Multiversal Madness Pt. 3
Multiversal Madness Pt. 3- The Strongest Humans
(Y/n) was walking around in an empty forest as he tried to think of what could possibly be in this world. He heard a bush rustling and turned to see a bald man in a yellow jumpsuit walk out.
?:"Huh? I could've sworn something made this place shake."
(Y/n):"Who are you?"
?:"Me? I'm just a guy who's a hero for the fun of it."
(Y/n):"Really? That's cool, but I meant your name."
Saitama:"I'm Saitama. What are you doing all the way out here man?"
(Y/n):"Well some lady I'm trying to find brought me here."
Saitama:"Your outfit... You a martial artist?"
(Y/n):"Something of the sort. Wanna spar? There's something about you that I can't shake off. Like you got some crazy power in ya!"
Saitama:"If you say so."
(Y/n):"I'll let you get the first hit."
Saitama:"Uhh... Are you sure?"
(Y/n):"Come on, don't be afraid."
Saitama:"Alright man..."
Saitama clenched his fist and tapped (Y/n) on the chest with his knuckles. It sent him skidding back several yards as he tore up the ground.
(Y/n):"Holy... That kinda stung..."
Saitama:"Whoa... You're still standing and you took it like a champ. This could be interesting."
(Y/n):"Well now is my turn!"
(Y/n) flew at Saitama and threw a punch across his cheek that sent him crashing through some trees.
(Y/n):"Come on Saitama! Show me all you've got! No love taps, you hear?!"
Saitama came back out and dusted leaves off his shoulders and held a small grin on his face.
Saitama:"You got it!"
The two charged right at each other and threw a punch. Their fists collided and the force was so great it created a powerful shockwave that uprooted dozens of trees and formed a massive crater beneath their feet. Their arms were shaking as they tried to push the other away.
Both of them jumped away and smoke was coming right off their knuckles. Neither of them moved an inch as the wind blew gently between them. As it did, it picked up leaves and one strayed from the others and landed gently at the bottom of the crater they made. The moment it touched the ground, both combatants rushed each other.
The clashing of their fists continued to create shockwaves that tore up the ground they stood on. It seemed to be like they were stuck at a stalemate, before (Y/n) kicked Saitama in his ribs. The attack knocked him away, but he quickly recovered and jumped at (Y/n). Saitama landed a strong dropkick and knocked (Y/n) back several yards.
(Y/n):"I should thank Towa for bringing me to a place where I found a good challenge!"
He rubbed his hands and ran back to Saitama. He threw a punch across his jaw as Saitama hit back with a gut punch. (Y/n) coughed up spit and jumped away to wipe his mouth. Saitama rubbed his jaw a bit and lacked any bruises or scratches.
(Y/n):"Mind if I crank it up a bit?"
Saitama:"Go ahead."
(Y/n) took in a breath before raising his power up to its max, but remained in his normal state. The entire ground shook under his own power before lunging at Saitama. He grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the ground, causing it to break apart!
Saitama: Woah! That felt like it did more! This guy is pretty cool!
Saitama was then thrown away as he spun around and kicked off a tree. The force behind his jump caused a massive gust of wind to form behind and uproot several more trees. He threw a punch at (Y/n) who ducked and elbowed the bald man in the chest. It stunned him for a few seconds and (Y/n) took the chance to yank him down by his legs and slam him hard on the ground.
The ground shattered even more before (Y/n) grabbed him by his cape and spun around several times then threw him away. Saitama was sent spiraling through the air and crashed through trees then straight into a mountain. He left the mountain with a massive circular blemish with cracks running all along it. (Y/n) caught up and smirked before seeing Saitama dive straight at him.
Saitama tackled him straight through the ground and began punching (Y/n) across the face and chest to force him deeper into the Earth. (Y/n) was groaning in pain, but kept a prideful look on his face before headbutting Saitama. This made him reel back as (Y/n) took off into the air while holding tightly onto Saitama.
He tossed him up then teleported above Saitama to deliver a devastating punch to his cheek which sent him crashing back down.
Towa was flying over a city as she looked around for something to ease her boredom.
Towa:"This place is completely boring. Nothing here can be used as a perfect toy for my dear and these utterly pathetic people. But maybe I can find something from another point in time."
She smiled to herself and teleported away to find something to cause mayhem.
Back with (Y/n)
(Y/n) was thrown straight through a mountain as Saitama leapt at him with his fist reeled back. He threw a punch and (Y/n) coughed up a bit of blood before grabbing his forearm and headbutting Saitama. He flew out the mountain and Saitama spun through the air.
(Y/n):"This guy's no joke. His power is incredible."
(Y/n) landed on the ground and so did Saitama. He had some blood trickling down his nose and he laughed.
Saitama:"I'm bleeding. It's been so long since I last felt my own blood."
Saitama:"Yeah. Every enemy I fought went down in one punch. But here you are standing tall and even putting the hurt on me."
(Y/n):"How did you get so strong?"
Saitama:"I trained hard for three years. Doing 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 100 squats and 10 kilometer run in succession. No AC in the summer and no heat in the winter to strengthen my mind."
