Chapt 3: Just The Start



Zheng Pov.

I grumbled a little, as I finally woke up. I can hear the birds chirping as the sun shines bright. As I slowly open my eyes, I saw something infront of my face. 

"What... the..." I slowly mumbled as I rubbed my eyes. As my eyes fully opened, I saw (Y/n) sleeping closely beside me. Her face was already inches away as I felt her breath softly breathes on me, as she sleeps. Her blindfold is still on which was weird.

I felt myself blush, as I used both hands pushed her off my bed. 

"Oof," She said as she felt onto the floor. She slowly sat up on her knees and rubs her head. 

"Ow... why would you... do that?" She asked. 

"Because you were sleeping beside me!" I said angrily. 

"B-but... last night... you where shivering... so... I came... to... warm you up," She explained. I was all flustered, as I hid my blush from (Y/n).

"Whatever. Just... don't do that again!" I said. 

She nods, "Okay... sorry..." She said as she stands back up and walked over to her bed. 

"My Oum..." I groaned rolling my eyes. 'She's such a dork' I thought to myself. 

At least she's not Wei, with all her fancy crap. I looked over to her bed and see many fancy and royal things, like her bed is know all in her Royal Nights colour with a logo on it, and her tea set is all made by them. Man, why do I have to be with her of all people? Well, at least she's not that small chest Weiss. But right she's in the bathroom taking a shower. 

I then look over to Iris's bed and see her just reading a book. Nothing interesting about her, she's nothing special. But her weapon though, that's is a nice. The only thing I dislike about her weapon that its a rifle, which sucks. That's no fun of just shooing people from afar. 

Finally, I look over to (Y/n)'s bed and see her preparing her clothing and books for classes. Oh great, I forgot about that. I have to 'learn' things, that's just boring. Whatever, I need to train some more so I can beat that cunt of an Ozpin. Or maybe... I can kidnap (Y/n) and trade for my freedom from his prison. 

I smiled just thinking of that. If I can do that, there's no way he'll hurt his one adopted daughter. Yes, that should work. I just need to wait for my chance. 

"What are you smiling about?" I heard (Y/n) asked. I shake my thoughts, as I looked over to (Y/n). 

"No, just get away from me," I said as I sat up. 

I stand 5 inches taller than her, making her look up to me. "Alright, but we must... get ready for classes," She told me.

"Yeah, sure..." I said completely ignoring her grabbing the Beacon uniform as I walked towards the bathroom. "Hey! Are you done?!" I shouted as I slam my fist agaist the door. 

I then hear the shower stop and the curtain moved to the side, "Just give me a minute please, I need to dry off," Wei said though the bathroom door. 

"Fine, just hurry up!" I said turning away to see (Y/n). 

"Don't worry she-" 

"Shut up," I butted getting a little annoyed at her. 

"Alright... sorry," She said walking away as I sighed in annoyance.


*Timeskip brought to you by (Y/n) playing by herself* 


Your Pov. 

It was 8:35 a.m as we all stand in the room wearing our Beacon Unifrom.

"Man, I hate skirts..." Zheng groaned as she checks out the skirt. 

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Wei told her as she finishing buttoning up her uniform.

"Sure, whatever," Zheng said clearly annoyed.

I looked over to Iris who was still reading her book. She reminds me of the Blake girl. 

"Alright... um... team," I said trying to get their attention. They all stopped what they're doing and looked over to me. "So have class at 9..." I said looking down at the schedule on my scroll.

"So while we wait.... um... we can... maybe get to know each other?" I asked nervously. 

"Sure, that's a great idea," Wei said kindly. 

Zheng grumbles and shrugs, I guess she doesn't like me. While Iris just nods as she kept reading. 

"A-alright then! L-lets... start with Wei," I suggested. 

"Sure," Wei nods. "Well, you guys know me as Wei the heir of the Royal Nights."

"If I remember The Royal Nights Company is a rival the Schnee Dust Company," Zheng said looking over to Wei.

"Well, for the Schee Dust Company, yes, there are competitive. But we don't see them as rivals really. We rather not fight one another," Wei explained. 

"That sounds boring..." Zheng said crossing her arms. 

"Whatever you say," She giggled. "Anyways, my father, Jian taught me everything since birth while my mother, Lina took care of me."

"That's interesting," I said. 


"How about you Zheng?" I asked looking over to her.

