Tournament Arc Pt. 4

Mic:"Okay ladies and gentlemen! Today is the day of the quarterfinals!"

Everyone went wild as the 8 remaining fighters stood in the arena. Yang, Nora and Rias waved at everyone. Izuki was a bit nervous and Kiba was a bit embarrassed because of some girls in the stands calling him cute and handsome. One even said she wants him to be her baby daddy.

(Y/n) and Damien were at the opposite ends of the line and glared at each other.

Mic:"Now, let's get things into gear! The first match is between Kiba and Damien!"

They nodded and everyone else walked off the ring as the two stared at each other. The other students made it back to the stands and the match began. Kiba grabbed a sword of fire and ran at Damien. He coated his hand with ice and grabbed hold of the blade. He froze the blade and kicked Kiba away.

He grit his teeth and drew another sword. This one was lighter and Kiba used his incredible speed to dash around Damien. Damien followed his movements with ease and backhanded him. Kiba bounced off the ground and grabbed another sword.

(Y/n):"Duel wield huh?"

Kiba sliced wildly at Damien who was dodging. He was then slashed across the stomach but he put up a barrier at the last minute. It still caused him to slide along the ground.

Damien stuck out one hand and formed a green sphere of ki. He threw it and Kiba managed to dodge. The attack blew up part of the ring and dust got everywhere. Damien took this opportunity to strike and hit Kiba with a lariat. He slammed him as hard as he could to the floor. Kiba yelled out in pain as everyone looked shocked.

Johnny walked away but turned around when he heard Kiba getting back up.

Kiba:"I'm... not done... yet!"

He summoned a bunch of swords around him and charged at Johnny recklessly. He swung but Damien would disarm him and throw him. Kiba just kept grabbing swords and repeating the process. Damien grew tired of this and grabbed Kiba by the face and blasted him in the gut and sent him flying out the ring. Kiba landed on the ground and let out one last pained groan before passing out.

Mic:"What a wild turn of events! Damien has just dominated Kiba! An upset for the Occult Research Club."

The medics went over to pick up Kiba as Issei growled.

Issei:"That bastard! He beatdown on Kiba!"

Rias:"To think, we have to face him soon."

He walked out the ring as (Y/n) frowned slightly.

Mic:"Next is... Yang versus Nora! These two are some heavy hitting girls in the class of the first years! Let's see how it turns out!"

Yang and Nora were in the ring and everyone was curious as to how this would turn out. The match began and Nora shot grenades at Yang. Yang dodged as best as she could but one landed near her foot and she was launched upwards. Nora jumped up and slammed her hammer right into Yang.

Yang groaned and bounced off the floor but quickly got up and ran at Nora. She delivered a powerful uppercut to her and launched her into the air. Nora managed to recover and begun to spin in the air with her hammer. Yang jumped away as Nora slammed it into the ground with all her might. Yang ran over and started blasting Nora. Nora pulled her hammer out and started to run away.

Yang launched herself and tried to grab Nora but Nora planned this and shot Yang in the face. She flew back and groaned.

She got up and her hair was on fire with her eyes red. Nora smiled and made a battle cry and ran at her. Yang ran at her and the two traded blows with one another. Yang punched her in the jaw with her semblance boosting her strength and Nora hit her straight over the head with her hammer. Yang fell face first and Nora fell on her side.

Everyone watched in anticipation, hoping one of the girls would stand up. After 10 seconds, their match was declared a draw and would be settled in a different way.

Ruby was nervous about the match and clinged to (Y/n).

Mic:"Okay... the first draw in this entire tournament! While those two recover, we will move on to the next match. Shouko versus Rias!"

After the medics got Nora and Yang, Rias and Shouko walked onto the ring.


Rias shot magic blasts at her but Shouko created a wall of ice to protect herself. She then ran and froze the ground before sliding on it, tilting her body upward and causing a ramp to form that twisted as she moved. She got behind Rias, pulled her by the back of the shirt and dragged her on the ice as she slid.

Rias groaned in pain and tried to break free but the freezing temperature made her lose her focus. Shouko threw her into a wall of ice and Rias gasped. Shouko stopped sliding and waved her hand in front of Rias and froze her in place.

Midnight:"Rias is unable to move! The victor is Shouko."

Shouko breathed heavily and defrosted Rias. The medics gave her a blanket and some hot cocoa.

Mic:"Well everyone, we have received word that Yang and Nora are all patched up now! We shall finish their match before heading to the last one!"

Izuki was slightly nervous as her opponent was (Y/n). A guy that could fly, shoot energy beams, and the strongest person she's ever seen.

(Y/n) was taking a leak at the moment and finished his business but thought about his upcoming match with Izuki. He was far more than capable of ending things with a single hit like with Bakugo but he decided he was going to have a bit of fun with her first.

Yang and Nora settled their match with an arm wrestle which Yang won. Although, the match was very close. They hugged it out after the match and walked back to the stands together, complimenting each other's strength.

