
"Noorie!Noorie!" Asmau yelled out. She doesn't understand why the girl likes yelling.

"For Allah's sake can't I sleep properly without disturbance in this house?" Noorie ignored her and continue sleeping until She felt something cold on her body.

"Did you just pour cold water on me? What is your problem Asmau?" She asked, furiously. She jumped up from the bed only to see Asmau, Ya Fareed, Goggo and Kaka standing in her room. She was confused until they all shouted "Happy birthday" She totally forgot it is her birthday today.

A cute chocolate cake was placed on a table infront of her with a knife.

She thanked all of them for the little surprise. She loves her family a lot. They always try their best to make her happy. "I can't thank Allah enough for giving me such wonderful grandparents and cousins. I pray Allah shower His endless blessing on them" She prayed, but not loud enough for them to hear.

"Come make a wish and cut the cake" That was Goggo.

"Okay Goggo" She went forward to the table where the cake was placed and prayed that her relationship with her mother gets better this year

"What did you wish for?" Goggo asked.

"It between me and Allah, Goggo." She replied her, grinning.

"No problem. May Allah answer our prayers."

"Ameen" They all replied

"Thank you once again. I really appreciate. Thank you Ya fareed. Thank you so much. I love you all." Noorie said at the verge of tears.

"Stop crying my dear. That is enough." Goggo said and embraced her. "Freshen up and come downstairs for breakfast" She left the room with Kaka. While Ya Fareed and Asmau stayed back.

"So Noorie get ready by 4pm we will be going for shopping." Ya Fareed said, smilling.

"Awwn. Thank you so much ya Fareed."

"Yay!!" Asmau cheered

"Why are you so happy?" Noorie asked, staring at her. Noorie is the one going for shopping not her. So why is she so excited?

"Asmau why are you so happy? Afterall you aren't the one going for shopping" Ya Fareed asked.

"Haba Ya Fareed. You must take me along with you. What is shopping without Asmimi?" She asked with raised eyebrows

"No Asmau. You will stay at home and wait for us" Noorie said, glaring at her.

"She wants to follow us so that she will go there and start misbehaving. You are going no where" Ya Fareed added, shaking his head.

"Ya Fareed I promise you I will be calm. I won't misbehave. Please and please. Birthday girl please I want to tag along" She beseeched with a puppy face

"Okay fine, Me and the birthday girl will go and think about it" Ya Fareed said. He was purposely doing this to annoy Asmau.

"Ya Fareed know you are right. But Asmau you have to respect yourself today. We will keep a close watch on you. If you misbehave, just forget about going with us" Noorie was only teasing her. She can't go for shopping without her. She will end up coming back home with nothing.

"Thank you so much. I love you Noorie" She threw her arms around her. She was squeezing Noorie's body. She had to push her a little

"Sorry" She apologised. Noorie rolled her eyes at her.

"So Asmau you don't love me right? It is only Noorie you love. Okay no problem. I wonder whose car will take you to the shopping mall" Ya Fareed said with a sad face.

"My yaya! You know I love you so much and of course your car will take us there" She hugged him. Noorie wish She also has a brother or sister. She gets jealous of Asmau and Ya Fareed's relationship sometimes.

"You can all leave my room now. I want to take my bath" She had to send them away from her room because those two can be very funny. They don't get tired of their drama.

"Have a nice day" Ya Fareed gave her a smile and left the room. He is probably going to the office

"What of you? Aren't you leaving?" She asked Asmau. She didn't make any attempt to leave the room.

"I was about to leave Noorie"

"Please take the cake downstairs when you are leaving" Noorie said politely.

"Okay" She said and left the room with the cake.

"I love you so much" Noorie yelled and quickly closed the door. She doesn't want Asmau to hear her

"I hate you too" Asmimi giggled. Crazy girl

Ya Fareed and Asmau's mother who is Noorie's aunty died four years ago in a car accident with her husband, uncle Uzair. It was a fatal accident. It caused so much pain to everyone. They all went back to their normal lives after some time. Although, they can never forget them. They were very nice. She was like a mother to Noorie and her husband was like a father to her. They all love them, but Allah loves them more.

May their soul Rest In Peace. May Allah forgive them and re unite us all in janatul firduas, Ameen. They were living in Dubai before they died. So Asmau and Ya Fareed had to come back to Nigeria after their death.

Noorie sat down on the bed and thought about her mother. She has never wished her happy birthday before. She doesn't care about her daughter. Noorie doesn't understand why her mother hates her so much. She knows it has something to with her past but she doesn't know anything about it.

