I Get to Enslave My Friends
I was sitting at the dining pavilion, at the big three table, which meant Jason, Nico, Hazel and I. Thalia obviously disowned her dad a few years ago so she's at Artemis' table.
Dam PineCone face.
The avengers got to sit at any table they wanted, not like the Gods could do schist. I mean, they could, but the avengers just helped save everyone so...
Jason stopped eating his food and looked me dead in the eye, "so, what's gonna happen now?"
I sighed and stopped eating my blue pancake that was doused in syrup, "I don't know. I want everything to be how it is now, but.. I know that's not as easy.."
Nico stood up and brought his plate over to the fire.
"What're you doing Neeks? Didn't you already sacrifice food?" Jason asked.
Nico nodded, "It'll only take minute."
"What are you talking about?" I asked, eating a bite of my pancake.
"Just shut up and let me do this!"
I sighed, "Alright, Alright."
Nico threw his remaining food into the fire and mumbled something, I noticed Hestia look up at him in curiosity.
Nico walked back, "Alright I'm back."
"You need to eat," Jason stated, "don't make me get Will over here."
"Oh Gods please don-"
"Already here!" Will shoved a piece of steak into Nico's mouth, "and under doctor's orders, you need some protein."
Nico groaned, "C'mon doc, I'm not hungry after that whole battle."
Hazel giggled, "There's steak juice dripping down your chin." She grabbed a napkin and wiped his chin.
"Love from both your sister and boyfriend, look at you, Mr. Popular." Jason snickered.
"Now Nico, I know you love skeletons but becoming one is a bit too much, so let's eat or I'm gonna have to put you on a feeding tube." Will chuckled.
"You can actually do that?" I asked.
Will shook his head, "not exactly, I know how to but we don't have the supplies for that."
"Oh." I looked over at the other tables, all filled with demigods distracting themselves from the pain they felt and the grief they faced.
I sighed, I wanted to avoid this sight. Maybe that's why I left after my friends died.
Okay yeah I know that was the reason, but now things have changed.
I was interrupted from my thoughts by a loud noise, a cloud of black smoke covered the outside of the dining pavilion.
After the smoke cleared, I saw the one God I really didn't want to see at this moment.
"Father, you received my message?" Nico asked.
"I have."
I ran in front of the god who was towering over us, "Hades, please don't take them back, after everything they've done!"
Hades frowned, "I cannot break the rules."
"But what about when you allowed Hazel to return from the underworld? Can't you do that again! She'd die too!" I clenched my fist.
"That time was not my doing, I merely pretended I saw nothing, if I show I'm aware then I'd have to do something. I can't just allow them to remain in the realm of the living."
"C'mon, these kids fought hard, can't you let them stay?!" Tony yelled at the god, who narrowed his eyes at Tony.
"A mortal? What is a mortal doing here?" Hades asked.
"He helped in the war, one of earths mightiest protectors. You may know of Thor and Loki?" I asked.
"I do know of them, why?"
"They're avengers, Well, Thor is, not Loki. That doesn't matter, they're over there!" I pointed to the two Norse gods who were staring at Hades while Thor ate a cookie.
"Oh, right.. Could you please allow these teenagers to remain in the world of the living?" Thor asked.
Loki just nodded.
Hades sighed, "as much as I want to I cannot, I must remain order in the underworld."
"Plea-" I started, but Annabeth put her hand on my shoulder.
"Percy, it's fine!" She smiled a small, sad smile, "just because we fought bravely and saved the world doesn't mean that we can automatically break the rules of the underworld and remain alive."
"I can't lose you, not again." I whispered.
A tear streamed down Annabeth's cheek, "I'll see you again one day, and it better be in like, one century or something."
Frank walked up to me, "She's right, we need to go back, it's not favorable but it's what has to be done. Not like it'll be a painful death."
"We trust that this time won't be as depressing as the last, after all, you've made some unique new friends." Piper pointed to the avengers.
I smiled and looked up at Hades, "Alright.."
Before I knew it, everyone was in this giant group hug, many tears were shed.
"Alright, everyone I revived step in front of me." Hades ordered.
I snuck in a last second kiss with Annabeth and watched as she walked to the god.
"Goodbye, please take care of yourselves." Jason smiled at everyone.
Everyone said their goodbyes, and a bright light consumed them. Surprisingly, Hades still stood there.
"Percy Jackson."
"Yes?" I asked.
"Have this." The god handed me my camp necklace, which was now filled with six new beads.
"What are these new beads for? And when did you get my necklace?" I questioned, staring at the new beads.
"Those are your friends. You dropped your necklace a while back, I found it and kept hold of it for this moment." Hades sighed, "Nico would be upset if I made his friends go away forever, and I suppose you'd be devastated as well. This was my plan since I first revived them."
