Keeping Up With The Kiryuins
"On it!"
I grabbed Qrow by his cape and started to spin him around as he held out his sword. I moved around as we whacked down the Grimm with ease. I tossed him up into his air as he changed his weapon into its gun form and rained down bullets on everyone.
I flew past him as a Nevermore tried to strike him. I flew through it and killed it. Qrow landed in a tree and finished off the last Grimm. I flew back down and bumped his fist.
Qrow:"Piece of cake."
"You said it. Man this week has been a busy one."
Qrow:"You're telling me. You went out to help your friends across the entire kingdom in less than a few minutes. You stopped the Hero Killer and you took care of that ogre Grimm that was messing with that one village."
Qrow and I started walking back to the village we were staying at. When we got there we saw people running away screaming. We saw the reason why.
"Who are you supposed to be?"
Electrocutioner:"I'm the Electrocutioner!"
I leaned over to Qrow and started whispering.
*whisper* "He says he's the Electrocutioner."
Qrow: *whisper* "The Electrocutioner?"
*whisper* "The one and only Electrocutioner."
Qrow: *whisper* "I can't believe the Electrocutioner is out here of all the places to be."
*whisper* "I know right?"
Qrow: *whisper* "Small world I guess."
*whisper* "He's looking right at us as we talk about him."
We cleared our throats and I walked over to him.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Electrocutioner. My name is (Y/n). And I gotta say, your amor is amazing."
Electrocutioner:"Why, thank you."
"What material is it made of... HAAA!"
I elbowed his stomach and shattered the armor. I grabbed his head and threw him to Qrow. He was drinking from his flask, tossed it into the air, and aimed at Electrocutioner's head and shot him. His body fell to the ground, limp, as he caught his flask without looking.
The villagers cheered for us as I gave Qrow a thumbs up. We flew back to Union Academy as Qrow was worn out. I was still holding up well as what we did last week was light work. He pretty much ran himself ragged as we hopped from village to village doing all sorts of missions and jobs.
Once we made it back I took Qrow to Ruby's dorm. She let us in and Qrow passed out right there on the floor. Yang started poking him with a ruler.
Yang:"Yeah he's out of it."
"Can you blame him? We went a week straight just doing missions."
Weiss:"A whole week?!"
"Yeah. Boy, I tell ya. You guys are lucky you get tired easily."
Blake:"You don't?"
"After all the training I've done? No way. I can fight my way out of Hell after taking a 2 minute nap and eating one granola bar."
Yang:"Couldn't be me. I need my beauty sleep."
"Anymore sleep and Issei and Mineta are gonna start knocking that door down."
They just laughed as Ruby put a pillow under Qrow's head and a blanket over him and patted his head. She walked up to me and put her hands on her hips.
Ruby:"(Y/n), you should get some rest too."
"What? Why?"
Ruby:"Because you deserve it. You helped me out and never stopped fighting."
"I was trained under some freaks with a love for fighting."
Ruby:"I don't care! Get some sleep! NOW!"
I flinched at the volume of her voice as Yang, Weiss and Blake hid in a corner of their dorm.
"Yes ma'am."
She hugged me before pushing me out of her dorm. I just chuckled and started to walk to my dorm. As I was walking, some other students began to whisper as heels clicked through the hall. I turned around and saw someone with a menacing glare and eyebrows comparable to Might Guy.
?:"(Y/n) (L/n), I wish to speak with you."
"Oh, and you are?"
Satsuki:"I am Satsuki Kiryuin. You fought my Elite Four a couple of months ago."
"Oh yeah them! Bunch of weirdos if you ask me."
Satsuki just smiled.
Satsuki:"I told them that their attempts of fighting you would be futile. I wanted to greet you personally but I was busy with extracurricular activities."
"That's fair. You do seem like a model student."
Her smile grew more.
Satsuki:"Thank you. So, may I chat with you privately?"
