(Y/n) Vs. Mira Round 3!

All Might POV

I was at my house when I turned on the TV. My favorite show was on but it was interrupted by some news station.

Reporter:"Hello! I am here on the streets of Hosu City where chaos is everywhere! About an hour earlier, there were several Nomu attacking the city but the pros stopped them. The Hero Killer: Stain was also stopped and captured. Currently, I'm hiding behind a building as Endeavor, Gran Torino and two children are fighting a Cyclops Grimm."

My jaw dropped and I grew nervous as I watched the cyclops drop its club near her. She dodged and tried to punch it in the eye but it swatted her away. Luckily, Todoroki caught her and slid down some ice then they continued their assault.

Reporter:"Not only that, but there are shockwaves in the air! Our cameras unfortunately can't catch anything that's going on up there. But there is a blue skinned woman up there watching the things causing the powerful waves. She also seems to be eating a Snickers bar."

"That must be the Towa woman (Y/n) mentioned. (Y/n), please...protect everyone."

Your POV

I was trading blows with Mira. His attacks were stronger than last time. He went for a kick to my head but I got out the way and blasted him in the ribs. He was launched back and I flew after him and punched him in the back. He was launched into the air.

He recovered and fired a Kamehameha at me. It was black and I fired my own.

Our beams clashed as we were trying to overcome the other.

Mira:"I will not lose!"

He put more power into his attack and my beam was being pushed back.

"And you think I will? Haaaaa!!"

I powered up a bit more and my Kamehameha pushed his back and engulfed him. He screamed in pain as I flew through my Kamehameha and punched him in the chest. He was launched away and I smirked.

Towa started clapping.

Towa:"Wonderful, my love. Don't stop! I want to see more!"

I rolled my eyes as Mira flew at me. He teleported behind me and tried to kick me but I ducked and grabbed his leg, spun him around and threw him down to the streets below. I landed on the ground as Mira got up.

Mira:"You're strong... But I will kill you!"

"Mira, you stand no chance against me. I'm still holding back a significant amount."


"I haven't raised my power to its max or used any of my transformations."

Mira:"N-no! You're lying!"

"I'm not. If I went all out now, I'd be attracting too much attention to myself."

Mira:"You're such a fool! If you're strong then you shouldn't be afraid to hide it. All of these pathetic mortals can be crushed under your thumb!"

"Yeah, but some are my friends. I'm honestly having fun hanging out with people that don't have to deal with solar system busting villains."

Mira just laughed at me.

Mira:"Speaking of solar systems..."

He held out his palm and a spiky fruit appeared in the palm of his hand.

Mira:"Haven't you wondered what we've been the past few weeks? While you attended a pathetic school, we planted seeds for the Tree of Might and harvested the fruits."

"Holy shit..."

Mira:"And I've been using them to steadily increase my strength. It is because of you that many planets had to die! I too have been holding back!"

He bit into it and his muscles increased in size and his power increased several times. He crushed the fruit and punched me to a brick wall. I groaned and he kneed me in the gut.

Mira:"Your ignorance will be your undoing!"

He grabbed me by the hair and threw me across the street. I slid across the pavement as he jumped and landed several feet away from me. I groaned and stood up.

Mira:"Now will you take me seriously?"

"Heh... I'll answer your question with another question."

He raised his brow as I smiled at him.

"Wanna see something cool?!"

Towa:"I do!"

Mira:"Fine, I'll bite."

I took in a deep breath and focused ki into my body.

My muscles became even larger and Towa started hollering in the background. Mira's face was priceless as he gave me one of those classic 'Da fuck' faces.

"I'm in swole mode!"

Mira:"This...? This is your transformation?! Trunks tried this with Cell and it didn't work for shit!"

"Oh but this isn't a Super Saiyan form. Besides, you aren't the perfect being he was. Your jawline is nowhere near that of Cell's."

Mira:"Shut up!"

He flew at me and I stood still. At the last minute, I sidestepped and elbowed his back. He plummeted to the ground and I kicked him back into the air. I grabbed him by the leg and pulled him back down. I delivered a barrage of punches to his chest.


I slipped onto the ground and kicked his shins and he was launched a foot off the ground. I quickly got up and kicked him in the chin with my foot and launched him into the air.


I jumped up, kicked him in the chin, threw several punches at him then delivered a sledgehammer to his head. I spun around and fired a Kamehameha wave to launch myself into him. We crashed into building and he bounced off of it. I kicked him in the chin, then created a ki orb in my hand and bonked him on the head with it. It exploded upon impact then I used an elbow on him to launch him to the ground.