"Well... I used to be in a gang... that's about it..." Zheng said quietly in the end. 

"Well, you are the Bandit Queen. It's too obvious, the way you fight and look," Wei told her. "Now please tell or I'll tell the whole thing to them," She smirked and Zheng. 

Zheng groaned, "Fine. I'm used to the Bandit Queen. One of the best bandits in the world. I had raised an army of outlaws by myself and raided town to town. Not even the Atlas army and these hunters can stop me, but it's all gone now because of your cock father." 

"Hey!" I said offended that she swore my farther name.   

"What? He is! And I hate him for it," Zheng angrily said. 

I frowned at Zheng, "He's a nice man... he's... just... you know... things..."

"Sure, I don't care," Zheng said looking away from me. 

I was about to speak up but Wei stop me, "(Y/n), just leave her alone," She told me.

I sighed, "Okay..." 

"Well, how about you Iris?" Wei asked Iris.

"I used to kill people for money, that's, it," She said nonchalantly as she switches to the next page of her book. 

"Okay... that's interesting," Wei said awkwardly.

This is going so wrong, why did farther choose me to lead this team. Zheng hates me and my father, Wei is the only nice person who's trying to help, and Iris... she's just reading her book and ignoring everyone. This is going to be a struggle. 

I quickly checked the time and see it's almost 8:50. I guess time flies by fast. 

"Alight team," I said getting their intention. "It's ten minutes before class, so let's get there as early as possible."

"Sounds good, how about you two?" Wei asked the Iris and Zheng. 

"I have to anyways..." Zheng sighed while Iris just nods. 

"Okay then, let's go," I said.


*Timeskip Brought to you Chibi Iris reading a book*


Your Pov. 

It was launch time. My team and I walked into the cafeteria and see many students wandering around and eating at the tables. 

"So... where should we sit?" I asked my team. 

"Hey (Y/n)! Over here!!!" I heard Ruby shouted. We all looked and see Ruby and her team and team JNPR. "We saved some sets for you guys!" She shouted. 

We then went over and sat with team RWBY and JNPR. 

"Awesome, now we have everyone here. It's time to get to know each other," Ruby told everyone. 

"Sure... that's sounds... good," I said. 

"Then let's start with me," Weiss said. "I'm Weiss Schnee, the heir of the proud Schee's Dust Company!" She said proudly. 

"Well it's nice to meet you," Wei smiled. 

"Huh?" Weiss looked over to Wei and her expression was now sour. "Since when you join Beacon?!"   

"Hehe, well of course. My father the leader of the Royal Nights, wants me to become a huntress." She told Weiss. 

"Wait? You're part of the Royal Nights?" Ruby said amazed. 

"Mhm, I'm the next heir of the company," Wei told Ruby. 

"Um... just asking... but What is the Royal Nights?" Jaune asked.

"The Royal Nights, they have a controversial history that dates back way before the great war. But now they're a company that has their own private army and now a rival of Schnee's Dust Company," Blake said. 

"Correct, I've seen you have been studying," Wei commented.  

"Whatever..." Weiss quietly said crossing her arms. 

"Well it's an honour to meet you, Wei," Phyrra said. "Well, you probably know me since I'm on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmellow Flake Boxes."

"Cool, don't care," Zheng said.

"Hey! Don't you dare disrespect Phyrra!" Weiss shouted at Zheng. 

Zheng just looks at her and sticks her tongue out at her. Weiss was offended by her treatment of her, angrily tries to attack Zheng, "You duce!" 

Yang and Ruby quickly hold back Weiss from attacking Zheng, "Weiss calm down!" Ruby shouted. 

Zheng then smirks as she chuckles, "Spoiled brat..." Zheng murmured. 

Weiss final calm down and sat back down, with her arms across as she looked away. For the rest of the launch, we mostly got to know each other. Yang and Ruby talk about their time together, like Nore and Ren on Jaune's team. Wei talks about her life in the Royal Nights. Jaune talks about his family, although it embarrasses him. Zheng didn't say much though, I guess she doesn't like to talk with others. 

As they talk, I notice that Iris and Blake are staring at each other intensely. 

"Um... are you to okay?" I asked both of them. The others turn their retention to Blake and Iris. They kept their stare as they both squinted at each other.

"Yeah... we're fine," Blake said as they both go back to reading. 

