Tournament Arc Finale

Shouko POV

I groaned and woke up to see that I was in the infirmary. I wasn't alone however as (Y/n) was sitting in a chair by my bedside reading a comic.

(Y/n):"Morning, sunshine."


(Y/n):"Yep. You were out for a while but I stayed by your side the whole night."

I blushed and thoughts of my mom in her hospital bed flooded through my mind. Once this sports festival was over, I'd go visit her.

(Y/n) got up from his chair and walked out the room. I smiled softly to myself but looked on at my left arm.

Your POV

I went to my dorm and flopped on my couch. I took a nap as I waited for my match to come. Once this was over, I would focus all my attention on Mira and Towa. I can't keep pushing this aside like it's another simple chore. Their presence here could mean the end for this Earth.

I shut my eyes and wandered off to Dreamland.

A Few Hours Later

I woke up and groaned. I got off the couch and heard knocks on my door. I grumbled and went to open it up. My friends were on the other side and they had brought some food from the stands outside. I let them in and we sat in my living room and talked.

They were excited that I was going to be representing them against that Damien guy from Atlas. I asked Kiba and Yang what they could gather from their fight with him.

Kiba:"His magic power is insane. It runs deep into his core."

Yang:"When he fought against us, it seemed like he wasn't trying that hard."

"I see."

Izuki:"Do you have a plan in mind?"

"Of course."

Blake:"And what's that?"

"To win."

They deadpanned and I laughed.

"Trust me, I got this. I know what I'm doing."

No One's POV/Later

Damien:"Heh we finally get to face each other properly."

(Y/n):"Yeah. This match is something everyone has been waiting for. We're the main event."


The two shook hands and walked to the opposite ends of the arena.


(Y/n) and Damien stared each other down not moving at all. Everyone was anticipating their next move and Damien was the first one to strike!

He jumped at (Y/n) and tried to kick his head but he simply leaned back and caught Damien by the shin. He spun around and threw him straight on the ring. He bounced off it and caused parts of it to shatter. He got up and scowled.

(Y/n) stood still and kept his eyes peeled for anything Damien might try. Damien coated his hands with magic infused ki and clapped them together. This created a large visible soundwave that crashed into (Y/n). He blocked it and it caused an explosion. The smoke was blocking his sight of Damien which Damien promptly took advantage of.

He tried to throw a punch but (Y/n) sensed it coming and ducked under the attack. He grabbed Damien by his coat and flipped him over his head. The smoke cleared as everyone saw Damien on the ground again.

Damien heard people talking bad about him which set him off. He grit his teeth and clenched his fists. He kicked himself up and glared at his opponent.

Damien:"You think you're tough shit don't you?!"

(Y/n):"Hardly. I'm simply playing it smart."

Damien:"So that means you're afraid of me?"

This caused Damien to smirk.

(Y/n):"Pfft. You wish. You're hardly make it past a C-Tier nuisance."


He roared with rage and his power shot up drastically. A purple aura surrounded him as black lightning sparked off of him.


He flew at (Y/n) with speed (Y/n) wasn't exactly expecting. Damien's fist were coated with ki and magic. He used them to punch (Y/n) in the gut and in the face. He wasn't done as he shot (Y/n) with blasts from his fists. An explosion went off and it was powerful enough to destroy 1/3 of the ring.

Damien slicked his hair back as everyone gasped.

(Y/n):"Not bad."

Damien started to sweat and quickly turned around to see (Y/n) patting his clothes to rid them of dust and soot.

Damien:"How are you still standing?!"

(Y/n) smirked and crossed his arms.

(Y/n):"You're going to need more then two simple blasts to knock me down!"

Damien:"How about one big blast instead?!"

He flew into the air and this gained (Y/n)'s attention. He placed his hands together and began to charge up an attack.

Damien:"Are you brave enough to take this one?!"

He shot down a large purple beam and it went straight through the ground and caused the entire arena to shake. Everyone began to freak out at his sheer power.

Izuki:"(Y/n), no!"

(Y/n):"(Y/n), yes!"

Everyone gasped as (Y/n) flew straight through the beam without trouble and decked Damien across the face.

Damien flew back and farther into the air as (Y/n) casually descended back onto the ring.

Man:"So is he out of bounds?"

That question was answered when a large magic circle appeared above him and Damien was flying back down with a bloody nose.

Damien:"You...filthy bastard!"

He swung his arms down as the magic circle glowed brightly.

Akeno:"Wait that's-!"

Damien:"Dark magic: Shadow Storm!"

Black bolts of lightning rained down on (Y/n) who covered his head with his arms as the attack went on for about 10 seconds. The circle disappeared and Damien wiped his nose. He then saw something glowing below.

Damien:"It can't be!"

(Y/n) laughed and threw it past Damien.


