
Today was my first appointment at the doctors. Wow, I can't believe I'm already six weeks. Harry showed me all the pictures, and I can't believe how much I have grown in such a small amount of time.

"Leah, you ready?" Harry asked as he walked out of the bathroom. I nodded my head as I closed out of Tumblr and slipped my phone in my pocket.

"Yeah." I smiled and walked out of the room with Harry following behind me, "Are we still picking up Louis and Mady?" I asked as I shrugged on my jacket and Toms.

Harry checked my phone and nodded before grabbing the car keys, "Yeah, Gemma and Mum will drive them selves." He grabbed my hand and led me out the door, down the drive way, and helped me into the car.

We drove down the road towards Louis house. The door was open with Mady waiting in the door way, well she seemed more anxious than the rest of us.

"Hey guys!" She smiled as she climbed in the back seat, "Louis should be on his way." I looked back towards the house, and there was Louis locking the door before skipping down the steps.

"Hey Haz." He slapped a hand on Harry's shoulder, "Hey Le." He pat my head in a playful way before he settled back into the seat.

"So how are you two doing?" I laughed.

"Great." I looked in the mirror and saw Louis wink at Mady, who was blushing hard.

"Well, that's just great." I said in a sarcastic tone. Harry chucked along with Louis.

"So what are we doing after the doctors?" Mady asked leaning forward and wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"Well, since we already decided on the colors for the room, we might can swing by that store and pick up the bed and everything." I suggested and looked over at Harry, he nodded. We would have brought it home when we first bought it, but there wasn't enough room in the car and I wanted the boys to help load and unload.

"Fine by me." Louis agreed.

"So you already know the colors?" Mady gawked.

I smiled triumpetly, "Yup."


I met up with Gemma and Anne for coffee this morning, after they called my at 7, to discuss the room. Where the furniture was to be placed, the colors depending on if it was a boy or a girl, all that kind of fun stuff.

I was sat on in a green iron chair on the patio of a nearby cafe. Harry had a surprise visit from the boys so I told him I would let him have some guy time while I had this meeting with his family. He reluctantly agreed. Avery had called my too and said her and the others were going to get their nails done if I wanted to meet them there and of course I didn't hesitate to tell them yes.

I looked up from my phone just in time to see Anne, in her white pants and blue blouse, walk up to me with Gemma, who was showing off her old over size gray sweater with black leggings.

"Hello sweetie." Anne greeted me as she took a seat across from me, Gemma occupying the seat beside me.

"Ok," Gemma said popping her knuckles, "Let's get down to business."

I put my hand to my head as if to salute, "aye aye captain." I laughed.

"Well, we brought some sample sheets that we thought might be a good base color for a girl or boy." Gemma pulled out a few sample sheets from her bag, and Anne pulled out a pad of paper and a pen.

"We were thinking more of a yellow, gray, or brown." Gemma showed me the brown sheet first.

"If you want a lighter color, I would go for the Oklahoma wheat or the Peanut shell." Anne reached across the table and pointed to the colors, "If you want darker, Java or Fawn Brown."

I couldn't help but scoff, "Sorry, but not brown." I looked between the two.

"Why not?"

"When I think brown, I think poop." I said in a serious tone, but all they did was bust out laughing. "And I do not want my child to sleep in a room the same color as their crap."

"Ok then," Anne tried to catch her breath, "Moving on." Gemma flipped to the next sheet. "Yellow?"

"I personally like Vibrant, Daffodil Yellow, Moonlit Yellow, and if your feeling daring, Marigold." Gemma pointed to the colors as she recited their names. I nodded along.

"They're nice, but it might just be too bright. Especially if the sun is out I don't want you to walk in and instantly be blinded." I said.

"Good point." Gemma then flipped to the third page, "How about gray?"

I looked over the sheet eyeing all the shades closely. I didn't really fancy and of the darker ones, so I went for the lighter shade.

"I like Smoky Candle...oh! or Seal beach." I pointed to the two. Gemma nodded and circled them in a red sharpie, "So either of those will do." they both nodded.

