Chapter Nine, Part Two

| Third Person POV |

It didn't take long for the whole class to get there, and they all admired Yaororozu's mansion. Uraraka fainted at the sight of the entry room alone. They all settled in the humongous living room, filled to the brim with sleeping bags, blankets, snacks, and people.

"Yaomomo, this is huge!" Uraraka said as the class sat in a circle nomming on snacks.

"What do you guys want to do?" Kirishima spoke, plopping down with two sprites in his hand, giving one to Bakugo.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" Kaminari winked with a Cheeto covered smirk.

"Sure!" Mina and Sero cried in unison.

"Truth or dare...Todoroki!" Momo said happily pointing at the dual haired boy.

"Truth." He responded slightly annoyed that he was chosen.

"If you met a genie, what would your three wishes be?" She asked after thinking for a little while.

"For Endeavor to die, Mom to be able to come home, and to meet Touya again," Todoroki spoke, chilling the atmosphere. (No pun intended. Okay, maybe.)

"Truth or dare Midoriya." He said, turning to face him.

"U-umm, truth?"

"Do you have a crush?" It was slightly unlike Todoroki to ask a question like that but nobody actually minded.

"I d-don't like a-anyone I guess. Ha... W-well then. Hito, tr-truth or dare."

"Dare. You're pretty light on those." Midoriya smiled devilishly, plotting his brother's demise.

"Oh~ are y-you sure a-about that? If so, g-go play seven m-minutes in Heaven with K-Kaminari. But, m-make it ten minutes i-instead I suppose. M-Momo, you got a p-place they can go?" Kaminari was ecstatic about this, unlike Shinso. "K-Kaminari, do w-whatever you want~"

Shinso's face held an unknown expression, middle finger up.

"Follow me love birds!" The girls screeched with delight as they planned to eavesdrop on the two. Midoriya couldn't stop laughing as he was laying on his back. With a forceful shove, they were put into the hallway closet which was very spacious and somehow homey.

Mina, Tooru, Momo, Sero, and Midoriya all listened in. During this time Iida was in the bathroom, he had gotten lost on the way back.

"What are you five doing?" He asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

"Shinso and Kaminari were dared to play seven minutes in Heaven!" Mina chirped checking the timer. "They've been in there for fifty seconds."

"This should be stopped! We are not old enough to play such games!" He tried to open the door but a One For All charged greenete was NOT going to spare his brother.

"N-nope. Hito b-bullied me last ni-night so this is his p-punishment." Iida knew it was going to happen no matter what he tried so he headed back to the circle and got filled in on what had happened.

With their ears pressed on the door, they waited to hear a noise. They got what they wished for, and it was beautiful blackmail for Midoriya.

"A-ah, Hitoshi~" Mina and Momo screamed while Midoriya gagged quite loudly. They heard that quite a few times along with various other noises as the ten minutes passed by.

Attempting to catch them doing something, Midoriya didn't knock or call out to them. He opened the door to find Shinso pinning Kaminari to the floor with visible love bites. Kaminari had a deep red blush but the most disturbing thing was the hand that was up Kaminaris yellow and black shirt.

Shinso fell back embarrassed along with his very hormonal and flustered boyfriend.

"BLACKMAIL FOR DAYS! Midoriya squealed with the karma of a harsh cough and some blood. "C-crap." He took a tissue from a table and wiped the blood off throwing it in the wicker trash can. "G-gross, but b-blackmail."

The two embarrassed almost non-v*rgins crept out and sat down, with the occasional howl of Mina who kept looking at the h*ckies on Kaminari and dying of laughter.

"W-well. Mina, truth, or dare." Shinso said, devising a plan to shame the pink girl.

"Dare! I ain't no p*ssy!" She stood up throwing her arms in the air.

"Give me your phone." That wavered Minas happy go lucky attitude as she warily unlocked her phone. "Momo, do you have something that can project her screen onto the wall?" Quickly, Momo made a projector that had something to hook her phone up with. "Only 700 photos. Hm. We'll be looking through them all.

