Chapt 7: The Missing Past
Zheng Pov.
It's been a year since my mother left. I haven't heard from her since...
I... I hope she's okay... she'll come back... I know... she'll never leave me...
"Zheng, are you alright?" I heard my friend, Lu Jen.
"I... I'm... just worried about my mom..." I told her as I looked out the window.
"Don't worry, she's a tough woman. She'll come back," She said confidently. I wish that was me, being confident as her.
"I... I do hope so..." I said in a low and sad tone.
Lu had a worried expression, "Um... maybe we can talk about something else... Uh... I know how about we talk about the dream we always wanted!" She said changes to the subject.
"Yeah..." I said with a slight smile. "But..." I said as I looked and see many Han soldiers dragging the food away from people's homes, "At this rate... we can never be remembered in the history of China..."
"Well, we will try!" She said with determination. "We won't be forgotten, like the rest of the peasants of history, we will be remembered for something... what that is..." She said and slowly murmured the last part.
"... Banditry..." I quietly said.
"What?" Lu said confused.
"I want... to be the Queen of Bandits... the Bandit Queen..." I told her.
"W-why?" She asked with shock in her voice.
"That was my mother's dream before she met my father..." I told her. "I want to complete that dream... for her... and myself..."
"B-but how?! It's impossible with the Han soldiers around, we'll just be captured and put in jail... or you know... be executed..." Lu said.
"Then... we've just had to wait until the time is right..." I told her.
Then when we heard loud knocking in the living room of their small home, "This is the Han, you've have been accused of working with the rebels, open up and none of you won't get hurt!" A man shouted outside.
That's when Lu Zheng's mother burst into their room "Lu! Zheng! Hide in the closet!" She shouted at us.
"Mom... w-what's wrong?" Lu asked, frightened of her mother's random outburst.
"Lu, just listen to me," She said as she kneels to her hight. "You must hide in the closet, do not make any noise and do not come out until we said so... okay?" Her mother said with her hands of her daughter's shoulders trying to keep her calm.
"Y-yes... mom..."
"Good... go now," Her mother said before she left.
"Come on Zheng, we gotta go hide," Lu said as she opens the closet.
"I heard... but why though?" I questioned.
"We can't right now, we must do what we're told, now get in!" She said as she pulled me into the closet. She quickly closed the sliding doors, but not all the way so we can see what's going on outside of the closet.
Everything went quiet, it made Lu Zheng feel a little more frightening. "I... I'm a little scared... she whispered.
"Everything will be fine Lu," I told her confidently.
We then heard someone breaking through the front door of Lu's home. We heard her father screamed, as we heard metal clash agaist each other.
Lu clenches onto my arm, as I felt her shake in fear. We heard people screaming with more metal clashing agaist each other, with something hitting the floor. Lu's bedroom door was slammed open. I peeked through the crack and saw a man through her mother onto the ground. She was covered in blood with a spear in her hand and the same yellow turban on her head.
Lu then peaked and saw her bloody mother. Lu gasps in shock catching the attention of the man standing over her. Her mother struggles to get up and stop the man, but she was too weak. I quickly looked around the closet and saw the two Axes that my mother left me, The Red Sisters. I pushed Lu to the other side of the closet and grabbed the two axes. The person opened the door and was met with two axes to both of his knees.
The man screamed and fell back, I then finished him off with an axe on his face. I breathe heavily, due to the weight of the weapon and what I just did. Killing a Han soldier...
I quickly pulled the axe out and saw his face was now split in half. I then heard Lu threw up behind me.
"L-Lu..." Her mother barely said reaching her hand towards her.
"Mom!" Lu shouted as she quickly ran over to her mother. "Mom... what... what did they do to you?!"
"Lu... listen to me... listen to me close..." She coughed. "Stay with Zheng... and... get out of the village... without me... or father...."
"Mom! I won't leave you!" She cried. "I... I-I don't want to leave you!"