He then teleported behind Damien to hit him with his elbow then spun around kicked him in the chest.


Damien crashed down below and this left (Y/n) disappointed. He flew down and watched as Damien got up.

Damien:"And here I thought I was the strongest human..."

(Y/n): He doesn't even come close to Raditz.

Damien:"But you see, (Y/n)... I also have a Sacred Gear!"

(Y/n):"Isn't that what Rias and the others have?'

Damien:"Yes! I visited some devils and they helped me awaken this power!"

(Y/n):"That explains the magic, but what about the ki?"

Damien then smirked.

Damien:"All I had to do was get a bit of your DNA!"

This caused everyone to gasp and murmur. Ozpin glared at Ironwood who coughed into his hand and avoided eye contact.

(Y/n):"My DNA?"

He thought about it and remembered about the Faunus girl touching his hair.

(Y/n):"What the- HOW?! That literally makes zero sense! There's gotta be some bullshit involved with your science!"

Damien:"But it doesn't stop there! I wanted power! More and more power! I was visited by a strange pale woman with red eyes and she gave me the power to use Grimm abilities and traits!"

This left many confused and others scared. Ozpin was the main one among them.

Damien:"But you see, I also have a semblance which was awakened when I was only 13."

(Y/n):"What does it let you do?"

Damien:"It's called super soldier. In exchange for my aura, my abilities get increased by 5 times!"

His arms twitched violently and his flesh tore off to show off two completely different arms. Ozpin grabbed his scroll and quickly contacted Midnight.

Ozpin:"Stop the match at once!"

She quickly nodded and turned to face the boys. Damien had a crazed look on his face as (Y/n) looked a little pissed. She tried to tear off a piece of her clothes to activate her quirk but Damien took notice and shot a blast at her. She flinched but felt herself moving.

She opened her eyes to see (Y/n) dashing along the walls and he tossed her to the exit. Damien created walls of fire to block the entrances and exits.

Damien:"Perfect! Now we can fight for real!"

He sprouted two Nevermore wings and activated his semblance before charging up some more ki.

(Y/n): This guy... His power just reached Nappa levels. Better make sure he doesn't fuck anything up.

Damien:"Now do you see, (Y/n)? This! Is the power to kill All Might!"

Hero 1:"Is he crazy?!"

Hero 2:"They really let someone like him take part in this tournament?!"

Everyone grew scared and angry as did Damien.


His voice shook the stadium and his power increased a bit.

Damien:"You will all be my victims until All Might brings his ass down here. (Y/n)! You shall be my first victim! Be prepared to face the wrath of the strongest person to ever walk this earth since the heroes of old! I, Damien Goodman shall-"

He was cut off as (Y/n) kicked him in the chin and caused him to fly straight into the wall.

(Y/n):"Blah blah blah. You're boring me out of my mind. Are you finished yet?"

Damien walked out and coughed into his hand. He saw that he coughed up a tooth. His eyes shook as he slowly looked up at (Y/n). The world around him went dark as he saw only (Y/n) with no aura around his body. He clenched his fist and crushed the tooth into fine powder.

Damien:"I'll kill you!!"

He flew straight at (Y/n) who spun around and kicked him into the air within a few seconds.

(Y/n):"You can't keep up with me!"

He placed two fingers on his head then teleported above Damien and coated his fist with ki then delivered a powerful punch to his cheek.

(Y/n):"Just look at my speed!"

Damien crashed straight down and coughed up blood.

Damien: How am I losing with all this power?!

(Y/n) hovered in the air to the amazement of others. Damien eventually got up and tried to shoot magic at (Y/n). He punched the air and caused a gust of wind to send it straight back. Damien jumped out the way only for (Y/n) to fly low and knee him in the chest.

As Damien was launched back, (Y/n) threw a ki blast as him and the explosion was powerful enough to destroy the magical barrier protecting everyone and crack the walls.

Damien's body was floating in the air with his eyes a pure white. He landed on the ground and (Y/n) dusted his hands thinking the match was over.


He looked over and saw Damien coughing up more blood and eventually sat up.

Damien:"How are you this strong?"

(Y/n) glared fiercely at Damien and spoke as people paid close attention.

(Y/n):"How? I'll tell you how! I worked my ass off training with the greatest warriors around. I wasn't born with these abilities. I was born with nothing special at all! No quirk! No semblance! Just an average human! However, I always looked up to those warriors and trained to be a fraction of their strength. I gained their attention and was soon taught the ways of ki and became more powerful than most of them! I still have a few mentors that are above my league but I'll never quit until I reach their level!"

Hero 2:"Quirkless? No way..."

(Y/n):"My master told me that strength should only be achieved by pure grit and determination alone. That I shouldn't accept handouts no matter how tempting. And now here you are prancing around claiming my powers as your own! You made a literal deal with the devil and with some wicked witch of the west!"

