♥ Chapter 6- A New Roomate ♥

*Jayla's POV*

Last night was absolutely amazing. Jayceon and I really connected. We laid in bed and talked, among other things, until after three in the morning. He's such an incredible man. He is what I need in every aspect of my life. We click emotionally, spiritually and definitely sexually.

Holy bananas, I've never had so many orgasms in one night, especially by such a skilled lover. We agreed for our first date we want something simple. I'm not a complex woman, the simple things in life give me joy. I told him I would really like a late evening picnic. Being surrounded by nature is simply wonderful. Maybe he'll remember, maybe not.

My doorbell rang letting me know Lily and Zoella are here. The three of us always get together every Sunday for lunch. I open my door to see my two beautiful best friends. In Lily's hand is a piture of her homemade lemonade and Zoella is holding a bottle of red wine.

"Hey losers," I say as they both walk in. This is my week to prepare lunch for us, we alternate going to each others homes and then out to a restaurant at the end of the month. "I made chicken fettuccine and caesar salad with apple pie for dessert."

"Hey pretty lady! Lily tells me that you meant someone." Zoella says, jumping straight to the point, ignoring my comment about lunch. Typical Zoe, she loves our group gossip.

I glance over at Lily and she begins giggling and shrugs her shoulders. "Well...actually yes, I met someone. We have a date Wednesday evening. One thing I do want to know is, why did you bail on us Friday night?" I question Zoella.

She looks away from us like she's hiding a secret, then reluctantly speaks. "You two wouldn't understand." I can hear the emotion in her voice, as if she wants to start crying.

"Zoe, honey, you know Jay nor I will ever judge you. Talk to us, we are your best friends, we're always here for you." Lily tells her with a caring smile.

"I've been seeing someone really great. We have so much in common and I'm really actually happy." Zoella tells us as she smiles vividly. I can't feel very happiness radiating off of her.

"Okay, so what's the problem? Why haven't you told us about him yet?" Lily asks her as I grab her hand showing my support.

"That's the thing, 'he' is actually a 'she'." Zoe looks at Lily and I terrified of our reaction to her revelation.

"And–what's the problem? If she makes you happy then that is all that matters. Zozo, baby, I've always known that you like girls, you've just never said it out loud. Is this why you were afraid to tell us?" I ask her as I pull her into my arm and kiss the top of her silky hair.

She sits up and shrugs. "Yeah, I guess. I didn't know if you both would be accepting or not." She says as tears start to fall down her cheeks. Lily gets up to hug Zoella as she begins to cry harder. With both of our arms around her she continues talking. "My mom says she never wants to speak to me again and my papa told me I'm no longer his daughter anymore and I can't live at home with them anymore. H-he kicked me out."

My heart instantly broke for her as she begins sobbing into her hands. Zoella and her parents have always been very close. This woman must mean a lot to her since she told her parents.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry. You can come live with me and my puppy, Kingston." Lily says as she holds Zoella tightly. They continue to talk details about the move while we eat then leave so they get things completed. After things are settled down I will go check to see how Zozo is handling everything.

I'm about to start season fourteen of Grey's Anatomy again when my doorbell chimes. I'm not expecting any guests since Zoe and Lily just left, so I'm not sure who it can be.

I open the door and my younger sister, Menha, is standing on my front porch.

"Sissy, I've missed you!" She almost yells as she hugs me tightly.

"Baby sister, what are you doing here?" I ask her with a bright smile on my face. To say Menha and I are close is an understatement, we are close like twins. I can feel her emotions at any time. Menha is eighteen and is truly another best friend. I would take a bullet for her, and also give one. "Don't think I'm not happy to see you, but, what's wrong?"

"I can't take living with mom and dad anymore. They are always arguing behind closed doors and I can't deal with it anymore, Jay."

I understand her reasoning, it was the same reason I left four years ago. Our parents bicker over everything from what to eat for dinner to money. It doesn't matter. If it involves communication, they will argue.

"I know that feeling sis. What are you going to do? Do you want to crash here for a few days or more?" I ask her while I grab us two cold bottles of water.

"Actually, I was hoping you will let me move in with you until I get my own place. It may take a couple months with school and everything." She asks me then continues to bite on her lip.

