Multiversal Madness Finale
Multiversal Madness Finale- Dragon Boy Z
(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open as he found himself in a bright room. He squinted his eyes before they completely adjusted. He looked around to see he was in an infirmary. And he looked down at himself to notice he had bandages wrapped around him. He sat up and hissed in pain and laid back down.
The door opened and Ozpin stepped in. (Y/n) raised a brow, but didn't notice any negative energy coming off the man.
(Y/n):"Prof. Ozpin..."
Ozpin:"Hello young man. I hope you're doing well."
(Y/n):"Not as much as I'd like to be."
Ozpin:"Unfortunate. Tell me, what caused you such a great deal of injuries?"
(Y/n):"Two things mainly that just sort of stacked the damage. A fight with this one guy and then we teamed up to fight this crazy dragon."
Ozpin:"A...dragon? But they have long been extinct."
(Y/n):"Well this one was built different. Anyway, thanks for helping me out, sir."
Ozpin:"Of course. But, I would like to question you a bit more. However, you may rest up and eat some food for the time being."
He nodded and Ozpin left the room.
(Y/n):"Thank Beerus I'm not in some weird universe where everyone hates me for no valid reason."
He let out a small chuckle and winced.
(Y/n):"How bad did that explosion hurt?"
He tried to unwrap the bandages, but his hand was then slapped by Recovery Girl.
RG:"No siree! None of that! I brought you a plate of breakfast. Now be a good boy and eat and don't remove your bandages until you're fully recovered."
He just nodded and began to eat some pancakes she brought for him.
(Y/n): Well, this isn't bad at all. Free food and a little comfy bed as I heal up is good. But Towa wasn't the one that brought me here this time. That Ulti guy was the one who did this.
He finished his food and Recovery Girl took the tray and walked out with it. (Y/n) laid back down carefully and exhaled.
(Y/n):"Hope everyone back home is doing alright."
Back with the original Union Academy
21:"Behold! An android built from the ground up! This looks exactly like (Y/n)! Down to the last minute details."
Ryuko:"And how is this supposed to help?"
21:"Because, with this, we can clear his name without having to ask the original (Y/n) to swallow his pride."
A-(Y/n):"I am in love with 21. I wish to marry her."
Ruby:"Blasphemy! The real one would never say something dumb like that!"
21:"Oh? And how do you know?"
Ruby:"Because I know him better!"
21:"Whatever. I have exclusive footage of him fighting in nothing but his boxers. So ha! Anyway, this will definitely work. Trust me."
Back with (Y/n)
The door opened about 30 minutes later and Ozpin stepped in with someone at his side.
Ozpin:"(Y/n), meet Spyro."
(Y/n) took a glance at the guy and noticed the horns, wings, and tail.
(Y/n):"You a dragon?"
There was then an awkward silence that Ozpin broke.
Ozpin:"Anyway, I brought him here so you could describe your battle and he can also help you with your wounds."
Spyro:"Ozpin told me you fought a dragon. Even though apparently in this universe they've gone extinct."
(Y/n) then narrowed his eyes.
(Y/n):"This universe... You say it like it's not your own."
Spyro glared back at (Y/n).
Spyro:"And if I say it isn't?"
(Y/n):"Heh. Don't worry about it. I took care of the supposed border patrol for the multiverse."
Spyro:"You what now?"
Ozpin:"I think I'm a little confused."
(Y/n):"Basically some big blue dragon said me and this lady were causing a ruckus by jumping around from universe to universe. But me and this strong dude took care of him. Now I'm here in your universe."
Ozpin:"I...see... This is certainly something..."
Spyro's eyes glowed and he relaxed a bit.
Spyro:"I can tell he isn't lying."
The dragon boy walked over and held out his hands as strange green waves emanated from them. They washed over (Y/n) and he began to feel himself getting better. Spyro then stopped and let out a sigh.
Spyro:"Man, your injuries are something else. I can't fix you up all the way, but this should help ease up most of it."
(Y/n) flexed his arms and clenched his fists.
(Y/n): He's right. I'm still not at full capacity. But at least I can move without being in pain.
He got out the bed and stood up and was the same height as Spyro. Both standing at 6'2".
Ozpin:"Spyro, why not give (Y/n) here a tour of the academy? I'll speak with the other headmasters to see what we can do for the boy in the meantime."
Spyro:"Sure thing. Follow me."
(Y/n):"Wait. Can't I get a spare change of clothes first?"
Spyro:"Sure. I'll let you borrow some of my clothes."
The two walked out and went into a nearby elevator and rode it to his dorm.
(Y/n):"That thing you did back there. What was that?"
Spyro:"Yeah. It's this energy I use to do various things. Healing people for one. It's pretty complex honestly."
(Y/n):"Sweet. Do you consider yourself strong?"
Spyro:"Eh. I think so. Though Sky-Chi is hardly used here in this universe. Same with a thing called ki."
(Y/n):"Really now?"
Spyro:"Yeah. And ki is the strongest form of energy here. But since nobody uses either it's pretty much been thrown into obscurity. Well, there is one professor that supposedly uses it. Though, he has yet to actually use it outright."
(Y/n):"I'd like to meet this guy."
Spyro:"You know. You actually kinda look like him. Except, younger and less of an asshole."
They shared a chuckle as the elevator reached the floor his dorm was on. They entered and it was rather large just like (Y/n)'s own.
