Hello And Welcome!
I popped my neck and began walking into the city. I passed by some stores and saw that the currency was Zenni which was a bit surprising but I wasn't gonna complain.
?:"Look, it's All Might!"
I heard someone shout and I went to check it out. I saw a large crowd and they were holding out their phones recording something. I walked over and saw that they were recording some muscular blonde guy stopping a bank robbery.
All Might:"HAHAHA! Thank you for your admiration! Now, I must take my leave!"
With that said, he sped off to who knows where. The crowd began to disperse but I stayed to plan my next move. Two girls stayed behind as well. One was a girl with blonde hair and lilac eyes. The other was a girl with black hair with red tips and silver eyes.
Red:"It's still hard to believe that All Might is our teacher, right Yang?"
Yang:"Yeah. But that's what makes our school so awesome! And by being students there, we're awesome."
The buff guy is their teacher? When I saw him his energy level was pretty high. These two have some high levels too. The pedestrians are what I'd expect being pretty low and all. I should see where these two go to.
Yang:"Come on Ruby, we better hurry!"
The two ran off and I decided to follow them from a distance. I decided to suppress my power level to about the same amount as that Ruby girl. The girl named Yang ran across the crosswalk and made it before the timer could hit zero. Ruby tried to make it but was a bit too late but she kept going.
A semi truck was barreling down the road and Ruby's eyes widened.
Yang:"RUBY! NO!"
The two screamed as did the bystanders.
Some looked away and Yang fell to her knees and started crying. People started murmuring and Yang looked up and gasped in shock. She saw that I protected Ruby by stopping the truck with my elbow.
"Hey you alright?"
Ruby looked at me and her face went red and she nodded quickly.
"Good. I suggest you get back to your friend. She's crying right now."
Ruby:"Oh! She's actually my sister."
"Well go tell her that you're alright."
She nodded and looked both ways before rushing over to Yang. I removed my elbow from the truck and the driver came out and rubbed his head in disbelief. I crossed the road and decided to properly introduce myself.
"Hey, are you two doing okay?"
Yang:"Y-yeah... Thanks for saving my sister."
"It's no problem."
Ruby:Th-thank you so much! How can I repay you?"
"There's no need to repay me. Also, my name is (Y/n). What's yours?"
Ruby:"I'm Ruby Rose."
Yang:"And I'm her older sister Yang Xiao Long."
"Where are you two headed right now?"
Yang:"Union Academy."
"I heard that All Might was a teacher there. Is that true?"
Ruby:"Yup! He's one of the many awesome teachers there."
"I bet."
Yang:"So how did you stop that truck? Semblance or quirk?"
What are those? "No, I just trained my body really well and now I can do all sorts of things."
Ruby:"What? No way. It's okay if you don't want to share your semblance or quirk with us. Oh! Are you going to attend Union Academy?!"
Yang:"With strength like that, I'm surprised he isn't already a student."
Just what goes on over at that school? "Well I just moved here and I was hoping to join the academy but my parents went to get the last bit of furniture and appliances so I don't have anyone to help me with the paperwork."
Yang:"That stinks. Well if you'd like, we could help you register."
"That'd be awesome!"
Ruby:"Yeah! Think of it as me repaying you for saving my life."
I chuckled lightly and followed the two, only this time at a closer distance. We walked for a few more minutes and came across a huge academy.
"Holy crap..."
Yang:"That's everybody's reaction. Come on."
I nodded and followed the two inside the large gate and through the halls. They lead me to an elevator which we entered. Ruby was about to to hit the buttons but Yang slapped her hand.
Yang:"No! Last time I let you hit the button, you hit all of them!"
"All of them?!"
Ruby pouted and it was cute which made me blush and look away. Yang hit a button and we went towards the top. Eventually, we reached the top and the doors opened. We exited and I saw a huge round table where many teachers sat.
?:"Hello Ruby. Hello Yang. And you... You're the boy who stopped that truck, correct?"
"Yeah. How'd you know?"
One of the teachers typed something and a holographic screen popped up and it was somebody recording what happened earlier.
"Man, word gets around fast."
?:"Could you two girls step out for a while? We'd like to talk to this young man here."
They left and the teachers eyed me carefully. One of them cleared their throat and began speaking.
?:"So, who are you?"
"Me? I'm (Y/n) (L/n)."
?:"Well (Y/n), how would you like to join our school?"