Mic:"Okay everyone! Time for the last match of the quarterfinals! (Y/n) versus Izuki!"

Izuki was wearing her standard gym uniform while (Y/n) had his new gi on.


Izuki activated her quirk and ran at him. She threw a punch to his chest but he sidestepped and Izuki tried to spin kick him but he dodged that too.

(Y/n):"Izuki, show me all you've got."

She threw punches and kicks but he was dodging all of them.

Izuki:"I am! I'm using all that I can of One For All."

(Y/n) shoved her back and she wasn't prepared for it and flew backwards. She landed on her back but managed to get up.

(Y/n):"You're lying to me and to yourself. You have room for improvement and you need to act upon it before it's too late. So, give me everything you've got!"

She grit her teeth and a fire burned inside her. She ran at him while cracking the ground beneath her unexpectedly. She jumped and threw a punch. He caught her fist and flicked her in the chest and sent her back. She rolled along the floor and people began to get worried for her.

(Y/n) wasn't worried for her as he looked on with pride as her power level slowly increased.

(Y/n): She could only muster 5% of that quirk. Now, she's using 7%. I'm going to have to keep up with this.

Izuki ran and tried to land a single hit on (Y/n) as he gauged her strength. Her attacks grew powerful as he dodged one of her punches, a burst of wind was released.

All Might: Holy crap! She's getting stronger now! Is this because of (Y/n)?

He looked over and saw that he was smiling as Izuki was sweating but had a smile on her face too. All Might smiled like a proud father and enjoyed the match.

(Y/n): 24... 25!

Izuki kicked him in the chin and he purposely stumbled backwards and fell over.

Mic:"Incredible! Izuki landed a hit on him!"

The crowd went wild as (Y/n) got up and rubbed his chin. Izuki was embarrassed because she wasn't used to this kind of praise. (Y/n) chuckled to himself and got up.

(Y/n):"Nice shot Izuki! Now it's my turn!"

He ran at her with great speed and she got ready to brace for an attack. He ran past her, grabbed her shirt and ran to the edge. He gently tossed her out and eliminated her.

Mic:"Ooh, and it seems Izuki's attack just wasn't enough."

He looked at her as she panted heavily. He gave her a thumbs up.

She smiled and gave one back. He helped her up and raised her arm and everyone clapped and cheered. Mic began crying.

Mic:"Now that! Is some real sportsmanship!!"

Izuki and (Y/n) laughed at this.

Mic:"That concludes the quarterfinals! We still have some time on our hands so the semifinals will be happening later today!"

The crowd cheered and dispersed. Midnight walked over to the students and hugged them.

Midnight:"You two were just absolutely amazing! You both have the qualities of true heroes."

Both:"Thank you."

All Might ran over and shook hands with them.

All Might:"Young Midoriya, I'm very impressed by your performance!"

Izuki:"Thank you All Might!"

(Y/n):"Did you notice her power rising?"

All Might:"I did."

Izuki:"Wait, my power increased?"

(Y/n):"Yup. That's what this fight was about. I knew you could do better than a measly 5%. I pushed you enough to make you use a nice amount of... 25%."

Izuki's eyes widened and she was left speechless.

All Might and (Y/n) shared a laugh.

Izuki:"Are you serious?!"

(Y/n):"I am. But because of that, we've got to increase the difficulty of your training."

Izuki hugged (Y/n) and let out tears of joy. He smiled and pat her head affectionately.

After that, they ate some food and hung with their friends as they waited for the next semifinals to be announced. (Y/n), Nora and Naruto had a ramen eating contest. (Y/n) won because his training with Vegeta and Goku involved eating large quantities of food.

Ozpin:"The first year semifinals shall begin at 7 P.M."

This was surprising to the upperclassmen as they have never experienced having a match during the evening. People checked the time to see it was 5:10 P.M. They had time to hang out before the matches started.

That Evening

Damien and Yang were in the ring waiting for their match to start. The sun had set and the moon was shining down. Torches were turned on to give the ring a sense of a ritual.


Yang was sent flying back as Damien used magic to blow her away. She planted her feet into the ground and smirked. She tried to get in close but he would just shoot magic blasts at her.

Kaminari:"Aw what the hell?! He's being such a zoner right now!"

Iida:"There's no way Yang can get in close."

(Y/n):"There is but she'd have to risk taking major damage to deal it back to him. Her semblance is amazing but it should really be used as a fallback plan rather than the opening move."

They nodded at his words and watched their friend try to punch this Atlas rep.

Damien:"You bore me! Begone!"

He created a black wind that knocked her out the ring and put out a torch. The flame reignited as Yang hit the ground.

Mic:"And Damien wins!"

Yang was visibly upset but knew that complaining wouldn't do her any good.

Mic:"Now, we will wait for (Y/n) and Shouko to make their way down."

