Chapt 13: Going For A Hang-Out and Trouble At The Dorm (!Lime!)

Intro Song:



Second Pov.

Her eyes slowly opened as she felt two hands gently caressing her cheeks. She saw adult Grimm women who looked just like you. 

"Good Morning, my daughter," She spoke. Her voice was gentle and soft. You saw her eyes of Grimm as she gave you a loving motherly smile. As you tried to move your hands toward your mother, you stopped in place right as you were about to reach her. Your eyes darted down and saw shackles, four keeping your hands from reaching her. One on your neck, chained on four sides onto the high roof of the large dark room. 

The only light source is from the barded window on the ceiling that shines only on you. You were forced to kneel and sit on your legs as they were chained to the floor. Lastly, a large shackle wrapped around you, where the cains lead to each edge of the room. "I'm sorry, my daughter," You heard your mother. You looked back up and saw her with teary eyes. "This is the only way to train the Grimm instinct of yours. A-and keep others safe from you."

"W-what?" You can barely say, as you started to get teary as well. 

Your mother sobs, "You killed them (Y/n)... (B/n) friends and many people. Then...then, you got out of control and started to massacre everyone in our home." Your heart sank as more tears poured as you started to cry. "I know you wanted to protect your brother from father, but you must understand that he must learn how to use his hatred."

She then pulls you into a hug, and you cry into her chest as she cries, "I-I'm sorry (Y/n)... I should see it coming." Soon, your vision slowly turns black as the sounds slowly go away.

"I'm sorry..."

Your Pov.

My eyes slowly open from the sun that shines through the curtains onto my face. The first thing I felt was coldness from the room. My memories from last night felt fuzzy. I can barely remember. As I slowly sat up, I saw Zheng sitting at the edge of the bed, smoking. Her back was facing me, showing her scars. Most of these are large slashes from either blades or animals. That's when I noticed she was naked, and my face heated up. Slowly, the memories of last night came back as I sat up. The Grimm Instinct took over me, and I did something with Zheng. I felt my heart ache with sadness and guilt. I should have kept myself in control, and now I hurt Zheng. She probably doesn't like me anymore...

 "Zheng..." I called her; Zheng looked at me with her back facing me but didn't look upset. "I'm sorry..." 

"For what?" Zheng asked, confused. 

I looked back at her, "The thing I did... I... I don't know what came over me, and my instinct took over. I couldn't resist, and I-" Before I could ramble, Zheng closed the gap between us and kissed me. My eyes widened in surprise as I felt the instinct return, but I managed to resist. Zheng soon pulled back with a devilish smile, "It's called sex, you dork."

"Sex?" I asked her, tilting my head slightly to the left. 

Zheng sighed in annoyance, "Yes, that's what it's called. And it's fine since I wanted it." She slowly crawled over me, leaned into my ear, and whispered seductively, "Plus, I like it when you're rough with me~." I felt my spine shiver as she spoke into my wolf ears. That's when I noticed we were still naked, and I started to feel hard again. Soon, I felt my second tail pressed against Zheng's stomach. 

"Well, it seems you got some morning wood," Zheng giggled as she headed toward my second tail. 

"Wait!!!" I shouted, stopping her from whatever she was doing. "I-I... if you do this, I don't think I can control my Instinct," I told her. 

*(!Lime Start!)*

Zheng looked up at me with lustful eyes, "Let it." She quickly leans toward my second tail and instantly develops it into her mouth. My hips buckled up as I felt the same sensation from last night, but my Grimm instinct didn't get in the way this time. I moaned loudly, already getting addicted to this pleasure. That's when I felt my instinct kicking in again, but no voice. Instead, I let them take over, yet I felt I had control. I didn't have time to notice my control as I moved my hand gently over her head and guided her up and down my second tail. 

"Ah~ Zheng, it feels so good~" I moaned. Zheng smiled and hummed, sending down vibrations throughout my second tail. I never felt anything like this in my life. Why has no one ever told me about this? That's when I thought I needed to pee, "Ah~ Zheng, I need to pee!" I warned. But it was too late. I felt something shoot out of my second tail into Zheng's mouth. Zheng stood in her place and took it all in her mouth. 