Her mother slimed as she creased her cheek with her bloody hand, leaving some on her cheek. "Hehe... I love you... Lu..." She whispered, as her eyes slowly closed and her body went limp.
"Mom?" She said shaking her. "Mom..." She said sadly, with a single tear coming to form her eye.
"Lu..." I said. "We must get out of here before more come..." I told her as I place my hand on her shoulder.
She only nods and stands back up, with some help from me. We then walked over to the living room and see more Han soldiers laying on the ground dead with her father in the middle of the carnage. Lu stuffs her face against my shoulder, not wanting to see the bodies and her dead father.
We slowly made it outside and walked over to the middle of the street. I was still cover with blood and people stared at us, with fear.
"Over there! She's part of them!" A man shouted pointing at us. I looked over and saw more Han soldiers running over to us.
"Fuck!" I shouted, picked up Lu bridal style and quickly run towards the entrance.
"Kid gets back here or you will be killed!" One of the Han soldiers shouted.
I didn't stop, I just kept running. Lu was holding on to her dear life. As we cam near towards the entrance, the arrow towers open fire. I manage to dodge most of the arrow, but one caught me on my left shoulder. I screamed in pain, as I fell back onto the ground dropping Lu infront of me.
"Zheng!" She shouted.
"Lu! Get out of here!" I shouted at her. I looked back and see the Han soldier catching upon us.
She looks back at the entrance and then looks back at me, "No! I'm not leaving you!" She shooked her head. "I'm... I'm..."
Her eyes started to glow red, with red flame slowly coming out of her eyes. "I'M NOT GONNA LEAVE YOU!!!"
*Flashback ends*
I woke up and stat up from here I laid. I groaned in agony as I felt like I just woke up from drinking.
"Zheng you're awake!" I heard (Y/n) shouted, as she quickly hugged me.
I felt myself blush and pushed her off, "Get the hell off me!"
"O-oh... sorry..." She apologized, once again.
"Yeah... sure... Báichī..." I murmured.
"You keep calling me that every time you pushed me off when you wake up... what does that mean?" She asked innocently.
"It means... uh... I'll tell you when you get older..." I told her as I rubbed my face.
"I'm old! I'm 15!" She shouted.
"Yeah, but I'm 19. Do the math..." I groaned. I looked around the area and see we're on a hill, with a single tree under us, a cheery blossom. Surrounding me was a bunch of alcohol bottles, all empty.
"So... what happen last night?" I asked her.
"Oh! Uh... you left Wei by herself. Then you back to the dorm all drunk, and you kinda... well... knocked out Wei..." She oozed the last part.
"Oh... shit..." I swore.
"I don't like swears..."
"Deal with it, everyone swears," I told her.
There was an awkward since, as we just sat there with our thoughts.
"So..." (Y/n) said breaking the silence. "Wei... wanted to give you this..." (Y/n) said as she pulled out the Jade axes and put them beside me.
I was surprised to see, Wei wanting to give me these weapons. After all, she never has seen this kind of weapon before or the material the blades are made out of. I picked up one of the axes and started to inspect the axe.
I checked out the Jade Blade and saw a carving of the word 'Green Sisters' and right beside it said, 'For Zheng Jiang'.
I slowly smiled, knowing my mother always remembered me no matter what.
"Y-you... have... a... a.. lovely... smile..." I heard (Y/n) shyly said.
I looked over to her and see her long sleeves cover half of her face, being all shy. But I notice that part of her face was now a little black.
"Uh... you face... why is it going black?" I asked her.
"Oh! Uh! I..." She said and started to panic. "I'll... be going!!!" She shouted and in a blink of an eye ran away.
I sighed, "Why... do you have to be so cute..."
"Zheng?" I heard a familiar voice spoke behind me.
My eyes widen, I quickly turned around and see a women.
*Back at Beacon*
Wei Pov.
"So... your company... What do they do... Like... uh... what do they make mostly?" Weiss asked me.
Weiss and I were now in the Beacon library. I had some pack of ice on my head, because of last night.
