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Recap : Sanskar came to know about Swara and Laksh which break his heart and Swayam also came go know about that his mother don't love his father.
In Swayam Room!
Swayam make Sanskar lay down on bed, he looks at him and find Swara's flash in him, as he is symbol of her to him.
He embrace him tightly with teary eyes.
Swayam : papa! Don't cry!
Main hoon na aappke sath.
I love you so much.
Sanskar : I love you too champ.
I love you too!
Never leave me.
I will not able to live.
Swayam : I will never leave you papa!
Never! ( rubbing his father's back to calm him)
You sleep!
Main aapke paas hoon.
He again make his father lay down but this time he put his head on his small lap! He stroke his hairs with his tiny hands like he is his father and sing lullaby for him stroking his hairs, a tear escape from Sanskar's eyes.
Swayam quickly wipe his tears and kiss his eyes make him more emotional. He hold his tiny hands in his and kiss on it emotionally.
Swayam: sleep!
Sanskar close eyes at his saying but his mind only revolving around Swara and the truth she love Laksh.
That's paining his soul that whom he loved unconditionally is in love with someone else and he was living a lie with her.
He was seeing her as his wife, and she was having someone else's thoughts in her mind.
That's breaking his heart every moments.
On other side!
Swara is thinking about Sanskar.
Swara : I am sorry Sanskar, I wasn't intended to hurt you.
That's why I didn't wanted you to know about my past.
I knew you can't bear.
She is getting restless and not getting sleep in worry thinking how Sanskar would be feeling, whom she know he is very sensitive toward her.
Swara : I have to talk to Sanskar to clear everything!
But Swayam!
She remembered Swayam who isnt letting her meet his father and also his words rings in her ears.
"I hate you mumma, I hate you"
Her own son saying he is hating her!
That's breaking her heart at same time she is worried how she will convince both father and son.
Her phone rings and she find Laksh's call.
She decline his call. He again call, which make her more irritated, she switched off her phone to get rid from him.
Whole night became restless for Sanskar and Swara.
In Swayam 's Room!
Sanskar looks at Swayam who slept while singing lullaby putting his head on his father's head.
He looks at his son emotionally and kiss his forehead and slowly take his in his arms and make him lay down on bed and cover him with comforter and kiss his forehead again.
He get up and stands near window and gaze at the moon and his heart is paining every moments recalling his and Swara's memories which was life for him and for her, it's nothing because her heart was in someones else's memories.
On other hand!
Swara is also remembering Sanskar and her memories and his numb face after knowing about Laksh and her past.
A tear fall from her eyes.
She clutch her mangalsutra and cries.
She go on her bed but find its incomplete without Sanskar.
She trace hand on it and Sanskar's face flash in her mind, them close to each other.
Everything revolving in her mind which making her restless.
She put her head on bed siting on floor and cries thinking about Sanskar and her memories.
They keep thinking about each other and remain restless about each other.
Next Day!
In Swayam 's Room!
Swayam and Sanskar is sleeping together, Swayam is holding his father's hand and his one tiny hands around him protectively.
Suddenly phone rings, Swayam get up and hold phone quickly and see alarm on it. He remembered he put alarm yesterday. He off alarm and put phone back and yawn and see his father and sunlight on him.
He quickly step put from bed and go and try to pull the curtain but unable because of short height. He take table and stand on it and pull the curtain so his father don't get disturb.
He watch and find him sleeping peacefully.
Swayam : papa wants tea! But I don't know how to make it.
I am going to call her.
He step down from table and move to call her but stop remembering yesterday's incident and gets sad.
Swayam : no!
I will not go to mumma.
She made papa cry.
She is bad.
I hate her.
He thinks about Sanskar who needs tea when he get up.
Swayam : I will make tea for my papa.
He starts going but stop and put pillow beside his father to protect him and go out from room.
Swayam about to go but then remembered Swara, what if she came in his absence. He go again and bring a page and write
"No entry"
And paste on door and go for kitchen.