"That'd be awesome!"
?:"Glad you think that."
"Wait, do you have dorms?"
They nodded and I pumped my fist. They then introduced themselves to me.
Tsunade:"Before you can officially join, you'll have to pass the initiation."
"What do I have to do?"
Nezu:"You'll find out soon. For now, explore the school to your heart's content."
"Thank you!"
I went inside the elevator and pushed a button to descend.
Port:"Well that just isn't right."
The others looked at their colleague.
Port:"There's no file on this child."
This raised a few eyebrows.
Ozpin:"We'll find out about this boy soon enough."
Yang and Ruby were waiting for me at the bottom and I told them on what happened.
Ruby:"Oh man initiation was pretty tough."
"What did you have to do?"
Yang:"There's multiple ways to pass. You could score 1,000 points by eliminating the Grimm and robots in the Emerald Forest. Or you could place your flag at the temple deep in the forest and make it back to the cliff. And finally, find your mystery opponent and tag them."
"Mystery opponent?"
Ruby:"Yeah. It's usually like a teacher or something. So far, nobody has done that last one or the first one. One person did come close though to reaching 1,000 points."
"Who was that?"
?:"That'd be that stuck up bitch Satsuki Kiryuin."
We heard another voice and I turned around to see a girl with black hair and a red streak in her hair wearing a black sailor uniform.
Yang:"Hey Ryuko."
Ryuko:"Hey you two. Who's this?"
"I'm (Y/n). The new kid around here. What was this Satsuki chick's score?"
"Damn. How did you guys pass?"
Ruby:"We placed our flags at the temple and made it back to the cliff."
Nezu:"Mr. (L/n), please follow me. As for you three..."
PA:"Will all students come to the auditorium?"
Nezu:"Come now Mr. (L/n)."
"Yes sir. Catch you girls later."
Ruby:"Good luck."
I smiled and nodded and followed the weird mouse-bear-dog thing. We reached the cliff and Ozpin was there with his lovely assistant, Prof. Goodwitch.
Ozpin:"So (Y/n). The way to pass this is quite simple. You have three options. Gain 1,000 points after beating Grimm and robots. Second option is placing this flag at the temple and making it back here. And finally, tagging your mystery opponent with this here sticker."
He showed me the sticker and it was of a smiley face.
"Professor, may I do all three?"
Him, Nezu and Goodwitch were shocked.
3rd Person POV
After hearing the young man's request, Ozpin was completely shocked. He knew that some kids were confident in their abilities but this was on a completely different level.
The students that were gathered in the auditorium were watching it live. They whispered and talked about this kid being dumb.
Ozpin:"Is that what you really want to do?"
(Y/n):"Yeah. And I'll pass it within five minutes!"
Glynda:"Okay young man, listen here! You shouldn't be acting so cocky just because we gave you an opportunity to join our school!"
(Y/n):"But I'm not being cocky."
Nezu:"Now, now. Are you sure you want to do all three objectives with a time limit of five minutes?"
(Y/n):"You bet!"
Ozpin:"Very well."
He gave (Y/n) the sticker, a watch and a small flag with his name on it.
Ozpin:"That watch will keep count of how many points you have. And the timer will begin once you have entered the forest."
(Y/n) nodded his head in understanding. Ozpin told him to stand on the launchpad and soon, he was launched.
Glynda:"Are you sure about this sir? You do know that this is impossible."
Ozpin:"I wouldn't say impossible, more so, highly difficult. It's human nature to overcome the challenges life throws at you."
(Y/n) was seen flying through the air and in the corner of his eye he saw a flying orb.
(Y/n): Guess they're recording me. Well better give them a show.
(Y/n) was approaching the ground and got in position to do a superhero landing. He then saw some robots with different numbers on them. He shrugged and landed with enough power to create a shockwave to knock the robots back.
(Y/n):"Man, that really does a number on the knees."
Ruby:"That was so cool!"
The students praised the young boy and his dramatic entrance. (Y/n) popped his neck and did some stretches.
(Y/n):"Let's go!"
He dashed at the robots and punched and kicked their heads off. He ran into the forest demolishing any robots in his way.
Behind him was a large bear-like creature but it was jet black with red eyes and white spikes. He titled his head in confusion at the creature. It swiped at him but he easily dodged and punched right through the creature's chest.
(Y/n): Is this a Grimm?
He removed his fist as the Grimm turned to dust. He heard plenty of low growls and he chuckled.