"Seems... Iris have something agaist her..." Wei quietly said as I nod in agreement. 


Your Pov.

Man... I didn't remember Peter being this boring...

I was listening to Professor Peter's adventures when he was a teen like all of us. But... it's boring. Maybe because he told me the story when I was with Ozpin. 

My team and I were sitting on the upper seats with Team Rwby bellow us on the first floor of seats. I looked over to Wei and see her enjoying a nice cup of tea she has, she wasn't really listening to Peter's story. To be honest, I can't blame her at this point. 

Beside her was Zheng, who was completely asleep. Her head was planted on the desk, drooling a little too. Then Iris... well, she's just reading her book while leaning agaist the chair and had both her feat on top of the desk. But I did notice at times, she glances over to Blake. I wonder why. 

I decided to check whats Team Rwby is doing. Ruby was trying to entertain herself, roughly drawing a picture of Peter. She then shows it off to her team, Blake didn't notice but Yang did. Yang giggled as Weiss was annoyed by Ruby's antics. 

I sighed, knowing that the two aren't getting along. At the same time, my team is not getting along. 

Zheng hates my father and maybe me. She definitely dislikes Wei due to her attitude and expression around her. Wei is just nice, she wants to help me and makes sure we respect one another. But so far it's not working, being a leader is not my thing. Iris is just quiet and ignores everything going on around her.

"So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Peter asked the class after finishing his main moral of his story. 

Weiss quickly rais her hand up, "I do sir!" She shouted.

"Well then let's find out," Peter said as he turns towards the cage. "Step forward, and farce your opponent," He said as the unknown creature growls. 


*Mini-Timeskip brought to you by Chibbi Wei drinking tea*


Your Pov. 

Weiss change into her battle skirt and took out her weapon. 

She gets ready as her teammates cheer her on.

"Goooo, Weiss!" Yang cheered. 

"Fight well," Blake cheered as she waves a small team rwby flag. Since when did she make that?

"Yeah, represent team RWBY!!!" Ruby Shouted raising both of her arms.

"Ruby!" Weiss snapped at her. "I'm trying to focus!"

"Oh... sorry," Ruby said with guilt in her voice. 

"Alright," Peter said getting their attention. "Let the match, begin," He said cutting the lock, releasing a Grimm. It was a Boarbatusk. 

At the first sight of Weiss, the Boarbatusk roared and charge towards Weiss. 

Weiss quickly slashed at the Boarbatusk as she dodged over to the side avoiding his charge. It didn't even leave a scratch. The Boarbatusk front amour is almost impossible to penetrate. The Boarbatusk stopped and growled, turning towards her. 

"Haha, wasn't expecting that were you?" Peter said watching from the side. 

"Hang in the Weiss," Ruby shouted. 

Weiss thrust her weapon forward, jumping towards him, at the same time as the Boarbatusk charged towards her. They collided making Weiss weapon get stuck on his tusk. Weis struggled as she tries to take out her weapon, while the Boarbatusk tries to disarm her.

"Bold, new approach. I like it!" Peter said. 

"Come on Weiss, show it who's boss!" Ruby cheered her on.  

This distracted Weiss as the Boarbatusk disarmed Weiss throwing her weapon behind him, across the room. The Boarbatusk then knocks her back onto the floor. 

"Oho, now what will you do without your weapon?" Pete said. 

As Weiss picked her self up. The Boarbatusk charged towards her. Weiss rolled over making the Boarbatusk hit the wall. Weiss ran over to her weapon and picked it up. 

Ruby then shouts, "Weiss, go for its belly! There's no amour underneath-" 

"Stop telling me what to do!" Weiss cut Ruby off. 

I saw Ruby's expression change from happy to guilt. I look back at the Boarbatusk, knowing that I can't do anything to let him live. I sighed of the thought, knowing that I watch him die. 

"Seems like Weiss doesn't like to be told what to do," Wei said sipping his tea. 

"Well... she was raised in luxury getting what she wants, never need to be told what to do," I told Wei. 

"I know, but I'm as spoiled as Weiss is. I was raised to treat others with respect whatever their status is," Wei said putting her tea down. 

"I doubt that..." Zheng grumbled as she finally awake. "Plus, this rich chick is really bad at fighting on one on one. She just ignores the week spots and just goes in trying to prove herself that she's better than everyone," 

"Sounds like you," Wei teased.

"Shut up..." Zheng growled at her. 