"Sh*t," Mina said.

Iida was not too fond of the idea and went off somewhere as to not invade Mina's privacy.

Clicking onto her photos, they started to go through them. (Due to technical difficulties, the images are gone.)

"Dang Mina, are you an Instagram model?!" Kaminari yelled out as they were barely even a quarter through.

"Yeah! And a meme lord too-" She called out bursting into laughter annoying Shinso that much more. She slightly recollected herself as they went through, occasionally whispering something to Kaminari.

As they neared the end the lights flickered and turned off, stopping the slideshow of photos.

"Awww." Said the few people who were enjoying it. A butler came out and addressed Momo, clearing her throat before talking.

"I'm very sorry but something seems to be wrong with our generator so we'll have to wait for the power to come back on. We will be bringing out lanterns and candles if you wish so."

"Thank you, Kimura!" The butler snapped her fingers creating ten clones, all rushing off to another room. With their phone flashlights on they waited for a couple of minutes before Kimura returned.

Some were battery-powered but the candles obviously weren't. Before Kimura went to retrieve a lighter, Todoroki stepped up with a blaze of fire lighting them all at once with grace and delicacy.

That stunt may or may not have been to impress a certain greenete.

"O-okay, back to t-truth or dare?" Midoriya said as he sat back down. "L-let's stop torturing M-Mina and let so-someone else go."

"Thanks! Hmm, Tooru! Truth or dare!"

"Truth. I don't want anything bad to happen to me." She sighed and gave out a soft giggle as Mina contemplated a good question.

"Okay! If you had to marry someone in this room who would it be?" Mina snickered, laying back, obviously satisfied with her question.

"I- if it had to be someone...I don't really have anyone in mind, b-but Ojiro I guess?" She shyly looked down, (nobody noticed though). Ojiro turned into a tomato as Tooru changed the subject. "Momo! Truth or dare!"

"Oh, dare I guess? I'm not really sure." With a nervous laugh, Tooru gave herself a minute to think to talk with Mina in low tones.

"Eat a bite of a sandwich that everyone picks one ingredient for!" She sounded an evil cackle standing up. Iida decided to go to sleep as he was completely done with everyone's antics.

Everyone was led to the kitchen each deciding what to add.

"Okay, pick my poison," Momo said with hesitance.

Soon the sandwich was made of bread, sugar, cooked chicken bites, pepper, lettuce, mustard, vanilla extract, cinnamon, broccoli, depression, Lucky Charms, chocolate, ghost peppers, caramel, sprinkles, cookie crumbs, and finally, a piece of toast in the center.

Momo attempted to run but was unsuccessful, to say the least. She was force-fed the sandwich as she was taped to the wall, almost dying at the taste and given something to drink immediately.

"O-okay everyone," Momo said as they regained themselves and went back to the living room. "Uraraka, truth or dare."

"Dare! Don't kill me please..."

"I already have something in mind! Kiss your crush!" Momo pounced excitedly as Tokoyami and Satou went off to the other side of the room to sleep in the heaps of pillows and blankets.

"C-can I skip?" Uraraka didn't want to have to confess now, but it was her only chance. Well, it wasn't her choice if you think about it with better wording. Momo shook her head glancing around the room to see who the brunette would go to. "M-Midoriya?"

"Ah, yes?" He wasn't paying the best attention at the time and was talking with Shinso and Kaminari. "What's your dare?"

"I have to kiss my crush." She leaned forward and kissed him, but Midoriya smacked her in the cheek. Gently. Ish. He was surprised so don't roast him in the comments. With wide eyes, Midoriya ran off Shinso in tow.

"W-what just ha-happened?" Mina said, astounded by his actions. Uraraka was tearing up, not from the pain as it was more of a love-tap than a slap, and crawled to the other girls who hugged her.

On the other hand, Midoriya had scrambled to the bathroom locking himself in shaking in confusion and terror.

