Chapt 8: A Little Date



Zheng's Pov. 

"So, how's the gang back home?" I asked my sworn sister, Lu Zheng. 

Right now we were sitting on a roof of one of the buildings of Vale. We're looking down at a store, that Lu and I wanted to rob before the end of the day. 

"They're fine," Lu Zheng said as she took a sip of a can of soda. "We've been hitting of few places but so far it's been boring ever since you were forced to join Beacon..." 

"Well, don't worry sister," I told her. "I've got a plan. The stupid Ozpin guy has me on a team with his Adopted Daughter." 

Lu spits out her drink, "Really?!" she shouted surprised.

"Yup, it's going to be easy pickings...," I said as I looked away from her "Although she's cute..." I whispered under.

"What was that?" Lu asked. 

"Nothing!" Zheng snapped back to her sister. 

Lu just shrugs it off, "So, if we manage to keep his daughter as a hostage. We can bargain with him releasing you from Beacon."

I just nodded, just thinking of (Y/n) always makes me feel strange.

"Plus," Lu continued. "A strange man came to me, he told me he was a messenger of a man named (B/n) This, (B/n), wanted the capture of Ozpin child and bring it to him for a lot of money," Lu said told me. 

"So if we threaten (Y/n)'s life, I can get out of Beacon and then sell her to this (B/n). A win-win situation..." I said quietly to myself. 

I feel excited that I may get out, but deep inside me, I rather not threaten (Y/n)'s life at all. She's not what I excepted from a Child of the man that I hate. She's beautiful, even though I can't see her eyes. I knew she's beautiful, just something is telling me that, I want her. She has also been so nice to me, even though I talk down to her ever since I met her. She was like my mother, taking care of me...

"Um... Zheng your face is going red..." Lu pointed out. 

I quickly panicked and hid my face from her, "J-just... ignore that!" 

Lu gave me a smug smirk, "You have a crush!~" She teased as she rubbed her elbow agaist my arm. 

"N-no!" I spat turning away from her, embarrassed. 

"Oh come on Zheng! Stop hiding your love! Tell me!" She said. 

I snap back to her, "I-I don't have a goddamn crush!!!" 

"Okay... just calm down!" Lu said. 

I sighed, and then breath in and out, "Sorry... I'm... not good with love..." I told Lu. 

"No shit, remember that time you when out on a date with a guy. You kicked him in the balls during dinner" Lu giggled.

I giggled with her, "Yeah... that guy was an ass anyways..."

"So... when are you gonna ask your crush out?" 

"What?" I asked confused. 

"I know you never asked, you're always trying to deny your love for someone or even know how to express it," Lu told me. 

"Hey! I know how to express love!" I shouted at her. 

"Yeah, right... you have never loved anyone or even express that type of love..."

I groaned, knowing that she's right, "Whatever, let's rob the place already."


*Timeskip brought to you by Zheng giving (Y/n) a doggy bath*


*Night Time*

It was around 11 p.m. I was walking towards the dorm with a T.v in my hands, that I stole from the store today. It was easy, like stealing candy from a baby. I hope no one asks where I got his from. I quietly walked into our dorm and see Wei and Iris sleeping. But (Y/n) is nowhere to bee seen. 

"Huh... I wonder where's (Y/n)?" I asked myself.

I just shrugged it off, and place the T.v on one of the drawers. I finial have some entertainment in this shitty place. 

"Hi, Zheng!" 

This made me jumped, without thought I turned and punch the person. 

"Ack!" The person shouted in pain falling onto her back onto the floor. 

That's when I realized it was (Y/n). She had both of her hands on her face groaning in pain.

"Jeez, (Y/n)..." I said kneeling down to her, "Don't scare me like that!" 

"Sowwy..." She manages to blur out through her hands. 

I rolled my eyes and got back up. I didn't even care to help her up. I walked over to my bed and sat on the edge. I sat there and watch her slowly recovered, it wasn't my strongest punch but she's weaker than a twig. For being the child Ozpin, that's not good for her.

"When your done groaning in pain, I want you to sleep near me as always," I demanded. 