Menha is very independent, she never asks for help unless it's the last option. So for her to come out and ask me I know this must be important.

"Menha Storm, you're my baby sister, of course you can live with me. There is no rush to move out. I love you beyond words and will love having you here," I tell her then she jumps up squealing and hugs me tightly when she leaps into my lap.

"Oh Jayla, I can't thank you enough for this. I will get a job so I can help pay bills and everything. I have my savings but will work as well," Menha tells me.

"Absolutely not! You're in college, you pay attention to your classes. You are amazing with your graphic designs already and you only have one semester left. Look at the work you've created without your degree. Nope!! I want you to only focus on school and yourself. I am your older sister, I am your protector and keeper." I say then realize we both have tears in our eyes. I think I need Menha as much as she needs me.

After we nibble on some fruit I cut up Menha leaves to go pack her room so she can move in tomorrow. I bet she will have a fun conversation when she tells our parents that she's moving out. Not.

I have a gorgeous little sister, I look more like our beautiful mom but she has our fathers chocolate brown eyes and dark hair. She gets her height from him and is much taller than me. I'm only 5'2" but Menha stands over me at 5'8". Guys go crazy over her and girls get jealous. But when it comes to guys,, Menha doesn't pay attention to them. For a man to catch my sisters eye he must be very special.

[A few days later on Wednesday]

Things with Jayceon are going great. We text throughout the day and night. Tonight is our much anticipated date, so I'm only working half a day. It just hit noon and I'm ready to leave work to begin getting ready. Yes many hours before, I tend to procrastinate. Actually, I'm taking a nap then I will get ready for him to pick me up at five o'clock.

When I walk in my home I see Menha laying on the couch with Cardi on her stomach. "Hey, baby love, I'm home." I tell both Menha and Cardi since she's like my baby. Menha moved in Monday and has been extremely helpful, especially with Cardi while I'm working.

"Hey sister, I fixed a garden salad with my homemade dressing, if you're hungry." She tells me then gets off the couch to hug me.

"I'll take a small bowl then I'm going to nap before my date with Jayceon this evening." I respond to Menha, I love her salad dressing and can never resist it.

I walk in my kitchen towel eat the small salad, I don't eat much since I will be eating tonight with Jayceon. I've been looking forward to our date since he first asked me, our night together Sunday was wonderful.

After I wake up from my nap I bathe and get myself all silky smooth. When I get out I cover myself in lotion and slip into my dress. Since I'm short I have short, thick legs as well. I don't like them but Jayceon tells me that my legs drive him crazy.

My dress is a cream color with Autumn colored leaves on it. I wear my tall brown boots to give it a touch of 'me'. The necklace and earrings set that Zoella bought me for my last birthday goes great with my look. I will take along my darker green color jacket in case it becomes chilly out.

I walk downstairs and hear Menha talking to Jayceon. Damn, I didn't even hear the doorbell chime. He looks across the room and our eyes automatically meet. He smiles the biggest smile and walks over to me.

"Hello, darlin' you look wonderful tonight." He says before kissing my forehead. Everytime he does that the butterflies in my tummy go overboard.

"Thank you, you look handsome. Blue really brings out the color of your eyes. Oh, sorry, Jayceon, this is my baby sister, Menha. Menha, this is my wonderful boyfriend, Jayceon Knight." I say with so much pride. It's hard to believe we've only known each other less than a week and I'm already proud to call him mine.

Jayceon grabs my hand as we walk out to his black truck and he opens the passenger door for me. He has to give me a boost to get in this big ass truck because he has a suspension kit on it. Jayceon is bend over laughing so hard that he's shaking. He thinks it's so very funny that my short ass needs help time get in his huge man truck.

"I've been excited all day for our date. It's really great to see you, Jayla. Is it weird to say I missed you?" After he speaks he holds my hand over the middle of the console. He continues to drive for twenty minutes then pulls off the highway to a side road. "I'm not sure if you'll like where I'm taking you. If you don't just let me know and we can leave."

"I'm sure I'll like wherever it is we are going," I tell him with a smile. We can do anything together and I'm sure I will enjoy it.

