his belt, the lady slashed towards his neck cutting it right off.

(Y/n) saw the violence and started to vomit onto the floor, discussed by the blood and death. Zheng just ignores that she was vomiting and grabbed (Y/n) by the arm pulled her near her and started to head for the entrance. 

The captain notices this and orders half his men to take down the lady who's covering their escape. While he and the rest take care of the two girls. As they reach the small stairs that lead to the entrance of the bar, two Inquisitors stood at their escaped and fired on the two girls. Zheng quickly pushed (Y/n) to the side, forcing her onto the ground slamming her head a little. 

She then took out her Red Sisters Of Poison and defect both bullets on the flat metal side of the blade. One of the bullets missed while the other hit the shoulder of one of the inquisitors on the left side of the doorway. The bullet hit the arm where he holds the gun, forcing his hand to let go of the gun. The revolver slowly fell down the stairs, as Zheng raced up. 

(Y/n) recovered from her fall, with a bit of a headache, and slowly lean up with her arm holding herself up for support. She then watches Zheng beat the crap out of the two Inquisitors that stood in their way. Zheng blocked a blade from a dagger with her axe in her right hand and slashed at his hips. Thanks to his strong Aura, it didn't damage him. But the force that Zheng swung knocked him out of the way down the stairs. 

Then the injured Inquisitor came down with his dagger in hand and thrust forward aiming for her neck. Zheng then hooks the dagger, with her left battle-axe with the open space between the metal and the stick, forcing his dagger out of his hand. She then swung over her shoulder and swung downwards towards his neck, penetrating through his neck and chest. His Aura couldn't hold Zheng's powerful strikes, breaking through easily. Blood spurted a little, as the rest slowly bleeds onto the blades and body of the Inquisitor.  

Zheng then used her foot and pushed the body to remove the axe out of his body. The body fell, tumbling down the stairs, all while staining it with his blood. (Y/n), was disgusting seeing a man being brutally killed. She wanted to vomit but she kept it in. But the smell of blood, made her Grimm side hunger, for blood. Wanting to devour all of these humans and Faunus, just to taste them. 

She hates it, but all she can do is to resist that urge within her. She wants out, out of this violent fight. Zheng looks over towards the door, before looking back at (Y/n). At first, she wanted to just leave her. She's the daughter of Ozpin, leaving her to die with these people good be a great way to get revenge on Ozpin. Yet... yet her heart wanted to save her, she's nothing like her father. She loves her, and she knows it. 

Zheng groans, cursing at herself and towards Heavens, and quickly turns around and ran over to (Y/n), who was keeping herself from throwing up once more. The Lady was doing well by herself. Already killing four out of the six Inquisitor's Watchers. None have injured her, she's just blocked or stoped their bullets or kills them in melee She finished off one of the inquisitors and cleaned the blood off the blade with her inner-side of her arm, facing the last two remaining Inquisitor's Watchers. The two with their last bullet threw smoke at her, covering smoke around her, blocking her vision. 

With both hands on her sword, she closed her eyes and listen. Two people running, from behind and in front of her, coming about at the same speed. But she was only concentrating on the footsteps, and the Inquisitors knew this, they could easily see through the smoke thanks to their visors. The one in front shoots his last round first. Right as the lady used her semblance to hold that bullet in place, the other shoot his last round. Penetrating through her back, hitting her left lung. She quickly choked on her own blood falling onto one knee, as they race for her. As fast as she can, she grabbed a 17 cm syringe filled with Red unknown substance from the syringe holster just above her right ankle. She then injects herself right next to the bullet hole. The whole quickly healed almost under three seconds, repairing her lung and flesh. 

The lady spits out the rest of the blood and deactivates her semblance letting go of the bullet that was shot first. The bullet flew past over her and hit the Inquisitor's Watcher behind her in the neck. He fell onto his back slowly choking on his own blood now. She quickly stood up and slashed forwards, spilling blood. She cut the man in half, right in front of her. She took a deep breath and released, relaxing for the next target.