"Yes, Zheng!" She said, getting up and walking beside me. 

I just notice, we're being loud and yet both Wei and Iris are sleeping. 

I moved on the other side of my bed and laid sideways facing (Y/n). Her face went a little back, which is still goddamn weird, but I won't ask. I raised the blanket so she can lay beside me. (Y/n) shyly laid beside me facing me. I then move the blanket over us, covering (Y/n) and I. 

Before I could sleep, (Y/n) spoke, "Zheng... um... why do you like to snuggle with me?" 

"It's not snuggling,  you're only sleeping beside me okay?" I told her. 

"Okay... then why do you like me sleeping beside you?" She asked. 

I felt a little embarrassed, as my face went a little red, "Why do you?" I asked her. 


"Why do you? Even though I pushed you around every day and been an asshole towards you. You still sleep beside me, even though you have too."

"Well..." She paused for a second before continuing. "Because I know your hurt..."

"What do you mean I'm hurt?" I asked her. 

"Well... when I first saw you sleep you had nightmares, you were crying, stress, and hurt... I decided to try to comfort you in your sleep. And... it worked... then you accepted me to sleep beside you... so... I kept doing it..."

"Well... thanks... I guess... It does help me keep my dreams at bay..." I embarrassedly said. 

"I... your welcome, Zheng..." She said, leaning her head agaist my chest, making my face turned redder. "I-I like to do this with you... I just... don't know why..." 

"I uh... I..." My head couldn't function, I'm lost for words. My heart raced, more than ever I never thought it would. 

"I can hear your heart beep faster..." (Y/n) said, as I notice that one of her wolf ears is against my chest. 

'Holy fucking shit' I cursed mentally. Why am I not good at this stupid love stuff? You know what!? Fuck it!

"W-would... y-you... l-like... to go out... a date?" I barley spew out. 

"A date? What's that?" (Y/n) asked, confused.  

"Well, it's just hanging out, just you and me," I told her. 

"Oh... okay, so when?" 

"After class, I just bring you somewhere okay?" I said. "Now, let's just get some sleep before I get even more pissed off in the morning." 

"Okay..." (Y/n) whispered before falling asleep. 

I sighed and warped my arms around her body, pushing closer to my body. She's smaller than me, so my chin was resting on top of her head. I smiled before I fell asleep with her. 



Iris Pov. 

Wei's been acting weird ever since she came back from the library. From her action's something happening in the library with Weiss, since Weiss was also acting weird. Wei not talkative as much or even pays attention. She's mostly been thinking, staring into the distance thinking about something. Whatever it is, I think Wei will figure out...

The class was over, Wei went back to our dorm, while (Y/n) and Zheng went out together for some reason, like their going out on a date... yeah, that's never gonna happen. 

I headed over towards the lockers and see no one around. I just shrugged it off and walked over to my locker. That's when I saw her...


"So..." Blake said. "Why are you here 'Faunus Killer',"

"I don't kill only Faunus, I kill others as well... You people only call me that, so you have some human to blame and only see me kill mostly White Fang members," I told Blake coldly, as I crossed my arms. 

"That's doesn't explain all the murders you did."

I chuckled, "I don't need to explain, it's just all part of the job."

"Job!" Blake shouted angrily, "That's no job, it's just cold-blooded murder!" 

"Well then ask your boyfriend, if it's okay to slaughter a bunch of humans!!!" I spat back at her. 

She stood there shocked. 

"I was sent out to kill him, Blake, because Atlas knew that he will kill more humans than Sernnia herself," I told her as I slowed walked up to her, "You saved him from death. You ruined my job! You ruined more lives for both Faunus and Humans." 

"You also had ruined lives for Humans and Faunus!" 

"Yeah, but I rather not take the path that I was made to do. Your leader and your boyfriend did the same, but let the people in their hands go the path they took. I do not lead people towards my path..." 

"Adam... is not my BOYFRIEND!!!" Blake shouted. 

I laughed, "Yeah... I still remember right before my shot, you two had sex..." 

"S-shut up!"