Zheng slowly takes my second tail out of her mouth with a pop. She looked over to me and stared into my eyes as she opened her mouth, showing this white stuff that came from my second tail. She then closed her mouth and swallowed it all with one gulp before showing her open mouth again. "Did that feel good?" She asked. 

My heart beat as fast as my breath. I never felt this much pleasure in my life. I could only nod as I saw her smile. Her smile was sweet, not the 'I'm gonna kill you and enjoy every minute of it' type. I smiled back before we moved in to kiss each other. My hand went over to the right side of her cheek as my thumb rubbed against her, feeling her smooth skin and scar. That's when I felt Zheng slightly open her mouth and move her tongue against my lips, demanding inside. 

I was confused, but my instinct let her tongue inside my mouth, tasting my own 'pee.' It tasted weird, but it was a good way for some reason. I didn't fight back while I was tasting her mouth and my own 'pee.' Zheng's tongue dominated my mouth, feeling every inch of the tongue to teeth. I don't know why it was so pleasurable and good to let Zheng do this, but I'm not complaining. After a minute of making out, Zheng soon let go of our make-out session. 

"That was for last night~," Zheng said as she grabbed my second tail and aimed it over her female sex. Before she could put it in, there was a knock on the door. 

*(!Lime Over!)*

"Jiang! Are you there? It's me, your sister!" I heard an unknown voice shout through the door.

Zheng groaned in annoyance, "I was just getting to the good part," before letting go of my second tail and getting off me. She then started to dress, "Give me a minute!" she shouted in a slightly angry tone. She then looked at me as she threw my clothing at me, "Get dressed." I only nodded as I quickly got my clothes on. Halfway through, I notice that Zheng has a sister. She has never talked about her family, so I mightn't be surprised. But yet, I was shocked to learn that she does. 

I wonder if her family was all bandits. After three minutes of getting dressed, I finally put on my 'blindfold' to keep my Grimm eyes hidden. That's when I realized that Zheng knew what I was and was worried that she'd tell her sister or my team! I looked over to Zheng as she walked up to the door to open it. I quickly exited the bed and grabbed her arm, "Wait! Zheng!" 

She stopped and groaned in annoyance, "What?!" 

"Can you keep a promise?" I asked in a serious tone. 

Confused, Zheng nodded, "Yeah, sure, what is it?"

I felt myself swallow nervously, "Just don't tell anyone that I'm a Grimm, okay? Only my adoptive father and Glynda know. I never wanted to hurt anyone, not even you. So please, do not tell anyone!" I begged. 

We stood there for a while, awaiting Zheng's answer. At first, I thought she wouldn't keep it. Then maybe she would blackmail me; she's a bandit, after all. That's when I heard Zheng sigh. "I will not tell anyone (Y/n)," she said. 

My tail wagged in happiness, and I quickly hugged her, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Yeah... sure..." I heard said in a different tone than usual. 

I ignore it and let go of the hug. I saw Zheng's face and the uncertainty in her expression. She shakes her thoughts away as the door knocks again, "Jiang? Hello?!"

'Jiang? Isn't that her last name?' I wondered why a person would only say her last name.

Zheng then opens the door to show a slightly younger woman than Zheng.

"Sister!" the young woman greeted with open arms, with a smile.

I saw Zheng smile back at her. "Sister," she said, not as excitedly as her but happy to see her before embracing her hug. 

I stood there and smiled at the siblings. They then let go, and the young woman looked over at me. "Ah, you must be Ozpin Child," the woman said as she made a fist in her left hand and covered it with her other hand before giving me a slight bow. It's an honour to meet you. I am Lu Zheng, The Scout of Taiyuan, the sworn blood-sister of Zheng Jiang, The Bandit Queen."

I was surprised and caught off guard by this, "Oh-uh... no need to bow and the formalities; I'm (Y/n), and it's nice to meet you too, Lu Zheng," I greeted back as I took my hand out for a handshake. 

Lu shakes my hand, "Sorry, that's how we usually greet others when we meet."

"No need to be sorry, Lu Zheng," I told her as we stooped.

"Well then," Zheng interrupted. I then looked over to Zheng, who had a slightly annoyed expression. "Since we got the greetings out of the way, why are you here, sister?" she asked Lu.

"I heard about what happened last night from our old informant and came to find you to see if you're okay," she explained to her.

