Multiversal Madness Pt. 2
Multiversal Madness Pt. 2- Sins, Demons, and Holy Knights
The sun was shining brightly overhead as the scenery happened to be a large and open field. Everything looked incredibly beautiful and so clean. Especially the air. But within the plains laid the body of dear old (Y/n).
He was simply laying on the soft grass and stared up at the beautiful sky. He could feel all his original power flowing through his body and smiled. He then sat up and stretched out his body.
(Y/n):"Okay. Now which way should I go?"
He began walking around aimlessly with his hands behind his head. He whistled as he walked and felt some strange energies a few miles away. He narrowed his eyes before flying over there. He landed close by and saw someone fighting a trio of giant red demons.
(Y/n):"Ugh. Those things make me sick just by looking at them."
He then saw someone fighting them by theirself. He got closer and saw some girl with a ponytail and armor fighting off the creatures.
She created walls of ice that they easily broke through. One of them had their eyes glowing and shot beams from them. The girl gasped and braced for impact, but it never came. She felt the wind rushing against her face and opened her eyes to see that she was being carried by (Y/n). She blushed and jumped out his arms.
?:"W-who are you?!"
(Y/n):"I'm (Y/n) and I'm here to help. Those dudes look disgusting and I want to stop looking at them."
?:"Well, where's your weapon? Or do you use magic?"
(Y/n):"I guess you could call it magic."
?:"Well these demons have multiple hearts so it's going to take a bit of time to put them down."
(Y/n):"Or I could just..."
He raised his left hand and extended his index finger and had his thumb raised. He then shot out repeated blasts of ki from his fingertips that punctured holes into the demons all over.
They all exploded into nothingness and he blew smoke off his fingers. He then faced the girl who was stunned at his supposed magic.
(Y/n):"Right. What's your name?"
She cleared her throat and looked at him.
Jericho:"I'm Jericho of the Holy Knights of Liones."
(Y/n):"Hm... I've seen enough anime and read enough light novels to know that the Holy Knights tend to be the bad guys. Are you bad guys?"
Jericho:"No! Well, not anymore... We were under corruption for a time, okay?! But things were starting to calm down until the Ten Commandments showed up..."
(Y/n):"They sound like trouble."
Jericho:"They are. Luckily we have the Seven Deadly Sins to rely on. But they're out getting some food for the feast tonight."
(Y/n):"Huh. Well, how kind of the villains to hold off as everyone relaxes. That's what I love about some of the people I've faced. Like Cell."
(Y/n):"Oh. Sorry. I was just rambling."
His stomach then growled and he laughed awkwardly.
Jericho:"I'll get you some food as thanks for helping me out."
(Y/n):"You're the best!"
She blushed and smiled softly before leading him to the kingdom. They walked and talked as they did.
Jericho:"I don't think I've seen magic that potent. In fact. I don't really feel any magic power coming off of you."
(Y/n):"Oh! Well I usually keep it low or hidden just to avoid too much trouble. Plus if I'm in a fight it looks hilarious seeing my opponent become absolutely flabbergasted by the fact I'm so strong despite the low level."
Jericho:"Oh. I guess that makes sense. I was certainly shocked when I saw you take care of those things."
(Y/n):"You said those were demons, right? Are there any others?"
Jericho:"Plenty others. Today is the king's birthday and we were all sent out to protect the kingdom from any threats."
Jericho:"Those red ones are the weaker ones, but still are a pain. And there are other types as well."
(Y/n):"If you'd like, I could help out in protecting the kingdom. As long as I get some food I'm in!"
They reached the large gates of the kingdom and walked through as (Y/n) noticed many streamers and balloons flying through the air. The citizens were in a cheery mood and were all smiling. Jericho took him over to a stall where a man was cooking up some turkey legs. He saw the pair and smiled. Jericho gave the man money and they got the food.
