Total Drama Romance Hotel!

Everyone groaned "We really have to do this AGAIN!?" Duncan yelled "Mhm! I appreciate your enthusiasm Duncan. The theme of this season is Love!- Due to the fans continuosly complaining about, "Their ships.". Bleh. We've also brought back most of the original cast. Also due to the fans complaining. And so there's no more complaining we have asked the viewers to chose the 'Couples'." Chris explained

"Couples?" Lindsay asked

WARNING: THESE SHIPS ARE THE SHIPS *I* SHIP! SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE HIM DON'T COMPLAIN OR YOU CAN JUST LEAVE! Either way, if there are comments complaining. They will be deleted.

"Mhm! Couples! The couples this season are! Owen and Izzy!"

"You and me Big-O!" Izzy exclaimed

"Courtney and Duncan!"

"Great. On a team with the punk." Courtney sighed

"Admit it Princess. You love me!" Duncan smirked

Courtney just rolled her eyes.

"Harold and LeShawna."\

"We got this, Suger-Baby!" LeShawna smiled

"Gwen and Trent."

They just smiled at each other (Cuz it's always cute and awkward between those two)

"Heather and Alejandro."

Al smirked at Heather as she stuck her tongue out in disgust.

"Lindsay and Tyler."

"Yay! Tyrone!" Lindsay squealed as she hugged Tyler.

"And the former hosts of Total Drama Aftermath Bridgette and Geoff."

They were probably already making out we all know they would lmao and this time Blanely will be hosting alone.

"Dj and Sierra."(I don't ship them. I just didn't know what the two would go with.)

"NO! I HAVE TO BE WITH MY CODY!" Sierra whined

"Shut. Up already! Next couple, Beth and Eva." (I don't ship them I just didn't know what to do.)

Beth looked at Eva in fear

"And our throuple. Sadie, Justin and Katie." (I don't ship those three with anyone so I just put them together)

Sadie and Katie squealed as they both pulled Justin into a tight hug

"What about me?" Cody questioned

"Oh, right! This one kinda shocked me a bit. You'll be with Noah."

"WHAT!? NO!" Sierra screeched

"Wow, I get to spend my stay here with The Codmeister. How lucky am I?" Noah groaned                 

Cody really had no idea how to feel about this.

"Now, grab your keys from Chef and move into your new hotel rooms!" 

The contestant all walked towards Chef and grabbed their keys walking up to their rooms and opened their door just to see "A ONE BEDROOM!? Oh no! I need my personal space! First your gonna capture me and force me to go on this gam again! But you're gonna make me share a bed with Ale-DUMB-dro!" Heather screeched "Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, you and your partner will have to survive sharing one bed and bathroom and one EVERYTHING." Chris stated "Enjoy your stay!" He smiled. "UGH!" Heather groaned "Don't worry Mi Amore, you're safe with me~" AL smirked as Heather gagged.

"Get everything ready and meet me back in the lobby."


"Okay! For your first challenge you will be searchin the whole building for a ring and you will meet your partner at the top of the building and cross the finish line. First ones there will gain invincibility. GO!" Chris yelled pushing the button down on his airhorn. 

Owen, Duncan, Harold, Trent, Al, Tyler, Geoff, Dj, Eva, Justin and Noah took off in different directions. 

"Hey Little Buddy! You excited for the new season!?" Owen exclaimed Noah just groaned and rolled his eyes "Yeah, Big guy. Of course I am." Owen giggled and stopped in his tracks when seeing a kitchen full of delicious food through a window. "FOOD! I'M COMING BABY!!" He yelled running through the door. He threw himself onto the pile of food and began scarfing it down his throat. "Wow..Why am I not surprised?" He sighed "Oh! I missed you delicious fo-" Owen stopped and grabbed hold of his throat and began continually coughing. "h-help!" he whisper-yelled and could barely talk. In panick Noah through the nearest thing at his stomach- which was a frying pan, with one big cough Owen coughed out two rings and collapsed onto the ground.

"Oh! Great job big guy!" Noah smiled a bit "Yeah!...wh-what did I do?" he questioned "You just spit out our way to the finish line!" He said helping Owen up and they began making their way to the top of the building. They ran into the elevator as it began to close, a black boot stopped it from closing, the door opened letting Alejadro and the others in. "Really, everyone found theirs?" Duncan sighed "Mhm." they all groaned. 

Soon they all made it to the top and they all ran out to find the Yeti infront of them they all screeched in fear as Chris laughed "You really thought I was gonna make the challenge THAT easy? Nope! To get to your partners, you need to make it past the Yeti!" He announced. "Do you know how dangerous this is!? Someone could-..Nevermind, I'm not surprised. It's Total Drama and YOU'RE hosting." Geoff said and Chris chuckled "Mhm! Yeti! Their all yours!"

The Yeti ran towards them!


The only ones left that had not delivered the rings to their partners were Owen, Tyler, Justin and Noah. They were having an EXCEEDINGLY difficult time, then the Yeti screeched and grabbed Noah with his giant hand. Noah screeched as Cody felt a rage build up inside him.

He walked towards Eva "Throw me at him." Cody stated "What?" Eva questioned "At his head! Throw me at his head!" Cody yelled as Eva grabbed him "If you say so." She said before throwing Cody directly at the Yeti's head. "No one tries to brutally murder my partner!" He shouted landing on the Yeti's face(Trust me, We all know Eva would throw the shit out of him.), blinding him. Causing him to drop Noah, he groaned and rubbed the back of his head.

Cody continually hit him in the face which made him fall flat on his back bringing Cody down with him. "....Ow...." He mumbled as Noah walked up to him holding a hand out. "Uh, thanks." He stated as Cody grabbed it and he pulled him up "No problem." Noah handed Cody the ring. As did the others, "Great job, Cody. You ruined it. It  was just getting good!" Chris whined

"They looked like they were gonna get killed! Someone had to do something." Cody explained "Welp, Coming in last Justin, Sadie and Katie!" He yelled "What we weren't the last ones!" Justin exclaimed "But you did only get one ring for two girls." Chris stated. "Everyone to the elimination spot. Which is the roof so just sit down over there.".

Everyone did so "For being the last one to get his ring to his partner, our throuple has just become a couple. Justin you're eliminated!" "Wait- Why am I the only one eliminated!?" Justin yelled "Well there are three of you. And it wouldn't be fair to Sadie and Katie for them to leave with it just being your fault. And this year you will be testing out our new elimination product! Where you will be placed into a flower painted catapult. And launched out of here. Get it, Throw the boquet? Haha- Get in there." He explained as Justin groaned getting inside.

"Any last words?" Chris questioned "Uh, Ye-" "RHETORICAL!" Chris shouted pulling the lever as Justin screeched while flying off into the distance.

"Now, find out who will be eliminated next on...Total! Drama! Romance Hotel!!"

Word Count: 1263

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