"N-no no n-no no!" He said yelling at himself in the mirror. While very few knew of his sickness, only doctors and family knew of his impending death. "W-why of all pe-people me..."

"Zuku, let me in please."

"I-I'm fine." Basically jinxing himself a cough rang out and someone falling to the tile ground was audible from the not so distant living room.

"Zuku!" Shinso busted down the door as others ran to their assistance including Kimura with clones in tow.

"Do I need to call 911?" She asked Shinso with her calm and soothing voice.

"No, this is normal. Just get him some water please and thank you." Shinso moved a towel underneath where the blood was going so none stained the pure white flooring. Ugly coughs and ragged breaths echoed throughout the extensive mansion, waking some of the other butlers who rushed over immediately.

Kimura explained the situation and the trio of butlers ran off in split directions to get what they needed.

Shinso rubbed his brothers back the way he saw his father do it as the world seemed to slow. Swaying on his knees Midoriya fell over, out of breath, and passed out.

"Sh*t!" Shinso said, taking a pulse. Realizing he was still alive, Shinso calmed down carrying his brother to the bed he previously made. He set him down as the butlers ran in with a cold towel, water, and medicine. "Thanks but he passed out."

"Sorry to intrude on your privacy but this is normal?" Kimura questioned the purplette.

"He has a terminal illness that he does take medicine for, but his emotions affect it too." He whispered as Kimura nodded, setting the supplies on the small coffee table Momo created and exiting. "He's fine guys." Shinso spoke as he walked into the living room.

"We should all go to sleep!" Iida chimed in groggily making hand motions as he had woken up from the racket.

"Y-yeah. H-hey Shinso? C-can we talk?" Uraraka asked, pulling him aside. "D-do you know wh-what happened?" She hiccuped.

"I'm sorry I don't know." Shinso lied, "You should ask him when he wakes up tomorrow. Trust me, he doesn't hate you. You two just need to talk." Uraraka nodded, again hiccuping and crawling onto the couch. Being the sweet gals they are, Tsu moved Uraraka and the six girls laid together, cuddling Uraraka to comfort her. Tsu was the big spoon of the cuddle and radiated slight heat making the hiccuping brunette fall asleep quickly with comfort and with odd peace.


Midoriya awoke with a sore throat, seeing Shinso playing games on his phone.

"M-mornin'" Midoriya whispered with his hoarse voice.

"Take some medicine and talk to Uraraka, they're all in the kitchen eating pancakes."

"O-okay." Midoriya didn't question why he wasn't eating until he noticed a yellow tuft of hair underneath a blanket in his lap. Before departing he stealthily took a photo and shoved his phone into the pocket of his pants. "Morning everyone." He said walking in and getting the evil eye.

"Midoriya?" Uraraka questioned as a tear fell down his cheek. He stood in front of the table as he got everyone's attention.

"S-sooner or later you'll all fi-find out. You know I cough blo-blood , right? Well, it's not from my q-quirk. It's from a t-terminal il-illness." With gasps of surprise and a few more tears from himself he continued. "As you might l-look me up, you'll fi-find out why I have the ill-illness." Bakugo noticeably stiffened in his chair. "I- I attempted su-suicide. I w-won't live v-very long so I don-don't date. I'm s-sorry Uraraka."

All but one of them ran and hugged him, enveloping the hiccuping and crying kid. The lively and cheerful Midoriya has a terrible past. Who would've guessed?

Bakugo stayed seated, astonished by the news. He didn't know that it was his fault his friend won't live long. I mean, he was the reason Midoriya attempted in the first place. He caused the string of events, his attempted suicide, the medical bills, the fake smiles, he was the reason Midoriya was an orphan.

With no words the blonde stormed off and left, his whole body shaking hysterically.

Midoriya too was crying, along with a few others that were in the group hug. No one knew how to comfort him well, so they stayed like that for a while. School just wouldn't be the same.

2261 words... *wipes sweat for brow*
sPeEd TyPiNg

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