Final Exams Start!
It was November and the final exams were approaching. I taught my club how to use ki whenever they had time when they weren't studying. There was just 3 days before the exams actually started and Momo, Rias, and Weiss all decided to get everyone to study up together.
I was currently back at Capsule Corp picking up my gravity room capsule. Dr. Briefs handed it to me and I thanked him. I used the circle to head back to Union Academy where I saw Kaminari lying on the ground.
"Hey bud, you alright?"
"I guess not."
I picked him up and walked to his dorm where I saw some other of my classmates walking around like zombies. I decided to just set Kaminari on a bench inside and kept walking around.
"Jeez, if everyone is this brain dead then I can't have them train in the gravity room."
I walked some more until I saw Joan grabbing an energy drink from a vending machine.
"Hey Joan!"
She saw me and ran over to me.
Joan:"Hey (Y/n)! I've been studying real hard!"
"Good on you. I'm glad you aren't walking around like a zombie."
Joan looked around and laughed.
Joan:"Yeah the only other people I know who are still sane is Rias, Akeno, Weiss, Pyrrha, Momo and Izuki."
"Perfect. Text Izuki and meet me outside on the west side of the school."
Joan:"Sure thing."
I nodded and walked outside to the west side where I saw Amber standing under a tree as leaves fell on head. She saw me and smiled sweetly and began walking to me.
Amber:"Hey (Y/n)."
"Hey Amber what's going on?"
Amber:"Enjoying the season. Me being the Fall Maiden was honestly just a coincidence as I actually love the fall season."
"What do you love about it?"
Amber:"The leaves changing color, the nice and cool temperature, the atmosphere in general and plus it's always a perfect time to have a coffee."
"I never thought about that last part."
She giggled and I laughed.
Amber:"How have things been so far with Ruby?"
"Pretty great. She's my second girlfriend but honestly a lot better than my first."
Amber:"In what way?"
"Well, my ex cheated on me with an alien monkey."
She just tilted her head in confusion.
"It would make a lot more sense if I explained it in detail but point is; she tore my heart out and stomped on it."
Amber:"That's awful! I should slap that bitch upside the head."
"I would love to see that but I'm over it."
Amber:"Why did she cheat on you?"
"Well, I'm just a normal human as was she. She thought I was bland and weak. But after completing my most dangerous mission ever, I was recognized as the strongest human to ever exist and will continue to be."
Amber:"Ha! You showed her!"
"I pretty much did. She tried crawling back to me but I told her to piss off."
Amber:"You're a smart guy."
"Thanks Amber. You're a really amazing person, you know that?"
Her face went red and she looked down.
Amber:"Yeah but unfortunately the man I want isn't on the market right now."
"You'll figure something out. Just have confidence and hopefully you can find yourself someone else to love."
Amber:"Confidence...? That's it! I know what I'm going to do!"
She gave me a quick hug and ran off somewhere.
"What a nice lady."
I found a perfect spot and pushed the button on the capsule and tossed it onto the ground.
"Sweet. If I want to go exploring I can just use this."
Izuki and Joan finally made it and stared at the ship.
Izuki:"What's this?"
"I'm so glad you asked. It's the thing housing the method of training that made me puke out my spine."
They went pale and started to sweat nervously. I dragged them inside the ship.
Joan:"Just what you'd expect from Capsule Corp."
Izuki:"So, what exactly did you do?"
"I trained under extreme gravity. My mentors forced it on me and I honestly felt like quitting but I didn't. No matter how many times my arms or back broke, I kept pushing myself. I wanted to be strong just like them and the results actually paid off."
Joan:"And you want us to do that too?"
"Yes but I'm not as harsh as them so we're going to start small. You might want to ready yourselves for this one."
Izuki: One For All: Full Cowling!
Her body glowed with red lines as lightning sparked off her body.
Joan: Aura, come to me and protect me.
Joan had a solid white aura around her body. I walked over to the panel and turned up the gravity to 5X. The door to the ship closed and the ship activated the effect and they felt the change. They nearly fell over but stood upright.
"You guys are doing well. The reason I chose you two is because you're both special. You two learned to control ki surprisingly quick which made me proud."
They turned red and I smiled.
