Quest Cleared!
(Y/n) landed on a rooftop and smiled. The sky was filled with stars and the moon.
(Y/n):"Yeah! I can feel it! I'm back in the Union City I'm familiar with! I wonder if the heat laid off me while I was gone. Speaking of which, how long was I away anyway?"
As he pondered, a bright light shined in his eyes. He flinched and covered his face with his hands and peered out to see it was a police helicopter. Several of then and they had heroes and huntsmen inside waiting to pounce on him.
(Y/n):"You cannot be serious right now."
(Y/n):"What?! I just got back!"
Guns were getting loaded and he sighed in exasperation. He held his hands in the air and got down on his knees. Police jumped down and cuffed him tightly. He just let it happen with an annoyed face.
He was taken by air to a large prison off the main island. Countless guards surrounded the area and they threw him in a cell. It was pure white with a single bed, a sink, and a toilet. The thing "keeping" him there was a giant metal door that slammed directly to the ground with an automated locking system.
(Y/n):"I thought the teachers were supposed to help me clear my name. I mean I can get out if I wanted, but that would make things worse. I'll just see where this goes. I can use some rest."
He laid on the bed and instantly fell asleep before waking up the next day. He was taken to a courtroom with teachers and friends sitting in the seats behind him. They carried worried faces as Ragyo Kiryuin walked through those doors. She winked at him and sat at the table to his right with a lawyer.
Judge:"(Y/n), you have been brought here today because Ragyo would like to pardon you if you give her an actual formal apology."
(Y/n):"Wait, what's with the emphasis on actual?"
Ragyo:"Oh? Do you not know? Your friends behind you tried to fool me using a cheap android!"
I looked over my shoulder and saw 21 rubbing her neck and chuckled awkwardly.
(Y/n):"Could you...explain that to me?"
Ragyo:"I was busy overseeing one of my other factories when my secretary told me I had a visitor. And it happened to be you. I was excited. We had tea and ate snacks. You apologized to me and we shook hands. And there, I felt the stark contrast between metal and bones. You would've came back to a cleared up name, but I was completely made a fool!"
Ragyo:"You have such wonderful friends. Though they were too ambitious. I'm a woman of business. I know when someone is trying to cheat me. And I don't like that. Not. One. Bit."
She glared at the crowd then faced the judge.
Judge:"Thank you for the clarification. What do you have to say in response, young man?"
He looked at Ragyo who had a false innocent smile on her face and then looked at his friends. Ozpin mouthed "Do it" and so were many other of his friends.
Ragyo:"(Y/n), you're a lovely boy. I want to get to know you better. But you moved far too fast. With this apology all will be forgiven and we can start anew. I wouldn't mind being friends with you."
The doors were suddenly kicked open and everyone looked to see Ryuko rushing in like a bull.
Ryuko:"(Y/n), don't listen to that bitch! She's Satsuki's mom after all! She's trying to play you."
The police on duty were about to stop her before Ragyo stood up and completely backhanded her and she crashed into a wall.
Ragyo:"Quiet, girl! This matter does not concern you!"
(Y/n) stared in shock and grew furious. He grit his teeth and released a burst of energy that shattered his cuffs like glass and the table and chair he sat at. The ground cracked and he flew at Ragyo and decked her across the face. She was knocked out the courthouse as he ran over to Ryuko.
He carried her gently in his arms and she was bleeding from her lip. He wiped the blood away from her mouth and she looked at him weakly.
(Y/n):"Take it easy, Ryuko. I'm not gonna let that woman hurt you. She can do whatever she wants to slander me and my name, but if she goes after my friends then I'm gonna fight back."
She smiled and rested her head against his chest.
Judge:"Young man! You have increased your sentence by a large margin! Not only that, but you will be stripped of your place at Union Academy!"
Ozpin:"Your honor, I beg you to reconsider."
Judge:"I'm sorry Ozpin, but your student is far too violent and rambunctious to be a potential hero. He is far too much of a threat!"
He let Ryuko down as Ragyo walked back into the building with a pissed off look and her clothes dirtied.
Ragyo:"You struck me..."
(Y/n):"I'll do it several times over if I have to! You are corrupt and vile Ragyo! I could wipe you out, but there's too many people in the way so count your days. What I hit you with was a just a lovetap. I'm no longer a student at Union Academy. If there's one thing I am it's a Z Fighter! Being a hero here just isn't for me. Not when there are much bigger threats at large!"