She motioned me to follow her and I did. We walked into her dorm and it was like mine in the sense it was fancy as hell. Hers however was all white and refined and didn't have weighted clothes lying all over the floor.
We sat across from each other at a small table as a butler poured tea for us.
"What did you want to talk about?"
Satsuki:"Well you see, my mother owns a textile company called REVOCS. She saw your performance during the sports festival and contacted me to ask you something."
I drank some of the tea and raised my brow.
"What did she want?"
Satsuki:"She wants to give you your own custom made Goku Uniform. The ones similar to what my Elite Four have."
"Ehh... I'm not a fan of uniforms. They constrict my movements and all that jazz."
Satsuki:"Well what do you prefer?"
"A gi."
Satsuki:"Well, if you pay her a visit then I'm certain she'll give you what you want. She just wants you to wear it as often as possible."
"So it's like a sponsorship?"
Satsuki:"Exactly right."
She sipped from her cup as I stared down at my tea before drinking some more. The energy Satsuki was giving off was a bit mixed. Her true intentions were unclear but I had the feeling her heart was in the right place.
"Sure. I'm down to help."
Satsuki:"Wonderful. I'll contact her immediately. You may do as you please. I'll contact you once the meeting arrangements have been made."
I walked out of her dorm and made the way to mine. I stopped and looked out the window. The sun was shining brightly and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I took a look at my scarred hands and decided to visit Amber.
I walked to the infirmary and saw her watching something on her scroll while eating a grilled cheese. She noticed me and waved happily. I waved back and sat by her bed.
Amber:"Hey (Y/n), it's good to see you again."
"Good to see you again too Amber."
Amber:"How was your week?"
"Pretty good. Hung out with Qrow, kicking ass and taking names."
She giggled lightly.
Amber:"It seems you lucked out with your partner."
"Nah. Ozpin wanted me to tag along with him and so I did."
Amber:"Aren't you tired at all?"
"Nah. I've got plenty of energy left."
Amber:" have great stamina."
Amber's face went red and I could guess why but I decided to ignore it.
Amber:"Well, the nurse said I should be on my feet sometime before Halloween."
"Sweet! That means you can go trick-or-treating!"
We just laughed as she playfully punched my arm.
Amber:"Would you go trick-or-treating?"
"If I was in a good costume."
She and I continued to talk about random things until she started to yawn which was my sign to let her rest. I walked out and bumped into Ryuko.
"Hey Ryuko. How are ya?"
Ryuko:"That doesn't matter. That bitch Satsuki talked to you. What did she tell you?!"
"Whoa! Easy there."
She relaxed and looked up at me.
"She just told me her mom wanted to sponsor me after seeing my performance at the sports festival."
Ryuko:"Tell me you said no!"
"I said yes."
Ryuko:"What the Hell?! Why?!"
"I didn't want to be rude!"
Ryuko:"Whatever. Just be careful. They might be plotting something."
"If they are then I'll stop it then and there. I give you my word."
She sighed in relief and smiled.
Ryuko:"Hey (Y/n), since you're training with Pyrrha, Joan and Izuki, do you think you could train me and Mako?"
"Sure. I'd be happy too."
"Huh, you say that too."
She gave me a fist bump before running off somewhere. I just laughed and finally went to my room. I collapsed on my couch and fell asleep.
A Few Days Later
Classes were over with and I was walking out with my friends. We then saw Satsuki across the hall and stopped in our tracks. She walked over to us and up to me.
Satsuki:"Come along (Y/n), we have to go see my mother."
"Oh, alright."
Ruby:"What?! You're meeting her mom?!"
Ryuko:"I still don't trust her."
"Easy there guys. Nothing bad is gonna happen."
Joan:"You say that..."
"You guys worry too much."
We began walking away as I stepped into a limo outside the front gates as Satsuki sat by me. She drank some tea as I drank some water. In just a few minutes, we reached the corporation. Satsuki lead me through the building and to her mom's office.
Satsuki:"Here we are."