Spyro:"Feel free to use the shower too."
(Y/n):"Thanks man."
He lead him to the bathroom and gave him a spare towel. (Y/n) locked himself in the bathroom and removed his bandages. He had several scorch marks on his chest and a couple on his arms and abdomen. Anytime he touched them they hurt. He freshened up and exited to see Spyro left him with some spare clothes. A plain purple shirt, dark jeans, black socks, and some running shoes.
Spyro:"Now are you ready?"
Spyro:"Wait. You're from another universe right?"
(Y/n):"Yeah why?"
Spyro:"What're things like for you over there?"
(Y/n):"Relatively normal. Although I was sort of brought there by someone. After defeating this major villain I was celebrating with friends and people who I consider as my family when this lady crashed the party. She opened a portal and I chased her through it. And I became an odd man out. The fact that I use ki was pretty surprising to everyone."
Spyro:"Whoa! You're just like me! For real, for real! And you're a ki user huh? That is pretty cool."
They walked around the academy as Spyro showed off the necessities like bathrooms, training rooms, and plenty of the classes or teacher lounges. As they were walking around, they encountered Team RWBY. The girls looked at the two males and were shocked. (Y/n) glanced at Yang's prosthetic arm and then at the rest of the girls.
Weiss:"Spyro, who's this?"
Spyro:"Meet (Y/n). The teachers found him outside the courtyard last night. I'm just showing him around."
(Y/n):"Is something wrong?"
Ruby:"You and Spyro kinda look alike."
Spyro:"I have horns and wings. And with a hint of purple pretty much everywhere. There is no way in hell we look alike."
Yang:"Huh. I can kinda see it. Nice to meet you, (Y/n)! I'm-"
(Y/n):"You're Yang."
Yang:"How did you know?"
(Y/n):"Long story short. I'm from another universe with my own version of Union Academy."
Blake:"Oh. Well that thing sort of happened to Spyro not too long ago."
Weiss:"At least this guy is normal."
Spyro:"Yeah. Somehow there is always some weirdo lurking around a corner."
Yang:"So (Y/n), any hobbies?"
(Y/n):"Fighting, eating, sleeping. And that can be arranged in any order."
She snorted and then hollered.
Yang:"Ah. Good stuff. Hey! You should enter in our little tournament!"
Ruby:"Ooh! Yeah! We're holding a little tournament between us first years to help us get ready for the sports festival!"
(Y/n):"Are you entering, Spyro?"
Spyro:"Ruby wrote my name down without my consent so yes!"
(Y/n):"Then I'll join. Where do I sign up?"
Ruby:"Follow me!"
They followed her to one of the larger training rooms and there was a piece of paper on the door. There were 15 names signed up with the last slot available. Weiss gave him a pen and he signed up for it. After he finished signing up for it, Momo walked over and grabbed the list and read over it.
Momo:"Are you (Y/n)? I don't think I've seen you around before."
(Y/n):"Because I'm not from here. But don't worry too much about it. I'm just here for a good time not a long time."
Yang giggled at this as Ruby and Spyro looked at him confused.
Momo:"Well aright. Since the slots have been filled give us 30 minutes to set up the brackets."
They all nodded and walked inside to see other first years. (Y/n) sat by himself as Spyro sat with Team RWBY and several other girls. Things were finally set up as the tournament went underway.
Momo:"Here are the brackets!"
She pointed to a holographic display and showed the 16 combatants. Spyro was the first match as (Y/n) was the last match. They eyed each other before setting their eyes back on the screen. Spyro stepped and he was against Bakugo. Bakugo screamed obscenities as usual as Spyro grabbed him by the legs and threw him out the ring.
The other matches went by with a blur as it was now finally (Y/n)'s turn. He stood in the ring with his arms crossed and looked at his opponent. It was Rias Gremory.
Rias:"You. I sense strange power in you. Though it's rather low."
(Y/n):"No reason for it to go any higher."
Rias:"Excuse me?"
(Y/n):"Don't worry about it. Anyway, let's get this settled."
Momo:"Alright! The winner must knock out their opponent and win by ring out. Begin!"
Rias sprouted black devil wings and flew up. And created many red glowing circles.
Rias:"Take this!"
Black lightning shot from them and crashed directly where (Y/n) once stood.
Issei:"Oh yeah! That's another W for Rias!"
Kiba:"Wait! Behind you Rias!"
She turned around and was met with a kick to the face that sent her crashing down to the ground. Everyone gasped and saw (Y/n) floating before he descended back down to the ground.
All:"HE CAN FLY?!"
Rias was grunting in pain as he walked up to her and gently tossed her out the ring.
Momo:"Uhh...(Y/n) wins!"
He walked out and sat back down as Spyro narrowed his eyes.
Spyro: He literally just one tapped Rias. And I can feel that he's holding back.
The rest of the matches flew by before it was just down to Spyro and (Y/n).
Spyro:"Alright (Y/n). Let's do this."
He carried a bored look and simply shrugged.
Spyro:"Hey! Get serious here!"
(Y/n):"I should saying the same to you. Both of has had to hold back just so we didn't break any of their bones."
(Y/n):"Don't even try to deny it either."
Momo:"Let the match begin!"
Spyro:"Look. I doubt you can handle me at full power. But if you're so strong then maybe I'll put in a bit of effort!"
