Chapter Three

| Chapter Three |
| One Week Later |
| Third Person POV |
(Midoriya is fully moved in and adopted)

"I-I'm going f-for a wa-walk!" Midoriya yelled to the people in the kitchen as he was already outside.

"Okay! Have fun and don't be too long!" Yamada yelled as he hugged his husband who was chugging coffee. They both had the day off but he knew Aizawa would go out and work anyways and most likely to be accompanied by Yamada.

Midoriya shut the door, stepping outside and putting his earbuds in, turning up the music on his new phone.

As his new favorite song was playing, Midoriya turned up the volume even louder as he crossed under a tunnel humming along to the tune.

A banging noise and a couple of whispers were made but the noise would not fall onto Midoriyas ears until the villain who had appeared let out an ugly laugh startling the boy.

"The perfect vessel!" With an ear-piercing scream, Midoriya ran almost two feet before being captured by the sludge villain. With continuous howls of pain and some vomiting of blood, a hero emerged from the shadows.

"Do not fear, for I am here!" All Might exclaimed. Still being the fanboy he is, Izuku's eyes widened at the sight of his third favorite hero (Aizawa and Yamada are his fav's now haha screw All Might). All Might lept to the villain trying to get Midoriya out of its clenched grasp.

With a few punches and a few kicks here and there, the villain became a pop bottle and Midoriya was safe...not from his own body though. Crouching on the ground where All Might set him down, he was choking on his own blood and poor All Might had no clue whatsoever as to what he should do. His time was running out and he knew it, but the kid was more important.

Emergency services weren't an option, (The hospital was too far away and Toshinori didnt want to get his cover blown as he had a villain in his pocket along with globs of green goo on him,) so he called a close friend who he knew adopted another kid. Not knowing Aizawa had adopted another, he pulled out his phone and d*mn, this is gonna be hilarious.

| Phone Conversation |


Aizawa: Is his hair green?

All Might: WHAT?!

Aizawa: Answer the d*mn question b*tch might

All Might: YES?!

Aizawa: Sh*t! You have Izuku! I'm coming over right now, I have your location.


Aizawa: Help the kid now or I will rip your throat out.

All Might: Yessir!

| End Of The Phone Convo |
| Third Person POV |

All Might transformed into Toshinori much to the surprise of Midoriya who was on the verge of collapsing. Doing as much as he could, he magically stopped Midoriyas coughing somehow almost as soon as Aizawa arrived.

"Izuku, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. I-ignore the b-blood." Midoriya gave a weak laugh as Aizawa marched up to Toshinori.

"Explain yourself b*tch."

"I w-would like a-an exp-explanation t-too!" Midoriya said as he tried to stand up.

"I'm taking you to the hospital and Toshinori will be joining us too," Aizawa grumbled out, yanking the boney man and his son along. "Let me pick you up Izuku." Knowing he would retaliate, Midoriya was picked up regardless.

The trio soon arrived and a couple of nurses recognized Midoriya and rushed to him quickly, taking him away leaving his father and the skinny b*tch as Aizawa would call him behind.


"I- Ummm-"

"I would recommend you talk faster if you value your life." Sliding a knife down his sleeve to his hand where it was visible he showed it to Toshinori to see if he could make him p*ss his pants. (A dare from fellow heroes to see who could do it first.)

"I- I'll be right back..."

"Hurry your a** up. Screw you Nemuri and Zashi I did it first... You too Nezu." Aizawa stifled a slight laugh as he talked to himself.

"Mr. Aizawa? Midoriya is awake."

"Okay. Can you tell the ugly blonde with weird hair where I am? His name is Yagi."

"Yes sir, I can."

"Thank you." Aizawa walked to the room another nurse led him to. "You doing better now, problem child?"

"Y-yeah. Where is the other person?"

"I made him p*ss his pants. No further questions."

"I- okay then? I have an unrelated question though. What will I be doing for school? I w-was previously at the le-level of a hi-high schooler b-but I should be g-going i-into e-eighth grade."

"Me and Zashi talked and we were thinking about homeschooling but with some better medicine, you'll be fine to go. Talk to Zashi about it too. I'm fine with you going but he's the one that patrols near the middle school."

"Okay. T-thanks."

"H-hi." Toshinori walked into the room, closing the door behind him. "I'm guessing you want an explanation. Well, let's see... Where to start..."

| Midoriyas First Day Of Eighth Grade |
| Third Person POV |

"Ready to go little listener?!"

"Ready as I'll ever be Pops."

"I'll stop by for lunch so don't try to avoid me or I WILL embarrass you furthermore."

"Mhm love you too." Midoriya stepped out of the car unwillingly making sure that nobody saw the pro hero who took him there. Wishing he could hide in a sleeping bag, he unwillingly trodden onward getting stares from other students who already had friend groups from the real first day of school.

