Chapt 2: Initiation



Your Pov. 

Today is the Initiation into Beacon. I'm really worried about hurting the Grimms. They're like me, they are just misunderstood. They aren't bad creatures, they're actually caring and nice. They had cared for me and loved me like my parents before. But... they're done now...

It's painful to remember the moment when I saw them get slaughter by Hunters and Huntress them. When I... slaughtered them back... 

I shake my memories out of my head, not wanting to remember. I walked over to the assigned locker that my father gave me. I was looking down, trying to stay hidden amounts the people. I then bump into some making me fall onto the ground. 

I made an 'oof' sound as I hit the ground. I looked up and see a girl with an eye patch. 

"Oh... s-sorry," I apologized as I stand back up. She just gave me a blank stare as I got more nervous, "I-I... sorry for... b-bumping... into you, can.... you forgive me?"

Again the girl just blankly stared at me, as her head tilted to the side, "I... uh... I gotta go!" I said, running past her at inhuman speeds.

Within a couple of seconds, I made it to my locker. I gave a huge sigh of relief and opened my locker. I grabbed my staff and hostler it on my back. I then grabbed my two revolvers and put them being my hips. Finally, I grabbed my belt of dust and equipt around my body. As I was about to close my locker, something shined that caught my eye.  

It was the knife that Ozpin gave me. He never told me why he gave it to me or anything. He just told me that he used it when in need. I just stared at the knife debating if I should bring it or not. With one final thought, I grabbed the knife and hid it being in my sweeter. 

I closed my locker and was about to move to my right but once again I pump into another girl making the girl dropped her two axes on the ground. 

"Oh! I-I-I'm sorry!" I quickly apologize bowing infront of her. 

I heard her growled in anger, "Sorry is not enough." Her voice was rough, mean, and tough I then felt her grab my head and kneed my face hard. It was really painful as it flung me back onto the floor. 

"There that's better," She grinned as she picked up her weapons. I had my hands held agaist my face as I cried in pain. 

"Weak..." She said as she spat down on me before leaving me. 

The other students just ignored me and the girl as I was left alone. I blamed myself, maybe if I wouldn't be so clumsy I worded her the female human feelings. Then I heard someone walking up to me. 

"Hey," I heard a soft and gentle voice. I slowly peeked through my hands and see a girl who gave her hand to me as Ruby did. 

My hands slowly moved away from my face as I slowly moved away scared, not of her hurting me. But Me hurting her. 

"It's okay, I'm here to help you," She said as she smiled. I slowly grabbed her hand as she lifts me back onto my feet. "I'm sorry about what happen," She said.

"No... i-it... it's my... fault... I should of-" Before I can continue she butted in. 

"No, it's not. It was by accident," She told me. 


"Hey, accidents happen, okay?"

"Okay," I sniffed whipping my tears.

I then saw her eyes widen, making me confused.

"Um... did I do something.... wrong?" I asked making sure I didn't hurt her. 

"No, it's just..." She said as she continues, "Are you Ozpin's child?" She asked. 

My heart just skipped a beat as I check my if my hoodie is still on. It wasn't and I panic. I tried to speak but all that comes out was gibberish as I stuttered all over my words. I was in tents, what if she tells everyone that I'm in school. I'm going to flock by people and notice everywhere in the school

"Hey, hey. Look at me" She said getting my mention. "Breath in and out, like this." She showed me by her breathing in and then out.

"Okay?" she asked. I nodded and reaped what she did. "Good... keep going."

I breathed in and out, in and out. I felt calmer, "I... feel.... good..." I said smiling a little. 

The girl giggled, "That's good. (Y/n) is your name correct?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yes... my name is (Y/n)," I told her. 

"Well it's an honour to meet you (Y/n)," She said shaking my hand. "I'm Wei Raim, the proud heir of the Royal Nights."

This made me blush slightly as I moved my head down a little wear my scarf was coving my cheeks, "Um... yes... it's.... nice to.... meet... you," I said shyly.

"I see, you're shy," she said letting go of my hand. "That's okay, I'm sure you'll get used to people around here," She said positively. 

"I... I... hope," I said sadly, knowing that I need to keep away from them for their safety. 

That's when we heard Glyda requesting for the first years to meet up at the Beacon Cliff for their Initiation.

"Well, it looks like its time," She said happily. She then looks back at me, "Come on," She said grabbing on my hand. 

"Wait-" But it was too late, she was now dragging me to the Beacon Cliffs. My face was now madly blushing in back, but she didn't seem to notice.


