Union Academy's Strongest

The rain poured down heavily as Xerxes and (Y/n) stared each other down.

(Y/n):"Fight you? No, I want to kill you."

Xerxes:"Then give it your best shot!"

(Y/n) needed no other signal and acted quickly. As thunder boomed in the distance, (Y/n) delivered a devastating kick to Xerxes right in the ribs. Xerxes groaned in pain as he felt something crack before being launched away. Xerxes flew through the air as his body began to heal himself up.

Xerxes: What the hell?! Is this guy seriously this strong?! With no quirk or power?!

Xerxes landed on the ground and slid across it as his eyes started glowing.

Xerxes: No matter. I'll be able to stop him with my arsenal of moves.

(Y/n) flew straight towards Xerxes and he only held up one hand. (Y/n) was frozen in the air as Xerxes laughed.

Xerxes:"You landed a clean hit on me, I'll admit. But I have you right where I want you!"

(Y/n) glared at Xerxes and opened his mouth as he was going to say something.

Xerxes:"Go ahead, fool. Say a cheesy one-liner. I'm waiting!"

(Y/n) dropped his head which made Xerxes smile.


Just then, (Y/n) raised his head and shot forth a beam straight from his mouth!

Xerxes:"Oh shit!"

The beam blasted Xerxes at point blank range and sent him flying farther away and (Y/n) was freed from his telekinesis.

Inside the school, nearly everyone was watching the match unfold. All of his friends were absolutely floored after seeing him shoot a beam from his mouth.

Kirishima:"Are we gonna learn that in our ki club?!"

Xerxes teleported behind (Y/n) with his suit singed and threw a direct punch to his cheek. (Y/n) slid back several feet but tanked the hit and spit on the ground.

(Y/n):"My turn!"

He jumped at Xerxes to grab the collar of his shirt. He reeled his fist back and punched him directly in the nose. Blood gushed out and landed on (Y/n)'s knuckles as Xerxes flew back.


His body healed up in an instant and he rubbed his nose in annoyance.

Xerxes:"I haven't bled like that since I first joined this school."

(Y/n):"Hope you aren't getting horrible flashbacks."

Xerxes simply chuckled and looked at him.

Xerxes:"Oh, I put those horrible things rest. I've gotten my vengeance so I've nothing to worry about. But you should be worried over what other things I have up my sleeve!"

He waved his hands in a circular motion as orbs of energy appeared behind him. They floated in the air and formed a semi-circle. He thrusted his hand forward and the orbs shot beams of energy. There were five of them and they merged together and were targeted at (Y/n).

(Y/n) raised his hands over his head and watched the beam get closer and closer.


He shot his hands forward as a beam of energy was released and clashed with Xerxes's own beam.

Xerxes:"You're single beam won't be enough to overpower mine!"

Xerxes pushed his hand forward as the orbs around him grew larger and increased the strength of his beam attack. (Y/n)'s was being pushed back but he simply smirked.

(Y/n):"All I really need is to put in a bit of elbow grease!"

(Y/n) boosted his power and the Masenko pushed the other beam back and dominated it. Xerxes teleported away before he could be hurt.

Xerxes:"I sensed a boost in your strength, interesting. However, it won't be enough to stop this!"

He swirled his arms around as the storm clouds created a vortex and the lightning was shot down at (Y/n). He flew up to reach Xerxes and simply slapped the lightning away as it hit a tree in the distance and caused a fire.


He grit his teeth before flying straight down at him. Their fists clashed and created a massive shockwave that shook the entire arena.

Xerxes:"It doesn't matter if you can power yourself up, I'm still above your heights!"

(Y/n):"Wanna test that theory?!"


He headbutted (Y/n) to the ground and teleported down to be there before him. He grabbed (Y/n) by the back of his shirt and threw him across the meadow. He flew at him and kicked him straight into the ground.

Xerxes:"Hmph! How weak."

Xerxes brushed his hair aside and dusted off his hands.

Xerxes:"I knew he was nothing more than a weakling."

(Y/n)'s friends were concerned as he wasn't rising up from the ground. This made Xerxes think he had won the match. His victory was short lived as (Y/n) bursted from underground and hit him with an uppercut!

(Y/n):"(Y/n) used Dig! It's super effective!"

He laughed to himself as Xerxes spun through the air and crashed back to the ground.

(Y/n):"Alright, I'm done messing around with you. It's about time I end this!"

He then began charging up his power to the max.

The members of his ki club felt his power rising more and more.

Issei:"Holy crap! (Y/n)'s been holding back this much!?"

