Chapt 9: The Father?
Weiss Pov.
Ever since yesterday, my mind has been clouded of thoughts.
Was the dragon real?! Was the vision we saw was real?! Is Wei Raim really my cousin?! Are the family of the Royal Nights Company related to the Schnee's Family?! What powers do I have that the Dragon say?! What the heck is the First Warrior?! And Who's The Father?!
So many questions, I tried to answer them myself, but it just leaves for more questions. My team won't be any help, I don't think they'll believe what I saw. The only person I can ask is... Wei... my cousin... maybe?
Whatever, it's nighttime and I couldn't sleep. My mind was full of questions and thoughts that I'll never think I have. I was only awake, while Ruby and Yang sleep peacefully. Blake was nowhere to been seen, I wonder where is she?
Anyways, since I can't sleep I'll just find Wei and asked her some questions... again. I got from my bed and quietly left our dorm. I then walked over to Team (Y)ZWI from and knocked on the door. I waited for a little before Iris open the door. She was wearing her pink PJs, with a lazy expression.
"What do you want?" Iris yawned annoyed that I disturb her sleep.
"S-sorry to disturb your sleep, but is Wei in there?" I asked politely.
"No, she didn't come back ever since the end of class," Iris told me.
"Oh, okay," I said disappointed.
Iris didn't say anything and just shut the door right in front of my face. She's cold blood for sure. I sighed and started to search for Wei. The first place I searched was the library, knowing that Wei likes to read books. The reason I know that is because I've been studying her, not spying.
I walked into the library closing the door behind me. The place was dark with only light from the moon shining from the windows. I quietly search the area and saw Wei reading by herself on one of the tables, with candles next to her. They're where many books around her like he was studying or searching for something.
"Um... Hey... Wei," I greeted nervously, getting her attention as I sat down at the table across from her.
Wei then looks up, "Oh, hey Weiss w-what are you doing here?" She asked with a kind smile.
"Well... I was looking for you, Wei... I was... I just wonder... of what we saw... The dragon... and about being related... was it all true Wei?" I asked her.
She thought for a moment before the spoke, "Most likely Weiss... there's no way that was an illusion..."
I was still disbelief, trying to deny the fact that I have hated one of our own family and blood, "That... that c-can't be true Wei... for all my life... I thought... I..."
"Weiss... it's okay. It's not your fault. Even I didn't know that our families are related," She said trying to comfort me.
"Y-yeah... but I'm not sure my father will like that..." I chuckled.
Wei smiled and continued to read the book. I never have seen the book, it looked old and ancient. The cover was all black with golden tips with half a Sun and Moon in the middle, together. The title said 'The Legend Of Hemler Raim'.
"Um... Wei, what is that book? I never have seen it before," I told her.
"Oh... It's a book before the moon was cracked," She told me.
"What?! Before the moon was cracked?!"
"Yes... before I met the dragon, I thought it was a fantasy mix with our Royal Night history, but the more I reread the book. The more I felt like it happened," She explained. "Like this one here, Hemler Raim fought the Brave Dragon, showing his own bravery to earned his respect. The battle was tough as the land shook around them with each hit. The battle lasted for three days, yet the two still stand. As Hamler waited for the Dragons moved, the dragon spoke 'Hemler Raim. You've been the only person to stand his ground against me, not because you were strong. It was because of your bravery. You are worthy of my power and together we shall follow the Father.' "
I was in awed hearing of what she read. That a human has fought a Dragon for three days straight, yet they still stand their ground.
"From reading this, it tells what the dragon looked like. From the description, it matches that Dragon we saw from the vision. So this could be that this book could tell us our lost past," She said.
"Is it true? That you lost your past?" I asked her.
"Yes. Most of our history is based upon the ruins of our kingdom crossed Remnant. Some books and ancient scrolls survived, but the books are mostly fiction while the ancient scrolls don't cover all of our histories. We tried our best to find our past but it was all lost," She said sadly.
I nodded but there was one thing on my mind that has been the main question. Who's the Father?
"I'm sorry. But Wei, I have another question," I told her.
"And that is?"
"Who is the Father? Is that a power man or his leader or something?" I asked her.
"You're right about that, but he's the created of Remnant," She told me.
"What?!" I shouted surprised. "That's impossible if he created Remnant why then aren't evidence of this Father?!"