*Time skip brought to you by Yang hugging (Y/n), as (Y/n)'s face was being shoved into her breast*


Your Pov. 

I looked around and see other students around me on all lined up on launch pads. I've seen this many times when I was a kid, sitting beside Ozpin as I watch students get to launch into the forest down below. But... sometimes some don't make it, many Grimms live down there killing any person that trespasses there. 

I did visit down there by myself a couple of times. I played with many types of Grimm and even flown on one. It was enjoyable adn the same time sad. Some of my Grimm friends had fallen in the first year and sometimes see left bodies of people. Ozpin discovered me visiting Grimm and had banned me to visit, well... I guess until now. Since... you know... where going down there...

My main mission is to not kill any Grimm down there or even make eye contact. Well, I'm wearing a blindfold although I can see through well and have great awareness around me. 

My adopted father never had mentioned me to the students that I joined since he knew that I won't like the intention and crowds. But he did say that I'll meet a few even if I tried to ignore people. I guess he's right about that...

As he gave his speech to the students that I heard many times. I looked around and see Wei Raim to my left, beside me, listening carefully to his speech. Beside her was the eye patch girl who just stands there looking emotionless like a statue. I looked over to my left and see the girl who kneed my face, she looked not happy. Her arms were crossed as she stared intensely at my adopted father. I guess she's on bad terms with him...

I then looked over to my right and beside me is Weiss, beside her is a red hair named Pyrrha, an undefeated warrior. I then see Ruby, Yang and Jaune who looks confused. Ozpin explained to us how we're going to go down there and grab a relic aka a chest piece and if we make eye contact was with that person. 

"Are they any questions?" Ozpin asked. 

"Yeah, um sir-" Jaune said raising his hand.

"Good! Now take your positions," Ozpin said ignore Jaune. I just sighed, knowing that Ozpin always does that. We get into our positions ready to be launched into the forest.

As Jaune asked him a question about how they going to land, I was launched after Wei Raim into the sky. The others quickly zoomed past me, while Jaune just screamed. 

I made sure no ones around me and as I put my thumb and index finger into my mouth a whistle. I then heard a roar of a Nevermore, I looked to my left and see my old friend.

"Trista!" I shouted happily, as she swooped in caught me on her back. "Your alive!" I said hugging her necked. 

Trista the Nevermore hawks, "Hehe, I know. It's been a while," I told her.

"Now, can you bring me where the chest pieces are pleased?" I asked her kindly. Trista then squawks in agreement. 

"Thanks, come on let's go!" I said as Trista flew me towards the ancient temple. As we flew I saw much Grimms travels around the forest and the Huntress and Huntersmen people in training. That when I heard a loud sniper shot as pulley hit Trista wings, making her hawk in pain. 

"Tristia!" I shouted worried. More sniper shots flew past us as Traist did her best to dodge them. 

"Tristia, let me drop. I don't want them to kill you, fly away as you can!" I shouted as Trista nodded. 

I quickly jumped off Trista as she flew away from the unknown sniper. I quickly dived down 50 ft in the air and landed on my feet onto the ground. A tiny creator surrounds me, as I look back up. 

"Perfect landing," I said cleaning the dirt off my sweeter. I then heard bushes brush agaist each other. 

"Who goes there?" I said looking behind towards the noise.  

"It's me, Wei Raim," The Heir of the Royal Night said walking up to me. 

"Since you made eye contact with me, I guess we're together," She smiled as she points her thumb to herself. 

"B-but... I'm... wearing blindfold..." I said pointing at my blindfold.

She giggles, "You can't fool me. I know you can see through them since my mother made them herself," She told me.

"Your mother... made these?" I asked surprised. 

"Mhm, she made them. Ozpin knew my parents and wants one just for you," She said.

"Really?" I said surprised that my adopted farther known the Royal Nights. The Royal Nights have a really interesting history even though many people do not believe their history. 

"Mhm," She nods. "Now let's go before Grimms hunt us down," She then grabs my hand once again making me blush, as I hid my face. She then pulls me deeper into the forest. 


*Timeskip brought to you by (Y/n) holding hands with Wei Raim*


Your Pov. 

You two quickly rushed through the forest, we heard gunshots and a woman shouting as Grimm howled. Wei and I looked at each other and nod. We rushed to the gunfire as I just kept a slow past with Wei since I don't want to leave her behind. 

We then made it to the gunfire and see the eyepatch women with the sniper rifle shooting down Ursa one by one, while the girl in green who kneed me in the farce was screaming fearlessly at the Ursa, smiling as she slaughters them one by one. I turned away, rather not see them die. We then heard a loud howl, as we all turned and see a Beowolf growled. 