Ruby:"(Y/n), where are you going?!"
(Y/n):"Ruby. It's now or never. In my head I hear these nagging voices. They tell me to kill Towa, that I need to quit messing around and just kill her. They call me a simp for not killing her sooner. Like wow, I left accidentally left a woman alive, guess I must be a simp for her then. I was hoping that in the end she could be redeemed. She was the one that helped me meet all of you, not you Ragyo, and I'm grateful for that. But to please them I need to do this."
Joan:"(Y/n), don't go! You just got back!"
(Y/n):"I'm sorry. But hey, I promise to take you somewhere amazing. My home. Conton City. You girls will like it there."
He smiled at them sweetly before immediately flying up into the air and breaking a hole into the ceiling. This left everyone speechless.
(Y/n): But so many innocent beings died because of me staying here to long. I ignored Ulti's words because I didn't want to believe it, but with all my experience and the people I know, it's a possibility. It's all over for me. I need to put a stop to Towa once and for all.
He stopped flying a bit and rain started pouring down on the city. He lifted his head and felt the water run down his face.
(Y/n): I'm a failure as a Time Patroller. Letting Towa run about, letting her get more power, causing the collapse of universes and universal order. After showing the girls a good time at Conton City, I'll tell Chronoa I deserve to be locked away and stripped of my status as a Time Patroller. I'm no hero. I'm a threat. I just hope Goku or anyone else hasn't caused any way to destroy an entire universe. Heh.
The rain kept falling as he simply floated in the air as lightning flashed and thunder boomed. He closed his eyes and saw the faces of his friends at Union Academy. They were running around the courtyard happily and laughing as well.
(Y/n): There were so many things I wanted to do. I wanted to train everyone up more. I wanted to show my girlfriends the amazing sights back home. Hell, I wanted to have Goku train my club sometime too. But, I've overstayed my welcome. Every good thing has to come to an end.
He smiled softly and opened his eyes and saw Towa there.
Towa:"My, my, honey. Your body is radiating with some negative energy. Is something the matter?"
(Y/n):"Towa. Thank you."
Towa:"Excuse me?"
(Y/n):"For bringing me here. I met so many people. Both good and bad, but mostly good. I had fun no doubt and there were times I had a thrill fighting some people. But now, all that ends. There are no more journeys to be had."
Towa:"Wh-what do you mean?"
(Y/n):"This is the last time we're going to see each other. It's not you. It's me. I have to do this. For redemption and so everyone will be happy."
Towa:"What?! (Y/n)...."
She looked down, but carried a smirk.
Towa:"You're an absolute fool if you think you can kill me."
Towa:"When we went universe hopping I absorbed every from countless beings as you played hero for the worlds. And your fight with that bald man plus that dragon gave me just so much! And now, I can truly become a goddess!"
She yelled out to the sky and as a burst of black and red energy swirled around and pushed him back.
He gasped as she smiled.
Towa:"You seemed surprised. But there's more."
She giggled and powered up even more.
She flipped her long and luscious hair and giggled softly.
Towa:"Even with all your strength you can't beat me. (Y/n), I had fun playing with you, but if you're dead set on killing me then now will be the perfect chance for me to beat you and finally make you mine."
Her power was astonishing as it was making his body shake with...fear of all things. It wasn't something he felt in so long, but here he was, shaking in his boots. Her energy radiated across the universe and all the weaker beings fell to their knees. Every villain could sense her power and were feeling a mix of fear and jealously. Towa was far greater than they were by an incredible margin.
The heroes couldn't believe what sort of negative energy they were feeling. And (Y/n)'s friends grew worried. They usually had no right to be, but this was different. They all returned to Union Academy and many people were recording the two.
A proper news team had their cameras fixated on the pair as (Y/n)'s face had a mix of nervous sweat and raindrops. He gulped as his eyes lightly shook around as he could Towa's strength completely weighing him down. She giggled more before placing her hands on her cheeks, her eyes became dull yet they shined even in the darkness created by the clouds. A small blush crept up on her face.
Towa:"I will break you and make you into a proper husband. Once I do the world must be prepared as I conquer it with you at my side. We'll be the ultimate power couple!"
He used Potential Unleashed and glared at Towa.