Wei chucked before explaining, "Only the Royal Nights of Old, have known the Farther since they we're chosen to united Remant. Ever since then we have worshiped the farther. The Royal Nights of Old made books and scrolls written of Father's works and rules of how we shall live. Then our kingdom fall after the king of Royal Nights, Helmer Raim, has been killed. His three sons, their names are unknown, then started a civil war, wanting to control the kingdom for themselves. Then the people started to revolt against the kingdom wanting the creator their own. The kingdom Of the Royal Nights burned everything that they worked hard for burned leaving nothing left then ruins and dust. The Father did not speak or even stop them from destroying the world. He left them, leaving a cracked moon. That was what we called the Fallen Age. After many years of fighting, the Four Kingdoms that stand from the chaos, the four that still stand today, burned everything that the Royal Nights have created. And banned the worship of the Father. The reason was unknown ever till to this day."
"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that..." I said feeling a little guilty.
"Thanks, it's still illegal today, but the Kingdom of Vale let us worship him in secret. So please, don't tell anyone else especially Atlas," She said.
"Why is that?" I asked, tilting my head a little.
"Well, I know I shouldn't insult your home kingdom Weiss. If you-"
"Yes I'm sure, tell me now," I ordered her, crossing my arms.
"Jeez, you quick to change attitude," Wei joked
She then giggles before explaining her reason, "Well, Atlas has been hunting every single last of the people who supported the Royal Nights ever since the Fallen Age to the Great war. You see, they for some unknown reason hate us. They never cared to explained. We tried to make amends but they have refused, they never want any Royal Night on their land ever again."
"So that's why I never have seen any of your company in Atlas," I said, finally understanding the reason I never saw them near Atlas.
"Yes, we've accepted they will never like us, so we obey and leave them be."
"Yeah, maybe that's why my dad hates you guys," I told her.
"Most likely, Weiss... Most likely..." She slowly says getting quieter. Her mood change, her face was now filled with sorrow and sadness.
"H-hey... I... I don't hate you or the people of the Royal Nights Company... I'm interested now... thanks to you Wei..." I said trying to cheer her up. This was the first, I don't know why but for some reason it's something I feel like I must do.
"I... I want to know more about the Farther... is there any chance I can... learn more about him? A-and I'm not tricking you into anything. Y-you can trust me... I won't-"
"Calm down Weiss, I trust you, Weiss. I know deep within your a good person," She told me. "Now then, only our Priests of Worship has the only ancient Scroll, called Risen Above, that speaks about him and what he accomplishes for us humans and Faunus, thanks for the first Priest of Worship hidden the last one, during the purge of our home. But many of the pages we're burnt and many Priests of Worship have filled in the holes from tales and other books that haven't been lost. I can explain most of it from memory since it's part of our worship to read a chapter of the copy of the ancient Scroll ever day."
"Wait you have to read the ancient Scroll ever day?" I asked.
"Yes, it's too keep the religion alive and helps us remember the Farther for what he has done for us, while others forgot. Although not all may be true and many holes within the ancient Scroll adn whats is true is left vague. It's the only thing we have to remember what The Father has done for us." She explained.
"That's... interesting..."
"Mhm. Now I'm just going to summarize the whole thing since the whole story is long. Seven millennia ago The Father came from another place beyond our universe, we're gods and mortals lived together. It was a perfect place, but soon something had happened. The Father left that place, wanting to make a new universe that better his original home. The Father used all of his power to create everything that we have to know. From the stars to the core of Remnant. He then created life, animals, plants, and most importantly us Humans, male and women in his image, a perfect mortal. The Father soon taught them everything they need to know to live their lives, and only worship him. He then left us be, giving us our freedom to live. But then, a portal opens in the land of Remnant. The gods and mortals from his homeworld came to our existence. Without warning, they took control of Remnant, manipulating the humans. Corrupting them into their soul. The gods and mortal who came, are what we called Chaos."
Before Wei can continue I have gotten confused and spoke out, "Wait-wait... wait... Chaos? Of other gods and mortals?"
"Chaos is what we believe all have now deep within, ever since Chaos came to our world. It's a desire and fear for perfection, always wanting something that we can't have. The Chaos can manipulate you to do their biting using you as their weapon. Corrupting your that you won't look human but an abomination that you'll never see in yourself, a weapon only to take control of our world." She explained.
