Chapter One

Hi! You can call me Author-chan, here's some information before I begin the story! All of the photos are unrelated to the story, (the image is my other story #shamelessplug, please read it,) and updates are usually random, but will most likely be everyday or twice a day! I don't think there is anything else to say for now so enjoy!


| Third Person POV |

Izuku Midoriya, a homeless and terminally ill thirteen-year-old, sat down on the heaping trash piles that filled Dagobah Beach to the brim. In a day very few would pass and if he was lucky enough, he would be given food instead of going into town and trying to get it himself.

With almost no money left in his pocket, he stared into the sky aimlessly looking for answers written in the stars. A chill went up to his spine and bent over as coughs racked his body and blood dripped onto his hand. He leaned back wiping the crimson stain on a scrap cloth laying nearby as he almost fell over when he tried to stand.

With a single cough, he was on the ground again.

Attempting again to walk somewhere else he finally managed to get onto the sidewalk of the primarily deserted street with barely any restaurants or people willing to share their dinner with a homeless kid.

But there are some good people in the world. Midoriya just hasn't met them yet.


A man dressed in black with his odd scarf and goggles jumped from building to building chasing a very nimble woman, a villain, evading her own crime scene of seven bodies in total. A family of seven. Who knows why she did it, but Aizawa would make her pay nonetheless.

His capture weapon didn't make the cut to be able to catch the woman so when she turned around, her quirk was erased and she fell to the ground landing into a dumpster and slamming her head against the cement building.

With a breath of ease, she was bound and the police were called. As the pro hero, Eraserhead, waited for the cops, his phone began to ring quietly from his hidden pocket.

Seeing as it was from his husband he reluctantly answered it knowing his eardrum would be burst again.

With only being alerted that they were out of ice cream and cat food, Aizawa hung up on Yamada mid-scream as the police arrived. After explaining the woman's actions he walked away sulking to the grocery store complaining about wasting money on his husband who caught the flu days ago.

Having so many things to complain about, Aizawa muttered curses as he entered the grocery store after bumping into a small child with green poofy hair.

The kid had apologized profusely reminding him of his adopted son when he first met him. Sweet-ish memories scattered his mind, a smile teeming through. Aizawa only said 'it's okay' and went to the cat food section where he only bought the best for his two very spoiled kittens.

Glancing over to where a racket could be heard, he saw a green-haired kid being yelled at by the cashier as he appeared to not have enough money to pay. Aizawa noticed that it was a small load too, a couple of apples and protein bars.

Shushing the cashier and handing the man money before the kid could oblige, he walked off to the refrigerated section picking a couple tubs of ice cream.

Before he could head home after paying for his junk food a tug was felt on his scarf and he turned around to face the small green-haired kid.

"T-thank you s-sir." The kid wore slightly dirty and tattered clothes which sent a blaring alarm to ring in Aizawa's head as he put the puzzle pieces together.

"Hey kid, where are your parents?" Obviously stunned by the question, Midoriya tried to back off only to have his shoulder grabbed as Aizawa bent down to Midoriya's height. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help."

"I-I'm good s-sir." He stuttered, uncomfortable with his situation.

"I can tell that you aren't. Where do you live? I can take you home." Aizawa showed emotion, Midoriya reminded him all too much of Shinso.

"N-no thanks. I live f-far away?" An obvious lie on Midoriya's part.

"Answer me. I can help you but only if you ask."

"I-" With pleading eyes, Midoriya gasped and fell over, hacking up blood and starting a scene as Aizawa did the best he could, rubbing Midoriya's back to hopefully soothe the coughs mid confusion. As to what was happening Aizawa told the others to stay back, unsure of what illness plagued the young kid.

Many people had already dialed emergency services as the kid began to calm down, only to pass out into Aizawas arms with his face scrunched up in the obvious pain his body was going here.

Gasps arose as the people parted, letting the paramedics through. Aizawa insisted he come and explained what happened to the two paramedics situated in the back of the ambulance. One ran to the child upon seeing him, blatantly surprised at his appearance.

"Do you know him?" Aizawa questioned.

"Yes. His name is Izuku Midoriya. H-he's been missing for a year, he left the orphanage. He has a terminal illness which he couldn't control due to the p-price of it." The paramedic shed a small tear as the ambulance drove off.

"So you can't treat him can you." The pro hero deadpanned staring at the child.

"I'm 'fraid not. I'll take him back to the orphanage as soon as he wakes up. Till then, I'll pay for him."

"Don't worry about that. I have my own problem child at home so I can pay. Just don't tell anybody that I did this or else I'll get too much unneeded publicity."

"Thank you, Eraserhead!" She smiled and gently hugged Aizawa infuriating the other doctor who was doing everything in the back. "Sorry Ohashi." The nurse replied, helping the other doctor leaving Aizawa to only look at the child he was helping.

"Izuku Midoriya...huh. That name sounds familiar. I mean, he was missing for a year."

| One Week Later |
| Midoriya POV |

"No! W-why am I h-here!" I sat up knowing I was in a hospital before I even opened my eyes. A doctor rushed in immediately checking the machines surrounding me. My throat felt closed up, and my brain went haywire.

"How are you feeling?"

"G-get me o-out of h-here!"

"I'm sorry but we need to keep you for a couple more hours after you take this medication." The man said, handing me a pill bottle. "Take two now and before you go to sleep."

"N-no! I can't p-" That familiar tingling sensation went up to my spine as I felt my insides turn and twist. I lifted my hand and felt a warm liquid run down it slowly and drip onto my patched pants. I screamed through the utter pain, hearing footsteps as I tried to catch my breath. Everything seemed black and white and red, unsoothed by the rushing footsteps.

A hand rubbed circles on my back, the world melting away. It was peaceful for a brief second, until my stomach did a double take causing me to puke up the sticky crimson fluid everywhere. Everything spun but soon came into better focus as doctors surrounded me.

"E-Eraserhead? W-why are y-you here?" I noticed everyone calm down as my coughing reduced to only the slight shakiness that came after an attack like that. My insides were burning but it felt...awkward.

"Are you okay kid? We'll talk about that later."

"I-I'm per-perfectly f-fine. H-how am I g-going to pay?" I said the sentence to myself.

"I'm paying." I internally smacked myself for letting him do that.


"I'm not putting you into the foster system so I'm adopting you."

Word Count: 1370 words

Thanks for reading! Another chapter should be out tomorrow, stay tuned!

(Check out my other book pleeaaseee)

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