Pyrrha:"Let's not forget that Kaioken technique he used on Noir."

(Y/n) released one last burst of ki and pushed Xerxes back.

Xerxes:"Incredible... (Y/n)! Your strength is far greater than I ever thought. However, I too am holding back. Quite significantly in fact."

Everyone watching grew scared as this monster of a student did horrible acts while pulling his punches.

(Y/n):"Is that why your attacks felt like mosquito bites?"

Xerxes simply frowned.

Xerxes:"I'm going to power up now."

(Y/n):"I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

Xerxes started glowing and he raised his arms as golden bracelets showed up and broke off. There were also golden ankle bracelets on him that broke off as well. In that instance, the world felt a sudden rumble and the ground beneath them cracked.

The storm grew even more wild and this made (Y/n) get on the defensive.

Xerxes:"Now, this here is the power of the gods themselves! Angels, fallen angels, devils, they all fear me as well. The Grimm cower before me. Every villain turns themselves in at the sight of me. Heroes drool at the thought of being as great as I am! I am the greatest, strongest, and overall superior human there is. There is nothing you can do-"

(Y/n) cut him off by delivering a strong blow to his cheek which knocked him to the ground and kicked him several yards away.

(Y/n):"You know, you shouldn't leave yourself open with a speech talking about why you're the top dog."

Xerxes immediately got up and just smiled.

Xerxes:"You may have caught me off guard, but sneak attacks won't be enough to kill me. I am far stronger than before!"

(Y/n) smiled slightly and clenched his fists.

(Y/n):"My mentors love fighting and I guess it rubbed off on me. My heart is pounding with excitement. I'm ready for this! You are by far the strongest opponent I've faced thus far." His power is on a whole different level. I may not be able to sense divine energy but I feel like he's on par with Goku in his Super Saiyan God form. Better stay focused!

Xerxes took one step forward and appeared before (Y/n) and punched him in the stomach. Once the hit landed, (Y/n) coughed up some blood and it splattered on the sleeve of the suit Xerxes was wearing. (Y/n) was then sent flying miles away.

Izuki:"(Y/n) no!"

Ruby:"Please be okay..."

Everyone watched as Xerxes had finally landed a devastating blow on him.

Xerxes:"I truly must commend you for your strength. There was never anyone for me to challenge that could make me go all out, but yet here you are."

He raised his hands to the sky as light gathered and took the form of a giant sword.

Xerxes:"Heaven Pierce!"

He brought his arm down and the giant sword began to descend onto where (Y/n) laid. The sword crashed into the ground and created a large explosion of light that blinded Xerxes momentarily. Once it died out, he teleported to the epicenter and saw nothing remained of (Y/n).

Xerxes:"Pathetic, I only attacked him twice while using my full power and he was reduced to ash."

He then heard the sounds of footsteps and turned to see (Y/n) walking with his gi torn up. He also had a fierce look in his eyes.

(Y/n):"I'm done messing around now. I'm coming at you for real."

Xerxes:"I'm shaking in my boots."

(Y/n) let go of the piece of his gi in his hand before gritting his teeth.


His power increased but Xerxes still wasn't worried.

(Y/n) began to scream as he pushed the Kaioken further and further.

Pyrrha:"This may be the finisher!"

Rias:"Yes. This is most certainly his win condition!"

Ruby:"Do it (Y/n)! Finish this!"

Xerxes:"What in the blazes is that technique? It's pointless is what it is. That won't be enough to stop me."

The ground started rumbling under the pressure of (Y/n)'s voice.


Xerxes began to sweat as he power kept rising.

Xerxes:"His energy keeps shooting higher! It's extraordinary!"


Xerxes:"It's triple, quadruple, no it's-"


(Y/n) flew straight at Xerxes and threw a punch that he tried to block to no avail.

(Y/n) roared once more as Xerxes tried to grab his head. (Y/n) slapped his arm away and punched him right in the gut as his fist went through. Xerxes coughed up blood as it splattered on his face.

(Y/n) pulled his fist out and delivered a barrage of punches that knocked several teeth out of Xerxes. He kicked him in the chin straight into the air before following him to deliver some more devastating punches.

Xerxes: His power is far more than I could ever imagine! But I won't lose here! "Come to me my pet!"

He raised his hand in the air as a large red and black summoning circle spun around. It opened a strange portal and something descended from it.

Xerxes:"This here is my strongest pet. I call him, Ryuga!"

Kirishima:"Holy crap this is nuts! Get out of there bro!"

Issei:"That thing is scary as hell!"