(Y/n): That's just strength training! But other universes have their own rules and logic to abide by so I shouldn't be surprised. "Well hot damn. To think you reached such power in only three years. I trained my whole life to reach where I am and seeing you do some damage is surprising. Though I am holding back a bit."
Saitama:"I've been doing the same."
(Y/n):"Then enough with the foreplay and get this show underway."
They both smirked as (Y/n) powered up fully with Potential Unleashed.
The ground shattered and became nothing more than dust as any remaining trees were torn to shreds. Saitama smiled even more as a fire could be seen flickering in his eyes.
Saitama:"Let's do this!"
(Y/n):"Hell yeah!"
They tried landing hits on each other, but they kept moving so fast that they couldn't land a hit and were nothing more than blurs.
They finally managed to land a few kicks, but they were still avoiding so many other attacks. The area around them wasn't so lucky as it was stationary. The Earth continously trembled under the might of their punches and the landscape started to become barren as they threw each other around and created a mess of things. (Y/n) landed a clean punch on Saitama's jaw and sent him flying far across the horizon and he went after him.
In the nearby city
In a city close to their battleground people began to slightly freak out over the constant tremors. They began to die down soon though as Saitama and (Y/n) moved further away. They let out a collective sigh of relief before going back to their business.
Costumed heroes walked all around on patrol to make sure everything was safe and sound. As they did this Towa was hopping through portals throughout time to find something to corrupt. She hopped through another portal before finding herself out in a dark void.
?:"You and that boy have been hopping around too much. The multiverse isn't a playground."
Towa:"Who's there?!"
The dark void then became illuminated with a vibrant blue color as Towa gazed at an immense figure.
Towa:"What are you?!"
?:"The one who protects the order of the multiverse. I protect the borders from intruders such as yourself."
Towa:"Hmph. I'm merely spreading the good word of my future husband. I highly doubt a dragon could comprehend something like that."
?:"I shall not take your tone lightly, woman! If you wish to show off your man then allow me to help!"
The dragon spread its wings as it shot out blue wisps that surrounded Towa and encased her in a sphere.
?:"Now to draw him out!"
Back on Earth
Saitama's clothes were completely torn apart as his muscles ached. (Y/n) was panting a bit but was doing better than Saitama. As they fought, (Y/n) had the upper hand in strength, but Saitama seemed to grow as the excitement was allowing him to keep up.
Saitama:"Killer Move. Serious Serious..."
Saitama clenched his right fist and (Y/n) was charging up a beam in the air. He then teleported right in front of Saitama and got ready to unleash his attack. Saitama gained a serious look on his face and readied his fist.
The two stopped right as they were about to launch their attacks. They looked over and saw a cyborg with short blonde hair.
Saitama:"Genos?! What're you doing here?"
Genos:"I came because the Hero Association noticed large tremors and beams of light erupting now and then. Wait! Master! You're bleeding!"
Saitama:"Huh? Oh, yeah. It's cuz I was in the middle of a little fight with (Y/n) here. He's super strong."
(Y/n):"Nice to meet you, Genos."
Genos:"To think there's someone else who's as strong as you... It's an honor."
He bowed and (Y/n) looked at him embarrassed. Saitama just shrugged then looked around the battleground. There was practically nothing standing. What was once a beautiful and vibrant forest now become a wasteland.
Saitama:"Huh. Some construction company really tore this place up."
(Y/n):"If we're getting noise complaints then we better chill out for a bit. I worked up quite an appetite!"
Saitama:"Dude, same."
They smiled and bumped fists with one another as (Y/n) powered down and let out a sigh of relief.
(Y/n):"Genos. Would you be kind to take us to the nearest burger joint."
Genos:"Of course. Follow me!"
He began running as the two humans followed after him. They arrived in the city shortly and began to order quite a bit. The employees looked on curiously as the two of them were battered and bruised. But once they got their drinks they sat down comfortably in a booth by a window.
Saitama:"So glad I got to meet you, man. I've been waiting so long for a fight that could thrill me."
(Y/n):"Heh. You sound like my teacher. You two would definitely get along."
Saitama:"You think so?"
(Y/n):"Yeah. He's way stronger than I am. I should take you to meet him one day and watch you two go crazy. It'd be insane."
Saitama:"Aw sweet."
Their order was called and (Y/n) went to get the trays of food. When he was up there he saw a woman paying for a cup of iced coffee.
?:"What happened to your clothes?"
(Y/n):"Oh! I got into a fight."
He just laughed lightly and began walking over to his table. The woman raised her brow and walked over and saw that he was hanging out with Genos and Saitama.
?:"Wait! You're friends with the man who is friends with King and Genos?!"
(Y/n):"I guess so. Who's King?"
Saitama:"Some dude."
Genos:"He is an S-Ranked hero like I am."
(Y/n):"Oh, cool."
He said nothing more on the matter and began eating his burger. Her eye twitched and she sat down across from him and Saitama.
Fubuki:"My name is Fubuki. Will you join my team?!"
He looked up from his food and swallowed.
(Y/n):"Sorry but no thanks. I won't be around here for long."