In SwaSan 's Room!!
Swara is sleeping putting her head on bed while sitting on floor.
Swara : Sanskar!
She get up screaming his name, looks around and doesnt find him and remember yesterday's incident and a tear escape from her eyes.
In Swayam 's Room!
Sanskar : Swaraa!
He gets up screaming her name. He looks around to see Swara but doesn't find her.
He remembered Swara and Laksh's past and his eyes brimmed with tears.
Sanskar : I want answer from you Swara, I want answer!
You have to give explanation to me, for every your lie.
Swara seen behind pole who was looking at him secretly.
She go quickly on door and see his written page on door.
Swara : I am sorry champ! I need to talk to your papa.
She open door and get inside.
Swara come inside and see Sanskar is standing in front of window.
He feel her presence and turn around to see her and find her standing on door.
Their eyes meet in a deep yet emotional eye lock.
Sanskar remembered everything related to yesterday and his eyes brimmed with tears. He turn his eyee away to hide his tears doesn't want her to see his tears.
Swara : Sanskar!
She come forward toward him but he stop her showing his hand, she looks at him with pain seeing him stopping her from coming forward toward her.
He looks at her with pain in his eyes and she looks at him with regret.
Swara : Sanskar!
Let me explain you.
Sanskar : I also want to listen your explanation!
You love Laksh and you hided this from me!
Why Swara?
Why you hidden this much big truth of your life that you never able to love me because you was in love with Laksh!
You was in his memories all time.
Why Swara? Why you lied to me everytime?
He grabbed her shoulder gasping her and see directly in her eyes. His eyes have pain and she is looking at him with guilt.
Sanskar: I want answers Swara.
I want answer of all your lie!
Why you married to me? When you couldn't moved on from your ex?
From 6 years we are together and still you not able to love me because you was in love with Laksh!
You was in love with someone else then why you married me?
His tears are falling from his eyes continuously!
Sanskar : I never expected your love Swara because your presence was enough for me.
I never expected you to love me back because I was happy that you accepted me as husband.
You gave me Swayam, I was happy thinking you accepted to be my wife!
But I was wrong, you was only fulfilling your responsibilities as a wife, just was fulfilling responsibilities!
You never accepted me, because you couldn't move on from Laksh!
He close eyes and turn his back unable to control his tears and his heart pain.
Swara see him cryingly seeing his pain and come forward toward him and try to wipe his tears but he stop her and wipe his tears own.
Sanskar : I agree, love isn't in hands!
Like I love you, even you don't love me!
And I can't help it!
But didn't you trusted me a bit Swara?
Why you didn't told me what is in your heart, if you would have told me, I would unite you with Laksh with my own hands.
Swara looks at him shockingly at his words "he would unite her with Laksh"
Sanskar: I want your happiness Swara, I will do anything to give you happiness and if it's with someone else.
I wouldn't mind!
Why you didnt told me anything?
I always asked to you, but you always lied!
Is I didn't even gained some your trust?
Bharose layak bhi nhi tha kya main!
Swara : Sanskar!
Let me explain!
That hear Swayam 's voice. Who looks at his mother angrily and rush toward his father and depart his father from Swara and push her aside shocking her, Sanskar also gets shocked seeing his son's anger.
Swayam : why you came here mumma?
Don't hurt my papa more!
Go away!
We don't want you!
I hate you mumma, I hate you!
Go, go!
Sanskar put hand on Swayam 's mouth stopping him from saying these words.
Swara starts crying seeing hatred in her son's eyes.
Sanskar : champ! What are you saying? And how you are talking to your mumma!
She is your mummma, ask sorry!
Swayam starts crying!
Swayam : she is bad mumma.
She lied papa!
I hate lie! She lied! I love you so much papa.
She made you cried.
I hate her.
Sanskar : Swayam no!
Swayam is crying badly!
Sanskar embrace him tightly to control him.
Swara : Sanskar, please let me explain to you.
