Day Full of "Fun"
I woke up from the sunshine streaming through the window. I tried to get up, but was pulled back down by two strong arms. I did my best to turn and face him with out waking him.
One of my arms were draped over one of his while my other hand was on his face.
Harry looked like a perfect angel in his sleep. His curls were covering his eyes as little snores escaped his parted lips. His right cheek was pressed to my chest, just over my heart and our legs intertwined under the sheets.
I carefully moved the hair out of his eyes as they fluttered open. I was now face to face with the most gorgeous green eyes.
"Morning, love." Harry said in his sexy morning voice that made my heart skip a beat.
"Good morning, babe." I kissed his forehead then rested my head on his. "Do you want any breakfast?"
"No thank you." He closed his eyes again and placed his face in the crook of my neck, then pulled my body closer to his.
"Harry, you're going to have to get up some time." I said as ran my fingers through his moring hair, or sex hair as he calls it.
"I know. But not right now." He placed a kiss on my neck.
For a few more minutes we laid there like that. Until my phone vibrated on the bed side table. It was from Danielle.
fromDani<3:where r u? we r waiting with ur breakfast. if u don't hurry Ni will eat all of it! lol
toDani<3:ok srry Hazfeltlikesleepingn. weareonourway,andPLEASEkeepourfoodAWAYfromNiall!!
"Harry, time to get up! The others are waiting for us with breakfest. Hurry up babe!" I slid out of his arms and pulled up some old plad pajama pants. I didn't bother with a top, because I was still wearing my tank top.
He let out a groan.
"But I dont want to!" He turned over on his stomach and stuffed his face in to the pillows.
I quickly pulled my hair in to a high pony tail washed my face from last nights make-up.
When I walked out of the wash room Harry was still in bed, so I did something that I knew would work.
"Now! You lazy ass!" I walked by the bed and slapped his bum.
"Ouch!" He shot up and rubbed his back side. "I may be lazy, but you have to admit that I am a sexy ass." He smiled at me.
"What ever floats you boat." I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips. I, then, walked over and grabbed a shirt of his and threw it at him. "There. Put it on and hurry up." I crossed my arms over my chest.
Harry quickly slipped his shirt on and ran out the door with my hand in his.
We walked in the room with the smell of oatmeal, eggs, pancakes, bacon and tea.
"Morning sleepy heads." Dani smiled at me from her place next to Liam.
"Oh, please. I've been up for about forty-five minutes. Harry, here is the sleepy head." I said ruffeling his hair while he just smiled.
We fixed our plates and bowls then took our seats in-between Mady and Zayn. Mady was to my right and then Niall, Danielle, Liam, Louis, Eleanor, Perrie then Zayn to Harry's left.
"So how was everyone's sleep?" Perrie asked the table.
"It was pretty nice." Niall said then looked towards Mady who was smiling back.
"Yup! Pretty good." Louis said as he streached his arm around El's shoulders. I dont know if any one else saw, but it looked like Eleanor was slightly blushing.
"I can tell." Zayn said as he sent Louis a questioning look.
"Um, yeah. El, you something right there." I said and pointed just below my ear to show her where it was.
"Oh god!" she covered her face with her hands. Then his hand disappeared to where we couldn't see it. Suddenly,Eleanor let out a groan/ whimper under the table.
"Louis William Tomlinson! Not in public mister!" Harry said with a straight face, which quickly broke out in to a cheeky grin.
"Like you havent before Styles!?" Liam chimmed in.
"No I have not!"
"This is too much PDA!" Niall shouted then brought his hands up to cover his face.
Eleanor's head shot up in my direction, "I'm surprised you dont have one or more!" Now she was pointing her finger at Harry.
"Well," He paused to look at me and then back to her, "I tried." he shrugged his shoulders and placed his arm around me. I simply just rolled my eyes as he kissed the top of my head.
After breakfest, since the weather took a sudden turn for the best, we all decided to go down to the bordwalk.
When we got there we all went in our own ways. Some went to games, some went to food, and some went to rides.
"So whats up first?" Harry asked.
"What ever you want."
"Let's just get the rides over with." He smiled, then grabbed my hand and led me to the farris wheel.
It was finally our turn.
Once we were seated Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulders with my head on his shoulder.
"This is nice." Harry said giving my head a quick kiss.
"Yeah." I said as my hand played with his long fingers on his other hand.
We were so close to the top. We could already see the big city on one side and the beach and ocean on the other. I pulled out my camera to take a picture of the scene, and then take a picture of Harry and me.
"Wow." Harry whisperd beside me.
I looked up and it was just beautiful.
"This view is amazing." I said, then I turned to Harry, only to find him already staring at me.
"I agree. This view is pretty amazing." He said looking into my eyes the whole time.
I simply laughed and pulled his face to mine for a kiss.