Joan:"(Y/n) can take this thing! Don't you feel his power? It's beyond anything we ever imagined."

Ryuga roared and slapped (Y/n) down to the ground with its tail. Xerxes healed himself and tore off the top half of his suit.

Xerxes:"I'm gonna have to see my tailor once this is over."

(Y/n) got up and rubbed his head with his Kaioken still active. (Y/n) stood his ground and planted his feet firmly. He took in a deep breath and lunged at Ryuga.

(Y/n): Alright, time to say a cool one-liner!

He drew his fist back as the golden silhouette of a dragon appeared around his arm and he shot his fist forward.




His attack killed Ryuga in one hit and caused him to explode.

(Y/n):"See you later, fucker!"

Take 3:

(Y/n):"Whatchu pressin'?!"

Take 26:

(Y/n):"DRAGON FIST...!"

His fist went through the chest of Ryuga and he was on the other side with his fist raised high into the sky.


Ryuga exploded into dust that sprinkled around the field. The students and teachers went nuts and cheered for (Y/n) as Xerxes was floating in the air dumbfounded. (Y/n) blew smoke from his fist and landed back on the ground and Xerxes did too.

(Y/n):"Give up?"

Xerxes grit his teeth and lunged at him and threw punches at him with blinding speed. (Y/n) used one arm to block them all as Xerxes yelled out in annoyance.


(Y/n):"What happened to you respecting me for making you go all out?"

Xerxes only screamed and punched him across the cheek and made him stumble.

Xerxes:"Strong as you may be..."

He got on (Y/n)'s left side and kicked him in the gut and made (Y/n) cough up more blood.


He then launched (Y/n) through the roof, out the arena, and made him crash into the moon in less than a few seconds.

Xerxes was huffing and puffing before calming down. Everyone waited for something to happen, but nothing did. There was no sign of (Y/n) anywhere. Even Xerxes didn't sense him.


Yang saw her sister starting to cry and held her tightly. Ruby started to cry as all of (Y/n)'s friends teared up. Kirishima wasn't afraid to let the waterworks out as he was a man who cared. Joan and Pyrrha were hugging as Joan cried and cried. Pyrrha sniffled and rubbed her friend's back to calm her down.

The teachers were all in shock and were now afraid of what was to come next. Xerxes was laughing like a madman as he had won.

Xerxes:"He was a tough opponent but all was for naught as I was clearly superior. To those watching, I want his lovers to meet me in the courtyard. I'll take my favorites and show them their new duties."

He smirked and licked his lips.

Yang:"I won't let him take you away Ruby!"

On the moon

(Y/n) got up from a crater and was knocked out of his Kaioken. He looked over at the Earth and smiled. From his point of view it looked beautiful.

(Y/n): This isn't my home, but I'm happy I got to be here. It's basically my second home with my own family. Everyone is counting on me to protect it, especially against Xerxes. And so, I must finish this once and for all!

(Y/n) launched himself from the moon and straight back down to Union Academy.

Xerxes was dancing in joy before the entire ground shook as dust picked up.


Everyone stopped their crying and saw (Y/n) standing there with a serious look on his face.

Xerxes:"How?! You're supposed to be dead!"

(Y/n):"I had to fight foes in space plenty of times before. Because of that I made a wish to survive in space."

Xerxes:"That's cheating!!"

(Y/n):"I've got no time to argue with you. Everyone is counting on me and I'm going to finish what I set out to do. I'm going to kill you. You're a human trying to play God. I'm a human who pushes past his limits. We aren't the same. Go ahead and act like a mighty deity and I'll show you the unleashed potential of a human!"

His power skyrocketed to unimaginable degrees for everyone and Xerxes tried to get away but (Y/n) stopped him. He threw him to the ground and watched him bounce off.

(Y/n): It's time I ended this with one of my strongest moves!

A/n: Stop at 0:12

Xerxes cried out in agony before it died out as he was reduced to ash. The attack destroyed the arena as (Y/n) stood amongst the rubble triumphantly and reverted back to his base form.

His friends popped off and cheered together as Ruby got up and went to her dorm to get something. She then went to (Y/n)'s dorm to surprise him.

(Y/n) teleported to his dorm to get some rest. When he walked in his room, he saw Ruby there and he blushed.

Ruby:"Lap pillow is ready! Come here!"

He walked over and laid his head down on her lap as she giggled happily. She leaned down and kissed his lips and he softly kissed back.

Ruby:"Get some rest, my love."

He blushed even more which made her giggle again. Soon, he began to drift off to sleep.

Ruby:"Thank you for being my hero."

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