(Y/n):"There's no going back. It's all or nothing. Towa, I'm going to stop you."
Towa:"Then try it! Our battle will be one for the ages! These pathetic heroes and villains know not of what we're capable of! So (Y/n), show them how easily we can pop stars like balloons!"
She giggled happily and spun her staff in her hand. (Y/n) roared and flew at her and threw a punch. She blocked it with her staff and a powerful shockwave blew away several clouds and everyone gasped. She kicked him away and he was sent flying farther than he expected. He recovered, but was smacked down to the streets below by her.
The ground completely broke apart and she laughed to herself. He got up and shook off the rubble. He flew up and threw a ki blast that she absorbed. She sent her own blast that he caught. He was about to throw aside, but with a snap of her fingers it exploded in his face.
He was sent crashing back down and crashed against the side of a building before hitting the pavement. People ran away from the sight in fear as (Y/n) stood back up.
Towa:"You aren't what you used to be. You who were once so proud."
(Y/n):"Me? I'm barely getting started here!"
Towa:"Is that so? If I'm not mistaken, it took the combined efforts of you and that bald man to defeat Ulti. And it took you and Spyro to defeat Kaos. But it's okay. Once you fall victim to my power you will be even stronger than before. Imagine if you were a Saiyan though."
(Y/n):"Tch! I don't need to be a Saiyan to be strong! I've already got the heart of one! Vegeta told me that himself! And I will right this wrong by stopping you with all I got!"
Towa:"Then why not commit to your own words?"
(Y/n):"I will!"
He roared louder than before as his aura flared up all around him. The entire planet was shaking under his might and people held on for dear life. Towa smiled slightly seeing him get pumped up like this.
He put his hands together as she got ready to interrupt his attack, but he suddenly vanished and appeared in front of her.
He released a massive blue energy beam directly at her and she hissed with pain. He grit his teeth as smoke came off her body. She patted her clothes to remove soot and frowned.
Towa:"I felt that one. Surprisingly."
(Y/n):"Then that means you aren't all powerful as you claimed to be!"
Towa:"You're one to talk. But I suppose you are the strongest human."
She laughed before grabbing his wrist and throwing him into a building farther away from their location. He crashed through the glass and rolled along the office floor as people ran out the room.
She teleported above the building a created a massive ball of dark ki. She then threw it down onto the building. He looked up and gasped before flying at it and holding it above his head. He groaned with pain as it began to burn his palms and fingers.
Towa:"Really? Protecting these people even though you caused a few universes full of people to die?"
He managed to toss it back into the air and it dispersed with a wave of her hand.
(Y/n):"These people have nothing to do with our fight! I won't you let you kill them! And once this is over I'm taking full responsibility for everything! Got it?!"
Towa:"How noble. I'll do you a favor then!"
She flew at him and crashed into him and made them fly out the building and into space. He was released of her grasp and looked at her.
Towa:"Here we are. Away from everyone. Now, stop holding back and let loose my dear. I want to see you struggle one last time."
(Y/n):"Tch! I've had enough!"
He teleported in front of her and punched her in the stomach. She winced lightly before he teleported again and kicked her across the face. She flew back a few feet and rubbed her cheek.
Towa:"That's the ticket."
She smiled as (Y/n) felt his body burning with an intense passion. Though, deep down he knew she was way beyond his current level of strength.
Towa:"(Y/n), how do you plan on defeating me?"
(Y/n):"By giving it my all... When I first defeated Mira at his fullest power, I was only able to use Kaioken at the time. The odds were against me, but I did it. And the odds are against me now. So I'll do the same thing I did so long ago! Fighting with everything I've got!"
He flew at her and she teleported away, but he did the same and managed to get behind her. He had a ki blast in his hand and slammed it harshly into her back. She grunted before headbutting him in the nose. He reeled back before being blasted away with wind. He spun through the air, but managed to recover.
Towa:"Let's see how you like this."
She created a single ki orb before countless others spawned all around her and took up so much of the space around them. She launched them forward and every single ki blast was aimed towards (Y/n). He rubbed his nose and grit his teeth. He flew into the eye of the storm and dodged blasts as best as he could.
He threw his own ki blasts as a counter. Down on Earth, people were able to see the lights and explosions being caused in space by the two combatants. (Y/n) was steadily approaching her before Towa shot out a blast of magic that created bindings around his body. They shocked him with black electricity and caused him to cry out in pain.