Weiss ever since this morning been asking me questions about the Royal Nights Company. I know that she's trying to spy on me, want me to spill out some secrets of the Royal Nights Company.
"We, just make Dust, amour and weapons, Weiss. We're not trying to be a rival towards your company or even have some bad blood between us," I told Weiss I checked out some books.
"Excuse me! I'll have you know that I'm-"
"The heir of the Schnee's Dust Company, I know you keep saying that," I told her.
"Oh, you dunce!" Weiss groaned.
"Look, we can maybe work together with the company you know?" I told her I search for the book I wanted.
"Well... no... we can't..." Weiss said.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because we can't!" Weiss shouted.
"Is it because of your father?" I asked her.
"W-what?! What are you trying to say!?" She asked shock.
"Well, he is the owner of the company and taught you about things and how he works... but I'm not sure he truly cares for you..." I told you.
"How dare you! I have you know-," She started to blab about stuff about her father and the company.
I sighed and completely ignore her. As I search for the book I wanted, there was an old book that caught my eye.
"Are you paying attention to me?" Weiss asked, but I was to concentrate on the book for some reason it's like calling to me.
It was surrounded by other books that don't look ancient as the old book. I grabbed the book off the shelf and everything around us just went gray and everyone froze in place, except for Weiss.
"What did you do, you dunce!" Weiss shouted.
"I... I don't know... all I did is grabbed this book of this shelf!" I told her.
"Well! Put it back!" She said as she grabbed the book out of my hands and place the book back, nut nothing happened.
"Nothing happened..." I said.
"Yeah, I can see that..." Weiss spat.
I sighed and took the book back out of its shelf. "Maybe... we need to read it..." I suggested.
"Well, it's worth a try," she said.
I open up the book and everything around us slowly transformed. Pillars started to form around us in a large circular room. The walls reached high with no end, the floor was now hard as a stone. Flames bust out of the floor surrounding us.
Weiss and I quickly took out our weapons and ready our selves just in case. Our backs are facing one another, as we looked around the room.
"So... the First Warrior had finally found me..." Someone said. This voice was loud and rough like this someone has been sealed away for so long.
"Who said that! Come out and show yourself!" Weiss shouted.
Then the flames around us, fade away in an instant, as a secret door slowly opened in front of us. We saw something that I'll never guess to see...
"A... Dragon..." I said in awed. A Dragon was only in a fairytale, but my father always told me they existed a long time ago. But they where all hunted down by humans and Faunus, fearing that the Dragon power over them.
"Yes... and you're the First Warrior, Wei..." The Dragon told me.
"W-what? First Warrior? What are you saying?" I asked confused.
"Aw... I see the Warrior's was long forgotten ever since the war..."
"Uh... war that war?" Weiss asked.
"The War against The Two Gods... The God Of Light and The God Of Darkness..." The Dragon said.
"Wait... what? I have no idea what you're talking about," I told the Dragon
"We cannot talk for long, Wei... but I shall talk about what I must tell you both..." The Dragon told us. "Long ago, during the rule of the Royal Nights. Wei's ancestor Hilmer Rain was married to Weiss ancestor was married to Eis Schnee..."
"What?!" We both shouted at the same time. "We're... cousins!"
"Technically... yes..." The Dragon said before the continued the story. "Your Father was the First Warrior out of Eight. These are chosen by The Father to free everyone from the control of God Of Darkness and stop the war between the Light and Darkness... After that, they bring everyone together from fighting with each other during the Dark Times. I was chosen by Farther to work with Hilmer before the Dark Times..."