While the lady rested, Zheng had killed three inquisitors by herself. She protects (Y/n) by hiding her behind a knocked table, while she fought off the inquisitors. One of the inquisitors, with dual daggers, was holding of Zheng. Both coming close to strike a blow, yet their blades kept meeting. (Y/n) could only watch as they tired themselves out, she was scared for Zheng. She could get injured or even die right now. She wants to help, yet she doesn't want to get violent. Her instincts are telling her to fight, but she resisted. The blood and violence, make her shake and her Grim instincts grow stronger. Her breath slowly turns into growls, wanting to rip these humans and Faunus apart like animals. 

She then hears a gun clicked behind her, "Any last words, filth?" The captain asked with his finger on the trigger. 

As Zheng kicked the man over towards the bar, she looks over to (Y/n) and saw her about to die at the captain's hands. With quick thinking, she threw her right-axe at the Captain. The captain leaned away from the direction of the ask, as the axe zoomed by him and hit the wall behind the two, then he raised his gun towards them and fired blindly.

The round hit Zheng's on the left side of her shoulder, just above her left lung. The bullet didn't come out from the other side, stuck somewhere within the shoulder. This was the first time Zheng ever felt a bullet, it was painful, like a knife piercing through her all while her bones and flesh are being crushed. Maybe the most painful thing she felt in her life. She kept her pain in as he fired once more hitting her liver, piercing through her body. She fell over onto her back slowly bleeding as her aura tried to heals her.

(Y/n)'s were eyes widen, fully in shock, screaming, "NO!!!"

Without thinking, she quickly turns around and rises up. Grabbing his wrist, with her right hand, pushing his arm upwards keeping that right as the gun fired, that was gonna finish of the Bandit Queen. The captain tried to do a hook-punch but she caught her fist in her hand. The captain struggled to try to release himself from her grasp, while (Y/n) was using all her strength to push him back without committing or relying on her Grimm Instinct who wanted to take control. 

The Captain then kicked (Y/n) away from him releasing her grip. She fell back against the knocked table that she was hiding behind. He aimed down towards her and before he could fire his revolver, a rather large knife was thrown towards his revolver hitting it out of his hand. The Captain turn towards the person who threw it and saw the Lady running towards him. 

She swung over her head but was blocked by the Captain short-sword that he'd manage to bring out in time.

The Lady then kicked him away from her, enough force to knocked him down onto the floor. 

"Get up and-" She was soon cut off by the Captain slashing on the right side of the Lady, she reflects the attack and shouted, "Get Zheng and yourself out of her!" 

(Y/n), was worried for the Lady that is trying to save her. She wanted to help her, but she knew she was useless and need to help Zheng. She quickly got up while the Lady distracted the Captain and ran over to the injured Zheng, who was holding both, with her now bloodstain hands, her wounds trying her best to stop the bleeding.

"Zheng! Zheng! Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked, kneeling on both knees beside her.

"Agh! What the fuck you mean okay!? I have two fuckings holes in me! Of course, I'm fucking okay, you Báichī!" She sarcastic shouted groans in pain, feeling her life drained out of her. 

"T-there's no time to joke around Zheng," (Y/n) said as she slowly lifts her body onto her lap. She moved her hand over towards Zheng's hand that was covering her shoulder and moved it towards the side. She then takes out a tweezer from a first aid kit that was attached to the right side of her belt. "Hold still, I need to take that bullet out." Zheng reluctantly obeyed, holding still as much as possible. She then started to remove Zheng's top clothing. Zheng installs blush, knowing that she'll be exposed to (Y/n). 

(Y/n) slowly removed her gear off of her and moved part of the clothing that will expose the left side of her chest. When she did, Zheng's breast was fully exposed, she didn't wear any bras underneath. (Y/n) instantly blush, seeing the D-size breast, while Zheng was blushing madly.

"Keep going you, Biàntài," Zheng said.