"Are you sure that it's all in us?" I asked her.
"Well, it's something that we believe. It never happened for over four millennia. Now, where were we? Oh, many of the human people have been corrupted by Chaos, but every Chaos god or mortal wanted this place for themselves and started to fight on another. Now the whole Remnant burned under a war. But some humans resisted the corruption and fought off Chaos and their followers, hoping that The Father returned. And he did return to the world of Remnant seeing the Chaos that spread a pond. With the faithful Humans and The Father, they have driven them out of their world and the universe, but the Chaos can come back because deep within the people shall remain there forever. While the universe was at an imbalance of death. The Father knew this and gave the faithful humans, Aura. To protect their soul from Chaos and to fight them off if they ever returned. Then he created two sons of his own, two gods to balance life and death. One son creates life, while the other son takes away life. As humans repopulate and tried to fix everything. The Father taught his two sons everything. After that, he went to sleep leaving the two gods and us be. The god of life, have seen the devastation that Chaos left, so he created two new types of a mortal. Faunus and Elvinnans (El-ven-nans)."
"Elvinnans? What the heck is that?" I asked her.
"We do not know either, due to them going extinct further down the history. But we do know that they would look like those fantasy Elves," She told me.
"Really? So Elves do exist? But how come they aren't any evidence or anything they left behind?"
"Well, that's where this history comes in. The god of Death, waited until a life needs to go. The Father told him to bring their soul beyond our universe where we sleep. He obeyed his order but also had created some creatures that took away life, like bears. For over a millennia, the world was at peace with some fighting against Chaos and his followers trying to take over. But only the humans fought them, while Faunus and Elvinnans didn't have any, they were jealous. Humans have to build everything and they're proud of what they accomplish, while they just watch. The god of life was growing ambitions for himself. He thought highly of himself and thought he could do better than his father. His brother had also had his ambitions, wanting to rule this world for himself. When the Faunus and Elvinnans asked for Aura just like the human. The god of life took advantage of this and asked them to worship him only and give them Aura more powerful then Humans. They agreed and abandoned the worship of the Father. For years the god of life has given the Faunus and Elvinnans more and more, soon they were more powerful than humans can ever be. The Faunus already have animal traits that can help them, but they outnumber humans and have better Aura then them. While the Elvinnans don't have Aura powerful than Faunus and humans, but they were gifted Magic more powerful then Aura can ever be, but harder to learn. As their power grows more, the more they worship the god of Life and look down upon the humans. The humans then notice this and asked what's happening. But something unthinkable happened. The Elvinnans attacked humans. The humans were no match against the Elvinnans, but they fought anyway to the death. The humans knew that they won't win at this rate, so they turned to the god of life, unknowing that the god of life orders them to kill every human. The god of life then order the Faunus to kill the humans and they obeyed. This is the start of the Chaos age. The humans were now breaking on extinction. Very few Elvinnan and Faunus resited the god of light worship and helped the humans fight them, but all were in vain. The humans went to the god of death, wanting his help to fight against the god of light and his worshipers. The god of death watched everything that happened and planned for this moment. He told them to worship him only and he'll give them powers that can defeat both Faunus and Elvinnans. With much debate, they agreed, knowing that won't survive without his help. That's when everything went downhill. The world of Remnant was once beautiful, now back to dark utopia. For four millennia, the war was the only thing that people now. The Elvinnans disappeared without a trace. Now Chaos gods and mortal came back. Everyone was fighting for their own as the universe was at an imbalance once again. The Father soon awoke and saw that his world once again been corrupted, by his sons and Chaos. The Father was furious and search for someone who was still loyal to him. That's where Hemler Raim comes in. Hemler was still loyal to him. He chose him and help him raised an army to cleans the Chaos, bring down his two sons, and unite Remnant. Over a decade they have fought, getting rid of Chaos once again and captured his two sons. He couldn't bring himself to rid of his sons from their existence, but chose them to be chained to the world of Remnant and removed most of their powers. The people have rid of their titles and now call them the god of Lies. That's where the ancient scroll ends. As we know now, the world of the Remnant was untied once again... but soon... well you know... the Kingdom Royal Nights fall... with the Father leaving us... leaving us but a broken moon and us losing everything..."
She said sadly as she finished the story.