"But the two Gods refused the Father, and manipulate Eis Schnee to kill Hilmer. Eis Schnee killed Hilmer in cold blood infront of the rest of the Warriors. Eis just notice what she had done and was grieving for what she's have done before her execution. Their sons, split apart... as Warriors had to pick three sides. The Older Brother, who was on his mother's side was now in the range of her execution and started a war agaist the two Brothers. The Middle Brother, who was on his farther fought agaist the older Brother. But hated his younger brother due to him not agreeing with him and for something else. The Final Younger Brother was neutral, only defended from the Older Brothers attacks... I was with him... he was chosen to be inherited the First Warrior powers... I was with him, he told me that he saw that Four Kingdoms will rise while the Royal Nights will be left with nothing... then... his vision happened. Four new kingdoms rosed up agaist them, Vale, Vacuo, Mistral, and Atlas, other kingdoms rosed up but they are nothing like the four and was easily defeated. This... was the trigger the circle of war between all people..." The Dragon finished.
"That's... a lot to take in..." I said, with many questions in my head. While Weiss was looked down, in shame for some reason.
"It is..." The Dragon said.
Then the whole room started to shake. Weiss and I kept our balance as the Dragon spoke, "I don't have much time... when is the time is right, you must release me from my domain... below Beacon, we're Ember rest and Unlock the Frist Warrior powers... as for you Weiss, you must unlock the powers of Eis within you..." The Dragon said. "I wish you luck..."
A light blinded us. As we recovered of the flash, we're where back at Beacon Libary. Everything is back to normal, as nothing happened. The book was now gone from my hand.
"I..." Before I could say anything. Weiss quickly ran away keeping her head down, "Weiss!" I shouted but it was too late, she was already gone.
After what the Dragon told me, I have to lot to take in and to think about...
(Y/n)'s Pov.
I was in my team's dorm cleaning the room up after Zheng ruined the place. I was cleaning Iris's bed. In the middle of her bed it was really wet and a little bit sticky, for some reason. It was hard to clean off, but I manage. As I was putting the bed sheets on, I saw some sort of book on the floor near her bed.
I picked it up, and notice there was an anime girl on the cover. She had her mouth open showing off her tongue with a weird style I can't explain. Above her, was the title of this book, called 'Love Lust'. In the top right corner of the book had a warning sign, '18+ only'.
"I know... I shouldn't read this..." I said to myself. "But... maybe I could just take a peek, I want to know what this is."
Before I could open the book, Iris's walked in. I looked over to her and saw her one eye was now wide open as she stared at me, "What?"
"Give me that!" She shouted and grabbed the book out of my hand.
"Hey... I wanted to read it..." I told her.
Her face started to go a little red, "I-it's... not for young people like you!"
"Just a peek... please!" I plead.
"No! You can't just..." She sighed. "Just don't read it until your 18 years old okay?"
"Aw... you started to sound like my adoptive father!" I pouted.
Cinder Pov.
It's been today's I've been here in his home. It's impressive, from what I have seen. Their weapons are out of this world. From what (B/n) has told me, they been working on weapons, amour, and strategies ever since they came from this mountain. But, don't know much about this Grand Order past. Emerald and Mercury have finally caught up to me. Emerald had tried stealing (B/n) wallet, but he manages to steal her weapons. Whoever he is, he will an accent to Salem's plans. For now, he's not convinced of joining us yet...
I walked through the hallways, with Emerald and Mercury following behind me. Today, (B/n) has the time to talk to us in his Throne room. We're being escorted by one of his units.
His weaponry and armour are way more dependable than Atlas.
We soon made it the throne room. The guard opens a gigantic door, showing us the throne room.
It was massive, more massive than Salem's throne room. Many of his loyal people stand on the sides with guards all over. At the end of the room, we saw four people.
(B/n) was sitting on the throne, with his friend Lu Bu at his side. Beside him was a beautiful girl in the world, wearing a perfect dress.
She was clutching onto Lu Bu, I guess that his girlfriend or wife. On the other side of them, I saw the man who helped me with some spying... Hei An
He was wearing his mask, I never got to see what he looks like under his mask. All I see under it is his blue eyes.
(This is the mask he wears, all you can see is his blue eyes)
"So..." (B/n) said. "Tell me about why should we join Salem..."
A/n: Chapter done.
I hope you okay with Rwby lore changes...
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it and have a great day!
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