Spyro charged as his friends cheered for him from the bleachers. He threw a punch only for (Y/n) to grab his arm, spin him around then knee him in the back and chop his neck before kicking him away.
Spyro was knocked away and started coughing.
Spyro:"What the hell... That kinda hurt..."
His friends heard this and looked back over at (Y/n) who hadn't moved from his spot. Spyro got back up clicked his tongue. He flew directly at (Y/n) and then started throwing a rapid barrage of punches. (Y/n) began blocking them all with ease and got ready to throw his own punch. Spyro quickly got on the defensive, but he was faked out as (Y/n) landed a clean hit on his gut and knocked him back again.
Spyro fell to one knee and began gasping. His lady friends looked on with worry as Spyro was having a tough fight right now.
Spyro:"Damn... That one hurt more... Ki is a wonderful thing isn't it?"
Rias:"Wait! Ki?! But only Prof. Hiro knows how to use that!"
Spyro:"(Y/n) here knows it too."
(Y/n):"And you know Sky-Chi don't you? Show me what that's like."
Spyro:"Fine. You asked for it!"
He got up and created a ball of fire in his hand.
Spyro:"Fiery Fastball!"
He threw the ball with immense strength and it began spiraling through the air is it headed straight towards (Y/n). It got close, but (Y/n) merely slapped it aside and it crashed into the wall behind him.
Everyone looked stunned as Spyro's eye started twitching.
(Y/n):"This is pointless. I'm leaving."
He began to get closer to the edge of the ring when Spyro spoke up.
Spyro:"Hey! Where are you going?!"
(Y/n):"To do something more fun than this. I expected a dragon to put up a fight, but I was wrong."
Spyro:"I'm not just any dragon! I'm a purple dragon, buddy! I'm as strong as they come!"
(Y/n):"Doesn't seem like it."
Spyro:"Why you..."
He yelled to the sky and punched the ground as giant spires of rock erupted around (Y/n). Spyro took in a deep breath before shooting a stream of fire from his mouth. (Y/n) created a barrier with his ki that protected him from the attack before dropping it and teleporting in front of the dragon. He elbowed him in the gut before slamming his head into the ground.
She looked on with worry as (Y/n) walked away to the edge of the ring again.
(Y/n):"I shouldn't be surprised. After my amazing battle with Saitama nothing can come close. Well apart from Goku and Vegeta of course."
He finally stepped out the ring as Spyro managed to stand.
Everyone watched (Y/n) walk out the door and leave. Ruby immediately ran over to Spyro and looked at him concerned.
Ruby:"Are you okay?"
Spyro:"Yeah... That guy hit hard... Maybe I should've went tougher on him."
Blake:"His strength was a little frightening if he could knock you around like that."
Yang:"Nah! Spyro just went easy on him! Right?"
Spyro:"Hardly. (Y/n) is something else. But this victory is a hollow one. We definitely have to settle the score one day. For real."
The teachers had watched over the match from the cameras in the training room and were stunned.
Sirzechs:"Another ki user. And one that beat Spyro..."
Nezu:"He's very interesting indeed!"
Ozpin:"But Spyro and (Y/n) accused each other of holding back."
Tsunade:"Correct. But even when he held back he practically beat Spyro. I wish Spyro would've at least stopped holding back. It would be a better way to observe their strength."
They all nodded in agreement as (Y/n) walked around aimlessly. He flew into the air and looked down to notice the academy was far larger and it was like it's own separate island. He then saw Spyro flying up to him.
(Y/n):"Hey... Sorry about earlier. I felt you holding back and thought that maybe you could go all out against me. Though, thinking about it, I'm kind of glad you didn't. I'm still pretty banged up."
Spyro:"No it's all good man. It's just... I'm scared of going all out. I'm scared of accidentally destroying so much around me without realizing it. I don't want to feel like a ticking time bomb."
(Y/n):"I see. That's a fair reason to continously hold back. But what if one day you had to go all our or else everything will be destroyed?"
Spyro:"Then...I guess I'll have no choice but to bite the bullet and use everything I've got."
(Y/n):"Good. Take it from me, I've held back and it came back to bite me several times before. Same with some mentors of mine. But I'm trying to finish my mission and keep everyone safe and sound."
They smiled when they both felt a powerful energy in the distance. Their faces became serious and they flew off together towards it. They flew over the ocean and noticed a lone island down below. They dove down and landed. Across from them was a light green Nomu. It had a dark purple aura around it and a black color with a dark purple gem on it that glowed brilliantly.
Spyro:"Nomu huh? And it's powered up by a Dark Gem!"
(Y/n):"And by Towa's magic."
?:"Yay! They figured it out!"
They heard a feminine voice and got on their guard. Before them appeared Towa and some dragon lady unfamiliar to (Y/n).
?:"So that's (Y/n) then? He looks kinda like Spyro."
Towa:"Hm. I can see it."
Spyro:"Cynder! What are you up to now?!"
Cynder:"Well, I met this lovely lady and we had so much in common that we just had to team up! She wants (Y/n) there and I want you. We're both powerful queens that love chaos. So here we are today."
Towa:"I never in my life imagined a world with dragon people. And it seems that Spyro is quite powerful."
Cynder:"Indeed he is. Same can be said for (Y/n)."
Towa:"You boys play nice now. Ta-ta!"