"Now, if it is a girl, what color would you want?" Anne asked.

"Well, I think pink is just too traditional, so probably a purple." She nodded and wrote something down, "But not a dark purple, more of a light lavender."

"And what about a boy?" Gemma nudged my shoulder smiling. I smiled back.

"Again, I think blue is too common of a color for a boy, so I guess a green. Again a light green, not a dark one." Anne jotted down a few notes before looking back up at me.

"Any specific details or art work?"

I shook my head, "No, we will leave that up to you guys." I smiled.

"Are you sure?" Gemma asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sure."

"Oh, this will be fun." She smiled rubbing her hands together with a devilish grin on her face.


"I still can't believe you told my mum and sister to just do what ever they want." Harry smiled shaking his head.

"I didn't tell them to do whatever they wanted." I defended. Harry just mumbled something before turning into the parking lot of the Doctors. He parked by a small silver car, which Anne and Gemma emerged from only seconds later.

"Hey buddies." Gemma said as she attempted to get Harry in a head lock. He dodged it, but captured her head instead.

"Nice try Gem." He let her go and she just shrugged as she smoothed down her hair again.

"Shall we go in?" Mady asked. I took  deep breath and nodded. Louis Grabbed Mady's hand and led her to the doors of the office. Anne and Gemma followed right behind them.

I felt Harry's hand run down the length of my arm and then tangled our fingers together. I looked up at him and he gave me a reassuring smile then he kissed my nose. He started walking after the others pulling me behind him.

Harry held the door open for me ushering me in. I let go of his hand to walk up to the window and sign in.

"Hello, what's the name?" the nurse behind the counter asked me.

"Alleah Anderson." I said.

"Okay, thank you. You can take a seat, the doctor will be with you as soon as he can." She dismissed me so I went to take the seat next to Harry and Mady. I slipped my bag off my shoulder, setting it in my lap and picking at my nails. I hadn't even noticed my hands were shaking till Harry placed his over mine.

"Leah, are you okay?" I looked over at him and he looked genuinely concerned. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded.

"Yeah, I don't know why I'm this nervous anyway." I forced a laugh.

"It's understandable." Harry said. I really can't explain how thankful I am for him, he might just be the only guy to keep me sane during an insane situation.

"Don't worry Le, I'm sure everything is going to be fine." Mady smiled and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Thanks Mady." I smiled. She leaned over and kissed my cheek. I honestly don't know what I would do with out her, she isn't just my friend she is my sister.

"Alleah Anderson?" a lady walked through the door way with a clip board in hand. I slipped my purse on my shoulder and stood up, holding a deadly grip on Harry's hand. I walked to the woman and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

The lady led us into a room with two chairs and a table across from a monitor screen. 

"The doctor will be in soon." the nurse smiled and exited the room. No one said a word the whole five minutes while we waited for the doctor.

"Well, hello!" an elderly man walked through the door with a big smile. We smiled back as he took a seat on the rolling chair.

"How are we doing today?"

"Good." I said.

"Good. I'm guessing this check up is to see who the little bun-in-the-oven is doing?" He said smiling again, showing of his crooked teeth. This doctor is weird.

"Yes sir."

"Well, then  lets get right on that." He instructed me to roll my shirt up so he could squirt the gel on and get this appointment over with.

"Okay, everything looks good so far..."He said staring at the screen rubbing the wand over my exposed mid section. "Do you want to hear the heart beat?" He asked looking over to us. It didn't even take a second before Harry answered.

"Yes." The doctor reached over and flicked a button and suddenly a loud thumping sound filled the room.




Our baby's heart beat. I could feel the tears start to sting my eyes.

"That is a strong-" The doctor stopped mid sentence. He moved the wand around and now the heart beat sounded different.




I started to panic, "What's wrong?"

He didn't answer.

"Doc, what's wrong?" Harry asked

"Well..." He paused again and squinted his eyes as if to get a better view of the screen.

"It looks likes twins."

((Ok, I'm crying! did any of you expect that?" [1788 words]

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