Sanskar : later, right now Swayam needs me.
He is crying!
Let me calm him.
We will talk later.
Swara try to touch Swayam but he jerked her hand and clutch his father more.
Sanskar : Swara please go!
Swayam is crying.
We will talk later.
For now, please go!
Swara go out cryingly!
Sanskar is trying to calm Swayam who is crying badly at his mother's betrayal as he was controlling from yesterday but now unable to control more and crying bitterly.
Swayam : mumma don't love you papa!
I hate her!
She is a lier!
He is crying badly while mumbling these words. Sanskar is trying to control him rubbing his back.
After sometime!
Sanskar see Swayam slept on his back while crying. He looks at his son with teary eyes and kiss his forehead and make him lay down on bed and stroke his hairs.
After a while!
Sanskar come out from room and find Swara is sitting on door only and was watching them secretly. She looks at him and stands with teary eyes.
Swara: can I meet Swayam please?
Sanskar : he is your child, I can never stop you.
She smile in tears and mumble Thank you to him and rush to Swayam and sit beside him and kiss his whole face cryingly.
Swara : I am sorry champ for making you so cry.
Sanskar : Swara, I want to talk to you.
I want you to explain everything.
And this time, I don't want any lie.
Swara looks at him!
She nod yes.
Sanskar : let Swayam sleep!
Let's go in our room..( stop himself saying OUR)
I mean, your room.
Swara close eyes as this pinches her.
In SwaSan Room!
Sanskar : explain!
I don't want any lie.
Swara : me and Laksh was childhood friends.
I was loving him from childhood, but always afraid to confess!
My parents never looked after me,
They were always busy in their works.
I had only two happiness, my guitar and Laksh!
Sanskar close eyes in pain hearing this from his wife but listening for knowing whole truth.
Swara :he went abroad for studies!
And I was waiting for him to come so I confess my love to him and we able to marry!
When he came back, before I confesses my love to him.
My and his parents fixed our marraige!
And that's was happiest moment for me.
I was getting my love.
Sanskar is listening everything while trying to supress the pain which engulfing him listening his wife's love story.
Swara : we got engaged!
In between I noticed Laksh wasn't interested in me.
He always mocked me, one day, he told me to come with him in a party and he took me in hotel for that, after party, he was too drunk, I told him to stop drinking but he didn't stopped.
He holded me hand and forcefully took me in hotel's room.
Sanskar listen her restlessly. Her words raising his breath in tension.
Swara: and! He tried to force himself on me!
He molested me!
Her sentence shocked him.
His eyes filled with rage knowing she was molested.
Swara : I somehow saved myself and pushed him, he was drunken so he slept!
I came back in my home, and told my parents about what Laksh did to me but they told me to shut my mouth and forget everything!
I told them, I can't marry him as he disrespected me but they didn't heard me!
That's why I eloped home!
Sanskar is burning in anger knowing the actual reason and somewhere angry on Swara too for hiding this much big truth from him.
Swara : Sanskar! I was broken after Laksh's given wound!
I was bearing my parent's wounds but Laksh increased my pain.
I couldn't controlled the pain!
That's why I left that home in which I had no one beside me.
She burst in tears after pouring her all pain to Sanskar. He quickly embraced her tightly wrapping arms around her protectively. She hides herself in his chest and cries clutching his shirt from waist tightly.
He let her cry knowing well, she needs to lighten her heart! She is keeping everything inside her from long.
She needs to release her pain and he is stroking her hairs to let her pain come out! His eyes gets wet seeing her crying like this but keep himself strong for her.
He rub her back to calm her.
After sometime!
Sanskar make Swara sit down and give her water to calm her. She drink water from his hand hiccupingly, he rub her head and back to calm her. She looks at him emotionally even after her this much lie, he is concerned for her.
Sanskar : where is Laksh's home?
Swara : Sanskar don't.
Sanskar : I asked his home! ( firmly)
Swara gets quiet seeing firmness and anger on his face and tell addresses.