They disappeared as the Nomu roared loudly. The island shook before it sprouted four arms and dug its fingers into the ground. The Nomu got down and charged up a beam in its mouth. It then shot a large red beam that nearly hit the two boys, but (Y/n) pushed Spyro out the way and jumped back from it. The beam carried on before dissipating.
The Nomu stood up and its fists crackled with lightning. It shot them forward and six giant hands of pure electricity made their way towards them. (Y/n) waved his hand in front of him and and created a ki barrier that nullified the attacks. Spyro followed up by punching up in the air and a series of jagged rocks erupted and pierced the Nomu's arms. It screeched in pain and tried to break free.
(Y/n) ran up and yanked the collar right off its neck and looked at the pulsating gem. It began to whisper things into his head.
Gem: Wear me and I shall give you great power....
(Y/n):"Tch. Does it look like I need your power? Plus, no way in a million years am I wearing a collar or a choker of any kind."
He crushed the collar in his hands and the gem turned to dust under his might and Spyro finished off the villain with a giant bolt of lightning that came crashing down from the air.
(Y/n):"Good shit, man."
Spyro:"Same to you. So that was the lady that brought you to another universe then?"
(Y/n):"Yeah. Towa. She's a demon. Well as of now, she's a demon goddess. Crazy strong though she never directly confronts me. She let's her minions do her bidding."
Spyro:"Me and Cynder fought a few times. Though she always seems to get away."
(Y/n):"Preaching to the choir, brother."
Spyro:"So if those two are teaming up now then we got a serious problem on our hands."
(Y/n):"True. If anything comes up then you and I will be there to handle it."
Spyro:"You got it."
They shared a handshake before they began to fly back to the academy. As they flew over the ocean, multiple beams of energy were being shot at them. They easily dodged and looked down below to see a giant Grimm.
(Y/n):"Wow. That thing is completely ugly and weak."
Spyro:"I feel like it's supposed to pay homage to something..."
(Y/n):"Yeah, but it looks like it's gonna do an awful job at it. Watch this snipe."
He raised up one finger and shot a beam that pierced its skull and caused it to exploded into dust. They continued their flight back to the academy and made it.
(Y/n):"What do you wanna do now?"
Spyro:"Let us partake in some tomfoolery."
(Y/n):"Yes. Let's do it."
The two began going around the academy to have fun. They went around different buildings to do various things. Competing against in each other in sports, having a flying race, a foot race, and seeing how many robots they could destroy in a practice arena.
Spyro's friends saw him having some fun with the new guy and it made them happy. Not many people could keep up with him and they were glad to see things were patched up after their little tournament. Right now the two were casually chilling in Spyro's dorm watching a movie and eating snacks.
Spyro:"So do your friends now you're from another dimension?"
(Y/n):"Yeah. I basically told them I was a Time Patroller that goes around to fix up anomalies in a timeline. What about you?"
Spyro:"I did but... It wasn't the whole truth. Basically a cover story. They don't really need to know everything..."
(Y/n):"I see. Well, you do you man. I just explained my job description, but there was this fight I had with some fourth year student who believed he was all that. I sort of dropped the fact that I was abandoned as a kid."
Spyro:"I'm sorry to hear that."
(Y/n):"Heh, no worries. I got myself a crazy cool family. Uncle Goku and Uncle 'Geets. Those guys trained me up to be the strongest I can be. And I definitely think I am. I'm one of the strongest Time Patrollers out there. Despite there being so many Saiyans that would cause Frieza to pop a blood vessel. Haha!"
Spyro:"That's good. But what would you do if you had like a long lost sister that missed you or something?"
(Y/n):"Ignore her I guess. I have no attachments to any family members I might've had as a normal kid."
Spyro was about to say something else when they felt a strong energy in the distance.
(Y/n):"Where's that coming from?"
Spyro:"Kosei City. Let's hurry!"
They ran out the dorm and Ruby was there with Izumi and Naruko.
Spyro:"Hi ladies!"
(Y/n):"Bye ladies!"
The two boys jumped out an open window and took off towards the city in a hurry. The girls just stared at them and scratched their heads in confusion. They then saw Spyro's door was open and smirked at each other before deciding to snoop around his room.
After a few minutes, the young heroes landed in the city and saw a villain in the street laughing maniacally while standing on a pile of broken police cars.
Villain:"I am the greatest! Nobody can touch me! Hahaha!"
He had some armbands tightly around his biceps with Dark Gems and his eyes were completely red and a negative aura was radiating from him.
Spyro:"Dude! What do you think you're doing?!"
Villain:"Me? I'm being evil, idiot! Say, you're that dragon boy right?"
Villain:"I'm getting paid top dollar to knock your ass out! And you too, boy!"
(Y/n):"Buddy, you think look strong? You're wearing your underwear on the outside. You're just a guy working the corner."
He growled before screeching loudly. The ground began to tear up and knocked both of them right into a building.
Villain:"I am strong! My semblance allows me to act like a banshee! But that's not all! I was blessed by a wonderful doctor that stacked me with a few quirks. My main one is touching anything to turn it into a bomb. I also have telekinesis! And finally, I can shoot eye lasers!"
As he said that, he shot ocular beams straight at them, but (Y/n) kicked the beams into the air.
Spyro:"Okay. So this one may be a bit of a problem."