She laughed maniacally before using her staff to control the bindings with telekinesis and spinning him around. She then threw him to the moon where he crashed into it and formed a large crater. She aimed for staff at him then lowered is a power beam was shot from it. It pierced through the moon and she began bringing it up slowly. At the last minute she quickly swung it up as (Y/n) rolled out the way and watched the moon be split in half.
An explosion went off in his face as he was knocked off the moon's surface. Chunks of debris flew everywhere and he coughed from the smoke. Towa appeared behind him and grabbed the back of his head and flew back down into the moon and slammed his face in it. Long running cracks formed from the half they were on.
Towa:"This strength is incredible! I have so much power at my disposal and you aren't even a threat anymore! Hahaha! Oh dear. It's your fault for not killing me sooner, but your kindness will not go unpaid. After all I still want to keep you."
She pushed him further into the moon and he grunted in pain. He was bleeding from his forehead and tried to break free of her grasp. She stepped away and floated over him as he laid there in the crater. She created another large sphere of ki and threw down on top of him. It crashed and he cried out in pain as the half of the moon he was on completely disintegrated.
(Y/n) himself was floating away in the vacuum of space with a bloodied body. He couldn't even open his eyes very much.
(Y/n): I can't do it... I let her get so strong. All because I was wanting go redeem her. There's not much I can do. I'm only human after all. What did I think I could do? Heh. What a joke...
His body powered down and was simply floating there in space. Towa watched curiously to see if anything was going to happen.
(Y/n): I'm sorry everyone. There's no winning this fight. She's out of my league. I doubt even Goku and Vegeta can take her down in this state.
All he could see was darkness then a drop of water rolling down a strange surface. It zoomed out and he saw Ruby's face with tears gently rolling down her face.
(Y/n): Ruby...
He then saw Joan, Izuki, Amber, and Ryuko. Their faces carried looks of worry and then he saw the faces of Goku and Vegeta.
Goku: (Y/n), you can beat her. You need to give it everything you have.
(Y/n): I tried. I just can't do it.
Vegeta: Don't you dare die on us! You are an honorary Saiyan warrior! You carry within you the pride of one! And my star pupil will not be corrupted by that demon! Fight back damnit!
Chronoa: (Y/n), we need you to return safely. Please!
He grit his teeth and Towa held a slightly shocked look as he clenched his fists and powered back up again. He shifted his position to look up at her and she saw his aura flaring around wildly. He said nothing but instead charged right at Towa. She blocked a punch from him with her staff but with his newfound rage and strength he broke it in half.
Towa:"What?! No!"
He grabbed her by the throat and began pressing down on it.
Towa:"Mmm~ Harder~"
(Y/n):"Wait huh?!"
His confusion loosened his grip and she kicked him in the chest to break free. He recoiled and scoffed. He teleported to her and grabbed her legs before spinning around and throwing her away. She flew through the air and tried to get her bearings but was suddenly struck by (Y/n). His fist landed harshly on her cheek and knocked her down the remaining half of the moon.
(Y/n):"Now it's my turn!"
He threw his Supernova straight down at her and she gasped and blocked. The attack was swallowing her up and destroyed what was left of the moon in one last explosion. She then appeared at his side and delivered a devastating kick to his left arm.
He yelled out in pain before being blasted from point blank. He spun through the air and then got hit with consecutive ki blasts from her. He grunted before releasing a burst of ki to dispell all the ki blasts from her. His arm was simply hanging there as he did his best to ignore the pain.
Towa:"Is that all you got? I would hope not."
She smirked as he charged at her again. She dodged out the way before he teleported above her and used his good hand to grab her face. He released a ki wave attack that sent her flying away and screaming in pain. He flew after her and she looked at him. His eyes were pure white with blood trickling down his face. His right fist was clenched tightly and he carried the look of a dangerous beast.
Towa: Yes! This is the (Y/n) I know! Fighting his heart out! It makes me happy seeing him like this!
He landed a devastating punch to her ribs and she felt something crack. He kicked her square in the jaw and was launched upwards. He quickly caught her leg and yanked her back down so he could headbutt her. The attack was fierce and she felt blood gushing out her nose.
Towa broke free of his grasp and wiped her nose and looked at the blood. She growled lightly before pushing him away with a blast of wind. She appeared above him and dropped down on his stomach with both her feet. He coughed up spit and they were plummeting down towards the Earth. He groaned in pain right as they entered the atmosphere. Their bodies began to burn from the heat of re-entry.