"Moaning out his name," I smirked as I teased her. 

"I said s-shut up! OR else!"

"Or else what? Kill me... both you and Adam have failed, what do you think that you-" Before I could finish, Blake swung her fist at me. 

Right before the first connect towards my face, I activated my semblance slowing downtime at the point where it's basically frozen. 

I walked past her and gave her a roundhouse kick towards the back of her head. As my back heel hit the back of her head, I deactivate my semblance. Blake falls face-first onto the floor. 

"You're lucky that I didn't have my semblance at my time," I told her as she looks back up to me. Her face was disgusted, with anger in her eyes. "I'll let you live this once if you try to confront me again. I'll FUCKIN KILL YOU

She just stared at me. I turned around and walked away from her, leaving her all alone. 


*Timeskip Brought to you by Iris spraying water at Blake*


*9:00 P.m*

Third Pov. 

Zheng had brought (Y/n) to a Night Club called, Junior's Club. She knew that she'll get free drinks due to helping Junior taking down another rival of his Club, of course for a good price though. Before they went into the club, (Y/n) stop her.

"Umm... Zheng, this a Night Club," (Y/n) said to her, pointing out the obvious. 

"Yeah no shit," Zheng said, looking back at her.

"No... I'm not allowed in Night Clubs, father told me that these are bad places," (Y/n) explained to her. 

Zheng groaned, of course, Ozping told her to stay away from Night Clubs. "I've been here before, it's not that dangerous. Mostly men trying harass women," Zheng told (Y/n). 

"Exactly!" (Y/n) yelled. 

"Come on, it'll be fun (Y/n). Look if anything happens, I'll protect you okay?"

(Y/n) blushed a little, "O-okay..." she nervously said. 

Zheng then grabbed her hand, "Let's go." 

Zheng, with (Y/n) behind her entered the club. Many people of all typed were on the dance floor, dancing to the loud music. Light's flash everywhere, changing into many colours. (Y/n) was amazed and how lively that Club was. 

"Zheng, it's been a while," One of Junor's henchmen said, as he approaches them. 

"Hey," Zheng greeted but still in an intimidated tone. "Where's your boss?" Zheng asked.  

"At the bar always," The henchmen pointed towards the large bar. 

"Thanks," Zheng said. "Oh yeah, this is (Y/n). She's my guest, got it?" 

"Of course, miss."

"Good, follow me (Y/n)," Zheng said before heading over to the bar. 

As they walked over to the bar, (Y/n) was looking around. (Y/n) notice that everyone was over at least 18 here at the club. She got a little worried but stayed calm. 

As they went over to a bar, (Y/n) saw a man cleaning some glass cups. 

"Ah, Zheng. It's been a while hasn't it?" He greeted her. 

"It has," Zheng said as she sat down at the bar with (Y/n) sitting next to her. 

"So who's your guest?" The man asked as he looked over to (Y/n). 

"Oh, this is my teammate (Y/n)," Zheng told the man. 

"The child of Ozpin!" The man shouted surprised. 

"Yeah, I got stuck on the team with her," Zheng gestured her head at (Y/n). 

"Well, it's nice to meet you (Y/n), I'm Junior. The owner of this bar, I hoped you enjoy your stay," Junior greeted (Y/n), with his hand out. 

"Um... thanks... Mr. Junior," (Y/n) greeted back, shaking his hand. 

"Now then, what drinks can I get you, ladies?"Junior asked them. 

"The usual, how about you (Y/n)?" Zheng asked her. 

"Uh... I guess I can try what's she's having..." (Y/n) said shyly. 

"You got it," Junior said as he walks away to get their drinks. 

While Zheng and (Y/n) waited for their drinks. (Y/n), once again looked around. Loud music blocked many voices, even with wolf ears it became to listen to conversations. She saw many men and women, some of them doing some kissing stuff next to the bar. Some women we're doing some sort of dances on top of men. She didn't understand what they were doing and decided to ignore them. 

"So... I've been wondering..." Zheng said getting (Y/n)'s attention. "Why do you still wear the blindfold?"