(Y/n) began to demolish the leg as Jericho looked on with a mix awe and worry. Within a few seconds, the bone was picked clean of all the meat it once carried. He let out a content sigh and tossed the bone to the side and a random dog caught it and ran off with it.
(Y/n):"That hit the spot. Thanks again Jericho."
Jericho:"It's no problem."
She began eating her food and they just walked all around the kingdom together. She was finishing up her meal when someone approached the two of them.
?:"Good afternoon, Jericho."
Jericho:"Oh! Good afternoon, Guila."
Guila:"Who's that? A boyfriend?"
She giggled and Jericho immediately blushed and waved her hands all around.
Jericho:"N-No! He's just a g-guy that helped me out! Honest!"
Guila:"Relax. I'm only teasing. But are you saying he helped out with those demons?"
(Y/n):"Yes ma'am. Nice to meet ya. I'm (Y/n)."
Guila:"A pleasure meeting you. I'm Guila. A Holy Knight. I don't think I've seen you before. But your clothes suggest you're a martial artist."
(Y/n):"Yeah. I pretty much wander all around fighting opponents."
Jericho:"But the way he handled the demons was insanely amazing. You need to show her, (Y/n)."
Guila:"Please do. I'm just about to go out on another patrol. I'd be happy if you two tagged along."
(Y/n):"Sure thing."
They followed her and went to a stable. Guila and Jericho got on some horses as (Y/n) waited for them.
Jericho:"Aren't you going to get on one?"
(Y/n):"I prefer to use my own legs. Don't worry. I can keep up. Especially since I got some food back in my belly!"
He laughed happily and Jericho rolled her eyes, but smiled. The two Holy Knights rode off as (Y/n) jogged at a light pace. He didn't lie as he was running at the same speed as the horses galloping. They ran up a hill and stopped as they saw a large demon standing in the distance.
It walked around aimlessly and Guila grit her teeth.
Guila:"This opponent is definitely stronger than the red and gray demons... We may need backup."
(Y/n):"Ah don't you guys worry about it. I got this."
He smiled and gave them a thumbs up before running straight towards the demon. His speed was quick and he got there practically instantly and he looked up at the towering beast.
(Y/n):"Hey! Ugly! Down here!"
It looked down and let out a low groan before raising up its right fist and slamming it down on him.
Dust picked up and the two knights grew scared that they gotten someone killed when suddenly the demon was tossed into the air. (Y/n)'s eyes darted around before he began firing death beams throughout the demon's body and pierced straight through. It roared with pain before exploding.
Jericho:"No kidding... He might be stronger than even Meliodas..."
(Y/n) jumped over to them and they looked at him with awe.
Jericho:"(Y/n)... You're amazing..."
(Y/n):"Aww shucks. I'm just having fun here heh heh."
Guila:"Could you help us take care of the rest of the demons near the borders?"
(Y/n):"For sure. Just point me in the direction to the feast when this is all over."
They shared a laugh before (Y/n) spent the next hour completely decimating every demon he came across. None stood a chance at standing against him. Since a majority of the demons were defeated this gave the knights the perfect opportunity to relax inside the walls of the kingdom.
Jericho:"(Y/n), would you want to explore more of the kingdom with me?"
She smiled and the two walked all around and participated in some games people had set up for fun during the celebrations. (Y/n) won them all with ease and won prizes for Jericho. It was getting too much for her to carry so they took them back to a small house she had.
Jericho then realized she had a guy in her house and blushed. She looked over her shoulder to see him yawning softly.
Jericho:"Hey... If you'd like you could... Take a nap here..."
(Y/n):"Are you sure?"
Jericho:"Yeah. You honestly deserve it for doing so much for our kingdom. All within an hour too. I bet your body is practically wearing down."
(Y/n): I could fight those little demons for days if I wanted. But a little cat nap won't hurt. "Yeah. Good call. Thanks Jericho. You're an amazing girl, you know that?"
Jericho:"Oh! Wow... I uh... Oh boy..."