He hold her hand and take her out.
Shekhar and Sharmistra gets shocked seeing them like this and looks each other and go behind them.
In Laksh's Room!
Laksh is sitting on couch, but gets a drag from couch and he fall down on floor with a hard punch on his face.
He looks and find Sanskar and with him, Swara is standing.
Laksh : what kind of behavior Sanskar?
Sanskar doesn't give him time and start beating him hardly making him breathless.
He is screaming in pain but he seems loosing all his control and beating him brutally.
Swara gets afraid seeing him in this much anger.
She never seen him this much angry ever in these years.
Laksh : pagal ho gaye ho kya!
Are you gone mad!
Sanskar : you tried to force my Swara, I will not leave you!
Maar dalunga main tujhe!
He is beating him as if he will kill him.
Swara looks at him with unshed tears seeing his unbreakable love for her.
Shemish reach the place and gets shocked seeing Sanskar beating Laksh brutally and injured him already badly that he is bleeding now.
Shekhar : what are you doing Sanskar, Leave him!
Leave him!
He jerked Sanskar from Laksh.
Sanskar raise hand to punch Shekhar too in anger but stop remembering he is his wife's father, and put his hand down.
Shekhar stare him angrily for this.
Shekhar : look Swara, your choice!
Your husband raised hand on your father.
For him, you forgot Laksh.
Sanskar : that Laksh tried to rape your daughter and you are still supporting him!
Unbelievable you are!
What kind of father you are!
Is Swara really your daughter?
Shekhar : Sanskar! ( shouts)
I agree Laksh did wrong but he was drunk, like us, he was also broken after Swara's disappearance.
Just look at the wall.
Sanskar see the wall which is filled with Swara's pictures.
He can see Laksh is really guilty after his mistake.
Swara also see this.
Laksh : I never intended to force you Swara.
That night I was drunken!
My friends brainwashed me! That why I can't have sex with my fiancee when they do with their girlfriend also!
My male ego got hurt, I wanted to prove them wrong that I have right on you as we are gonna become husband wife!
And that alcohol affect made me loose my sense to think rational and I did that shameful thing!
But when I awoke I realized my mistake, I wanted to ask your forgiveness but you left the home.
I was yearing for your forgiveness Swara.
I wasn't in love with you before but after you left home, I burn in guilt and I realized my love for you.
Sanskar can see, he is speaking truth, he is guilty but still his mistake is unforgettable!
Swara also see his guilt in his eyes.
Sharmistra: Swara, you forgive us then why can't Laksh!
I agree he did wrong very wrong but he love you.
He realized his mistake.
He was drunken that night.
After you eloped from home.
He understood your importance in his life and searched you everywhere.
We lost faith but he didn't!
He searched you from 6 years!
And now also he found you but was afraid to see you as someone's wife.
Sanskar : I agree, Laksh is guilty! I can see that but forcing her again is right in your eyes?
Laksh : I didn't forced her again!
Sanskar : you did Laksh!
You was forcing her to come back to you again even when she denied you.
It's also call force.
Earlier, you forced her physically and now mentally,
You think it's love?
It's mental harassment!
It's your stubborness to get her back as your guilt isn't letting you live in peace.
You think after getting her back , you will get your peace.
His these words hits Laksh's heart.
He realized Sanskar is right,since she came back, he is only forcing her mentally even after her saying she don't want him back.
Sanskar : Swara? Speak, is you really want Laksh?
Swara : no!
( shocks Laksh)
I don't want him back in my life.
I can never forgive Laksh for what he did to me and about coming back,
I don't love him now.
My heart only pains thinking about you
As you are only a painful chapter in my life and my hearts pain more when I think, I used to love you before.
You are only a painful memory of my life which I want to erase from my life.
I can never forgive you.
Sanskar : did you listened her, Laksh?
She don't want you then why you are forcing her?
By forcing you can get her but can never get her love, you will not get the real of her.