Towa quickly created a barrier around herself as (Y/n) felt his skin stinging slightly. Once they were back in the atmosphere, he grabbed her ankle and yanked her off of him. She floated upright as he crashed down through a building and through the streets below.
He was struggling to stand back up which made her smile and she got an idea. She flew towards the academy and he saw her leaving. He managed to stand and panted heavily. He wiped his face of blood and spit on the ground before chasing after her.
She was farther ahead than him and he increased his speed. He was in close range of her but she did a backflip and blasted him towards the campus. He crashed onto the ground as students ran away from him. She got on the ground where he was and picked him up by his hair.
She giggled to herself and saw more blood trickling down his face. She licked a bit of it and smiled. Towa then threw him up and grabbed his leg and repeatedly slammed him on the ground.
With each slam he let out a painful scream. Each one being louder than the previous. Students and teachers could only watch in horror as (Y/n) was being completely bodied by the demon goddess. She dropped him and he laid in a crater. She then stood triumphantly on his chest and looked in the direction of his school.
Towa:"Attention students, your beloved hero is defeated. For his sake I'll spare you. For now at least. As for (Y/n), he will no longer be your ally. He will become my greatest weapon. And my incredible lover. Our children will be powerful. No one will be able to stop us!"
(Y/n):" me..."
She looked down to see (Y/n) weakly trying to push her off him. She giggled and pushed down on his chest. He coughed up a bit of blood.
Towa:"Now, now. Go to sleep my dear."
He grunted in pain before blasting a yellow beam at her. She backflipped away to dodge it. She landed safely away and he immediately got back up. He was panting heavily with and spit on the ground.
Towa:"So you're still willing to fight?"
(Y/n):"I am! With whatever I have left!"
He yelled out to the sky as his aura increased in size and he tackled Towa into the sky. She was caught off guard and began pounding his back with the bottoms of her fists.
Towa:"What are you doing?! Let go!"
He had his right arm wrapped tightly around her waist and kept flying upwards. She managed to break free and looked at him as he carried a crazed yet determined look on his face.
Towa:"That look... You... You're willing to die just to stop me, aren't you?!"
He slowly nodded his head and this sent shivers down her spine. The ki around his body swirled around his right hand and he formed a ki blade. He charged at her and she yelled out in fear.
Towa:"(Y/n)! Please! Stop!"
It was too late as he stabbed straight through her abdomen. She coughed up blood and and stared down at him in fear.
Towa:"That's it!!!"
Her own aura flared up as it was black with a red outline.
Towa:"You're going to pay!"
She began releasing a constant wave of ki that hurt (Y/n), but he only had one thing left to do. Finishing the job. He started flying back down to the campus as Towa kept unleashing the ki waves on him. He yelled out as his aura was shining brightly and clashed with hers.
Towa:"(Y/n)! If you keep this up! You'll be killed!"
(Y/n):"No way! This is it Towa! I've won!"
Towa:"(Y/n) no!"
(Y/n):"Do you want to know why?!"
They flew past the clouds and everyone was watching both of them crash down to the campus.
(Y/n):"None can stop me!"
With one final scream he crashed into the campus as a giant flash of white, black, and red illuminated the area around them and could be seen from space. Everyone rushed outside as the dust settled. (Y/n) was standing there triumphantly and carried a large smile as his entire body was burned and his face completely bloody.
(Y/n):"That was...a...close one..."
He chuckled before falling over on his side. His vision started to get blurry and all he could hear was a faint ringing in his ears. His friends and teachers were trying to shake him for a response, but not a single word came out his mouth. They were carrying tears until his eyes stopped shining and his vision completely went dark.
Joan:"Someone! Please! We need to do something! Anything!"
Tears constantly fell from her face as she grabbed his hands and hoped to feel a pulse.
Issei:"Rias! Can't you revive him?!"
Rias:"I can't do that. You used all the pawn pieces plus (Y/n) is far too strong for any devil to add to their peerage...."
Everyone looked down at his body as the girls continously cried and held his lifeless body. Others looked away from the sad sight and tried to fight back their own tears. Many failed to do so.
There was just no way this could be end of someone great like him. Right? Only time may tell as to what happens next.
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