"W-what d-do you.. mean?" (Y/n) asked nervously.

"You wear that goddamn blindfold everywhere you go, from sleeping to eating. Hell! You even take a shower with it!" Zheng told her. 

"W-well... I like it... hehe..." (Y/n) chuckled nervously. She doesn't want to show her eyes to her, since that what gives away of being a Grimm. And people hated Grimm. 

Before Zheng could say anything two women walked up to them.

"Well, hello Zheng~," The red one said in a soft tone. 

"It's good to see you, Miltia," Zheng smiled. 

They then looked over to (Y/n), "Who's this cutie?~" Militia asked, seductively.  

"Oh her? She's (Y/n), my teammate from Beacon," Zheng told them. 

"The Daughter Of Ozpin?!" The white one shouted. 

"Yeah, I Ozpin forced me into Beacon and now I'm stuck with his stupid ass daughter," Zheng said. 

"I-I'm... not that stupid..." (Y/n) said in a depressed tone. 

"Oh, come on Zheng," Miltia said. "You picked up a cute one~" She teased as she pinches (Y/n)'s cheek. 

Zheng got a little pissed, seeing that her 'date' is getting some attention from two other ladies. 

"I agreed, you have the child of Ozpin right here. Maybe we can take advantage of her~" The white one said moved her arms under her armpits warping around her body. She then leans into her ear and whispered, "You want to have a good time?~" 

(Y/n) shivered, of hearing her voice. 

Miltia moves in and hugs her arm shoving her breast between them, "Yeah, we gave Zheng a good time last time~" 

(Y/n) blushed black as her mind was racing, "I... Uh... I... I need an adult..." 

"That's enough you two!" Zheng yelled. 

Miltia and the white one sighed, as they let go of (Y/n). 

"Look, just leave us alone and maybe I let you two spend with (Y/n) sometime, okay?" 

"Alright, we'll leave you two alone," Miltia said. 

"Have Fun you two, and Zheng if you ever do it with (Y/n). Go easy on her~" The white one winked before they left them. 

Zheng groans, "Sorry, they're always so flirty around everyone." 

"That's okay, but who are those two?" She asked.

"Those are the Malachite Twins, there the two main bodyguards of Junior's Bar. The two biggest sluts around... but they do a good job of pleasuring people," Zheng smirked. 

"It's okay... but... what does Slut mean?" (Y/n) asked. 

'Man... I hate her innocents at times,' Zheng mental murmured. "I'll tell you when you get older."

"I'm 15!"

"Again, 18 years old and I'll tell you."

(Y/n) sighed, "Okay..." 

As the party boomed in the background, a woman was watching within the crowds of people. 

People around her were dancing, completely ignoring the women. She had kept an eye on them for a while now, not to kill but to protect. She looked around the room trying to spot anyone that would threaten the two. That's when she saw two hooded figures sitting at a table watching the same two people. 

They both wear the same outfit, with weapons hidden on their hips. She knew those two are a threat to the two. But she can't just attack them now, she must wait until they strike first. 

Junior then came back with the two drinks that they ordered, "Here you go ladies," He said as he passed the two bottles of beer. 

"Thanks, Junior," Zheng said. 

"No problem, plus I own you one," He said before he attended to another customer.

"Uh... is this alcohol?" (Y/n) asked Zheng, as she stared at the bottle. 

"Yeah? It's beer, is there a problem?" 

"My dad told me-" 

"Don't care! Just drink it!" Zheng cut her off, as she took a sip of her beer. 

"But I can't!" 

"Oh for Ozma's sake! Just give it here!" Zheng yelled. 

(Y/n) passed the bottle over to Zheng. She then drinks the whole bottle of her beer in one go. 

"Um... Zheng, I don't think-"

"Shut up! Now open your mouth," Zheng demanded. 


"Open your goddamn mouth or I'll open it for you!" She threatens her. 

(Y/n) obeyed and slowly opens her moth. 

"Now, lean closer to me." 

(Y/n) leans closer to Zheng. 