"I see; well, we're fine. Even though we got to shoot, (Y/n) managed to heal my wounds and her own fully," Zheng told her. 

Lu Zheng's eyes brightened, and they looked at me, "Really? That's amazing; how did you do it? Usually, gunshot wounds are fatal and take time to heal," she said excitedly but calmly at the same time.

This again caught me off guard as I tried to explain to them, "I-It's my semblance. It allows me to heal any injuries, no matter how big or small, although it cannot bring back any limbs, sadly."

"So that was it called?" Zheng asked.

Lu sighed in disappointment, "Have you been paying attention to class or the books I gave you?" 

Zheng frozed before looking down in shame, "N-no..."

"Jiang..." Like a disappointed mother, Lu said, "I know reading or studying is not your strong suit. But it's important to be educated to understand the world better." I laughed silently, smiling in amusement at never seeing Zheng like this or anyone who could scold Zheng for not studying. Not even Wei could get her to do her homework.

"But it's so boring in class!" Zheng groaned. Plus, I can't read that well, " he said shamefully. 

This surprised me,  'Zheng doesn't know how to read?' I thought to myself.  But it makes sense now; she never read any of the books our teachers gave us, mostly just throwing them into the trash bin, where I pick them back up and put them under my bed. "I never knew that," I told Zheng, "You could always ask for my help or Wei."

"Y-yeah, like I need any help..." Zheng said quietly, embarrassed, as she looked away from me.  

Lu Zheng giggles at her sister, "Oh, Jiang. You haven't changed a bit."

'She says her last name again,' I thought, then asked why: "Why are you saying her last name, Lu?"

Lu Zheng looked at me and said, "Well, that's because our culture uses our last name before our first name. So my actual name is Zheng, not Lu," she explained. 

This is all new information to me; I have never met anyone who uses the last name before their first name. "Oh, I apologize! I never knew that, Lu-Zheng?" I said, confused, trying to understand that Lu's name was Zheng. 

Lu once more giggles, "It's fine, Lady Ozpin. But you could call me Lu. So you won't get confused." Zheng slightly blushed when she heard her call me 'Lady Ozpin.'

"Thanks, Zheng never told me about that," I told Lu.

"Now?" Lu raised a brow, "Has my sister been keeping secrets?" She smirked as she looked at Zheng, who rolled her eyes in annoyance. Lu laughed, "She doesn't trust anyone besides me and some of her loyal followers."

This slightly hurt me because Zheng hadn't trusted me yet, "Oh..." I quietly said, looking down in sadness. 

Zheng notices this and taps my shoulder, grabbing my attention, "I'll tell you some stuff, okay? Just don't spread them around."

My tail wagged in happiness as I hugged her, "Oh, thank you!"

Zheng was uncomfortable and embarrassed that she was right before her sister since she had always shown her tough side. 

"Oh, that reminds me!" Lu said, interrupting our little moment. "Qu Gong and I have set up a place for lunch to talk and update with us and some officials."

Zheng carefully pushed me away, "That's very kind of you, sister, but I need to return to that damn school, and Ozpin is gonna notice that his 'precious' daughter is missing after the incident at the bar."

"I could call my adoptive father and tell him I'm fine," they both turned to me and noticed their slight distrust of me, for they would think that I'd tattletale, "Don't worry! I won't tattletale you guys!" I reassure them.

"You want to come with us?" Lu asked.

This slightly caught me off guard, "What?! No!-I mean, if Zheng thinks it's okay, then?" I turned to Zheng.

Zheng sighed and nodded, "You can come, and I trust you that you won't rat me out," before giving me the death stare, "Right?"

"Y-yeah..." I gulped nervously.

"Then it's settled!" Lu said excitedly as she clapped her hands together, smiling. "Just follow me, and we'll get there in no time."

Before they follow, Lu Zheng says, "Wait, I need to see Seinna first." 

Lu looks at Zheng, "Of course, Lady Ozpin and I will go to the restaurant while you see Sienna." She then takes out a small piece of paper with the address, "That's where the place is."

Zheng smiled, "Thanks, sis, I'll see you there," she said before she left. 

I watched as Zheng left the area before looking back at Lu, "So... where too?" I asked.