After roaming the hallways for his homeroom he found it. And a specific blonde.

"C-crap," Midoriya muttered before scurrying to the back of the classroom hoping he made it there unnoticed by Bakugo and his new lackeys. The teacher came into the room as Midoriya was praying that he didn't have to introduce himself.

"Good morning class, today we have a new student! Would you like to stand up and introduce yourself?"

"S-sure," Midoriya stood up shakily as Bakugo growled. "M-my name i-is Iz-Izuku Mi-Midoriya." Some of the students recognized the name of the boy who was missing for a year, as were astonished by his presence. Midoriya sat back down staring at his so-called childhood friend.

"Are you the kid who was missing for a year?" A kid yelled from the opposite side of the room.

"Don't ask questions like that!" The teacher yelled at the kid harshly.

"I-It's fine...a-and yes, I am th-that kid. If you wa-want to know m-more, ask Ka-Katsuki, he k-knows EV-EVERYTHING about it." Midoriya knew that it was a mistake to call out Bakugo like that but the chance to diss him like that overcame him.

"DEKU!" Bakugo started to charge at him but the teacher stopped him before he could do anything.

"Bakugou! Go sit outside before I give you detention!" The teacher snapped before walking back to her desk. "Now, let's begin class."


Soon enough lunch rolled around and students gathered around the two pro heroes who entered the building.

"Look it's Present Mic! And Eraserhead!" A couple of kids called out to the two heroes.

You see, since one of them would try to be with their son almost constantly they wouldn't deny that he was adopted by them. It made no sense as to why they were close to a random child so they wouldn't lie. Now no one knew of Shinso but that's a different story altogether.

"Hey, Zuku!" Present Mic yelled through the ground when he spotted the green bushy hair from afar.

"Hi Pops, Dad!" Now they knew that letting on that they adopted the world would know they were married and that meant press, but Aizawa and Yamada were fine with that. Well, only really Yamada, but oh well.

"Pops and dad? Why would that missing kid say that? His parents are dead." Kids chatted about this as the heroes made their way through the crowd to their son.

Now we can't forget Bakugo. All he knew was that his childhood 'friend' was missing for a year, gained confidence (not really,) and that he's been adopted by two pro heroes nobody knew were married. He was not a happy camper and decided to confront him.

"DEKU!" Neither Aizawa nor Yamada knew about Midoriyas past, only that his dad died and his mom committed suicide. Nothing about the relentless beatings and death threats he received almost daily. "What's a USELESS b*tch like you BACK HERE AT MY SCHOOL?!"

Midoriya cowered behind his parents as they were about to sit down. Both noticing his actions stood in front of him defensively as they stalked towards the short blonde who now regretted his actions knowing that Present Mic was always smiling, and right now, he wasn't.

The aura that radiated off the pros scared some of the kids sh*tless as a teacher pulled out his phone to film this.

"Do you want to repeat yourself, kid?!" Yamada threatened, Aizawa glaring, his hair floating as he used his quirk to make sure the child who threatened his own didn't try anything stupid.

Of course, Bakugo is stupid so when he tried to use his quirk and nothing happened his superiority disappeared into thin air along with the confidence he grew with being so powerful.

Of course, stress is not good for Midoriya and he collapsed, spewing small amounts of blood onto the floor making this scene even more baffling for the whole lunchroom. Aizawa kept an eye on Explody as they both ran to Midoriya trying to soothe the strain and tension of today.

"Let's go. Hey, teach! We're taking our son and leaving!" Yamada yelled to the teacher who was still filming with shaky hands. The crowd of students that were scared half to death parted like the Red Sea as Yamada picked up his sickly son running to the car and rushing to the hospital even though they wouldn't be able to do anything. Maybe prescribe him more medicine, but that won't do anything really.

Bakugo was speechless as he stood there, staring at the blood on the floor with no tears but with unadulterated hatred that only grew for his unwanted peer.


The hospital deemed that he was okay as they soon left, picking up Shinso from a different school as they went back home.

"You guys are the talk of Japan right now." Midoriya was asleep as Shinso exaggerated their popularity.

"I know. I wonder who that kid was that made Zuku cower in distress."

"I saw it on the news when you were late to pick me up. Just don't kill the blonde b*tch." Shinso muttered with annoyance as he laid his head on the side of the car unfamiliar with the human contact he was getting from Midoriya who had fallen asleep and fallen on his lap.

They soon arrived in the middle of nowhere, aka where their house was built. Midoriya shook himself awake and climbed out of the car the throbbing torture his body was going through was expertly hidden and not expressed whatsoever.

"Izuku, who was that blonde?" Shinso asked as he unlocked the front door.

"I- umm. T-that's not i-important."

