A Warrior's Day Off
Ruby, Joan, and Izuki were all making their way to (Y/n)'s dorm where they met up with Amber.
Amber:"Hey girls, what's going on?"
Ruby:"Did you see the news?"
Amber:"No. Did something bad happen?"
Joan:"Yeah. There was a helicopter and they showed (Y/n) on an island and he looked completely upset about something."
Amber:"That's awful!"
Izuki:"It is. And we were going to cheer him up."
They looked at Ruby who took in a deep breath and explained their plan to Amber.
Amber:"Oh my... You girls sure are bold. Would it be possible for me to join in on the fun?"
Ruby:"Wait you-"
Amber:"Yes. He saved me from a life of being used as nothing more than a tool."
Ruby:"Heh. He's great isn't he?"
Amber:"He sure is."
Ruby:"Then let's go!"
Your POV
I stood alone on a different island as the sun began to set. I spent hours just wallowing in self pity as I let Towa run free. And she merged with another version of herself to increase her power. I sighed before flying back to the academy to rest and hopefully take my mind off of things.
I reached the academy and went to my balcony to enter my bedroom. When I opened the door, I felt four energies in the dark room.
"I know you're here. Just come out already. I'm not in the mood right now."
The lights turned on and I saw Ruby, Joan, Izuki, and Amber.
"Oh...hey Ruby..."
Ruby:"Tell us what's wrong."
"I let Towa escape and she merged with your world's version of Towa and grew stronger."
Izuki:"Oh no..."
"I messed everything all up! And there's no telling what she's gonna do next!"
Joan:"(Y/n) please let us help you."
"No. I need to do this myself. I'm the only one that can. Whatever she has planned then I'll just blast it away!"
Amber:"That's not what she meant."
Amber looked over at Izuki and Joan before leaping at me and crashing her lips into mine. I was shocked and looked at Ruby who gave me a thumbs up before pushing the other two in my direction. Amber broke away and the other two took turns kissing me.
"I... Wha..."
Izuki:"(Y/n), we love you."
Joan:"You've done so much for us."
Amber:"So it's our turn to make you feel better!"
Joan:"But if you don't want us we understand..."
Their faces were completely red but filled with hope and happiness. I opened my mouth to say something but smiled instead.
"I accept your feelings girls."
They cheered happily and jumped in my arms. Ruby included.
Ruby:"Feeling any better?"
I nodded softly.
"Thank you. You four are doing wonders for me."
They smiled at each other before I let them go.
"But listen, I'm going to need to train everyone up more and maybe ask more people to train with us."
Ruby:"Oh? What for?"
"Because I don't know what Towa has planned exactly, but it isn't good. She could power up more Nomus and Grimm and maybe some villains as well. I can handle those with no problem, but I might have to deal with Towa herself. So, I'm gonna need people willing to protect everyone at the Academy and the city as well."
Izuki:"We'll gladly help! If you have to increase the difficulty of our training then so be it!"
Ruby:"Yeah! We're here for you!"
Amber:"Count me in as well! I need some training after being held captive for a while."
I smiled and rubbed their heads which made them blush happily.
"But if you don't mind me asking, what do you want to do? For dates I mean."
Izuki:"Well there's this convention I was hoping we could go to, but it's in an entirely different city."
"That's not a problem for me. I'll just fly you there."
Izuki:"Really?! Thank you!"
Joan:"Ooh! After her I want to go watch a movie! There's this new Spruce Willis movie coming out that looks so cool!"
Amber:"I want to have a nice evening dinner with you."
"You got it! What about you, Ruby?"
Ruby:"I want to cuddle with you!"
She pointed at him dramatically and he blushed and nodded.
"Sure thing."
They all cheered happily after being able to share (Y/n)'s love.
"If you girls don't mind, could I get some sleep? Things have been crazy today."
Ruby:"Go ahead! Have sweet dreams."
Amber:"He will because we'll be in them."
They shared a laugh before taking turns kissing my cheek and walking out the room.
The Next Day
I woke up feeling better and took a shower before getting dressed for my date with Izuki. I walked out my room and passed by Amber who came out the other bathroom with a big smile on her face.
Amber:"Good morning."
Amber:"I'm looking forward to tonight."
"Heh, me too. If I mess up be sure to let me know. I have to get stronger at dates."
Amber:"Oh my Oum."
She giggled and walked away as I left to go to Izuki's dorm. As I walked I was stopped by Issei and Mineta.
Mineta:"Don't what us! You know what you did!"
"What did I do?"
Issei:"You told us you had no harem and you were just dating Ruby! You're a damn liar! You also got Izuki and Joan! And Amber too!"
"Oh. Wait, that happened literally the other night. How do you know that?"