(Y/n) nods nervously, trying her best not to stare at her breast, and wipes the blood from the wound with some tissue paper, getting a better view of the bullet wound. The smell of the blood made her hunger, wanting to taste Zheng's blood. She shakes the thoughts out of her head and opens the wound a little with her thumb and index finger, making Zheng winced a little. She moved the tweezers slowly in the wound until she hit the hard metal of the bullet that was stuck in her now broken Scapula. She then grabs it with the tweezers and slowly removed it from her body.      

"Lā shǐ, that hurt..." Zheng whispered, feeling a little weak.

'I'm not sure this would work on others... but I got no choice...' She thought to herself.

 "J-just... s-stay still for a second once more... it takes a lot out o-of me," I told her. 

"W-what the fuck do you mean?" She asked aggressively. 

"Just... just let me do my thing, okay?" I asked kindly.


(Y/n) then laid her back onto the floor and removed that other hand that was covering another bullet wound. She then moved both of her hands over both the bullet wounds and breath. She activates her Semblance, a blue colour surrounds her hand healing Zheng's wounds, even her shatter bones and liver and recharged her Aura. She then exhaled, doing her semblance taking a lot of Aura. 

Zheng felt alive, like nothing before, "W-what did you do?" Zheng asked, shocked.

"I healed you, Zheng, with my-"

(Y/n) was shot directly in the heart, by the Inquisitor's Watcher that she knocked back before she was shot down. 

The Captain and the Lady turned their heads and saw (Y/n) falling onto Zheng. The Lady was about to rush for them, but the Captain blocked her path.

"(Y/n)!!!" Zheng sat up and caught (Y/n) in her arms. She didn't care about the person who shot her, she only cared for (Y/n). She felt the blood that was spilling rapidly all over her, noticing it was all black. She was shocked seeing this, but she didn't care right now. She was soon got knocked away by the Inquisitor's Watcher back onto the stairs. 

"Come on, come and get me," The Inquisitor's Watcher said standing there with the lifeless body of (Y/n) on the floor. Zheng didn't move, just looked at the Watcher then looking over to (Y/n). She didn't fight, just... felt nothing. (Y/n) is dead, probably the only friend she had... maybe more.

The Inquisitor's Watcher knew what she was expressing, wanting death, "So, death is what you want?"

Zheng didn't say anything, just stared at him with hatred.

"So be it," He said aiming his revolver towards her head. 

Zheng just closed her eyes, accepting her death.

Little did they knew, (Y/n) was still alive, but something was different. Her Frimm red eyes started to burn bight through her blindfold, like fire as you can see the heat flowing from the glow. The Innocent of (Y/n) was now gone and replaced by the Grimm (Y/n). Her consciousness was replaced by Instincts of Grimms, of Salem.







A voice of male and female screamed within her. Her wolfs slowly grows larger and sharper, her tail and ears started to grow white fur a resembles bones. The black veins that are connected to her eyes started to grow past her blindfold, all the way to her cheeks. Growing claws on her fingers. This was not her full Grimm self since she's trying to resist the violent Grimm within her. 

Zheng notice, (Y/n) slowly lift herself up and faced the Inquisitor's Watcher that didn't notice her yet. Seeing that her 'Mate' is threatening anger her even more. Zheng's eyes widen seeing the hole in her chest was still there. The Inquisitor's Watcher notices her expression and then heard something growling behind him, that resembles a Beowolf. He quickly turns around but was soon impaled in the stomach by (Y/n)'s claws. She then grabs his intestines and ripped them out of his body, spilling blood all over the place. The body soon fell onto the floor laying on its own guts.

(Y/n) then licked the blood off her claws, savouring the taste of human. 

'That's... not the (Y/n) I knew... but damn that was hardcore," Zheng thought, seeing the brutality that happens before her. 'I kinda like this side of (Y/n)..." Zheng smirks to herself. 

(Y/n) then rips out the heart of the death Inquisitor's Watcher and starts to eat it.