(Y/n) got out the stands and took part with Kirishima and Kaminari in their handshake. He walked near the edge of the stands and hopped on to the field and ran to the ring. People clapped and cheered as he made it to the ring. A minute went by and Shouko was there sporting her gym uniform.


Shouko opened up with her forming a large wall of ice.

The crowd gasped as they knew something this large would be enough to keep the warrior contained. She panted as frost started to form on her arm.

Shouko:"That... should do it."

?:"Talk about a close one."

She gasped as she heard his voice behind her. She flipped away and the crowd was shocked to see that (Y/n) had managed to dodge that incredible attack.

Shouko:"I should've known it wouldn't be that easy."

(Y/n):"Don't sell yourself short. That was just the first minute of this match."

He grinned playfully as she got ready to go on the defensive. She saw he was stanced up but not doing anything. She was hesitant at first but took this chance to try and freeze him solid. He dodged her attempts and the edges of the ring began to freeze and form ice walls.

Shouko wasn't paying attention to this as her main focus was freezing (Y/n). However, he knew about this as it was a part of his plan. With one last flip, (Y/n) kicked Shouko to the large ice wall and made her crack it a bit.

She groaned in pain and looked at him.

(Y/n):"Shouko, I know when someone's not fighting at their best and you aren't."

Shouko:"What... are you talking about?"

(Y/n):"Your quirk. It's not just ice, is it?"

She looked down and (Y/n) sighed.

(Y/n):"Take a look at the ring."

She looked around her to see she unintentionally made ice walls around the ring.

(Y/n):"There's no ring outs now. You and I are gonna have to knock each other out. So use that quirk at full potential."

Shouko:"I refuse..."

(Y/n):"What was that?"

Shouko:"I refuse!"

She thrusted her hand out and sent ice towards (Y/n). He kicked it to pieces which made her frustrated and left the audience gasping.

(Y/n):"That attack was weak. Your body can't keep making all this ice. If you keep it up you'll get frostbite. Izuki told me that you use your quirk to warm your body and defrost everyone."

Shouko: Midoriya...

(Y/n):"So, let's see that heat."

Shouko:"I don't want to."


Shouko:"No! I will not end up like my father! I absolutely refuse to use the side that reminds me of him!"

Tears were threatening to escape her eyes but (Y/n) had to give her one final push.

(Y/n):"Your father?"

Shouko:"I was only born to be his successor. I'm nothing more than his stupid pawn! But I refuse to use my fire."

(Y/n):"Your what?"

Shouko:"MY FIRE!"

(Y/n):"So then it's yours! Not his! You are Shouko Todoroki! One of the strongest girls here at this academy! You are not some product of a horrible man!"

Shouko shook as she looked at her left arm.

Shouko:"It's... mine?"

(Y/n):"Yes! Now show that bastard that this power is yours to wield, yours to control, yours to use to prove to everyone that you will become a hero!"

Shouko let tears fall from her eyes but they began to dry up as her left side roared with a blazing fire. (Y/n) smiled and watched the frost on her other arm get melted.

Shouko:"Don't blame me for what happens next!"

She hunched over then stood upright and screamed.


Her flames grew 5 times bigger and hotter as the barrier protected everyone in the crowd but they could still feel the intense heat.

Mic:"Shouko has used her left side for the first time! Whatever (Y/n) had said to her seemed to set her off! Anything can happen now!"

Her left side burned brilliantly and she saw the fire illuminating (Y/n)'s figure in the night. His (h/c) hair flowing gently, his (e/c) orbs reflecting the fire that burned and his proud and kind smile. It melted her heart and she smiled softly.

Shouko: I now see what you see in him Midoriya.

She drew her hand back as she focused her flame into the palm of her hand. She put her other hand underneath it and giggled at his shocked face.

Shouko:"Thank you for the inspiration. Now, take this!!!"

She thrusted her hand out and shot a stream of burning hot fire at (Y/n).

Mic:"OOH BOY! This attack is gonna hurt! What will (Y/n) do now?!"

Everyone cheered Shouko on and others told (Y/n) to move out the way. He stood there and took on the full force of her attack. The attack lasted a while.. The flames died down and Shouko was panting heavily. The smoke cleared and (Y/n) was seen on one knee gasping.

(Y/n):"That... was... a... bad idea." Nice one Shouko. But I'm afraid it's time I end this.

He stood up and walked over to her. She smiled as part of her gym uniform was burned up. (Y/n) saw a bit of her sports bra and coughed into his hand and quickly knocked her out with a light tap to her gut. He caught her and destroyed a small ice wall and handed her to the medics.

(Y/n) put his hands on his hips and let out a small sigh and popped his neck. The audience roared with excitement and he smiled happily. He waved at his friends and some of his teachers. Anko and Midnight blew kisses at him which caused some people jealousy.

He stared at the moon and smirked.

(Y/n):"Damien, you're next!"

He reached for the moon and closed his fist.

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