The green girl giggled, "Come on? Fight me one and one," She said showing off her two axes. The eye patch girl lowers her gun, as Wei and I watched. 

The Beowolf runs towards the green girl on all fours. The girl then runs towards him, the Beowolf leaps over to wanting to get the first strike. The girl slides under the Beowolf and swung her the Beowolf cutting him in half. The wolf whimpered in pain, as his upper body fell infront of the eye patch lady. 

I couldn't watch any longer and looked away. The green girl then walks up to the upper half to the Beowolf giving an evil smile, as she slices his head off. The body slowly turned into dust, flowing away into the wind. 

"That was too short," She grumbles. She then looks towards us and notices me, "Aren't you the girl that I kneed in the face?" She smiled walking over to us. I looked up to her and see her walker over to me.

"Ah, yes you are. I thought you'll die in these forests by now. I guess I was wrong," she said with a smug face. 

Wei frowned and cover me behind her, "Hey! Don't talk to her like that!" She said angrily.

"Why? Huh? Tell me, why I shouldn't be talking to her like that?" The girl aggressively said as she stands infront of Wei face to face. 

"Excuse me," The eye patch girl said in a thick and emotionless accent.

"What?!" They both shouted to the girl.

"We should get going. We must complete this Initiation before more Grimm can overwhelm us," She told them. 

Wei sighed, "She's right we need to get going."

The green girl growled, "Fine, I'll you later Girl," She looking strait into Wei's eyes. 

"Fine by me," She smiled. "By the way, names Wei Raim. The heir of the Royal Nights, a pleasure to meet you two," She greeted herself. 

"I'm Zheng Jiang, also known as the Bandit Queen. So stay out of my way," She threatened.

Wei just nods and looked over to eye patch girl, "How about you?" She asked kindly. 

"Iris, all you need to know," She said coldly.

As they spoke my ears perked up as I heard Trista roared as gunshots fired around her. 

"Trista!" I shouted as I quickly dash away from the group. 

"Huh?! (Y/n)! Wait up!" Wei shouted chasing after me. Zheng just sighed as she follows Wei and then Iris.


*Timeskip brought to you by Chibbi (Y/n) ridding on Trista*


Your Pov. 

I quickly ran over near a cliff and see Trista roaring at Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Jaune, and others that I saw. 

"Trista! No!" I shouted jumping off the cliff.

"(Y/n)!" Wei shouted as she finally caught up with me. They watch me land onto one of the bridges, both on my feet. "Damn... nice landing," She whispered to herself. 

"Let's get down there!" Zheng shouted jumping down. 

"Wait!" Wei shouted but it was too late. Wei just sighed and turns to Iris, "Let's go, Iris," She said jumping down with Iris following behind her. 

I quickly run across the bridge, as I watch Jaune, Phyrra and two other people fought a DeathStalker. Yang was bunching shotgun shells into Trista's mouth making her growl in pain. She then flew into the cliff hurting herself.

"Trista stop!!!" I shouted as I ran past Jaune and Phyrra. 

"Was that?" Jaune said looking at me running towards Trista. 

"Not now, Jaune," Phyrra said concentrating on the DeathStalker. 

Trist roared as she stands on top of the ancient temple. Before Weiss could do anything, I pushed her to the side as I ran past her. She fell onto the ground dropping her weapon.

"Hey!" Weiss shouted annoyed. Yang and Ruby notice me running towards the Nevermore. 

"(Y/n)!!!" They both shouted. 

Trista then looks saw me and flew down towards me. 

"(Y/n) look out!" Ruby shouted as she ready her rifle. I put my hand out behind me signing to not fire. Ruby reluctantly lowers her rifle.   

Trista then lands in front of me as I stand before her. She then squawks loudly filling the air with her roar standing tall as her wings expanded.

"(Y/n)!" Yang shouted as she was about to charge. 

"No," Wei said from out of nowhere with the rest of the group, pulling her back by her shoulder. 

"What? Why?!" Yang asked. 

"Just watch," She said pointing towards me. The hidden cat girl and Weiss soon join them and watched. 

"It's okay Trista, it's okay," I said holding my hand out. "They're not here to hurt you."

Trista looks back over to the others and then looks back at me. 

"They only here like the others, please don't hurt them or they'll hurt you," I said softly, ease her down some more. 

Trista then leans down with her head facing towards me. I slowly moved my hand over to Trista's head and started to pet her gently. 