She will never be happy with you.
Laksh, if she wanted you, I would unite her with you but if she doesn't want you back.
I will not let anyone force her for anything.
Her will, her permission is everything for me.
Laksh's eyes gets teary listening her.
He cries knowing Swara is moved on from him.
His one mistake destroy everything in his life, she used to love him but his one mistake made her hate him. He couldn't cherish her.
He looks at Sanskar and realized only he deserves her, he love her truly.
Laksh : I am so unlucky!
You loved me but I couldn't cherish you!
Sanskar only love you truly.
For him, your wish and decision matters!
He made me realized what true love is!
He made me understand the meaning of love.
I never understood the meaning of love and kept forcing you.
Swara looks at Sanskar and remember his unbreakable and unconditional love for her.
I know my mistake is unforgettable, your hatred is only my punishment!
My punishment is that I can never get you back.
That I lost the girl who used to love me.
That's only punishment for me.
He cries on his fate!
Sanskar : what punishment you wanna give to Laksh?
Swara : I don't want any punishment for Laksh!
Somewhere it was my fault!
I loved a wrong person!
I trusted him when he wasn't worth of it.
Now he realized his mistakes!
But I don't want him back.
My hatred is only his punishment.
( Laksh's chapter is closed forever)
After sometime!
In Night!
From evening to night, Sanskar is trying to calm Swayam who is only crying and saying "he don't want his mumma who spoken lies"
In SwaSan Room!
Swara come in room and see Sanskar is packing bags.
She go toward him and embrace him from behind.
Swara : now when everything is fine.
I was about to say!
You did good by packing!
Let's go back in our home.
Sanskar turn removing her hand from him surprised her.
Sanskar : Not you, me and Swayam are going.
Swara gets shocked listening him.
Swara : what are you saying?
Sanskar : Swayam is very hurt by your lies Swara!
He don't want to see you.
He is still crying!
That's why I decided he needs some gap from you to be fine.
Swara : but Sanskar I told you everything, why you are leaving now?
And Swayam!
We will make him fine.
Sanskar :, he isn't getting fine Swara.
He is crying thinking his mother is a lier!
He want sometime!
I will make him understand in mumbai but now it's better we go from here.
Swara : and what about you?
What you are feeling?
Sanskar : why you want to know, what I am feeling?
When my feelings never been important for you!
Kya farq padta hai main kya mehsus karta hoon aur kya nahi.
Swara : Sanskar it's nothing like that.
Sanskar : then what it is Swara?
What's the meaning of my existence when you can't share your sorrows to me!
You always just fulfilled your responsibilities but
My presence and absence are equal in your life.
Whether I stay with you or not!
You don't need me.
His words piercing her heart at same time his own heart too.
Swara : Sanskar, you told!
You will not be angry on me even after my any lie and mistake then why now?
Sanskar : I am not angry now also Swara.
I am not angry on you.
You are right at your place.
You didn't shared anything to me because I failed to get your trust.
I failed as husband.
Swara nodded no to him at his sentence that he failed to get her trust.
Swara : you didn't failed Sanskar.
Sanskar :
I just want sometime to get my peace.
I want some gap!
I want a break from everything!
She hold his hand and nodded no to him.
Sanskar : you will not stop us, please for our peace!
When me and Swayam will be alright we will come back to you.
But now I think we trio needs a gap and a break.
He hold his bags and come out from room.
Swayam is already waiting for Sanskar holding his small bag! Swara come out to see Sanskar and Swayam who is on door.
He don't even see his mother and hold his father's hand and go out from there.
Tears fall from Swara's eyes.
Sanskar looks at her who is standing on door.
He remembered how she used to bid bye to them when they used to go shop/ school but now they are going away from her.
He turn and let a tears escape from his eyes.
Screen freeze on them!
Precap : Swara in Kolkata and Sanskar and Swayam in mumbai.
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With Love ❤️
Sanyayaa ❤️
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