"You made my friends into beads...?" I asked in horror.
"No, you can use them to summon your friends. They can help you in battles. As long as they are in Elysium a little bit, then it's fine. You can summon them all at once and they won't go back until you want them to, or they can send themselves back. Elysium will become a charging station of sorts for them."
I held onto the beads, a big smirk came across my face, "so I am the owner of my friends?"
I looked at each bead, the first one was gray with an owl emblem, "Annabeth..."
The second was blue with a lightning bolt, "Jason.."
The third was a multicolored one with a feather, "Piper."
The fourth was a gold one with a diamond, "Hazel.."
The fifth was a purple one with a bear, "Frank.."
The sixth one was orange with CHB on it, "what's this one for?"
"That one you can summon anyone you want, but it can only be used once a week."
I smiled, "Sweet."
"Now young hero, I must return to the underworld, do what you wish with that, please stay out of trouble. Oh, and goodbye Nico."
With that, Hades disappeared.
I turned around and looked at the avengers, "so, when are we going back to the tower?"
"Your gonna stay with us?" Steve asked.
I nodded, "I've had way too much fun with you guys to leave, and now I get to use my friends to help me fight so that'll be useful."
Nico and Leo walked up to us, "We'll join you guys, life at camp gets pretty boring, and since Rachel hasn't spat out any prophecy yet it's safe to say it'll be a while until our next adventure." Leo grinned.
I looked at Tony and the others, that cool with you guys?"
"They both proved they're capable, despite their age. We'll allow it." Steve grinned, "but let's keep the Greek demigod thing classified from the world."
Tony grinned, "You'll be able to help out with my inventions, maybe make your own suit."
Leo smirked, "we'll get along great."
I smiled and looked at my necklace.
This was the start of a new adventure, one that had no true purpose, and this time I'd get to bring my friends along with me.
Peter walked up to me, "glad things worked out for you and your friends."
"Yeah, thanks. Hey, sorry about calling you annoying chemistry kid a while back, that probably wasn't the nicest nickname I've had."
Peter chuckled, "it's fine." he rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the other avenger with a small grin on his face.
"I gotta go talk to the others, now that everything's calmed down I think it's time." I walked away from Peter and saw Bruce first. I stood in front of him and he looked up at me.
"Hey." I smiled, "sorry for giving you the nickname 'Dr Boring' you're not so boring in the end." I guess today is 'I'm sorry' Day, but if they're going to be my new comrades, I better know that they forgive me for being a jerk.
Bruce smiled, "then I'm sorry for everyone trying to kidnap you, I doubt they'll apologize."
I smiled and looked at the others, "they're a crazy group of people."
"Yeah, definitely."
I nodded and chose my next target, Clint.
He was cleaning his bow, and occasionally looking up at everyone.
"I barely saw you at all lately, forgot you were here." I Said to him, he looked up at me and set his bow down.
Clint laughed, "the avengers couldn't help much in the end besides taking down monsters, we let you guys take care of it."
"Good thinking, cant imagine what I'd do if any of you guys died fighting our battles."
Clint nodded, beginning to clean his bow again. I took that as my sign to talk to someone else.
There was something that had been on my mind, but forgotten about with the whole battle being my main priority.
I walked over to Loki, "Hey, I haven't seen the hallucination ghost things of my dead friends since we met. Was it your doing after all?"
Loki shook his head, "I believe that was Gaea trying to break your spirit further, I only did the other stuff."
"Oh.. I see. I need to go speak with Nat." I walked over to Natasha, "Hey, everything going all right?"
Nat smiled, "just fine. It's weird to see us all get along and not at each other's throats. I'm a way, you united us all. Before we all hated each other but we tolerated it because of our job, but you've helped us in a way I can't even understand."
I smiled, "it was nothing." She sighed and looked me in the eyes before looking at the others.
"You should go talk to Dr Strange and Tony, Leo wanted to meet Cap and abandoned them for a few minutes." She pointed at Dr Strange trying to cheer Tony up.
I smiled and walked to the pair, "you guys good?"
"Yeah, Tony's just upset that Cap keeps one-upping him."
"Ah. Anyways, Tony, you still have my suit?"
Tony perked up and smiled.
"Yeah, it's in your room of the tower, Pepper was upset when she thought you'd never wear it again. Better make sure to wear it, Alright?"
I nodded and looked at Dr Strange, "I don't think we've officially met?"
"No, good to meet you Percy." He held his hand out to me, which I accepted and shook.
"You too." I smiled, "so what's your story?"
He explained his adventures to me, eventually we moved to the campfire area and everyone got to share their stories and experiences.
And with that, everyone coexisted in harmony, blah blah blah, sappy stuff, blah blah blah, I refused to summon my friends until we got to the tower.
This was a dam good day.
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