(Y/n):"Pfft. We got this. What could possibly go wrong?"
Spyro:"You shouldn't say that! Bad things always happen somebody says that!"
(Y/n):"Nah! Maybe where you're from, but things always work out for your boy."
He smiled as the villain tried bonking him on the head using a lamppost. It split in two upon impact and (Y/n) casually wiped debris out his hair.
Spyro:"Well...let's just hope you're right."
Spyro's hands began crackling with electricity and he began rubbing them together. He drew both hands back before extending them forward and clapping his hands together roughly.
Spyro:"Thunder Clap!"
A giant crescent shaped cross flew out from his fingertips and was headed directly towards the fiend. He only laughed and raised a hand and created a pink barrier.
Villain:"Oh ho ho! My telekinesis is quite potent thanks to the power of these gems and that blue woman! I feel like I can rule the world with this power!"
Spyro:"How do I press X to doubt in real life?"
(Y/n):"Just say X."
Villain:"Wha-! HEY!"
Spyro:"Hay is for horses."
Villain:"Grrr.... Annoying brats!"
He extended his left hand and a strange force completely tightened itself around Spyro. He struggled to break free before being slammed into (Y/n). He was sent crashing into a street sign, but quickly got up. The villain laughed amused as he waved his hand around slamming Spyro into all sorts of buildings and objects like he was some sort of toy crashing into a Lego set.
The villain dropped Spyro who crashed to the ground in pain and felt his entire world spinning. The villain then looked over at (Y/n) before shooting a larger ocular beam at him. It completely shred through the ground and left scorch marks in the surrounding area as (Y/n) caught it in his bare hands. He was getting ready to knock it into the air again, but he heard the sound of a plane overhead so he kept his grip on it.
Spyro got up and shook off his dizziness and saw (Y/n) holding back a beam. He scowled and created shards of ice and threw them at their opponent. They crashed into his barrier, but it caused him to flinch and the beam dissipated.
(Y/n):"Nice one Spyro."
Spyro:"Right back at you. But that barrier is annoying."
(Y/n):"We'll just break it then!"
They flew together and simultaneously threw a strong punch as the villain held his ground with the barrier still intact. It rippled like water however and he was knocked away just like a ball. He soared through the air before crash landing elsewhere.
They flew after him before both were suddenly pushed down to the ground by an immense force. The villain was floating above them and smirked. (Y/n) then stood up as Spyro was trying to get up.
Villain:"How! I'm literally pushing down on you with the same force as 30 times Earth's gravity!"
(Y/n):"Rookie numbers."
He threw a ki blast that crashed into his barrier and Spyro was freed from the force and and waved his hands around. Sharp crescents of wind were hurled out that were nullified.
Villain:"Man, you two put up so much more of a fight than any hero so far. Sad to see the state of heroes nowadays. You both get a thumbs up."
He smirked and held up a thumb. He had this strange look in his eyes before putting his thumb down.
Once he did, the ground beneath their feet suddenly exploded! It was unexpected and demolished so much of the area they were at.
Spryo: *cough cough* "(Y/n), are you alright?!"
(Y/n):"I'm good but that explosion annihilated the clothes you let me borrow. And my bandages too."
Spyro flapped his wings and got rid of the smoke and the villain was gone.
(Y/n):"I can't sense him anywhere."
Spyro:"Damn! He must've used that explosion as a way to escape."
(Y/n):"You're probably right. Though if he shows up again we-"
He then noticed a beam headed straight for Spyro and shoved him out the way. (Y/n) was hit straight through his left pec where a burn mark was left from Ulti's destruction.
He cried out in pain as he felt his body starting to burn and he fell straight down the ground.
He held a hand over his wound and writhed in pain. And in his head he could hear Ulti's smug laughter.
Ulti: My death will continue to cause you pain anytime my scorch marks are opened up. Your fault for being a traveler.
Villain:"Ooh. One down. One more to go."
Spyro growled and smoke came out the sides of his mouth.
He spun in the air and slammed his tail straight on top of the villain who crashed down below. His barrier was beginning to crack from all the damage taken and he gulped.
Villain:"Now hold on boy I just wanna say that-"
Spyro:"Save it for someone who cares!"
He raised his hands as the rubble around them formed into giant hands and started using them to bash against his barrier. It rippled under their force as he tried to keep himself safe. Spyro was standing across from him as one hand was burning with purple flames and the other with purple lightning.
Spyro:"Scorching Plasma Shot!"
He shot his hands forward as the fire swirled ferociously and the lightning swirled around it. The stone fists destroyed the barrier and the man screamed his lungs out as the attack landed squarely on him. The gems shattered and he was left with serious injuries and fell over.
Spyro was panting and spit on the ground before running over to (Y/n). He was still clutching his wound and Spyro picked him up and flew quickly to the academy. He rushed through the halls and got (Y/n) into the infirmary.
Spyro:"Recovery Girl, I need red gems! Quick!"
She nodded and dug through her purse and pulled out seven red gems and gave them to the dragon. People walked in and saw Spyro and (Y/n) looking kind of rough. Spyro looked over and saw Asia with Issei.
Spyro:"Asia, I need your help!"
She nodded and rushed past the rest of the group and got by his side as he laid out the red gems on (Y/n)'s burns.
Spyro:"Red Gem, pure of healing, grant his body and remove him of everlasting pain!"