Issei:"Because they were talking about it when they went back to their dorms!"
"That makes sense. Man, word spreads fast. Anyway, I'm off. I got a date with Izuki."
Mineta had streams going down his face as he pat his friend's shoulder.
Mineta:"He won bro. He won..."
I got to her dorm and knocked on her door. She answered it and held a blush on her face.
Izuki:"H-hey. I umm...I'm ready..."
"Are you? You seem on edge."
Izuki:"I'm just nervous. I never went out with a boy before."
"No need to worry. We're going to that convention. I'll follow you just to see what it's like. Just show me the best way to take interest in your own interests."
Izuki smiled widely and nodded before holding my hand.
Izuki:"Thank you (Y/n). Let's go!"
We walked outside together before I carried her bridal style and took off slowly and carefully into the air.
Izuki:"So this is how it feels to be in the air huh?"
"Yep. Feels good to have the wind in your face. Anyway, which way do I go?"
Izuki pointed in a direction and I held her tightly before flying off in that direction. She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled as the wind passed through her hair. We hovered over a different city and I felt a large gathering of energies and went to it. We looked down and saw people entering a large building.
"That the place?"
I descended and set her down gently as we followed the crowd into the building. Inside were different booths set up for different heroes. Her eyes turned to stars as she gazed upon all the merchandise and heroes she was fond of.
Izuki:"(Y/n), I always wanted to come to Hero Con. They sell some limited time stuff and I get to meet some of the other pros! There's also a trivia battle at the end of the day and the winner gets a prize!"
"What's the prize?"
Izuki:"Well it varies from year to year. Last year it was a limo ride with Hawks and All Might."
"Who's Hawks?"
Izuki:"Oh! It's really him!"
Hawks:"You two enjoying yourselves?:
Izuki:"Yeah! This is my first time here!"
Hawks:"Sweet. What about you man?"
"Just kind of chilling. You can fly right?"
"Sweet. I can too."
Hawks:"It's a pretty useful power no doubt. Want a picture?"
He smiled and got someone nearby to take a picture of us with his phone and then Izuki's phone. He waved at us and walked around the convention.
"Cool guy."
Izuki:"Yeah. He's pretty popular."
We did some more walking and Izuki saw some interesting things to buy so I bought them for her. All that PQ grinding gave me more than enough Zenni.
Izuki:"(Y/n) look! It's the Wild, Wild Pussycats!"
"That sounds dirty."
Izuki:"No it doesn't! ...Let's just go say hello."
"Alright. Maybe I can convince them to change their name."
She rolled her eyes and we got closer to a crowd that surrounded a group of people.
"That is a grown ass man..."
Izuki:"That's Tiger. The one in red is Mandalay, the one next to her is Ragdoll, and beside her is Pixie-Bob."
"Tiger is certainly breaking the societal norms so good on him."
Man:"I love you Mandalay!"
Woman:"You're so cute Tiger!"
They waved happily at everyone and Izuki began taking pictures of them.
Ragdoll:"Hi everyone! We're happy to be here this year! We got a special event later on so we hope you can stop by!"
Everyone cheered and Pixie-Bob looked over in our direction. She smiled and waved and Izuki happily waved back. I simply raised my hand at her as a line formed for autographs and pictures.
Some time passed as we gathered into one large room with a stage on the front. The quartet of heroes were sitting at a table as Mandalay spoke into a microphone.
Mandalay:"Attention everyone, we normally hold a trivia battle for a special prize, but today we have something interesting for any future heroes. There will be a trivia battle tomorrow so don't worry if any of you had studied your flashcards. Anyway, we will be offering this limited edition figure of All Might!"
Izuki looked on in excitement as the showed off a figure of All Might, but with a different costume.
Izuki:"That's the Young Age All Might!"
Pixie-Bob:"In order to win this, you're going to have to snatch this pin from Tiger."
She handed him a circular pin that had All Might's smile on it. He stood up and looked around the room.
Tiger:"Any of you willing to take on this challenge?"
Nobody stood up and I looked at Izuki and she gave me a nod. I stood up and spoke up.
Tiger:"Hm? You're willing to try? I love that confidence! Come up here!"
I walked down the aisle as people murmured around me. I got on the stage and stretched my arms.
Ragdoll:"What's your name?"
"I'm (Y/n), and I'll be taking that pin off your hands."
Tiger:"We'll see about that."
I reached out to his hand and he rotated his body in such a weird way to keep the pin out of my reach.
"What the-?"
He stretched back and his fist was closing in on my face.
Pixie-Bob:"This is gonna hurt..."
His fist slammed against my face and a gust of wind kicked up.
I grabbed his wrist and yanked towards me and stole the pin from his other hand before pushing him to the ground.
"Sweet. I got it."