"Joan. Your semblance, Aura Amp, is a versatile one. It helps you stay in a fight longer but once it shatters you're left vulnerable more than most. And Izuki, your quirk reminds me of my own Kaioken technique. The way it increases the energy output and strength at the cost of your body shattering if you aren't experienced with it."
Joan:"Hngh! R-really?"
Izuki:"I...oof! Know what you...mean."
"The written exams are in three days. But each exam is on a different day. After that is the practical exam. I'm preparing you two for it. With this type of training, you'll be able to surpass the teachers soon. Now, try and start walking in a circle."
Izuki went first and tried to run but she couldn't. She was sweating profusely and kept trudging. Joan was behind her and was doing a bit better because of her aura.
Days went by as my club had ki constantly flowing through them and they were able to use it to enhance their abilities. It even affected their quirks and gave them a slight boost in power and versatility. But now it was time for the exams.
The first was the reading test. The second day was history. The third was the mathematics test. Then came the practical exams. Those who wanted to be a hero had to pair up with someone already selected and fight a teacher. The shinobi had to fight their leaders. The devils were going to have a rating game. The huntsmen had to fight an A-Class Grimm.
Ozpin gathered the huntsmen. Tsunade gathered the shinobi and Nezu gathered the heroes. Sirzechs had the devils. I, however, was left out.
Ozpin:"(Y/n), I'll figure something out for you."
"I hope so. I don't want to be the only one not having fun."
Nezu:"Okay everyone! The shinobi have the floor first! The rest of us will head to the auditorium and watch their matches."
We nodded and walked there as the huntsmen, heroes, and devils sat in their respective columns.
I sat behind Ruby because she was about to throw a fit if I didn't sit near her. We watched as each of the teams went up against their respective sensei. Naruto's team won and it just occurred to me that I've hardly interacted with the shinobi. I honestly felt kind of bad and decided to get around to that sometime.
Rock Lee's team barely passed but that was because he pushed his body to the max and dealt plenty of damage to Might Guy. Those were the only teams to pass and up next was the huntsmen. Ruby kissed my lips for good luck before following Ozpin.
The shinobi returned to the auditorium as the screen showed off the huntsmen and huntresses.
Ozpin:"Alright, the first team to start things off will be Team JNPR. Your task is to find and destroy a Grimm known as the Oneirodectus."
Joan:"The what?"
Ozpin sighed.
Ozpin:"This thing."
Joan screamed and hid behind Pyrrha at the mere sight of the image.
Ren:"That's one large arachnid."
Pyrrha:"We best be careful."
Nora:"So many legs to break!"
Joan:"How tall is that thing?!"
Ozpin:"7 feet tall. And about 15.6 feet long."
Joan went pale as Pyrrha patted her head.
Ozpin:"Worry not. So long as you devise a plan, you will succeed. That goes for everyone. Now, Joan, as leader it is your call to decide if something gets too serious. Therefore, I'm giving you this device."
Ozpin handed Joan a small round device with a single button on it.
Ozpin:"If you feel as though you can no longer fight, you will simply press this button and a teacher will come to your aid."
Joan looked down at it and back at her team.
Ozpin:"Remember, it's your call as team leader to decide whether or not to push the button. A huntsman should always know what his limits are and just how far he can push them."
Ozpin:"Now, go."
They nodded and ran into the Emerald Forest to find their target.
Joan, be careful out there.
They kept running and saw some Beowolves running away from something.
Pyrrha:"What do you think they're running from?"
Ren:"Whatever it is, it must be fierce. It could be our target."
Nora:"Then let's go."
She took in a deep breath before passing through some trees and reached a small clearing with a cave nearby. Outside the cave was their target and Ursa Major fighting over territory.
Nora:"What did Ozpin say that thing was called?"
Joan:"I don't know. Let's just call it Megarachnid."
Nora:"Ooh! That's a good name!"
The Megarachnid screeched and stabbed one of its legs through the Ursa's head and pinned it to the ground before pulling its leg back and ripped it off. The Ursa then turned to dust.
Ren:"We're in for a tough fight."
Joan:"Yeah but we can do this! Pyrrha, get some distance and shoot at its torso. Ren, you go for the eyes! Nora and I will go for the legs!"
Ren:"Got it!"
Pyrrha:"Be careful Joan."
She nodded before they split up and began their attack. Nora jumped into the air and spun in the air before swinging her hammer down on one of its legs. It screeched in pain then stumbled as Pyrrha shot a fire dust bullet at it.