'Okay... that's... that's something else," Zheng said, not disgusted, just weirded out. 

When (Y/n) finished eating the heart, she looks over to her 'Mate' and walks over to her, as her heart started to heal rapidly. She stood right in front of Zheng, inspecting her, tilting her head side.

"Um... (Y/n)?" Zheng asked, wanting her to say something. 

As her heart fully healed, (Y/n) Grimm-self slowly started to disappear strutting into her original form. She slowly fell onto Zheng, who caught her in her arms. She was still alive but tired, Zheng slightly smiled, "Thank the Heavens..."

The Lady finished the fight with the Captain by knocking him back against a pillar, then ran over towards the future Huntresses, completely ignoring the dead body.

"Are you two fine, any injuries?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure since we're alive still," Zheng told her. 

"Alright, get out of here now and get to safety I rather not let the two of you get in trouble for this mess."

Zheng would have disagreed, but she wanted to protect (Y/n), so she agreed. She carried (Y/n) bridal style and ran out the door. Leaving the Lady with the Captain who stood back up.

"You're a tough Master Swordsmen I ever fought," The Captain commented. "But in the end, I'll kill you like the rest of the Lost Believers." 

Then they heard something flying above them, they both look up at the window ceiling. 

(Replace the blue in yellow colour)

It was a Royal Night Transport-Kopter, soon she sees she saw Wei, team RW_Y and 5 Royal Night forces, the Grenzmen Infantry jumping down.

(These guys) 

While the Grenzmen surrounded the captain with their rifles facing him. Ruby was disgusted with what she saw, bodies laid all over the dance floor with blood everywhere she looked. She was so close to vomit, covering her mouth looking away from the carnage. Her sister and teammate, Yang and Wiess, was also disgusted. Yang coved Ruby eyes not wanting the see the guts that were spilled on these floors. While Wei wasn't at all but was distracted by the armour of these people who most likely the ones who attacked Zheng and (y/n). It felt familiar to her, but she was also surprised that it has gotten this bloody.  

We then notice the others, being disgusted at the scene. "Are you guys going to be okay?" She asked.

"Y-yeah... It's just... well didn't expect this..." Yang said all while holding her vomit. 

"Why are you not disguised at this!? Their body parts are everywhere!" Weiss shouted, trying to look away from the carnage wither her arms.

Wei sighed, "This... this is not the first time..." she quietly whispered as she walked away from the group and walks over to the Lady, "Sword Master Emiyo, what happened here? and Where's Zheng and (Y/n)?"

"There was a fight here, these 'Inquistor's Watchers' came and tried to kill (Y/n). I manage to protect them, but Zheng had handled herself well fighting off the rest of them," Emiyo explained. 

Wei's eyes widen. She knew it, the armour seemed so familiar to her. These are the same people who tried to kill her father long ago and then tried to kill her when she was just 2 years old. 

"I see," Wei said looking over to the Captain. She then walks over towards the Gernzmen, standing near them, "Tell me, who are you and why did you try to attack my friends?"

"Just doing what we must," is all he said. 

Wei sighed, knowing that she'll get no answers out of him right now, "Fine then, arrest the man for attempted murder and interrogate him for info back at our home. My family need to hear about this," She ordered the Grenzmen. 

They nodded and started to move towards the Captain. Before they could lay a hand, a smoke grenade was thrown near the feat of the Captain and exploded covering everyone in smoke. When the smoke cleared, the Captain was gone. 

"Well then, that was something," Wei commented. The Grenzmen lower their weapons, while Emiyo called for backup to clean this place up. 

Wei stares at where the Captain was standing and found a badge on the floor. She then walks over to the badge and picked it up, with Weiss walking up from behind.

"The Grand Order..." Wei whispered, seeing the logo for the first time.

"Who's that?" Weiss asked her.

"Something... that my father doesn't tell me..." She quietly whispered.




A/n: Sorry for the long wait...

Anyways I hoped you enjoy today's chapter.

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