Young Heroines In Training
Izuki POV
All Might:"Young Midoriya!"
All Might ran over to me as I was finishing up writing some newfound information on heroes.
"Yeah All Might?"
All Might:"Could you follow me? I have something to discuss with you."
I nodded and grabbed my things and followed him to his office.
"What is it sir?"
All Might:"Well, I was going through the list of people wanting to have you under their wing and one popped up that shook me to my core."
"What?! No way!"
All Might:"Yes way! Ahem. He was a friend of my teacher before me. His quite strict and honestly we lost touch with one another along the way. He recently sent me a letter and is asking to have you be his intern."
"Who is it?"
All Might:"Gran Torino."
"You mean the Jet Hero: Gran Torino!?"
All Might:"Yup."
"This is incredible! Some people bash him for being old school but I think it adds to his spectacle of being a pro! Retired or not he's still one of the greats in my book!"
All Might:"Hey! I'm great too!"
All Might pouted which made me giggle.
"Well, do you think I should intern with him?"
All Might:"Of course. Although I'm worried he'll be a little harsh on you. But I guess this one way to follow in my footsteps. In the letter he noticed how strong you were getting with your fight with (Y/n). In fact, you're stronger than I was at your age."
I blushed and got a bit embarrassed and thought about (Y/n) smiling at me.
He nodded.
All Might:"His fight with Damien was a scary one. I should've done something to stop the match sooner but he was so determined to fight (Y/n) that I didn't want to intervene. It was the same way around."
"Yeah and he was getting angry over how Damien didn't work hard for his powers. I honestly felt ashamed of myself as well. I'm quirkless and had to inherent One For All."
All Might:"That may be so, but..."
He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. I smiled back then went red when he pulled me into a hug.
All Might:"He was also helping you use it to its fullest. You're pushing yourself beyond your limits to master the quirk. Before you know it, you'll reach 100% soon enough."
"Thank you..."
I hugged back and cried tears of joy.
Joan POV
I was looking at my stuffed animal as my team were packing up their gear before heading out on our internship.
Nora then stood beside me and looked over at me.
Nora:"Why so glum, chum?"
I looked at her as Pyrrha and Ren stood beside her.
Nora:"You were looking at your Reptar plushie all sad and junk."
Ren:"Whatever it is, please tell us."
I sighed and looked at them.
"It's just... Ever since the sports festival, I felt like I was wasting everyone's time by being here. I haven't unlocked my semblance and I'll be a quirkless loser. I can't use Ninjutsu or have a uniform like Satsuki's cronies."
Pyrrha:"But Joan, you've been training with Izuki, (Y/n) and myself. You've certainly improved since the first few weeks you've been here."
Nora:"Yeah! You should be happy that someone as awesome as (Y/n) is lending you a hand."
"I know but he can also do crazy stuff."
Ren:"Didn't you hear him? He pushed himself to reach that level of mastery over ki. If you do the same and continue training with him, then perhaps you too can learn to use ki."
"Wow. You really think so?!"
Pyrrha:"It is a possibility. Whenever he returns we should ask him."
"Yeah! I'll do my best to impress him!"
Nora:"Yeah! Get your man!"
I instantly blushed as Pyrrha giggled and Ren gave me a thumbs up. We finished getting all of our gear and walked out to the courtyard. A bullhead was descending and we saw Izuki up ahead.
She turned around and smiled then walked over to us.
Izuki:"Are you guys heading out too?"
Ren:"Yes. We're teaming up with a huntsman to go watch over some villages near the borders of the kingdom. How about you?"
Izuki:"I'm interning under an old pro named Gran Torino."
Nora:"Ooh! That's so cool! Send us pics of your adventures. I'll do the same! I'm planning on making a scrapbook."
Ren:"I thought you were kidding."
Nora:"No way! I'm a woman of commitment, you should know."
She winked before slapping his butt which caused him to blush wildly.
Pyrrha:"Oh my..."
"I honestly should've seen that coming."
Izuki just laughed.
Ren:"Well that cat's out of the bag."
As we continued to joke around, we saw the huntsman we were joining. It was a scruffy looking guy with shaggy brown hair and an unkempt beard. He wore a matte black cowboy hat, a blue checkered button up, jeans and some boots to complete his look. He also had a brown dog tail.