Ren jumped in the air and blasted it several times in the eyes to blind it. Joan smiled and ran towards it and tried to slice off one of its legs but she was slapped away. She crashed into a tree and groaned in pain.
The Grimm heard her voice and tried charging at her but Nora broke another leg to slow it down.
Ren hopped on its back and began shooting at it point blank. The Megarachnid jumped up and flipped over and crushed Ren beneath its body.
She roared and charged in blindly before she was slapped away as well. Only Pyrrha was standing and she turned her gun back into her spear and got ready to fight.
Joan was struggling to get up and watched as Pyrrha fought the thing by herself but she was being worn down. Joan stabbed her sword into the ground and stood up.
Joan:"I can't lose to this thing. The gravity room is worse than this Grimm! I will beat this thing!"
Joan raised her sword with her right hand and raised her left hand. Energy was swirling around in the palm of her hand which made me smile.
"Atta girl."
Joan created an orb of ki and placed it on her sword and traced it. The blade of her sword was now coated with ki.
Joan:"Hey ugly! I'm Joan Arc and I'm going to be a huntress! There's nothing you can do to stop me! My mentor is the great (Y/n)! And I won't dishonor his name by losing to a disgusting bug like you!"
Joan charged and the Megarachnid screeched before running at her as well. It jumped into the air which made her smirk. Pyrrha watched as her friend went underneath the Grimm and sliced right through its abdomen like butter with her ki coated sword. It screeched one last time before turning to dust.
The sun then shined right through the dust as Joan smiled brightly. I stood up and clapped loudly for her. Everyone did the same.
Next was Ruby's team.
Ozpin:"Alright ladies, your target is this."
Ozpin:"This is known as a Sobek. It's a large and powerful Grimm. It is a fearsome foe that can tear through military ships with a few bites of its powerful jaws. It can also swing its tail around and use it as a mace."
Yang:"Holy crap!"
Weiss:"We're going to need some serious strategy to bring this thing down."
Blake:"Agreed. Got that, Ruby?"
They nodded at each other before running into the forest.
Ruby:"Where do you suppose it'd be hiding?"
Blake:"Based on its characteristics and similarities to a real crocodile, I'd say near some water that's also out in the sun."
Yang:"There's a pond we saw before during our initiation."
Ruby:"Then we'll go there! Yang, lead the way!"
Yang:"Aye aye captain."
"Heh, Ruby really is a team leader."
They all followed Yang to a pond where they saw the Sobek tearing apart a Beowolf. It noticed them and growled lightly. It was way larger in person and completely towered over them.
Yang:"So what's the plan, Sis?"
Ruby:"Yang, try punching it in the throat. That thing is completely covered in armor. I'll distract it by constantly shooting at its mouth. Weiss, you could probably freeze part of the tail and let Blake chop it off."
Weiss:"Alright! Let's do this!"
They ran into their positions as Ruby jumped in a tree and started blasting away at it. Yang rolled towards it and began punching with all her strength at its throat. Weiss used her glyphs to give herself and Blake a boost to reach the tail quicker.
The Sobek tried to roar but Yang's fierce punches were keeping it from making too much sound. Ruby shot another round of bullets at it and landed a clean shot right in its eye.
It stumbled back and roared and this caused it to dodge Yang's next attack which left her open. The Sobek swatted her away with its snout and made her crash through the tree Ruby was in.
The Sobek heard her and roared before slapping her and Blake away with its tail.
They were thrown into the pond as Yang and Ruby struggled to get back up. The Sobek hissed lightly before rushing towards them.
Yang hugged Ruby tightly but Ruby wasn't scared and held a look of determination. She managed to get up and raised her right arm up. She created an orb of ki and threw it as hard as she could right at the Sobek. It opened its mouth and the orb flew inside and exploded within the beast. It roared in pain as smoke came out from its nostrils. It stumbled around before falling over and turning to dust.
Ruby smiled happily and helped her sister up before getting her teammates. They had passed the exam.
Next up were the heroes in training. They were split up into teams of two and faced a different teacher. Most of them passed apart from, Kirishima, Sato, Kaminari, Mina, and Sero. The last battle was between Izuki and Bakugo versus All Might.