The gems shined upon hearing his words and everyone looked shocked as the gems began to make his burns disappear. (Y/n) felt a wave of relief wash over him. Spyro extended his hands and placed them on (Y/n)'s chest and they began glowing green. Asia saw this and held her hands out and used her Sacred Gear to assist in healing him more.
His eyes closed and the dragon boy let out a sigh of relief.
Spyro:"No. I should be thanking you for taking the hit for me. Rest up, man."
They pulled their hands away as (Y/n) was starting to sleep. The students exited the room and looked at Spyro curiously.
Asia:"What happened to him?"
Spyro:"He and I fought this villain who was powered up and (Y/n) shoved me out the way from an oncoming attack. The attack opened a wound and it caused him immense pain."
Weiss:"That thing with the gems. What was that?"
Spyro:"A simple healing technique. You guys use them as currency, but they can be used for so much more than that."
Weiss:"Incredible! And I thought I knew all there was to know."
Rias:"Agreed. This is something we may need to keep in mind for the future."
They all nodded as Issei pat him on the back.
Issei:"At least you guys stopped a villain. Plus (Y/n) seems like a tough guy."
Spyro:"He definitely is. Anyway, we should let him rest up."
They all left to go to their own dorms and let (Y/n) rest up.
With Towa and Cynder
Cynder:"Well that could've gone better."
Towa:"At least I got to see that Spyro use some of his strength."
Cynder:"Mhm. Incredible isn't it? But it sucks that he puts in effort for other people and not in our relationship."
Towa:"Tell me about it. Have any other ideas?"
Cynder:"Hm... I have one. It's gonna take a bit of time to set up though. I'm going to need your help in visiting someone."
Towa:"Leave it to me. I see the look on your face and I am loving it."
They smirked at each other as they came up with one crazy scheme.
The Next Day
Everyone was going about their day as usual. The sports festival was arriving in just 9 more days. And right now, Spyro was simply having a fun little picnic with Team RWBY, Naruko, Hinata, and Izumi. Weiss and Hinata glared at each other as they tried to be the ones to feed him. He sat there with a blush spread across his face which made the other girls giggle.
(Y/n) was finally awake and got himself a new set of clothes from Spyro's closet. This time sporting a light blue shirt, black jeans, and some white shoes. He walked out the dorm and was approached by Ozpin.
Ozpin:"Excuse me, (Y/n), may I ask you something?"
Ozpin:"In your universe, was there a student that was mistreated?"
(Y/n) remained silent for a few seconds and rubbed his wrist a bit.
(Y/n):"There was. His name was Xerxes. Apparently he wanted to be a hero, but was constantly bullied and belittled for not being powerful at all."
Ozpin:"So it happens there too... I despise though who would think about ignoring an innocent child."
(Y/n):"Yeah. The guy was left for dead in a forest, but was gifted incredible powers by a god. So with all that power, he came back and got revenge on the old teachers and students that made him evil. Despite this, he still attended the school. Just to prove a point probably. And for my semester exam, I had to fight him."
Ozpin:"Interesting. What happened to the boy?"
(Y/n):"Well, he threatened to take my girlfriend as a sex slave despite her being a first year and him a fourth year. That pissed me off so much I wanted nothing more than to kill him. So I did."
(Y/n):"The guy also had some previous sex slaves, but I'm not too sure what happened to them."
Ozpin:"Do you think Mr. Spyro could do such a thing?"
(Y/n):"What do you mean?"
Ozpin:"Killing a corrupted student that was misguided?"
(Y/n):"Tough to say. Spyro is a good guy. Definitely better than me. I kill my enemies if I need to. But I do make mistakes. I tried sparing someone once and I ended up traveling through dimensions."
Ozpin:"I see. Thank you for your time young man. I'll let you go about your day."
He smiled and walked off. He began taking strolls around the academy as he compared it with the one he's familiar with. No doubt this school was way larger. The fact it was its own island really said something about its size. And everything just seemed so fun and carefree here.
(Y/n) had to deal with threats like Mira, an android who was also a Majin, a super soldier who tried using every power he could get his grubby hands on, and of course Towa. Not to mention Ozpin's son he fought during Halloween. So many battles.
He looked up to the sky and crossed his arms then smiled.
(Y/n):"Spyro. I hope you're having a fun time here, man. I know I had my fun when I wasn't kicking ass. But if you have to face tough opponents then I believe you can do this."
He then saw black clouds rolling in and some of them were swirling around an area of the school. A funnel of clouds formed and went down on an area.
(Y/n):"Well, someone came to ruin the fun."
He flew over to the cloud funnel and saw students fighting these weird shadow creatures. He raised a brow before spotting Spyro in a fighting pose as he glared at someone shrouded by black clouds crackling with black lightning. He dropped down and nodded at Spyro.
(Y/n):"What's going on?"
Spyro:"A familiar foe of mine has just now decided to show up!"
The smoke was blown away and (Y/n) got ready to brawl until he saw who was standing there.
He stifled his laughter as Spyro glared angrily at the small bald headed man.
?:"Spyro! Fancy meeting you here! Wherever here is!"
Spyro:"What are you after, Kaos?!"
The small man now known as Kaos laughed.
Kaos:"Me? I'm here because I was told I could beat up one of the Sky-losers. And here you are! Though, this is a weird place. All these people are able to fight against my Doomlanders. But some are doing a poor job!"