Mady's POV:
"Steprightuppeople!Knockallfivefacesdownandwinthegrandprize!!"Theboothpersonlookedatusandsmiled. "Areyoutwoupforthechallenge?"
"Ok!"Theguysaid. Hetookourmoneyandpressedabuttontostartthegame. Immediatelythealienfacesstartedtomove.
Niallhadawuffleballinhishandstryingtoconcentrate. Hethrewthefirstballandmissed. Fourmoretogo. Hethrewthenextoneandmissed.
Ithrewtheballandafacefell. Onedownfourmoretogo.
IturnedtoNiallandstuckmytoungeoutathim. Hejustcrossedhisarmsoverhischestandglaredatme.
"ThanksNiall. Nowletmedown."Isaidlaughing
Eleanor POV:
"Hop on." Louis said.
I looked down at my boyfriend on his knees.
"Are u sure?"
"Babe, trust me." He said smiling
"Someone told me NEVER to trust you." I laughed
He stood up and faced me with a pouty expression on his face.
"And who was this idiot that told you that?" He crossed his arms.
I felt a blush coming on, so I just smiled and looked at the ground like it was interesting.
Louis grabbed my face and made me look at him in the eye.
"Babe. Tell me." He said.
"Harry." I smiled.
His face just fell. It was priceless. His arms dropped to his side. Honestly it looked like he was about to cry, so I threw my arms around his neck and sprinkled kisses all over his face.
"No matter what Haz says I will ALWAYS trust you." I said.
He pinched my cheek and smiled, "Thanks love." and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Then he crouched back down.
"Now, hop on." He laughed
I smiled and quickly climbed on his shoulders.
He slowly stood up and I put my hands in his hair and started to play with it.
"Now, where shall we go from here?" He pat my shins. I could tell he had a smile on his face.
"I don't know." I smiled and pat his head.
"Well then." He said and started walking to God knows where.
"Tea cups!!" I laughed as we walked past all the little spinning cups.
"Spinning like idiots it is." He laughed and walked to the line.
When we got to the front of the line he crouched down again to let me off.
"Cup for two." He smiled at the old chubby worker. His name tag said 'Jeff'. So, I guess his name is Jeff
"Get in." Jeff said with no expression on his face or in his voice. Well he is excided today now isn't he.
Louis grabbed my hand and dragged me to a yellow cup with pink and blue flowers all around it.
He opened the door for me and jumped in right after me. We sat there laughing about nothing waiting for Jeff to come and check all the small doors. Suddenly we started moving. We spun the wheel faster and faster. My head fell back from laughing so hard and I stopped spinning because my arms started to hurt.
I put my hands on the wheel again and started spinning. Louis was laughing like a mad man, until, to our surprise, my sunglasses went flying off my head and struck Lou right in the eye.
"Damn it!" He yelled.
I tried my best to scoot over to him, because of how fast we were going it as kind of hard.
"Are you okay sweetie?" I asked trying not to laugh.
He looked up at me, holding his right eye. "Stupid shades." he said and picked them up and put them in my shirt.
I laughed as the ride slowly came to a stop. Louis climbed out, still holding his eye, and helped me out.
I put my arm around his waist to help steer him and he put his arm around my shoulders.
"If you let me run into something, you will regret it." Louis said looking at me.
"I would never." I laughed and stood on my tip toes and peaked is cheek.
We were laughing and talking while walking back to the food court.
Liam and I walked around until we found something that caught our eye.
"Li lets ride that!"I squeezed his hand and pointed to a rollercoaster that did nothing but twist,turns and upsidedowns.
"You sure?"He looked down at me with a questioning look.
Icouldn'thelpbutscreammyheadoff,butLiamwashavingthetimeofhislife!OnceIfoundthecouragetoopenmyeyes,itwasamazing. WeweretwistingandturningandnextthingIknowwewereonthethirdloop!I'mgladIdecidedtobraidmyhair,soitwasn'tinmyface. Thenwewentupahillandstopped. IlookedoveratLiamandwejustlaughed. WhenIlookedstraightInoticeditwasadeadend. IlookedatLiamtoseehisreaction. Hislaughterslowlydieddownandnoticedthedeadendtoo. Hiseyesgrewalittlebiggerandhetookinashakybreath. Weslowlystartedslidingbackwards. IgrabbedLiam'shandandgaveitareassuringsqueeze(knowinghehatedthesekindsofrides),andhegavemeasmile(believeme,itwasn'thisbestsmile). Thenweshotoff,backwards. ThistimeLiamwastheonescreaminglikealittlegirl,whilesqueezingmyhandsotightIthoughtIwouldlosefeelinginit.
Inablinkofaneyetheridewasover. Evenafterwecametoacompletestop,Liam'sgriponmyhandhadn'tloosenedandhiseyeswerestillclosed.
