But He Is Only A Kid??


"Avengers, I've discovered a very old file that recently was updated, and I decided we should finally bring it to our attention." Director Fury stated.

He handed a Manila folder to Steve. Tony shot him an annoyed look.


Target: Perseus Jackson
Age: 17
Date of Birth: August 18, xxxx (idk what year)
Notes: acts of terrorism since age 12, including blowing up buses, schools, and famous monuments such as St. Louis arch. Went missing for several months and was seen in Europe, such as Greece and Rome. Accompanied by several other teens. At age twelve was kidnapped and taken to California with two other kids, had a shoot off with suspected kidnapper. Not confirmed.

That's all she wrote." Steve read.

I couldn't believe it. An 17 year old?? No way. He's too young to have done any of that, and since age 12? Impossible!

"So how'll we go about this, capsicle?" Tony asked.

"We find him. And then we take him here to question him. Easy peasy." Steve said.

"Don't day that phrase again." Clint muttered.

"Okay. But how'll we find him?" I asked.

We all exchanged glances, and looked over to Fury.

"Well he lives in Queens. Search around there for awhile." Fury slid a picture of Perseus onto the table. "That'll help. He's usually seen around the cemetery or the beach. The picture is very outdated, from when he was twelve. We weren't able to get into his school records."

"That's great, we search around for a while not even knowing where the kid is. Great plan." Tony sassed.

"Well I could tell you where he lives. He doesn't spend much time there though." Fury sighed.

"Why didn't you give us that in the first place??" Natasha complained.

"As I said, he doesn't spend much time there. I guess it would have been useful information though." He gave us the address.

"Alright Aven—" Steve started.

"GERS, SUIT UP!" Tony interrupted.

"Why'd you interrupt me?" Steve complained.

"I'm the leader, aren't I?" Tony snarled.

Steve laughed. "If that helps you sleep at night." Steve headed to the elevator.

"What's that supposed to mean!?!?" Tony yelled. He ran after Steve.

Eventually, we started roaming the streets of Queens, looking around near the beach and cemetery.

We checked his apartment, but he wasn't there.

I was searching with Tony and Steve near the beach. We eventually ran into someone we knew.

"Mr Stark? Mr Banner? Mr Rogers?" Peter grinned. "What're you doing here? Did I miss a meeting?"

"Yeah, we're searching for someone. You can stay out of it, it's only a teenager." Tony explained.

"I want to help." Peter said.

"Fine. Go suit up." Tony sighed.

"You're gonna make a fifteen year old go after a seventeen year old with us?" Steve chuckled. "That'll be entertaining.

"At least Peter has potential and is not that weak. He might be useful, we don't know who we're dealing with." I sighed.

A few minutes later Spider Man came running up to us.

"Alright, who is he?" Peter asked.

"Perseus Jackson." Steve answered.

"Really??? Him?? Why??" Peter questioned.

"He's some sort of terrorist. You know him?" Tony inquired.

"Terrorist???? He went to my school last year, he was a Junior I think. He went missing very early into the year and no one saw him ever since."

"That's on his record. Apparently he was seen in Greece and Rome several months later with a bunch of other teens." I spoke.

"Woah. I never really knew him, I was only a freshman after all, but last year, everyone talked about him. His stepdad was the ninth grade English teacher, and whenever anyone asked he'd just look down and change the subject."

"Was?" I asked.

"He died apparently. I heard he and his wife were murdered or something."

I stared at Peter for a minute.

"Let's check the Cemetery." I suggested.

Not even letting them argue, I walked off.

When I got there, I saw Thor, Clint, and Natasha all hiding behind a shed, watching a black haired boy sit on a bench in front of several graves.

We ran up behind the shed and pretended we were mourning at one of the graves.

"Why didn't you tell us you found him?" Tony hissed at the three.

"We didn't want him to hear." Natasha muttered.

"How Long has he been there??" I asked.

"He was here when we got here. At least an hour." Clint said.

"Should we confront him?" Peter asked.

"When did Peter get here??" Natasha asked.

"About half an hour ago." I Said, looking at my watch.

I felt weird, everyone else was in costume but all I had was the other guy, and I didn't want to let him out until he was needed.

I peered behind the shed to where Percy was. He held a prescription bottle full of pills.

I don't know why my mind went to thinking he was about to kill himself, but it did.

Without thinking I ran over to him, gesturing for the others to stay hidden. I took the bottle from his hands and he looked up at me, his expression without emotion.

"It's about time one of you came out from behind that shed, I was starting to get bored." He sighed as he dug a hole in one of the graves, took the bottle from my hand, and placed the pill bottle in the hole. He then filled the hole with dirt.

I read the name on the grave. Annabeth Chase.

"What do you mean?"  I asked ignorantly.

"I mean, you and your friends were there for so long it was starting to get awkward. I was starting to think I'd have to confront you."

"How'd you know we were there?" Peter asked, walking up to us.

"I sensed you all. You guys can come out now. Four guys, one woman."

They all walked over to us hesitantly.

"Perseus-" Steve began.

"Percy." The kid corrected.

"Percy Jackson, we wanted to ask some questions. If you'd come with us, we promise we won't hurt you." Steve assured.

Percy laughed.

Then he glared up at us, and his glare creeped right into my soul, it beat Fury's glare easily.

I looked away.

"Why would I do that? And hurt me? Yeah, right."

"Looks like he's begging for the hard way." Tony chuckled.

"Look I'm not going with you. I'm trying to live an easy life here, you're not helping."

"Tasha." Steve sighed.

"On it."


A second chapter before I even have one view! I literally just posted chapter one sooo. That's expected.

Anyways I hope you're enjoying the story thus far!

Excuse any spelling and grammar mistakes! I'm not editing them yet, I will soon though.

I'm rushing to write these chapters, oops.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this!

The one and only,

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