Noorie didn't know when she started crying thinking about her mother. She hates crying, but she can't help it. It isn't easy to be treated like trash by her mother. She got up from the bed and wipe away her tears. She should go and take her bath instead of crying about it. As it is, she is very hungry.

Noorie walked downstairs to see everyone on the dining table except Ya Fareed who has already gone to the office. She was about to sit when she heard her mum's voice.  "You should always come out early for breakfast. You aren't some princess we have to wait for before eating"

"I will take note of that" Noorie thought she wanted to wish ber happy birthday, but she was once again wrong. What does she expect from her?

"So what are we having for breakfast today?" Noorie asked, cheerfully like she is not bothered. Saratu, the maid opened the food warmers and everyone on the dinning table smiled, knowing they are about to eat a delicious meal. Goggo told Saratu to make Noorie's favorite for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Saratu made Cinnamon pancakes.

Noorie started eating after muttering bismillah.

"Alhamdulilah breakfast was so delicious. I don't think I can even stand up from this chair" Goggo shake her head, smiling at her granddaughter. Kaka got up immediately he finished eating. He was dressed in a suit.

"I have a meeting by 10am so I have to get going" He pecked Goggo on her cheeks. Have you ever seen old couples like them?

"Have a nice day, Noorie"

Noorie loves her grandparents relationship. After 45years of being married, their love never seem to fade. If anything, it gets stronger.

She made a silent dua for a husband like Kaka who will love her and support her always.

"Hauwa Mohamed Maigoro"


"Where the hell are you?" Hafsat barged into Noorie's room earning a glare from her. Her best friend is insane. Who shouts someone's name like that?

She is wearing a black abaya standing with hands akimbo infront of the bedroom door.

"Can't you greet?" She asked, staring at her.

Noorie rolled her eyes "Humans don't greet animals" She replied, sarcastically.

"So who is the animal between me and you?" She asked glaring at her

"You of course. You are a monkey and I am a human being" She replied, smilling.

"See this fool, I will spare you for today" She sat down very well on the bed "What are you doing"

"I was replying some messages on whatapp when I heard one monkey yelling" She replied her

"Who is the monkey?" She asked, pulling Noorie's ear.

"Ouch! Please stop it, Monkey. It is very painful!" She yelled out in pain.

She stopped pulling her ear and she glared at her. "Do you realize today is my special day? You aren't suppose to treat me like this"

"Sorry my dear bestie. You know I love you so much and I only disturb those who I love. I am sorry" She apologised.

"I hate you too" Noorie rolled her eyes "So why are you here?" Noorie asked. She honestly doesn't know what she is doing there

"Are you seriously asking me that? Today is my best friend's birthday. I am here to have fun"
She replied, excitedly.

"Okay" Noorie mumbled, but loud enough for her to hear.

"What is wrong with you, Noorie? Why are you behaving like this? I know something is wrong with you. You can hide your feelings from everyone except me. Come on talk to me" She shifted close to her on the bed.

"I am tired of everything. I am tired. I am just eighteen years and my life is so fucked up. I try my best to mend our relationship all the time, but all I get is hatred. Why is she treating me like this?" She asked, despite knowing Hafsat doesn't have a reply for her question.

"Don't cry my dear. I understand your pain. But you have to keep praying. With time everything will be okay. Today is your day. You wouldn't want to ruin it by crying and being sad" Hafsat sighed and continued "Look at me my dear. You are a very strong girl. I believe you can do this. You can always mend your relationship with her. You have been trying for the past 10years of your life. Don't get tired. You just have to keep trying and keep praying too. I am sure Allah will help you. Stop crying" She embraced her

"Thank you so much, Hafsat. You have always been there for me. I really appreciate. May Allah shower his blessings on you" She prayed

"Insha Allah everything will be fine" She prayed

"Lunch is ready. Goggo said I should call the both of you downstairs"

"We will come now" Noorie said, getting you from the bed. Asmau nodded and left her room.

"I am famished. I can't wait to eat" Hafsah quickly walk downstairs. Noorie shake her head and followed suit

"Good afternoon Aunty" Hafsah greeted Noorie's mum. She simply nodded and smiled at her.

They all sat at the dinning table waiting for lunch to be served. Saratu made spaghetti bolognese and hibiscus drink for lunch. That is one of Noorie's favorite.