She pressed her fingers together and made him laugh. He then flopped on her bed and let out one loud yawn before knocking out and snoring. Jericho giggled and stared at his sleeping form.
Jericho:"(Y/n). I don't know you well, but I hope to learn more about you. You're an amazing person. That much is clear."
She walked over and kissed him softly on the nose before exiting the house. She walked around the kingdom before meeting up with her friend Guila again.
Guila:"Evening Jericho. Where's (Y/n)?"
Jericho:"He's resting up. He clearly pushed himself during his fights with all those demons."
Guila:"I see. His magic was strange, but incredibly dangerous and powerful. No doubt he used a massive extent of it to deal with them all. His rest is well deserved."
She nodded in agreement and just walked around with her before someone started screaming.
Knight:"A demon! In the distance!"
The two rushed to a watchtower and peered through telescopes to see a glowing blue and purple figure in the distance. It looked up and glared at the two who were watching it. The glare sent a gust of wind that tore up the watchtower and shook it.
Jericho:"Impossible! How did it do that?!"
Guila:"Who knows? But I can feel a great sense of evil and power coming off of it. Alert the others! This will require every Magic Knight we have!"
Knight:"Yes ma'am!"
Guila and Jericho climbed down as a horn was blown and all the Holy Knights stopped having fun and quickly rushed to the gates of the kingdom. They stepped outside as the gates were lowered. Across the field was a foe (Y/n) faced on one of his missions.
Janemba looked at his opponents and smirked. He shot a glare directly at the Holy Knights and they were hit repeatedly by invisible attacks. They fell to their knees and they gasped for air. This attack caused (Y/n) to stir awake and he immediately hopped out of bed and ran outside. He flew over the walls and landed in front of the knights.
(Y/n):"All of you. Back inside."
Jericho:"No... We have to fight. It's our duty."
(Y/n):"This guy is beyond your level. He could easily wipe each and every one of you off the planet with a single hit."
Jericho:"What?! That can't be possible!"
(Y/n):"Where I'm from it is. Don't worry. I can handle him. Just watch."
He turned and smirked at them before flying at Janemba. Janemba saw him and let out a roar and flew at him as well. The two rammed into each other and formed a large crater and massive shockwave that knocked the Holy Knights completely over.
(Y/n):"You got something on your chest."
Janemba looked down as (Y/n) hit him directly with a ki blast that launched him into the air.
The recoil from the attack caused the ground to tremble and crack apart as well. Janemba spun in the air then flew straight back down. He went for a punch, but (Y/n) did a backflip and dodged the attack. Janemba's punch hit the ground and caused to tremble even more as more cracks appeared.
(Y/n):"Nice punch, buddy. But here's how you land a punch!"
He drew his right fist back and swiftly shot it towards Janemba. It connected with his stomach and caused him to groan in pain.
(Y/n):"But wait! There's more!"
He jumped and kicked him away and made Janemba tear up the ground as he rolled.
(Y/n):"I'll wrap this up!"
He put the bottoms of his palms together and yelled at the top of his lungs.
(Y/n):"Final Flash!"
A large yellow beam was shot forth and engulfed Janemba as he let out a painful scream and completely turned to ash and dust. The attack scorched the Earth and eviscerated anything that stood in its path before fizzling out. (Y/n) let out a sigh of relief and saw a giant green pig flying down from the sky.
(Y/n):"What is that?!"
Jericho:"That's the Boar Hat! The Seven Deadly Sins are in there!"
The giant pig landed on the ground and started burying itself into it until the building on its head was resting gently on the ground.
Several people and a pig stepped out the building with one of them carrying a large fish.
Jericho:"Let me introduce you to everyone!"
Jericho:"Meliodas. Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins."
Jericho:"This is King."
Jericho:"And that's Diane."
Jericho:"That's Gowther."
Jericho:"And Merlin."
Jericho:"And Escanor."
Jericho:"That's Lady Elizabeth. She's the king's daughter."