I nodded and reached for the doorknob but she stopped me by grabbing my wrist.
Satsuki:"(Y/n), Matoi is correct in not trusting what my mother has to say. She just called me unannounced and demanded a meeting with you. It was unprompted and the tone of her voice left a bad taste in my mouth."
Satsuki:"If it's okay, I'd like to know what happened here whenever you're done."
"...I will."
I gave her a small smile and she smiled back before letting me go and walking off. I took in a deep breath and knocked on the door.
?:"Come in!"
I opened the door and saw a fairly large office with a woman with brightly colored hair sitting behind a desk. I sat in a chair in front of her and she smiled.
"You must be Ms. Kiryuin."
Ragyo:"Oh dear, just call me Ragyo. I don't want to seem like a 50 year old woman."
"Oh I would never think of you as that old. You look like you're still in your late twenties."
She just laughed and smiled brightly. In fact, everything about her was just radiating light which was kind of bothering me. And that's saying something! I've literally been hit in the face with lasers, been hit with the Solar Flare far too many times than I'd like to admit, and even seen planets blow up in my face. Her brightness levels are on a universal scale!
Her energy... She's got crazy high power for some reason and that energy is giving me bad vibes. I just have to play along.
Ragyo: Ara ara~ He's so charming. He's more fit up close. Oh I just need this boy to be my prince charming.
"Satsuki told me you wanted to give me a custom uniform."
Ragyo:"That is correct."
"Well, I'm not a fan of uniforms honestly. The Union Academy one I'm wearing right now is kind of alright but still constricting. I was hoping for a gi."
Ragyo:"Oh don't you worry love, our clothes are designed to be fashionable without compromising comfort."
"Oh, that's pretty good to hear. I guess I have nothing to worry about." Still wish I could get a gi though.
She typed something into her scroll and smiled. Ragyo then leaned her chin against her hands and stared into my eyes.
Ragyo:"You're very handsome (Y/n)."
"Oh! Uh... Well thank you."
Ragyo:"Tell me, do you have a girlfriend?"
"No. I've been busy training and fighting things that I don't really have time to ask anyone out."
Ragyo:"That's a shame. You certainly need to relax."
She then stood up and it was then that I was able to see her entire outfit.
I was stunned and she noticed and struck a pose.
Ragyo:"Oh? Does my attire strike your fancy my dear?"
A small blush spread across my face and I just coughed into my hand.
"N-no! I mean... yes! I mean-"
She just laughed and it sent chills down my spine. She walked behind me and pushed her breasts against my head and held my chin with her left hand. She started to whisper in my ear next.
Ragyo:"Shhhh Shhhh... No need to worry. I want you to look. I take pride in the clothes I make and wear. I also take pride in my body."
I just gulped and she giggled before moving her hands to my shoulders and began to rub them.
Ragyo:"Like I said, you need to relax. And I'm going to help."
"Ragyo I don't know about this..."
Ragyo:"Please, I want to help. You should accept a person's generosity with open arms."
"I guess so."
Ragyo smiled and kept rubbing my shoulders which felt good in all honesty. Her breasts were large and soft and I unintentionally leaned my head back against them. She only and leaned down and started nibbling on my ear.
It was a weird but pleasant sensation so I let it happen. She kept nibbling then stopped. She leaned my head back so I was facing the ceiling. She held my cheeks and leaned over my face. We were looking at each other as she leaned forward until her scroll went off which made her pull away with a pissed off face.
The person on the other end spoke and Ragyo sighed.
Ragyo:"Your suit is almost ready. Follow me."
I nodded and walked with her to an elevator. We went to one of the lower floors and stepped out into one giant research lab. She took me to a room where a scientist was running around looking at test tubes and other things.
Scientist:"Ah! You're here! Come. Have a seat."
I sat down in a rolly chair as he grabbed a bunch of stuff and set them on a table.
Scientist:"(Y/n), correct."