I looked over to Iris and see her not saying anything, just reading her book. 

The Boarbatusk growled as he ready his special attack, The Rollout Attack. The Boarbatusk rolls into a ball and rolls over and over picking up speed. Like a loose tire, the Boarbatusk flung himself at Weiss. 

Weiss then used her semblance and summon glyphs that are shaped by a snowflake. The completely block the Boarbatusk attacked knocking him back onto the floor. She then jumps onto another glyph above her and larch forward. 

I quickly looked away as Weiss impelled the Boarbatusk through his chest, as he squealed in pain. I whimpered a little as I head the creature squealed. 

"You okay?" Wei asked. 

"Yes... I'm fine..." I nod, quickly smiling at her. 

"Bravo! Braa-vo!" He congrats Weiss. "It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress in training," He told everyone. "I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant. Class dismiss." 

Weiss then glance angrily at Ruby before leaving. 

"She has lots of problems," Wei said taking another sip of tea. 

"No shit..." Zheng said as she looked over to Weiss, "No freaking shit..."


*Timeskip brought to you by Chibbi Zheng chopping off an Boarbatusk head off*


Weiss Pov. 

I angrily stopped walking out to the balcony. I deserve to be a leader, not Ruby. I've trained and studied more than that stupid red girl! She did nothing to earn that position, she's just a child! 

I deserved to better, Ozpin just made a mistake. As I walked over to the railing of the balcony, the sky was yellow as the sun slowly sets from the horizon with the buildings of Beacon surrounding the area. 

I sigh frustrated, why? Why can't I be the leader? Why did the stupid girl get that job and not me?

"Hello?" I heard a female voice behind me. 

I looked back and see her. Ozpin child, (Y/n). "Oh... (Y/n), yes... I'm fine," I lied. 

"No... your not... I can see that you're... upset... your emotions... are negative..." She slowly said as she walked up to me. "Can you tell me... please?" She asked. 

"Fine," I sighed. "Well, I-I think I should've been the leader of Team Rwby," I told her, 

"Oh... I see..." She said walking beside on the railing. "So... you think my... farther made a mistake?" She asked.

"Yes... I think he made the mistake of picking that child to be the leader. I've done more and prove myself worthy of being a leader," I said proudly. 

"Yes... I see," she said quietly looking at the sunset. "But my father is the wise one..." she said. "Maybe the reason he chose Ruby because he's seen something in her like her saw something in you," She explained. 

"What do you mean?" I asked her confused. 

"Well... because Ruby is like a seed... it's only been one day... and she is still yet to grow... at the start, all you see is a seed... you don't know what this seed can become... you must be patient and watch it grow into something... more... but you must wait and help, nurture that seed to grow," She explained. 

"That's where you come in... you never have been boss around... you lived in luxury, not like Ruby... you became that Ozpin may saw... spoiled..." She said. 

"Hey! That's not true... well... mostly... true..." I said in defeat. 

"You must help Ruby to grow... you're the caretaker of her... help her grow from the seed into a tree..." She said as she looks over to me, "You can't have everything you want, like wanting a peach seed to be an apple tree. With Ruby, she's always going to be a Ruby... Appreciate what you have Weiss, and the best person you can for her and yourself..." 

She smiled at me, "That's what my adopted farther... taught me... and... maybe you can use that advice too..." she said before leaving. I watched her leave, as I smiled. 

"I... I... I understand..." I quietly said. 


Your Pov. 

It was dark as I walked into our team dorm. I opened the door and see all my teammates sleeping.

"No... please... stop..." Zheng groans in her sleep. She was twists and turns all over her bed, as her nightmares grow. 

This happened yesterday, I know she doesn't like me sleeping beside her. But... it's the only thing that comforts her. I slowly laid down beside her, as I warped my arms around her body. 

"It's okay... Zheng... I'm here," I said softly as she calms down. Her expression changed from pain to peace. Her breaths went from fast to slow, it sounded soft and peaceful. 

"Sleep well, Zheng..." I said. As I was about to sleep, her arms warped around me as she passed me agaist her body. 

"Don't... leave me... please... don't... leave... me...." She mumbles in her sleep as she snuggles agaist me. 

"I won't..." I smiled. "I'll never leave you..." I said before going to sleep in her arms. 




A/n: Chapter done, I hoped you enjoy.

And Have a great day.

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