"It's okay... they not here to hurt you and you're not here to hurt them," I told her as pet her softly. 

Trista purrs and shivers of me petting her head. I then stopped as I hugged her neck, "Now go, and let them live," I said. 

Trista roared as her wings spread. She looks back at me, as I smiled back at her. All of a sudden the same DeathStalker ran towards me. The others quickly moved out of the way.

"(Y/n) look out!!!" Ruby shouted. 

I quickly turned around and see the DeathStalker running towards me. I quickly grabbed the back of my blindfold and took it off, showing off my Grimm eyes, as black veins spread the to concerns of my eyes, spreading almost near my ear. The sclera of my eye was pitch black.

(Just forces on the eye and ignore the rest)

"STOP!!!" I shouted in a growled tone. DeathStalker just stopped, as I looked at him with my Grimm eyes. 

"Leave! Now! And You Shall Live In Peace!" I told him aggressively. He looked back with his Grimm eyes and growls, agreeing.

The DeathStalker then turns and started to walk back. The other pulled out their weapons, except for Wei. 

"Don't" She demanded them. Making them all look at her like she's crazy. 

"What, Why?!" Weiss asked confused.  

"Just don't okay," Wei said looking over to Zheng, "Ever you," she told her. 

Zheng groaned, "Fine," putting back her weapons. "I'm only doing this because this is interesting." 

They all moved out of the way as the DeathStalker walked passed them, going back to his home. I sighed in relief as I looked back to Trista, "Time to go, Trista, I promise to visit you when I can okay?" I told her.

Trista roars one last time as she flew away as the wind blew past me. I then put my blindfold back on and turned around. I saw everyone with expressions of amazement and shock. 

"Uhhhh..." I said awkwardly as they stared. "Lets.... just get.... the artifacts, bye!!!" I quickly said as I zoomed past them. 


Ozpin Pov.

I smiled as I watch my adopted daughter defeat the DeathStalker. As I smiled, Glynda was not satisfied.

"Again, she had spared the Grimms," Glynda said disappointed. "If she wants to stay in our academy she must kill the Grimms, not make friends with them."

I took a sip of my coffee, "Glynda, she's different than us and everyone else," I said. "She's a Grimm like them, but she can feel emotions and not in Salem control."

Glynda sighed, "I know, but still." 

"Don't worry. This ability of hers will be used to us," I said. "For now, we must prepare them for what's to come."  


*Timeskip brought to you by Ozpin playing with Child (Y/n)*


Your Pov.

I watched as Jaune, Phyrra, Nora, and Ren walked up the stage. I was now more nervous than ever, he's going to be announcing me to everyone. I completely forgot about this, dammit stupid brain. 

I then felt Wei's hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?" She asked. 

I look back at her, "T-to be honest... I'm really scared.... and... nervous..." I told her. 

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. I got the same chest piece as you, so I got your back," She smiled. 

I smiled back, "T-thanks..."

I looked back as Ozpin made Jaune the leader of JNPR. Jaune was surprised, but I knew Ozpin will do that. He knows there's something more in Jaune then anyone else. 

After that, he called up Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. They are now a team called Rwby, wow... how simple of him. With the Ruby Rose as their leader. Weiss was surprised while Yang was happy with her sister. 

"Now then," Ozpin said. "Can Wei Raim, Zheng Jiang, and Iris come up?" 

Wei pats me on the back before she walked up to the stage. As they all stand up to the stage, Ozpin then spoke, "As for right now, you see these three are missing one person."

He then looks over to me, "Well, because of this a special occasion for me and..." Two lights then focused on me as everyone looked over to me. "My adopted daughter." 

Everyone was in shock as everyone started to talk about me, "(Y/n), may you come up?" He asked. 

I nodded nervously as I walked up onto the stage. Wei was smiling at me, Zheng was frowning a little, as for Iris, she just stared. 

"You four have retrieved the white pawns. From this day forward you will work together as Team (Y)ZWI. Leading by my daughter (Y/n)," He said proudly. 

"Wait! Me?" I said pointing to myself. 

"Congratulations (Y/n), you're our team leader!" Wei congratulates me as everyone started to cheer.

"Looks like things are shaping up to be an..." he paused, "Interesting year..."

When he said that, I knew he was planing something. He always does...


Third Pov.

In the crowd, the same person with blue eyes is watching. The unknown person walks out of the amphitheatre, as he took out his scroll. 

"Cinder, she passed..." 




A/n: Sorry for the long chapter, if you want I can make sure the next chapter is shorter then the rest.

But anyways, I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

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