Mira was on the ground panting as I flexed my arms.


"You aren't dealing with the average human anymore! I am the legendary superhuman, (Y/n)!"

Mira:"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Mira got up but was in pain.

Mira:"You miserable insect! That shouldn't even be possible. You moved around so freely. I couldn't even get a chance to attack like we were in some fighting game!"

"I'm surprised you even know about video games. I thought you only thought about power and power and power."

Mira:"Shut up! Enough mocking!"

He roared with rage as his power increased. He flew at me and I smirked.

"This is the Turtle School's greatest technique!"

I placed my hands together and drew them back. Mira realized what I was going to do but it was too late for him.


The beam connected with Mira head on and he yelled in agony and was pushed back away several miles. The beam dissipated and I sighed as my muscles went back to normal.

Towa looked at me and smiled.

Towa:"You never cease to amaze me my dear."

She blew a kiss before flying away.

"Heh, gotta thank Roshi for teaching me that."

I thought back and what it took to get him to teach me it. He wanted some porn magazines and so I stole some from Issei and Mineta. The magazines they had were completely different from what Roshi had as theirs included actual devils, heroines, faunus and some other types of people.

"I better help out Izuki."

I flew to them and saw them breathing heavily but the Cyclops looked heavily damaged. One of its arms was missing and was stumbling around.


"Heh, you guys put up a good fight."

Shota:"Heh, thanks."

She smiled at me and I smiled back. I stepped forward and the cyclops roared.

"Endeavor, you wanted to know how strong I thought I was, right?"


"Well, I think I'm strong enough to throw this guy to the moon!"


I smirked and flew at the cyclops. I elbowed it and lifted it off the ground. I then grabbed it by a horn on its faceplate and spun around rapidly before launching him out of the atmosphere.

He was nothing more than a twinkle in the sky as I saw him freeze in space then break apart once he hit the moon.

"Well, that takes care of that."

I landed on the ground and walked over to my friends. Iida was loaded up in an ambulance as some paramedics were checking the others. Police had detained that weird ninja turtle looking guy.

A paramedic walked over to me and I looked at them.


Paramedic:"Do you happen to be friends with those three over there?"

"I do."

Paramedic:"Well, we're going to have to ask you to join them."

"Very well."

I followed them to an ambulance and rode off to a nearby hospital. Iida, Izuki and Shota were getting patched up as the nurses inspected me for any wounds but told me I was fine. They put me in the same room as the other three.

Izuki:"Well, that was something..."


Shota:"I never expected to fight someone powered up by Towa so soon."

"It's really my fault for letting them escape so easily. But at least you guys are getting experience from this."

They agreed and an hour went by as we just talked about random things. The door opened and Gran Torino showed up with another hero called Manual. And then someone else came in.

Torino:"Everyone, this is the Chief of Hosu City Police. Kenji Tsurugamae."

Kenji:"So you're the Union Academy students who brought down the Hero Killer?"

Shota:"We are."

Kenji:"Stain has severe injuries. Minor burns and bruises but plenty of bones around his torso area are shattered."

I went wide eyed and rubbed the back of my head nervously.

Oopsie daisy.

Kenji:"I'm really surprised you kids can manage something like that."

Izuki:"With all due respect, Chief, we barely put a scratch on him. All of our efforts weren't enough to even make him stumble."

Iida:"She's right. He was powered up to unimaginable degree."

Kenji:"How do you know?"

Shota:"(Y/n), it'd be wise to tell him."

Kenji looked at me.

Kenji:"(Y/n)? The boy from sports festival and the USJ incident correct?"

"Correct. And look what I'm about to tell you needs to stay under wraps. I think it's better if we go somewhere private. I know just the place too."

I grabbed his shoulder and used Instant Transmission to take us to Ozpin. He was having a meeting with other teachers. I told them what happened and explained to Kenji the deal with Towa and Mira. I had the teachers vouch for me as well.

We came to an agreement that if anyone was powered up by them, then it would be handled by me. I'd just have to be alongside a pro so people don't think I'm acting like a vigilante. I took him back to the Hosu hospital where I let my friends now what I was talking about.

"I'll catch you guys later."

Iida:"What's next for you?"

"I don't know. I'll have to see what Qrow wants to do next."

Manual:"Qrow? Qrow Branwen?"

"Oh, you know him?"

Manual:"He and I are drinking buddies."

"I'll send him my regards. Anyway, I'm off!"

I shook Iida's hand and gave headpats to Izuki and Shota which caused them to blush. I then teleported away.

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