Jericho:"And finally, Hawk."
Elizabeth:"Hey everyone! We're back!"
Gilthunder:"Lady Elizabeth. Good to see you again. Your father is already waiting in the dining hall."
Guila:"How was your day?"
King:"Pretty weird. Some guy that looked like the captain showed up and the captain was on a floating island. We fought some demons there and helped them out."
Escanor:"Is something the matter, Lady Merlin?"
Merlin:"That boy. I sense no magic in him."
(Y/n):"Oh! Right! I should introduce myself. I'm (Y/n). I sort of came here from elsewhere and I helped out the Holy Knights with some demons so the king's birthday wasn't messed up."
(Y/n) looked at the little blonde guy and felt some demon energy in him, but it wasn't malicious.
(Y/n):"Hey, you look pretty strong. Wanna have a battle?"
Meliodas:"Are you sure?"
Gilthunder:"This will be an exciting battle, no doubt."
Guila:"Correct. (Y/n) here is extremely powerful. His attacks left this area completely scorched."
Gowther:"Curious. You say he did this amount of damage, but Merlin states he lacks magical power."
(Y/n):"Well because I used something called ki. I won't go into the specifics right now, but just think of it as me using magic energy to strengthen my body and mind and also shoot blasts and beams."
Meliodas:"That's pretty cool! Sure. I'll fight you real quick then we can get to cooking!"
He gave the weird fish to one of the knights who took it to the castle. They stepped away from everyone and began stretching.
Meliodas:"Hey Merlin, can you make a Perfect Cube for us?"
She nodded and snapped her fingers as a giant pink cube surround the two of them.
Meliodas:"Ready whenever you are."
(Y/n) nodded softly and cracked his knuckles. He took one step forward and appeared behind Meliodas which left everyone surprised. He spun around kicked Meliodas away and watched him crash into a side of the cube and bounced off the ground.
Meliodas:"Ouch! That did some damage. I guess I can see why those demons went down easily. Heh."
He managed to stand and rolled his shoulders and ran right at (Y/n). He went for a kick, but his leg was caught and he got slammed into the ground. Meliodas kicked himself up and kicked (Y/n) in the chest in the process. He slid back a few feet and dusted his gi off.
The two eyed each other for a bit before an exchange of punches were thrown. They were thrown in rapid succession and their fists constantly connected.
Elizabeth:"They're so fast!"
Escanor:"Just who is this man?"
Ban:"Heh, he might be stronger than that meat head version of you! Haha!"
Escanor just awkwardly laughed before gasping in shock. (Y/n) threw Meliodas into a side of the cube and a loud slapping sound rung out and caught everyone by surprise.
Meliodas:"Damn... That one stung more..."
(Y/n) was getting ready for another attack when he saw a portal in the air. Towa waved at him and flew through.
(Y/n):"Sorry everyone. But this is where we part ways!"
Jericho:"Wait! We still need to see who wins this match!"
(Y/n):"Sorry Jericho, no time. But hey, maybe I'll drop by and visit sometime. Anyway, good luck and keep training!"
He flew up and threw a powerful punch that shattered the Perfect Cube and caused Merlin to go wide eyed. With that said and done he flew after Towa as the portal closed behind them leaving everyone down below stuck in a state of awe.
Back at Union Academy
Ryuko:"That fuckin' bitch Satsuki and her bitch ass mom! I'll make them pay!"
Ryuko was stomping towards Satsuki's dorm as her friends tried to hold her back. Mako was pulling on the back of her kamui as Izuki and Issei tried to hold her back by her arms.
Izuki:"Ryuko, calm down! They teachers will get things settled!"
Ryuko:"I'll kick her teeth in so hard they fly out the back of her throat!"
She stepped forward and Issei tried his hardest to hold her steady.
Ryuko looked over her shoulder to see the new teacher, 21, standing there.
21:"I may have a solution to (Y/n)'s predicament if you would all be so kind as to follow me."
To Be Continued...
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