"I'msorry,Ididn'tknowitwoulddothat. Honestly,orwewouldn'thavegoneonit."Ilookedupathim.
Perrie's POV:
"Zayn, where are we going?" I asked my boyfriend for like the hundreth time. Ever since we split from the group Zayn dragged me behind him at a fast pace trying to find something. He wouldn't tell me what he was looking for though, so I couldn't help.
"You'll see soon enough." that was all he answered, that was the only response I had gotten from him.
"I see it!"
He tightened his grip on my hand and hauled me to a small covered area with a sign on the out side that read "Bumper cars".
"This is going to be fun." I smiled over at him. He smiled back and gently placed a kiss on my cheek.
As soon as he got past the gates, Zayn dashed to a near by red car and rushed off in the other direction to a blue one. Once I was in my car I looked over at Zayn, He was giving me an evil smirk and wiggled his eyebrows. I just smirked squinting my eyes and shakeing my head.
Then a voice come on from the speakers.
We were off. I sped off, well as fast as I could with one of these things can go, and doged as many cars as I could. I looked for Zayn but couldn't see him, suddenly someone rammed in to my car from the back. I turned around, pretty startled, to find a proudly smileing Zayn. Personaly he looked like a five year old who was grinning as wide as he could to get out of trouble.
"You're going to pay Malik!" I said.
"Well then, come and get me Edwards." He smiled and zoomed off ahead of me.
I laughed to my self and went off after him. I saw him start to slow down and look around, right, left, front, back. I slammed on the pedle and right as he looked to his left, I crashed into him.
Suddenly every car came to an abrupet stop.
"Ha. Ha." I smiled at him.
"Very funny." He said with a poker face that soon broke out in to a smile.
We both hopped out of our cars and exited back through the gate.
When we were out side, Zayn stopped ans stepped infront of me takeing hold of both of my hands.
"Have I told you how much I love you?" He asked.
"Yes." I laughed.
"Well then, I'll say it again. I love you so so soooooo much. No words can discribe it." He smiled.
"I love you too." I blushed.
Out of nowhere he attacked my face with kisses. That had me laughing so hard I was crying. I could have sworn I heard a couple walk by and say, " Why can't we be like that?" "Because, well, I just don't want to."
Zayn slowly backed away and took hold of my hand once again as we headed to the food court.
Leah POV:
It was already pretty dark when Harry and I arrived at the food court. Slowly the others started to meet up with us at well.
I was sat on a table with Harry inbetween my legs. His hands were on the small of my back with his long arms on my thighs.
"Tonight was amazing." He smiled up at me.
"Yeah. Its been incredible." I laughed as i ran my hands through his hair.
"Hey yo love birds!" Louis yelled as he ran up and jumped up on the table right next to me.
"Hey Louis." Harry smiled at him.
"Hey guys, what all did ya'll do?" I aked Louis and Eleanor.
"Oh you know, not much." El responded.
"Oh, ok." I nodded and winked at her.
"NO! W-what? No never! well, never in public." Eleanor argued.
"What ever you say." I laugh.
"Hey people." Mady said as her she skipped over pulling Niall with her.
"Hey girl." I said as Niall wrapped his arms around her waist with his chin on her shoulder.
"Hey lads. How's it going?" Liam, Danielle, Perrie, a Zayn walked over.
"Are ya'll hungry?" Niall asked
We all had a little laugh at that one.
"I guess we could eat." Harry said.
I could feel his fingers slightly nudgeing my shirt up and drawing small circles in on my skin. I shuddered alittle bit, no one else saw but Harry did. He looked up and just smiled at me. I sighed and just rolled my eyes as he helped me off the table and led the roup up to the window to order.
"What does everyone want?" Harry asked.
"We want a funnel cake, frito pie and a giant corndog." Niall spoke up.
"two hot dogs and a carmal apple" Louis chirped in.
"Frito pie and funnel cake." Liam responded.
"carmal apple and corndog and a hot dog." Zayn added.
"What do you want?" Harry asked looking down at me.
"I'll just take a corndog." I smiled.
"Ok. Can we have three funnel cakes, two frito pies, three giant corndogs, two hot dogs, two carmal apples, and a nacho." Harry rapped up the order and all the guys pasted their money up.
After we got our food and gobbled it down, we decided it was late and that we should head back.
The whole ride home was full of laughs, and farts and burps from Niall.
I layed my head against the seat and looked out the window.
"You tierd?" Harry's voice startled me.
"Yeah a little bit." I smiled lazily.
He chuckled, "Go to sleep babe." He said.
So I did as he said, I closed my eyes.With in seconds my world went in to darkness.
A/N I know this is REALLY long but it took forever to write it (3356 words). Thanks for reading I hope you like it. Please VOTE and COMMENT your thoughts.
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