"Just follow me, and don't worry about the people here. They know who owns this place," Lu smiled, "And don't forget to call your father. I'd rather not pull some strings to keep us hidden."

I quickly and nervously nodded before pulling out my Scroll and calling my father.


Ozpin Pov.

I stood at the window, looking out into the bright blue sky. I have heard the news about my daughter being in Junior's bar, and there was a shooting there. It was risky, but it was just another step in my plan. (Y/n)'s violent side must come out, or she'll be useless against them. Although it's worrying that the Grand Order managed to have spies in Valve, I must talk with the council. That's when I heard my scroll ring from my desk.

'That must be (Y/n),' I thought before answering the call. "(Y/n)? Are you alright?"

"Hi, adopted father. I'm fine," she told me. I always wondered why she always called him 'adopted father.' She barely remembered her old past before she met those Grimm, with the help of the 'medicine' I gave her. 

"That's good. I have been worried since I heard the news from Wei," I told her.

"Wei?" she said, confused, "She was there?"

"Yeah, one of her servants was sent there to watch over you ever since you left with Zheng that night," I explained.

"Oh..." she only said in an awkward silence. She sounded nervous due to having been caught by her teammate. That's when I heard chatter from the scroll, but I could barely make it out. All I knew was that one was (Y/n), but the other was familiar, but I couldn't figure it out. That's when (Y/n) said, "Well, she doesn't have to worry... or send any more people! I'm fine, thanks to Zheng."

"Good, I'll just let the teachers know why you're late for class, and you're fine. Just come back to Beacon soon; the press and news are all trying to get to me, and I need you here so Valve knows you're fine," I told her.

She hesitated before speaking, "I can't..."

This surprised me as I asked, "Why?"

"I have promised Zheng that I'll hang out with her today, and you know I have to keep my promise," she explained.

"Oh no! You're not skipping class with that troublemaker!" I angrily told her. "Plus, if the people don't see you're okay, they think I'm either finding the truth from them or just a bad father if they found you wandering around after the incident! SO GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" I shouted. That's when I noticed I was getting frustrated and taking my frustration out on (Y/n). She didn't respond, just silent. My plan was going well, but she needed to be here now since I wanted to know if she had become her Grimm side. But my fatherly side told me to let it go and apologize.

"I'm sorry..." I heard her say, but it sounded like she was going to cry. "Please don't worry; I'll be back by tonight..." was the last thing she said before hanging up on me. 

I sighed in disappointment before sloppy sat down on my chair, thoughts in my head. I should have sent Crow there to see what's happening with (Y/n), but I didn't. I needed to cool off. I felt guilty for shouting at (Y/n)- my 'daughter,' my only 'child.'


(Y/n) Pov.

"I'm sorry..." I barely said as I held back my tears, "Please don't worry; I'll be back by tonight." I quickly ended the call, not wanting to hear my adoptive father being mad at me anymore. Knowing that he is also disappointed in me makes me sad and disappointed in myself. I sniffled as I used my arm sleeve to clear the tears in my eyes while ensuring that Lu Zheng didn't see my eyes. 

Lu noticed this and asked me worriedly, "Are you okay?"

I only nod slightly, "Yeah... It's just that I don't like it when he is angry... or disappointed."

"Every parent does that," Lu told me. Don't worry; he won't do anything. I have some contacts who'll help."

"It's not that, Lu. I tried to be a good child to him, and I don't feel like it when he's angry," I told her.

Lu ponders as she waves her feather fan slowly below her face, "I see. My apologies, then."

"No, it's fine, and thanks for helping me with him. Again, I'm tired of being the best child. I would have gone back to him, but I promise Zheng. I won't break that promise," I said, cheering myself up yet still feeling a little guilty.

Lu smiles, "Good, now would you follow me? Lady Ozpin?"

"Lady Ozpin?" I said, confused, realizing she'd been calling me that.

Lu snickers to herself, "Oh-nothing," leaving me confused.


*Back At Beacon Academy In Your Dorm Room*

Iris Pov.

Today was normal, except that (Y/n) and Zheng have been absent since they went out together last night. That's strange, Zheng; I get it, but (Y/n) usually and never likes to be late for class. Maybe Zheng had something to do with it. She's the most troublemaker in the school, and I notice the two are becoming close, but not simultaneously. They're a confusing pair, even for me. 