"Zuku, it is important. Why did he call you useless?" Having never seen the scars he always covered up somehow they had no clue.

"H-he was my childhood friend. His mother and mine w-were close friends but when I was d-diagnosed as q-quirkless and he had a po-powerful quirk, he soon t-turned on m-me."

"Let's eat dinner, shall we, Shota, what are you making?" Yamada said changing the subject as to relieve the pressure of the tense conversation.

"Shut up we're ordering pizza."


With lots of convincing, Midoriya was allowed to go on a walk with the excuse that he'll eat dinner later instead. It was a far walk to get into the downtown area and the bustling city was oddly calming.

"I k-know I won't live lo-long so why a-am I being to-tortured like t-this?" Midoriya whispered to his passing reflection in a parked taxi. He wanted to stop and cry or hideaway like he used to but that would be a waste of time. As the noise seemed to fade to Midoriya a scream was sounded along with a loud booming noise that stopped the city in its tracks.

In an unconscious adrenalin burst and the familiarity in the scream, Midoriya charged towards the growing fire and evading people to see something he wouldn't have expected. That villain who All Might captured had Bakugo trapped in its grasp.

Dropping the McDonalds Coke Midoriya bought after walking around for a while, he ran to his friend while Kamui Woods tried and failed to stop Midoriya.

The sludge villain and Bakugo noticed the trespasser and immediately attacked, knocking him back only to have him charging in again. Grasping the sludge that encased Bakugou, he ripped it away for a couple of seconds allowing the blonde to breathe slightly much to the annoyance of the villain.

Flinging the greenete into the air, Midoriya hit the ground, cracking it and barely conscious as Kamui Woods kept holding the crowd back as he tried to help him.

"Dumb child! You're no match for me!" The villain sent explosions to Midoriya who was only slightly covered by Kamui's wood dome as it happened. The rest of the explosions were no match for Kamui as he continued evacuating people from the burning buildings.

"All Might's here!" A little girl cheered from the crowd and a flash of blue and yellow hit the villain, flinging him against the wall where he used Bakugo's explosions to soften the harsh blow.

"Detroit...SMASH!" All Might yelled over the cheering as Bakugo was let go and caught by Midoriya who overcame his bloody wheezing. Bakugo slapped Midoriya and kicked him in the stomach and getting blood puked on himself as Backdraft took the p*ssed Bakugou away.

People whispered about Midoriya who was already known from being found out as the adopted son of two heroes, as All Might bottled up the villain again.

Midoriya barfed up more blood and Kamui Woods picked him up and took him to the ambulance that had arrived soon after the attack began. Bakugo was loaded into another and All Might was worried sick for Midoriya. And for his safety, knowing Aizawa was most likely on his way to end his life. He leaped onto buildings to get away from the press and transformed and grabbed his phone he somehow had stored in his hero costume.

| Phone Conversation |

All Might: Shota!

Aizawa: What do you want now?

All Might: Come to the hospital now!

Aizawa: I don't care if you were injured, you big baby.

All Might: No, it's Young Midoriya!

Aizawa: I swear to God I WILL kill you, I'm coming now. What even happened he just got out.

All Might: The blonde who I saw on the news with you was attacked by the same villain who attacked Young Midoriya before because I lost it and your son tried to save the kid but the kid slapped and kicked him and he started vomiting blood!

Aizawa: You lost the f*cking villain!

All Might: You aren't concerned about the blonde who has anger issues?!

Aizawa: He's about to get murdered so no.

All Might: WHAT?!

Aizawa: He's dead to me.

All Might: Shota, no!

Aizawa: Shota yes.

| End Of Phone Conversation |
| Third Person POV |

Toshinori, Aizawa, and Yamada waited in the living room hoping for good news. Once everything was slightly handled they were allowed in and was greeted by the crying and bloody mess of a kid. A doctor stood in front of him obviously not bearing the positive news they hoped for.

"I'm afraid I don't have any good news. I told his mom before but it wasn't confirmed. Through tests we've done from past visits we confirmed the worst. With an almost clear date, Midoriya might not live past the age of sixteen." Hearing the news to be true once again Midoriya poured tears that soaked the thin white sheet of the bed. "I wish I could have sugar coated it but there's no way and for that I'm truly sorry."

"Zuku..." Yamada hugged his son gently and Aizawa followed in suit. Toshinori sat down on a chair, completely overwhelmed.

Aizawa may not show it but he loves Midoriya with all of his heart, and with a small smile he always brightened the atmosphere. Shinso doesn't show it either but he loves the company of a brother and loves him despite not knowing him for long. Yamada wears his heart on his sleeve so you can just look at him and you know he would do anything for his sons.

So this, this is, a moment forever remembered.

Word Count: 2894 words



Fricken kill me

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