I was awarded with the figure and walked out with Izuki. I gave her the figure and flew back to the academy with her.
I flew to Vale with Joan on my back. We landed in front of the movie theater and she got her phone out to pull up the QR codes for the tickets. I bought the snacks and drinks and we sat in our seats near the top row.
We mindlessly watched the previews when an ad for REVOCS brand clothing. I scowled as models showed off some fancy clothing as they bragged that these new designs were comfortable and would enhance a person's strength and durability.
The movie began playing and it was a cool action movie. Joan and I reached for popcorn at the same time and held hands. I kissed top of her hand and made her blush then took the popcorn she held and ate it.
After the movie
Joan:"What'd you think?"
"It was pretty good. I liked the title drop."
Joan:"Those are always fun!"
"The way it happened was just amazing as well. He was like: "It's me, Spyro. Spyro the Dragon." And then the title just popped up on the screen!"
Joan:"If you had a title you should do a title drop."
"Like what?"
Joan:"Dunno. All I know is that none can stop you."
"None can stop-"
Girl:"Stop that guy!"
A guy was running with a stolen purse so I reached out and grabbed the back of his collar and slammed him to the ground. The girl ran over and got her purse back and kicked the guy who was down before walking off.
Joan:"See. That just proves my point."
"I didn't even get to finish it. So it doesn't really count. Maybe some other time."
Joan:"I can't wait for the day when you do your own title drop."
We shared a laugh and she hopped on my back and we flew off to the academy. Standing at the door was Amber.
"You ready?"
She smiled happily with a tint to her cheeks.
Amber:"More than anything."
I extended my hand and she took it in hers as I wrapped my other arm around her waist to pull her close and take off into the air into slowly.
She had made reservations for a nice restaurant and we just talked about random things. She told me about how the Maidens were incredibly gifted with magic and they were often the target for power hungry people. But even their strength combined isn't enough to come close to the heroes of old. Which makes sense, the weakest one of them could destroy the moon several times over.
I paid for the dinner and took her back to the academy where Ruby was patiently waiting for me in my room.
Ruby:"You! I await my cuddles!"
"Alright alright."
She giggled happily as I turned off the lights and crawled into my bed. I let out a relaxed sigh before I felt Ruby climb on top of me. She rested her head on my chest and hugged me tightly.
Ruby:"(Y/n), you made the other girls really happy today. I'm glad you're such a great guy."
"I wouldn't say I'm that great. I had my fair share of failures."
Ruby:"But you need those in order to grow right?"
"Yeah I guess you're right."
Ruby looked up at me and I looked back at her.
Ruby:"(Y/n), when you catch Towa what's gonna happen next?"
"I'll officially be done with what I had set out to do."
Ruby:"Yeah I know but like...what are you going to do after that?"
"I might head back home and-"
I felt her grip tighten around my body.
Her voice had a hint of sadness and she looked away from me.
"Why what?"
Ruby:"Why do you need to go back? I want you to stay here...with me."
"Ruby... This isn't my universe. I can't stay for too long. Plus there might be more anomalies that I might need to take care of."
Ruby:"But there's a whole group dedicated to that right? You're not the only Time Patroller, but you're the only (Y/n)."
"The multiverse is a thing. There are definitely other versions of me. Maybe one where I'm a Pokemon trainer, one where I'm part demon, or one where I'm a purple dragon."
Ruby:"...you're the only (Y/n) we want..."
I rubbed her head softly as she sniffled.
Ruby:"I don't want you to leave us. You taught us a lot and helped us out. We need you."
"Ruby, it isn't good to rely solely on me. I'm not gonna be able to solve everything. That's why I'm training you guys up. I want you guys to be able to handle what comes your way."
Ruby:"I get that, but we're so much happier when you're around."
She crawled up and buried her head in the crook of my neck and I rubbed her head some more. I stared up at the ceiling and thought of what might be. I was just some punk ass orphan who got lucky and was taken in by Chronoa. She taught me the basics of reading and writing and the rest was just me wanting to be strong. I did all I could to break my limits to stand side by side with the greats. I reached that goal, but I never truly had a childhood or time to relax as a teen until now.
I gulped and took in a deep breath before looking at her in the cover of darkness.
"I'll stay. It isn't wrong to want to be a normal person. One of my mentors did just that. He tried to live his life as a normal teen, but he was found out and soon had to get called to action. That's basically a common thing here for you guys so I'd feel right at home."
Ruby perked up and looked into my eyes before cupping my cheeks and smiling.
"Yeah. And if I have to leave for a mission, then I'll make it my top priority to come back so you don't shed anymore tears."
I used my thumbs to wipe away her tears as she leaned down and kissed my lips softly.
Ruby:"I love you (Y/n)."
"I love you too."
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