(Y/n) grit his teeth and stomped the floor with rage. His stomp caused the ring to completely shatter and fracture the ground inside the stadium as well.

(Y/n):"And to see someone like you not even work for your strength just... It just..."

He looked down and saw his scarred hands from his countless quests and adventures back in his universe.

(Y/n):"Just pisses me off!"

His power shot up by a bit to him but for those that could sense energy; it felt as though he was charging up to full power. His energy level was incredible that it made then shake in their boots.

(Y/n):"You're no fighter. You're just an abomination!"

Damien gasped and looked at his hands.

Damien:"Maybe you're right..."

Both boys hung their heads low.

(Y/n):"Here I thought I was going to fight some guy that could give me a bit of trouble but I was wrong. Now, you have one last shot at attacking me. Better make it count. Better make it hurt."

He slowly lifted his head to show one eye glowing brightly as his hair casted a shadow over his eyes.

(Y/n):"Better kill me in one shot."

The tone of his voice was so dark and sinister that even the maniacal would go sane from fear alone. Damien quickly took the air and let off his final attack.

Damien panted as he poured all his magic and all his ki into one final blast.

Damien:"DARK FLASH!"

A large dark purple beam was shot straight from the palms of his hands and towards (Y/n). He watched as the beam inched closer to him. He took on the full force of the attack as the audience was left in shock. Sirzechs created a barrier to protect everyone as Damien used the power he had to push the beam.

It was then knocked into the sky and Damien began to shake with fear as it barely singed (Y/n)'s gi. (Y/n) flew up, grabbed Damien by the face and slammed him into the ground. He dragged him through the dirt and into a wall. He crashed through as his face was completely bloody.

Mic:"I...have no words... Our winner is... (Y/n)."

No one said or did anything except for Ironwood who began to walk away. And as for (Y/n), he looked on with pity as medics carried him away.

The camera showed his face across all screens until he teleported away.

* * *

Ironwood was walking towards an elevator but was stopped by (Y/n). He gulped and broke out in a cold sweat.

The next thing he knew, he was tumbling down a flight of stairs until he reached the floor. (Y/n) stood over him then grabbed his collar.

(Y/n):"How the hell did you little soldier get a hold of my DNA?!"


(Y/n) punched him across the face which dealt major damage to his aura. Ironwood tried to break free of his grip but (Y/n) was too strong. He raised his fist and Ironwood flinched as he knew this would surely shatter his aura and possibly, his skull.

(Y/n) threw his fist but it was caught by Guy-sensei.

Might Guy:"(Y/n), please, restrain yourself."

He scoffed and got off Ironwood. Might Guy nodded and kept his hands at his side.

(Y/n):"Listen, if you try something like that again, better bring your army. Not like they'll do you any good."

Other teachers arrived and he just brushed past them as Ironwood looked at Ozpin who only shook his head in shame.

* * *

It was time for the medals to be handed out.

Soon they announced the winners and All Might was handing out the medals.

All Might:"This has been a weird turn of events. We have several different winners. In third place, we have Kiba, Rias, Yang and Nora!"

Everyone clapped and cheered as All Might handed them all bronze medals. He hugged the students and told them he was proud.

All Might:"Second place belongs to Damien Goodman who was unfortunately disqualified for his actions. So, the place is shared by Shouko and Izuki."

The audience roared with excitement as he handed them silver medals and gave them words of wisdom.

All Might:"And finally, in first place we have (Y/n)!"

Everyone cheered loudly and clapped for the boy. All Might put the gold medal around his neck and smiled.

All Might:"You are the first year champion! Be proud Young (Y/n)!"

He smiled and shook All Might's hand.


Aizawa had gathered the first years in the auditorium and spoke into a microphone.

Aizawa:"Now I know some of you may be recuperating from today's events but let me make one thing clear..."

No one said a word as he had a serious look on his face.

Aizawa:"You all did amazing today. You showed them what you were made of. You'll have two days off and when classes start again, we'll go over the internship programs. Some of you are getting requests as we speak."

Everyone got excited and giddy at the thought of working with pros.

Aizawa:"So, rest up and work on your manners if you need to. I'm talking to you, Bakugo, Sasuke, Issei and you too Mineta.


Aizawa:"That's all, dismissed."

Everyone walked out their seats and wondered who they were going to work with. (Y/n) was afraid of this as he would undoubtedly get a lot of requests. If it came down to it, he'd just close his eyes and point at random.

A Few Days Later

Ozpin called (Y/n) into his office to meet a certain someone.

Ozpin:"Looks like he's here. (Y/n)..."

He looked at Ozpin.

Ozpin:"Meet, Qrow Branwen."

A man stepped out of the shadows and drank from a flask.

Qrow:"Nice to meet ya kid."

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