Rover:"Howdy, kids? Name's Rover. I'll be y'all's chaperone for the following week."
We all just stared at him dumbfounded until Nora spoke up.
Nora:"I like your hat."
Rover:"That's mighty kind of you, missy. Come on now, we're burning daylight!"
We just shrugged and followed him after waving Izuki goodbye.
Izuki POV
I sighed as my friends left. I really hoped Joan would be alright.
All Might:"Young Midoriya! You ready?"
I turned to see All Might in his normal, skinny, nearly skeleton like form.
"Yes sir."
All Might:"Great!"
He walked over to me and reached in his pocket and grabbed a capsule. He clicked the button and tossed it onto the street. A yellow hover car popped out of it.
"Woah! Sometimes I forgot how advanced things are here."
He just laughed.
All Might:"You can thank Capsule Corp for that. Anyway, this baby has been around for a while. She's my baby. Hop in."
I nodded and got in the passenger side as he got in and started up the car.
All Might:"Listen to her purr."
He began to rev the engine before slamming down the gas pedal and speeding off. I screamed at the top of my lungs as he put on some shades and went into his muscular form. People saw us riding through the streets and cheered. He waved at them before drifting around a corner and speeding on the freeway.
We soon made it to the subway station. We got out the car and he tapped something on the dashboard and it went back into the capsule form. We walked in and All Might got me a ticket to head towards where Gran Torino lives. He gave me a pat on the head before I boarded the train and left.
Ruby POV
I was on the bullhead with my parents polishing Crescent Rose. That's when my mom sat down next to me.
Summer:"So sweetie, are you excited to join us in protecting some villages?"
"More than anything. It's a shame Yang didn't join us. But, it makes sense. She wants to see her mom again and this is a perfect chance."
Summer:"Yeah. Now Ruby, you're a young girl and a cute one at that."
"Uhhh okay?"
Summer:"This is bound to get some boys' attention."
I went red as I knew what she was going to bring up.
Summer:"Do you have a boyfriend?"
I tried to keep my composure and clear my head. But all I could think of was (Y/n) at the beach which made it worse!
Summer:"By your rosy red face, you got someone in mind."
She just giggled and my dad looked at us.
Tai:"What're you girls talking about?"
Summer:"Ruby here has a crush."
He quickly sat across from me and looked into my eyes.
Tai:"Spill the beans."
I just sighed and knew there was no point in arguing with them.
"I have a crush on (Y/n)."
They looked surprised.
Summer:"Isn't he the boy that won the sports festival?"
I nodded softly.
Tai:"That kid is freakin' insane! Flying around and slapping lasers away like nothing."
"He's honestly a great guy. The first time I met him, he saved me from getting ran over by a truck."
Mom quickly hugged me tightly.
Summer:"I don't know what I'd do if that happened."
I smiled and thought back on the day.
"His initiation to the school was incredible as well. He was so cool and well... I couldn't help but fall for him. And the final thing that sealed the deal was when he saved all of us during the attack on the USJ."
Tai:"Well, if you want to date him then go for it."
Summer:"I agree!"
I smiled and hugged them.
Tai:"Where is he now?"
"He's interning with Uncle Qrow."
Tai:"A teenager that can fly and is crazy strong with a drunk man that can kill you in 50 different ways... That's the dream team right there."
We just laughed as I looked out the window.
I wonder what they're doing now...
With (Y/n)
Qrow:"Here we are."
(Y/n):"Huh, this place isn't that bad. But I'm starving. I'm gonna look around for some restaurants."
He flew around the city they were currently in and when he got back to Qrow, he fell on his knees.
Qrow:"What's wrong?!"
(Y/n):"Qrow, this place is literal Hell!"
Qrow:"You saw all the things that go on here, huh?"
(Y/n):"Worse... All the restaurants that they have here are Burger Kings!!!"
He punched the ground with anger and caused it to crack for several miles. Qrow took a swig from his flask and rubbed his back.
Qrow:"It'll be okay. When we get done with this, we'll head to Panda Express."
(Y/n):"Bless your soul!"
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