Spyro:"Call them off!"
Kaos:"No. I am going to rule this world! The way these pathetic people fight should be telling enough that this 'verse is completely weak!"
(Y/n):"Ah Spyro, don't let this little guy scare ya. He's just talking big."
Kaos:"And who are you supposed to be?"
(Y/n):"I'm (Y/n). And I'm gonna dropkick you to Hurty Town, little fella."
He looked down on the man and scowled.
Spyro:"(Y/n) no. Don't antagonize him! You don't know what he's capable of!"
Kaos:"Exactly. Like this for example!"
He spread his arms and the ground beneath (Y/n) gave way and he started to fall straight down. Kaos then clasped his hands together as the earth mended itself back together. He dusted his hands and smiled proudly.
Kaos:"Hmph! Your new friend was the one who was all talk!"
He suddenly felt the ground tremble before it erupted with rocks flying everywhere. Kaos was launched into the air as (Y/n) flew up and landed right back next to Spyro.
(Y/n)"Okay. So maybe he's a bit goated with the sauce."
Kaos started to float and frowned.
Kaos:"Impossible! I am the greatest! But no matter. I have a special trick up my sleeve for you two!"
He began glowing with a brilliant blue hue. It blinded everyone before it died down.
Kaos:"Now get ready for Super Kaos!"
(Y/n):"Oh you cannot be serious right now!"
Spyro:"No freaking way... He has a new form!?"
?:"And there's so much more left, baby~"
He jumped as Cynder had appeared behind him.
Cynder:"Kaos, here you go! As promised!"
She threw a necklace at him and he caught it. He held it by the Dark Gem and raised it to the air as a jolt of dark magic struck it in its core. It released a tornado of dark energy and Towa flew right out the tornado while giggling.
(Y/n):"The gang's all here."
Towa spun her staff around as Cynder flew next to her new evil best friend. Kaos put on the necklace as the combined dark energy of the gem and Towa's magic swirled together and rooted itself deep within Kaos's core. A dark aura surrounded his light blue one and a maniacal laughter rang out all across the world.
Dark clouds were sprawling all over Kosei City and crackled with lightning as thunder boomed all over. Fierce winds were picking up and everyone was forced to hide indoors and tightly shut every door and window.
Kaos:"I've done it! I've attained so much power! Nothing can stand in my way!"
(Y/n):"His power... It's actually insane!"
Kaos:"That's right fuck boys!"
(Y/n):"Now that was just uncalled for."
Kaos:"I have the power to destroy the universe several times over!"
The two boys looked up at Kaos as students and teachers across the campus were fighting the Darklanders.
Spyro:"We can't win this... There's just no way..."
Cynder:"It's okay sweetie. I'll be here for you."
(Y/n):"Spyro, come on! We can win this! You and I are the only ones capable of fighting Kaos!"
Kaos:"That's Super Kaos to you!"
(Y/n):"Shut up! The blue hair isn't anything new to me!"
Spyro was shaking as Kaos smirked with glee seeing the dragon boy quake with fear.
Towa:"And you, (Y/n), what do you plan on doing?"
(Y/n):"I'm not just gonna stand around and let everyone get hurt!"
He instantly used his Potential Unleashed technique and flew up to Kaos and landed a clean hit on his face. The attack created a powerful burst of wind, but Kaos simply tanked the attack and smirked.
He placed a palm on (Y/n)'s chest and blasted him with wind magic and sent him crashing down to the ocean floor. The water splashed upwards and Kaos laughed happily and kept focusing on (Y/n). He used his magic to create a series of whirlpools to keep him down at the bottom, unaware that (Y/n) used the Dragon Balls on one of his escapades to be able to breathe underwater and in space.
Ruby kicked away a strange looking Doomlander and rushed to Spyro's side.
Ruby:"Spyro! You need to fight!"
Spyro:"No! Ruby, you don't understand! Kaos he's basically a god now!"
Ruby:"But (Y/n)'s willing to fight!"
Spyro:"Because that's who he is! That's his deal. You all don't know Kaos like I do. And to see him this far up in the hierarchy of power is unbelievable."
Ruby:"We need you! (Y/n) needs you! I need you..."
Cynder:"Ugh. Yuck."
She rolled her eyes as Ruby stuck her tongue out at her before being smacked aside by a Darklander.
Spyro:"Ruby no! Damn you!"
He threw a punch in anger and watched the Doomlander explode into bits. He looked over to see (Y/n) dodging magical blasts of energy as Kaos yelled out in annoyance at him. He was then smacked with giant hands of fire and crashed right into Spyro.
Spyro pushed him off and saw that his newfound friend was bleeding and had his outfit torn in places.
(Y/n):"Spyro, I need you man! We need to work together."
Spyro:"I know! It's just..."
(Y/n):"Look, you remember our talk? About the time when you need to go all out? This is one of those times. It's now or never!"
Spyro looked around seeing the school in a state of chaos because of Kaos. Everyone was fighting for their lives, especially (Y/n). Cynder and Towa were merely watching on the sidelines like spectators at a sports game.
Kaos:"Hmph. Some purple dragon you are. To think you and your friends caused me so many headaches! But now I will be free from you!"
He snapped his fingers and a giant icicle was beginning to descend on their heads.