Noorie was about to dig into her food when she heard her mum calling Saratu. Something is about to go wrong.

"What is this, Saratu? You know I am not a fan of spaghetti and this" she said pointing at the food "Why did you serve me when you clearly know I don't like eating spaghetti?" She got up from the dinning chair very angry "I am sick and tired of this nonsense. Simply because someone is having her birthday today we shouldn't eat normal food again. Only some stupid person's favorite" She hissed, shaking her head.

"Salma if you don't want the spaghetti, Saratu can always make something else for you. What is the meaning of using insultive words?" Goggo scolded

Noorie completely lost her appetite. Noorie doesn't understand why her own mother wouldn't like to see her happy atleast for once. She didn't care to wish her happy birthday and now she is trying her best to hurt her with her words. Why will she even chose to insult her in the presence of her friend? She felt someone's hand on her lap. She looked up and saw Asmau smiling at her. She was trying to tell her everything will be okay. Noorie responded with a small smile and started eating her food. She couldn't resist such delicacy.

"Saratu prepare something else for me and bring it up to my room" Salma ordered and stomped upstairs

"Okay ma" Saratu replied.

Salma is just a drama queen. Noorie doesn't know if she is just imagining things, but it is certain her mum hates her more whenever It is her birthday.

"There is a small dinner for you today"

Noorie doesn't need to ask who she was talking to because she knows it's her birthday and her beautiful grandma will always plan something for it.

"I can't wait" Noorie said, grinning from ear to ear

"I will go and freshen up" Noorie was very tired after the dinner. All she want to do is take her bath and have a good sleep. The dinner was quite fun, Alhamdulilah.

"Before you go, me and your grandfather wants to give you a little surprise" Goggo picked up the car key that was on the table and handed it over to her

"Goggo? This is a car key?" Noorie opened her mouth, staring at her grandparents. Did her grandparents buy a car for her? She quickly hugged Goggo and Kaka. "Thank you so much my lovely grandparents. I really love you both so much" She said at the verge of tears. These two people have done a lot of things for her. They treat her like she is their daughter.

"I can't believe this!"

Ya Allah please protect my grandparent from any evil. Noorie prayed silently

She ran outside to see her new car

"Benz!!!" She did a happy dance, grinning from ear to ear.

She opened the car and entered inside. Noorie can't believe this car belongs to her. Why didn't she notice it earlier when she escorted Hafsah outside? She pushed that thought aside and did a happy dance again. The car is painted red, Noorie's favorite colour. She went back inside to thank her grandparent again.

"Thank you so much my darling grandparents"

"You are not allowed to drive the car till you are done with your final exam dear" That was Goggo

"No problem Goggo. I have to go to a drivimg school. I don't know how to drive" Noorie replied her. Noorie has no idea why her grandparents decided to buy her a car, but she is very happy. They are doing so much just to see her happy and it is starting to scare her.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate all the things you have been doing for me for the past 18years of my life"

"Go and freshen up" Goggo said.

"Okay" She replied her and went upstairs to her room.

Even though she doesn't know her father and her mum hates her, her grand parent make sure it doesn't hurt that much. She is so thankfuk to Allah for giving her wonderful grandparents like them.

She entered her room and close the door behind her. She turned and saw a makeup kit on her bed. There is a note attached to it. It says 'I love you my cousin even though I am the most annoying person in your life. I still love you so much. Do not bother to thank me. Love from your annoying cousin, Asmimi'

Noorie quicky brought out her phone to text her and thank her for the gift. Ya Fareed called her earlier telling her he won't be able to take them for shopping today, but in sha Allah he will take them on Saturday. He had an urgent meeting by 4pm.

After taking her bath, she prayed for her family and friends. She folded the hijab she used to pray and the prayer mat. She kept them where they are suppose to be and sat on her bed.

She brought out the gift bag Hafsah gave her earlier. She brought out the content, carefully. There was a box of chocolate and a hand bracelet inside it. She shouldn't have bothered to buy her anything. She is so happy, but the hand bracelet looks expensive. "Ya Allah please protect Hafsah. Always make her happy"

After replying all her message on whatapp. She was on her bed ready to sleep when her mind drifted to what happened in the afternoon with her mum. She is sad she didn't wish her happy birthday or attend the dinner, but at the same time she is happy. Atleast She has other people that care about her even if she doesn't.

Alhamdulilah! She said her prayers and drifted into a deep sleep.


How are you?

How is your family?

Stay safe😊 Protect yourself and your family


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