Fubuki:"Eh?! Are you a transfer from another country. I didn't think the Hero Association had such a program."
(Y/n):"Well, it's an entirely different matter. Too much to explain right now."
She let out a sad sigh and sipped some of her coffee. (Y/n) picked up another burger when he heard Towa's voice in his head.
Towa: (Y/n)! I've been captured by some dragon! He says we disrupted the natural order of things! And he's coming for you!
He gained a serious look on his face that didn't go unnoticed by Saitama.
Saitama:"What's wrong?"
(Y/n):"Trouble... I just don't know-"
Suddenly, the entire restaurant started to shake violently. The entire roof was pulled apart as a giant blue portal began pulling in various things. That's when a bunch of wispy blue tendrils shot out and got a hold of (Y/n). He thrashed and tried to break free before it began pulling him in.
Saitama:"(Y/n)! Hang on!"
He jumped up and grabbed his friend's ankles and was dragged into the portal as well. It then shut right after he entered and the area stopped shaking. The two were dropped down on some invisible ground in an empty void. The area became illuminated by countless stars all over the place with planets here and there as well.
Ulti:"Welcome to my domain. I am Ulti, the dragon that guards the borders between universes. And you have caused a major ripple!"
(Y/n):"What?! I only went to two universes!"
Ulti:"Yes, but your existence belongs in another dimension. Far from here. Because you and that woman showed up, the multiverse had to make up for your being. And some universes collapsed all together. Only a certain few withstood the absurdity that is your existence."
(Y/n):"What the hell are you going on about?!"
Ulti:"Multiversal travelers aren't allowed! It disrupts the order of everything! You're lucky you're only human. Anyone stronger would completely destroy everything!"
(Y/n):"What did you just say?"
Ulti:"You're weak. All mortals are. Yet this woman praises you so much."
He raised up a claw and showed Towa floating in a transparent blue orb.
He then glared at the giant dragon.
(Y/n):"Look, I don't care what you are... This ends now! I'm far stronger than any human there is! And with Saitama at my side we just can't lose!"
Saitama:"A team up huh? Let's do it. I wanna go back home."
(Y/n):"Amen to that, brother."
Ulti:"Then do your worst!"
He spread his wings as a gust of blue wind pushed them back a bit. They held their ground and (Y/n) powered up completely. The area around them glistened and showed off they were in an invisible cube with Ulti.
(Y/n):"Let's do this, Saitama. Me and you. The Strongest Humans!"
They both took off with incredible speed as (Y/n) flew behind the dragon and Saitama appeared in front of it. Saitama threw a punch at its large throat as (Y/n) crashed into Ulti's spine as hard as he could. Ulti thrashed about and they backed away.
He took in a deep breath before releasing a stream of blue fire. Saitama threw a punch and a blast of wind shot forth and dispelled the flames. (Y/n) flew up and shot beams from his hands directly at Ulti.
The attack was negated by some strange force field as Ulti roared. The area shook and random explosions started popping up around the two of them. They did their best to avoid them, but Saitama was hit with one and crashed into (Y/n). The two of them were knocked into an explosion and were launched to a corner of the arena. They crashed to the ground and groaned in pain.
Ulti raised a claw and swiped it down. This yanked the two humans directly in front of him as he slammed them harshly into the ground with his hand. They coughed up blood before they were thrown into the air and swatted away with his tail.
Ulti:"As I said...weak."
The two twitched and winced in pain.
(Y/n):"Wish I brought a couple of Senzus..."
Saitama:"Yeah... I'm still pretty worn out from our sparring match."
They managed to stand as (Y/n) ripped off part of his gi and Saitama tossed aside his gloves. Ulti smirked and growled lightly.
(Y/n):"We have to hit with all our power. He's strong, but with our powers combined he doesn't stand a chance. We gotta break the barrier he has around him first. We only landed two hits since we got lucky and caught him by surprise."
Saitama:"Alright. I'll break the barrier and you go for the finisher!"
Saitama ran quickly as (Y/n) took in a deep breath and calmed his mind. He then got his hands in position.
Saitama:"Killer Move. Serious Series: Serious Punch!"
He got close to Ulti and reeled his fist back and then threw it forward with every ounce of strength he had.
Saitama's fist connected cleanly with Ulti's chest but the barrier was preventing the attack from doing any harm. Ulti believed he won until the barrier slowly started cracking before shattering completely. Saitama fell to one knee and smirked.
The beam flew fast and fiercely and crashed straight into Ulti's chest. He roared in pain as the beam kept pushing and pushing until it broke through his hide and incinerated his insides and crashed out his back. Towa was then freed and she laughed heartily.
Ulti began to explode in a large blue light that swallowed up all three mortals. Saitama was dropped down to the street outside the restaurant he was eating at. Towa found herself on a mountain completely fine. She sighed and dusted herself off when she sensed someone nearby.
(Y/n) was seen spiraling down and crashed into the yard of a familiar academy. The moon was shining brightly overhead and he felt his body giving out on him. A group of adults saw the bloodied boy and gasped. They helped him up and quickly took him to the infirmary.
To Be Continued...
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