It truly came down to this. Whether or not my training proved to be effective. But before that, the initial trial was her trying to get Bakugo to help out and listen to her plan.
He ran off annoyed as she huffed in frustration and went after him. Thanks to their constant bickering, All Might was able to land a clean hit on Bakugo. He punched him in the gut that he coughed up a lot of spit. Izuki was frightened and backflipped away from him.
All Might:"Where are you off to?"
He jumped at her and tried to punch her. Izuki dodged and his punch cracked the ground as debris flew all over the place.
Rias:"Izuki hang in there!"
Everyone was worried for the two as All Might's power was still great even when he had restraints on.
Bakugo:"All Might! I'm not through!"
All Might:"HAHAHA! Look at this little hero still standing! Makes me a bit upset that I will have to put you down!"
He was about to jump at Bakugo but Izuki reacted quickly.
Izuki: One For All! Full Cowling! 20%
She jumped with incredible speed and threw a punch to the back of All Might's head that caught him off guard and made him face plant. She then grabbed Bakugo and ran away.
Ruby:"It was a good thing she ran. Even with their quirks, they couldn't beat All Might."
Weiss:"Right. Their only real option is to run and get backup if that were a true villain."
Izuki and Bakugo kept arguing until she backhanded him to a wall and made him listen to her plan. They set it into motion. Izuki used one of Bakugo's grenade gauntlets to launch a strong blast at All Might. Bakugo went from behind and tried to get the drop on him. He pulled the pin on his other gauntlet and he laughed happily but it was cut short.
All Might withstood both attacks and grabbed Bakugo by the leg and threw him into Izuki. They crashed into a building as he did his signature laugh.
Izuki groaned and saw All Might cough into his hand with blood on it. She saw that Bakugo was down and had one last option.
Izuki:"All Might!"
He looked up and watched her rise from the rubble and activate One For All to her max output.
Izuki: Because of that gravity room and my handle on ki, I'm able to use 30% of One For All!
She jumped at him faster than before and threw a punch with all her power straight to his chest which created a powerful shockwave. The ground cracked and All Might was pushed back several yards as Izuki shook her hand in pain but went to grab Bakugo and run straight to the exit. They then passed.
No One's POV
All the first years had their exam finished up as Joan and the others cheered for Izuki. Ozpin whispered something to some of the other teachers and they gasped before standing up. The students calmed down and paid attention to what they had to say.
Ozpin:"All of you did splendidly. However, (Y/n) is left to participate. We shall arrange something for him. As for the rest of you, go out and relax. Holidays are coming up after all."
They cheered as he dismissed them as Ruby dragged (Y/n) out of his seat and Joan ran after them. Once the students were gone, Ozpin sighed.
Tsunade:"Professor, are you certain about this?"
Glynda:"Would it really be wise to let that fourth year fight (Y/n)?"
Ozpin:"Yes. It's the only challenge we have available for the boy."
Kakashi:"Is there another agenda behind this?"
Ozpin:"Yes... (Y/n) needs to kill him..."
The teachers nodded their heads.
Ozpin:"I'll make the call. Please inform All Might on the situation."
They nodded once again before walking off.
Currently, there was a young man barely in his 20's sitting on a lounge chair in his backyard.
As he was laying down, a beautiful naked woman was feeding him grapes. Another naked woman was approaching him with a scroll in her hand.
Girl:"My king, Prof. Ozpin is calling."
The male opened his eyes and got the scroll and answered.
?:"Well, well, well. Quite the surprise hearing from you."
Ozpin:"It is."
?:"To what do I owe this pleasure?"
Ozpin:"A student of mine possesses incredible strength. So much so that we wouldn't give him a decent enough challenge for a final exam."
?:"Tch, so what? There's literally no one in the world that can stop me. Hell, even Salem herself tried!"
Ozpin:"I'm aware. That is why I want you to fight him. I feel there is more to this boy than meets the eye."
?:"Fine, if that's what you want, I'll be honored to kill more students in the name of education!"
He laughed before ending the call and sitting upright.
?:"Ladies, I shall be heading back to Union Academy and show some pathetic upstart who owns this world."
They all nodded before walking over and kissing his torso.
A/n: Man this took WAAAAAAYYYYY longer than I expected. I'm sorry about the delay but don't worry I have an idea on the next few chapters so be sure to stay tuned!
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