Jayceon looks good tonight, damn good. He is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a blue dress shirt that matches his eyes that he has rolled up some and a tie to match his jeans. While I'm checking out my sexy piece of a man he turns the ignition off, so I glance around. "Oh my God! You brought me to the arcade? I'm so excited!" I truly am excited, I enjoy allowing the child in me to come out to play.

Jayceon laughs and pulls me in for a kiss. I deepen the kiss and run my fingers through his growing hair. I have to make myself stop or we will leave this truck.

"I remember you telling me that you love going to the arcade. Are you sure this isn't too lame for our first date?" He asks me as he opens the passenger door and grabs my waist to lift me out. I get lost in my thoughts of desire for him as he presses a kiss to my lips while I'm in his arms.

"Seriously? No, sweetheart, this is great. You and I can do anything together and I will have a good time. He intertwines our fingers together as we walk in the door. He buys a bucket of tokens and we set off to explore our inner child. I tried to buy the tokens but the muscular man that he is, held me back and gave me a look that said, 'yeah right, not going to happen'!

Jayceon and I played four rounds of skee ball, three of them I won. I only lost the last game because he kept smacking my butt when I would bend to throw the ball. If he only knew how wet that made me. I enjoy a bit of pain with my pleasure, but it's too early to break out my inner sex freak on him, I don't want to scare him off.

Next we played basketball, you can guess how that went. I'm a big college basketball fan, but I am terrible at trying to shoot a hoop. So when Jayceon won all three games he was gloating like he won a championship game. I was sure he played in high school, so when I asked him he just looked at me with that smirky ass grin of his that allows his dimple to show.

"Okay, show off, I know you're great at basketball now," I tell him with my own smirk.

"I know you're great at skee-ball, shortie." Jayceon tells me as he rests his arm on the top of my head.

Stupid, tall giant.

"It's not my fault, I just seem short to you because you're 6'3"."

"No, darlin, you seem short because you are short. I'm thirteen inches taller than you my dear." He says, pointing out the obvious. He laughs so extreme that the family near us begins laughing and smiling at us.

"Alright, loser, let's go play a few games of air hockey so you can lose." I say proudly. I'm great at air hockey, my dad taught me very well when he would take Menha and I to the arcade.

"Nah, you meant to say so you can lose. Baby, I'm a champ at this game."

Hmm–Okay, big boy, we shall see.

We begin to play and I instantly shoot the puck into his slot. This continues until the  game is over. Score was fourteen to four, with me being the winner. We played a total of six games, I won four and Jayceon won two.

"Now what were you saying, Mr. Knight?" I tease him as I do my cute victory dance. I look up at him when I finish and he has a smile on his face that is so bright. The look in his eyes is something I've never saw before.

"My God, you're absolutely amazing." He says in a quiet voice before reaching down and caressing my face. His smooth lips connect with my own and the butterflies start going crazy again. "If I continue kissing you, Jayla, I won't stop. Come on beauty, it's time to leave." He wraps his hand in mine and leads me out to his truck then lifts me up like before. I hear a little chuckle coming from him, so I playfully roll my eyes.

"In you go my tiny munchkin." He's all jokes today, I love a man who can make me laugh and smile, it shows Jayceon's true self. Wait, love? Really Jayla? I shake off my thoughts as he climbs into his truck.

He drives back toward the way we came and we talk about his love for his truck. He even has a name, Beast. Perfect name for this massive machine.

"I've never brought anyone here before. Put this on for me, I want this to be a surprise for you." He says as he hands me a silky blindfold to over my eyes.

Two minutes later he shuts the engine off and opens my door. When he lifts me out the Autumn breeze surrounds me and I'm a home with nature.

Jayceon removes my blindfold and whispers sweet nothings in my ear. Only three words escape my lips. "Oh! My! God!"


*What do you think Jayla saw when he removed the blindfold?

*Any thoughts or questions?

*Stay tuned for some sweet romance and saucy scenes!

*Vote, Comment & enjoy reading!

♥ Until Next Chapter ♥



*This chapter is almost 3k words and it was 12 pages wrote out. I have until chapter 13 wrote out and the shortest chapter is 20 pages. So the story will be much longer and more detailed after this. *

🤔I've not gone over this for an edit yet, just wanted to get it posted. If y'all notice any mistakes just inline comment on it for me. 😘😘😘

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