I sat on the bed with my new Scroll after (Y/n) broke my old ones. I checked the time, and it was almost time for class. Wei was pacing around the room nervously, wondering where they could be. It didn't concern me; my job was to stay and study in the school and do side jobs for my customers. I then put my Scroll next to me as I pulled out my favourite book, Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo Wa Hakudaku, or Kuroinu for short. 

That's when we heard knocking on our door. Wei rushed towards the door without skipping a beat and answered. I ignored her and kept reading my book, enjoying the part where this Dark Elf gets ganged by orcs. My cheeks blush as my legs slightly rub together. I didn't listen to her conversation with the person who knocked on our door. Most likely, she's just an informant from her company. 

That's when I heard my scroll ping from a text message. I put down my book and checked the message. It was from Lu Zheng, Zheng Jiang's sister. I have mostly worked with Lu Zheng, barely interacting with or seeing Zheng Jiang. Lu Zheng is the master strategist of her bandit group and has hired me many times. Some of them may or may not have been against my employers. Then again, I'm loyal to no one other than the Creed, even though I'm the last.

Lu Zheng: Iris, I have a simple job: distract Ozpin within the school, where he cannot take Zheng Jiang or (L/n) (Y/n). Your payout will be 1,000 len. (Ps. Don't Hurt Anyone or the deals off)

'Distract Ozpin from tracking Zheng and (Y/n)?' I sighed, accepting the job and hoping I wouldn't get caught up in what they were doing with (Y/n). It would be easy since I had already thought up a plan. I got off the bed, crouched down, and grabbed a suitcase under my bed. Secretly, I opened the case where I stored some of my weapons and gadgets. I quickly grabbed some C4 and the detonator and hid them in my uniform before closing the case and sliding it back under my bed. 

I then looked at the time and saw the class starting in five minutes. I planned to go to the Ozpin office between classes and make a small explosion, leaving a trace of White Fang markings behind so it would look like the White Fang was responsible. I then stood up and walked over to Wei, who was still talking with the person. 

"I'm glad they are fine, but I need them to return. I don't want to miss class," Wei told the women. I stood behind Wei and got a good look at this woman.

I froze in place; everything around me slowed and greyed, and she was the only one I could see. My unique sense tingled in me as I lost track of all logic. The woman also noticed me and had a shocked expression, full of fear and anger. She has the same blood we Creed had all long ago.

I'm the last of the Creed; she's a betrayer, a traitor. Without hesitation, she shoved Wei to the side, unsheathed her blade and slashed upward toward me with such precision and haste. I then activated both hidden blades underneath my arms before clashing and blocking her blade with my right blade while redirecting her attack toward the left. This caused her to lose balance and stumble forward towards me. Using my semblance, I slowed down the time by using my other blade to stab her back. As the tip of my blade touched her back, a huge light emitted from the area blinded me with a sound clash of metal blades. Throwing me off guard as I stumble back from the women. 

As I regained my vision, I stopped using my semblance from the clash. Now, the women stood perfectly fine. 'That's impossible. She couldn't have blocked that,' I thought to myself. 

She then pointed her sword towards me. "I thought you all died," she said.

I just shrugged, depriving her of an answer to why the Creed still lives, "We're hard to kill, traitor... now who are you with? The Inquisition? The White Fang?"

"None," she answered; "I serve the Royal Nights and my Lady's faithful servant. I never served in the Creed. I am no traitor."

Before things escalate into a full-on dual, Wei quickly steps between us, "I order you to stop Emiyo," she said, looking over at her.

I felt her hesitate at her delayed answer; "Yes... my lady," she said before sheathing her sword.

Wei then looked at me and said, "Iris, I have ordered her to stand down; she's no threat or traitor. There's no need for more violence." 

I also hesitated before reluctantly sighing, sheathing my blades, "Fine," I said.

Wei breathed with relief, "Alright, good, now I want to know what's happening."

I mentally sighed, 'Great... this is gonna take awhile.' 


Outro Song:


A/n: Chapter done! I got my PC back from Evol Ms.Loser, with only a scratch this time... although... she's not... well...

*Notices that she's slightly covered in Evol's blood*

Anyways! I hope you enjoy it, and have a great day!

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