"Good," Zheng then opens the bottle of beer and shoved the drink into her mouth, forcing her to drink the beer. (Y/n) tried to resist, but it was too much. She drank most of the beer but some slowly spilled out of her sides of her mouth, dripping all over her lap and floor. 

(Y/n) drank the last few drops of the alcohol. Zheng removed the beer out of her mouth and (Y/n) instantly coughed some of the alcohol out. Zheng growled and covered two of her fingers of the alcohol she spat out and shaved them into her mouth, "Don't cough it out (Y/n). Now Suck."

(Y/n) just nods sucking on Zheng's figure. Zheng smirked and got a little turned on, watching (Y/n) helplessly sucked on her two fingers. 

'She's so submissive' Sheng thought. 

"That... tasted horrible!" (Y/n) panted. She then felt a little dizzy "And... I don't feel so good..."

Zheng smiled, "You'll get used to it. But I'll give you a break" Zheng then turned away and shouted at Juinor, "Junior! I want ten more!" 

*Five minutes later*

Zheng was drunk out of her mind, while (Y/n) had her head down agaist the bar, even though she only drank one bottle. 

"Ugh... how can you drink too much?" (Y/n) groaned. 

Zheng giggled like a schoolgirl, "Just keep drinking~ My little cutie~" 

As the two talked, the two hooded figures sense the time to strike. They both looked at each other and nodded. 

The unknown woman saw this and opened the scroll on her wrist, then bring it near her face. "Wei, I need you here with backup." 

"Okay we'll be there," Wei said from the other side of the intercom. 

The women then notice one of the two hooded figures walked thought the crowd. The person softly shoved them side, with a knife in his hand. The women started to move too, following the man. The man walked off the dance floor and slowly walked towards (Y/n) and Zheng who was wasted on alcohol. 

"T-then my sister burned the place down!" Zheng laughed. 

"I... don't think that's a good thing," (Y/n) said. 

The hooded man was ready about to strike, as he ready his knife targeting (Y/n). 

"But... I have a question..." Zheng told (Y/n). 

"What is it?" (Y/n) asked. 

"Can I see your eyes?" Zheng asked her. 


"I *hiccup* I just want to see your goddamn eyes!" Zheng growled. 

"Y-you can't... I can't!" (Y/n) with her hands now place on her blindfold. 

"I don't care now come here!" Zheng yelled as she reached over, for her blindfold. 

"W-wait you can't-" (Y/n) stoped as her ears picked up noise behind her. She turned around and saw the hooded figure about to strike her. Before the man attacked, a katana was stabbed right through his chest. Blood was slipped all over (Y/n). 

The music just then stopped, people around them looked at them in shock. The katana was soon taken out of his chest. The man soon falls right infront of (Y/n), showing the woman strikes him down. 

The other hooded figure from the table stood up and pulled out a gun and started to shoot up. But it wasn't just him, a more hooded figure appeared and does the same. Everyone in the club screamed as they rushed for the exist. The henchmen of the club fired at the hooded figures, but that only led a bullet going through their heads. 

Zheng and (Y/n) quickly got down onto the floor, "Mother fucker, I thought I was going to have a good time," Zheng growled, still drunk. 

The woman moved over towards them, "I'm here to help. Keep behind me!" 

"Who the fuck are you?!" Zheng yelled. 

"(Y/n), I need you to carry Zheng out of here, while I protect you two."

"W-what? W-who are you?" (Y/n) asked. 

"No time, I need you two to get out." A bullet was shot coming behind the woman. The woman quickly turned around and slice the bullet in half with her katana. 

"Holy *hiccup* shit..." Zheng groaned.




A/n: This chapter got a little too long, so I'm going to stop it right there. I hoped you enjoy it and have a great day. 

Also, I will add Raven, Summer, Sienna Kan, and Willow to the Harem. Since many of you, readers want them in. 

But I want to vote for some of I think you guys want to add:

Malachite Twins

Kali (Blake's Mom)


Others (Put the name here, because I can't think of any more at the top of my head)

I'm not adding Nora, Pyrrha, or Salem because I have plans for them, I'm sorry.

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