I was taken back of how much history dating way back, but this can't be all true. It's almost impossible since no historian ever trusted the remaining history that the Royal Nights Company has, but everything she just told me felt so real. Even though there are many plot holes.
"That's amazing Wei, but still how come no trust you and your people about this history and the farther?" I asked her.
"Well... we think some chapters in the ancient Scroll aren't true. Due to not having more evidence of most of these invents happening... all we know that did really history after the Chaos age. We never knew what happen before, since all the old books and ancient Scrolls are all burned because-"
"Yeah..." I cut her off. "Because of the Kingdoms of Remnant..."
She only nods, "Sometimes I think this just a punishment from the Father for failing him time and time again..." she said sadly.
"Don't say that Wei, I'm sure he's still proud of you and your people," I told her, trying my best to cheer her up.
"How would you know? It's not like your-"
"I don't care!" I shouted. "I believe you, Wei. I don't care if you don't think I do believe in you Wei and I believe in the Father!"
She was taken back from my outburst while so as I. Something in me as change right then and there. "Whoa... I-I... I'm sorry Wei... I didn't mean to shout at you."
"Weiss..." She said firmly. "Would you come with me? I would like to bring you somewhere."
Before I could answer her Scroll rung, "Oh! Give me a minute," She said as she took her Scroll and lift it towards her ear.
"Hello?" She said. I can hear the person talking on the other side of the phone, but I couldn't make out what the person is saying. "What?!" She shouted. "Okay... I'll bring backup. Just protect them at all costs!"
She then quickly put her phone away and sat up, "I gotta go, Weiss! (Y/n) and Zheng is in trouble!"
Before she left I stopped her, "Let me help!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes... and maybe I can get Ruby and Yang to help too," I told her.
"Alright, we got to be quick though. Come on!" She said grabbing my arm as we ran out of the library.
(B/n) Pov.
I was in our meeting room, with my six advisors discussing joining in Salem. Cinder her 'student' you can say, told us that this woman named, Salem, has control over the Grimms, one of the Two Gods Of Lies have created before leaving this world. This is almost impossible, the only person who has created Grimms is the God Of Death, and he's the only person who has control over them. The only thing I could think of that she some how to harness some sort of power of the God of Death.
"But sire, in every book and ancient scroll no one has ever harnessed the power of a god." One of my advisors said the others agreed to his statement.
"Yes, no ever have harnessed the power of a god. But that doesn't mean it's impossible. But can someone tell me about Maidens? My father hasn't really talked about that before I killed him," I told my advisors.
"Maidens are just a legend with godlike power, of four seasons," my advisor to the left of me explained.
"Cinder has told me that she has half of that power trying to steal it from a woman named Amber."
"Sir, you can't truly be thinking this Maidens thing is real?" The furthest one to my right asked.
"No... I need to see it for myself. If so... well... maybe I could harness that power," I smiled just thinking of the power. "Cinder said she has the half power of the Fall Maiden, if we could join this Salem woman we could gain more information about these things that we do not know and have our chance to attack Vale, then we shall see where we go from there," I told them.
Everyone looked at each other and nodded, "I think that'll be the best. So you-" Before my advisor could be finished.
Someone came through the door, "(B/n)" a low voice called me. I turned around and see my best friend and leader of the Inqustion.
"Grand Inquisitor, my friend. What are you doing here?" I asked.
"It's urgent my friend. One of the generals has ordered the attack on your sister..." He told me firmly.
My smile quickly disappeared, "What?! How-fu-someone stop them! Now!" I shouted at my advisors.
"Yes, sire!" They all shouted before they quickly left. I took deep breaths as I lean against the table. "Guards! Leave us two alone!" I order them.
They nodded and left the room with the door closed leaving me and my friend.
"If my sister dies, this will be your fault," I told him, calming myself down.
"I thought you hated your sister?" He asked.
"I do, but I need her alive... she's the only one that could kill Ozma," I told him. "If he lives... Beacon will still stand."
"I understand friend... but Cinder... she told us a little too much information," He told me. "We must keep our secrets safe from her and her goons, especially Emerald. She could easily pickpocket ever the best of officers."
"Is that so... well I then just send you and your personal guard, you've been doing this for years."
"I guess that's true..." he chuckled.
"Yeah... yeah..."
A/n: Chapter done, sorry for the long wait.
I hoped you enjoy this chapter and have a great day.
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