He shot a yellow beam of energy at the giant icicle and it shattered to pieces. Spyro's eyes darted around more before he grit his teeth and clenched his fists.
Spyro:"You're right... It's now or never!"
Cynder:"Now we're talking."
Spyro:"You and I are the only ones who can face this monster! We'll save everyone! We won't let you destroy this universe!"
Kaos:"So you finally decided to grow a pair?"
Spyro spread out his wings as he helped (Y/n) up. The two shared a glance with one another and bumped fists.
Spyro:"Now Kaos, prepare to face off against the ultimate tag team! The saviors of Union Academy!"
(Y/n):"(Y/n), the human pushing his limits!"
Spyro:"And Spyro, the purple motherfuckin' dragon!"
The two yelled out at the top of their lungs as two pillars of light erupted from them. One purple made of Spyro's Sky-Chi and a transparent one with a white outline made of (Y/n)'s ki. Their voices rang out all across the campus and their power alone wiped out all the Darklanders.
The two flew faster than anyone could see and crashed directly into Kaos. He was shoved back a bit and growled. Spyro started flying in circles throwing out various elemental blasts as (Y/n) switched from going for punches and kicks to ki blasts from a distance.
Kaos was doing his best to swat them away with various magic attacks, but they were being quite the pests to him. Then they landed a hit that actually hurt him a bit. (Y/n) landed a kick to his stomach and Spyro hit a fiery punch to his spine.
Kaos:"GET OFF!"
He roared with complete rage and knocked them away with a shockwave. He huffed in pure annoyance as the two boys held smirks on their faces.
Spyro:"What's the matter Kaos? Are you getting upset?"
Kaos:"You have no room to talk you were fearful of this form!"
Spyro:"Exactly. Past tense. I'm not anymore! I can't be when everyone is counting on me! Here and now is when I have to go all out and save everyone! We won't stop until you've been defeated!"
Kaos:"Just try it fools!"
He raised his hands and created orbs of magic that started blasting beams of their respective elements. (Y/n) brought his arms close to his chest before releasing of burst of ki that deflected the blasts and crashed right into Kaos. He spun backwards and Spyro flew up behind him and kicked him like a ball to (Y/n).
He infused ki around his fists and spiked him to the ocean floor. He then charged straight down and crashed right into him and began pummeling him. Kaos was grunting in pain before concentrating the water around them to blast (Y/n) in his chest and sent him out the ocean. Kaos flew right out and had a permanent scowl on his face. When he least expected it, Spyro slapped him away with his tail.
(Y/n) had recovered and ripped the remains of his shirt off and caused Towa to cat call him.
Kaos:"Tch! Fine, I've had enough! I'll destroy everything in one attack!"
He created an orb of energy around himself that began crackling with electricity. The ocean started picking up waves and tsunamis. Tornadoes were starting to form all across the planet and volcanoes were grumbling as they were getting ready to erupt.
(Y/n):"Spyro. We need to finish this in one shot. And I think I have a way. Just follow my lead!"
He nodded and they watched Kaos float higher into the air. (Y/n) clenched his left fist as Spyro clenched his right fist. Their auras were glowing brightly before both flew straight at Kaos. He saw them approaching and shot a dark beam of energy at them. As they flew through it, it started to burn them, but they were pushing past the pain and both raised their fists.
A two giant golden dragons were formed that intertwined with each other and started tearing through the dark beam Kaos made.
The twin dragon heads let out a monstrous roar that crashed into Super Kaos and straight through his body.
Kaos:"No... This can't... Be! Impossible! Spyroooooo!!!"
His voice trailed off as his body completely exploded into a series of purple and light blue crystals. Every natural disaster caused by his final attempt at destruction ceased and the dark clouds dispersed giving light to everyone down below. Spyro and (Y/n) were huffing and puffing as they had triumphed over a dangerous villain together.
Cynder:"I can't believe it..."
Towa:"So that's that then."
She disappeared as both boys crashed back down to the campus. Everyone ran over and started cheering for them as they raised their fists and bumped the sides of them together.
* * *
Spyro:"So, you're really leaving huh?"
(Y/n):"Yeah. I need to make sure nothing happened back home while I was away."
Spyro:"Thanks. For everything. It was nice fighting with you."
(Y/n):"Ditto. If we meet again then let's have ourselves a good old fashioned sparring match. What do you say?"
Spyro:"I'll be looking forward to it. But don't come crying to me when you lose!"
(Y/n):"Keep that energy Spyro. At least now you have nothing to worry about for your sports festival. No one can beat you. Not after what you accomplished today."
They shared a smile and a handshake as Ruby took a picture of them which caught them by surprise. They rubbed their eyes from the flash of the camera and she laughed. (Y/n) smiled and flew up to the air.
(Y/n):"Ruby, it's good knowing that whatever universe I'm in, you're still the same no matter what. Even in the weird and dark world, you're still happy and sweet. Well, goodbye everyone."
Spyro:"Wait! I got one last question!"
Spyro:"Is this canon?"
(Y/n):"To me it is. For you, not sure. You may need to discuss that with your author. Welp, this is the only time I'll be breaking the 4th wall! See ya!"
They all said their goodbyes as (Y/n) flew into a portal in the air and it closed after he left. His journey across different universes were fun, but now he would have to deal with things back in the one he was used to. What things await him? Find out next time on None Can Stop Me!
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