Scientist:"In recent discoveries, we found out that certain types of people have certain tastes when it comes to clothe and what they find as comfortable and fashionable."
"Well no duh."
Scientist:"That may seem obvious at first but we also found that it has something to do with their molecular structure that helps them pick out their clothes. It's not just what the heart wants but what runs in their veins."
He grabbed a popsicle stick and put it in my mouth. He swabbed it around and set it aside. He then gave me a small jar.
Scientist:"If it left a bad taste in your mouth, please spit in here."
I spit almost immediately and he set it aside. He stood on a stool and looked down at my head. He began tapping it on different places and plucked out some hairs.
Scientist:"Huh, no gray hairs. Honestly, I figured someone as strong as you would be stressed over certain things."
"It's because I'm strong that I have no reason to stress over things."
He just laughed.
Scientist:"Well, you're certainly in perfect health. We just need to have a bit of your blood so we may find out what exactly suits you."
He handed me a small round container. I bit into my thumb until blood started to fall from it. It splattered several times on the container and he took it.
Scientist:"Thank you! Give us 10 minutes. 15 tops."
He rushed out with the containers leaving me and Ragyo alone. I got up from the chair and just looked at all the instruments of science he had.
Ragyo:"Are you excited?"
"For the suit?" Well sure. I don't want to be rude and not accept it."
Ragyo:"Indeed. You know, these uniforms are to help the students increase the capabilities of their quirks and semblances. And some of the uniforms can increase the amount of chakra one can have."
"That's interesting."
Ragyo:"It sure is. Tell me, what's your quirk?"
"That's the thing. I'm quirkless, I don't have a semblance nor am I capable of using ninjutsu or magic."
Ragyo:"Oh my. You really are a strange boy. But I like that about you."
"Heh, thanks."
Ragyo:"I sure do hope you pay me a visit from time to time."
I just chuckled.
"We'll see."
Her scroll went off and she answered it. She looked at me and nodded. I followed her back to the elevator and went to the lowest floor where a bunch of people were watching machines. They saw her and bowed.
Ragyo:"Raise your heads. We have a guest."
They saw me and all greeted me with one collective hello. The scientist from earlier was holding a suit.
"Ah sweet! Looks amazing."
Ragyo:"Go ahead and try it on. You can change over there."
She pointed towards a small circular stage with curtains. I walked there and undressed and put on the suit which fit so well and was pretty damn comfortable.
"Wow, it's so comfy I might get them confused with pajamas. I don't think I wanna ever take this off."
She just laughed and smirked.
Ragyo:"Good. Tell me, are you still bleeding from your thumb?"
"Yeah why?"
Suddenly, my suit began to squeeze me tightly.
"What the-?"
There were some glowing red fibers that stuck out of the from the sleeve and made their way to the small open wound on my thumb. I felt them slither up from inside my body and into my brain.
Ragyo:"You're all mine now."
Ragyo snapped her fingers and someone jumped down and landed in front of me.
Ragyo:"Nui. Please make sure (Y/n) doesn't resist."
Nui:"Okie! Wow, he's a hottie!"
I began to raise my ki and yelled to the ceiling.
The fibers retreated as I yelled once more and destroyed the my clothes apart from my boxers which were designed by Bulma to keep from being destroyed by an exploding sun or similar things.
"Guess I should've listened to Ryuko and Satsuki."
Nui jumped away and pouted.
Nui:"Hey! When I kick you you're supposed to say ow!"
"Well, it's better if I end this now with one shot!"
I raised my arm with two fingers pointing and my hand facing down. I smirked and raised them upward and caused the entire building to explode.
I flew out of the smoke and away to the academy.
"Great. Now I'm semi naked."
No One's POV
From the rubble arose Ragyo and Nui. Their clothes mended themselves and their wounds became healed.
Ragyo:"He certainly has devastating power."
Nui:"Hee hee, I wanna play with him some more."
Ragyo:"That time will come soon Nui. Soon."
She looked in the distance and smirked.
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