(Y/n):"So you guys want the same fate as your buddy? Be my guest."
The creatures pounced on him but he effortlessly fought back and decimated them. He continued to run and found a temple with tiny flags around. He placed his next to Ruby's and closed his eyes and tried to pick up on any energy inside the forest. For the most part it was just the Grimm but he found one which was human.
He rushed off to the location and looked at his watch. He had a little over three minutes left. He found a cave and stood outside of it.
?:"Looks like you've found me..."
From the cave, emerged All Might. Seeing this made the students gasp and shake their heads.
Student 1:"He's dead."
Student 2:"Guy thought he was the shit. This oughta put him in place."
Yang:"Geez, they could have a little bit of faith."
(Y/n):"So you're my mystery opponent? It's gonna be a challenge to slap this sticker on ya."
All Might:"Come at me whenever you're ready."
He rushed immediately and threw a punch to All Might's face. He dodged with ease and grabbed (Y/n)'s arm and tossed him into a tree. (Y/n) spun and landed on the trunk and kicked off the tree and launched himself at All Might. He went for a kick but All Might caught his foot and threw him down on the ground.
All Might:"You do know that you're supposed to put a sticker on me right?"
(Y/n):"I know. I just wanna have a quick sparring match with you." This guy doesn't know I'm letting him dodge my attacks and that I'm purposely getting thrown around.
All Might ran to (Y/n) and shouted an attack.
All Might:"Detroit Smash!"
(Y/n) sidestepped and tried to land a punch on All Might's ribs. He jumped away and clapped his hands and created a powerful gust of wind. (Y/n) stood his ground and laughed.
(Y/n):"This is pretty fun!"
The two attacked each other but the both of them would dodge and weave.
All Might: Damn, this kid is pretty good. His punches and kicks look like they could hurt if they hit home!
The students watched intently as the new kid was actually putting up a fight against All Might. One of the students was a green haired girl who wrote things down in her journal. A boy with arrogance as his main personality point, was growling in annoyance.
Bakugo:"Why doesn't All Might finish him off?! He's toying with that damn extra! No one should be able to easily dodge his attacks. He'd be lucky to have All Might let him land a punch out of pity. Even then, it won't do jack-shit!"
Yang:"You're just jealous that my friend is putting up a better fight than you could ever hope to do."
He growled and Yang laughed.
All Might threw one last punch and this made (Y/n) smirk. He pushed aside his fist and elbowed him in the chest. This caught practically everyone off guard, especially All Might. (Y/n) followed up with a kick to his cheek which launched him several feet away.
Yang:"You were saying?"
Everyone laughed as Bakugo got pissed off. The green haired girl stared in awe at (Y/n) and wrote down the motions for the move he just pulled off.
(Y/n):"Looks like I've got a minute left. Time to finish up."
All Might groaned and got up.
All Might:"Aren't you forgetting something?"
(Y/n) then gave him a shit-eating grin.
He pointed at his chest and All Might looked down to see the sticker. Prof. Goodwitch nearly fell on her ass and the students fell out their seats.
Ruby:"Go (Y/n)!"
The students cheered (Y/n) on as he ran to finish up the job. He ran to where the highest concentration of Grimm was.
(Y/n):"Time for my ultimate technique!"
He placed the bottoms of his palms together and began to charge up his attack. This made all the teachers quite curious.
He let out a powerful yellow beam of energy which vaporized a majority of the forest along with the poor, unfortunate soulless creatures in it.
(Y/n):"Better get a move on!"
He looked at his watch and smiled as he racked up a total of 1,500 points. He had only a minute left and he dashed off to where he was launched. The students were trying to recover from the fact he tagged All Might and now he pulled off an attack that would most certainly kill them. A timer was shown as the students watched in anticipation as the new kid was running back to where he was launched.
Ruby:"You can do it!"
Yang:"Show 'em you mean business!"
The students went back to cheering as the young warrior was dashing without breaking a sweat. He made it to the cliff and saw how high it was. He had 30 seconds left and he squatted down and jumped up leaving behind a large crater. He jumped all the way up and Nezu, Ozpin and Goodwitch were staring up at him. He threw a peace sign at Goodwitch as he landed easily. The students clapped and cheered as Ozpin shook (Y/n)'s hand.
Ozpin:"Welcome to Union Academy."
(Y/n):"Glad you could have me."
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