Chapter 29


Chapter Quote:
"I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people."

Chapter 29


"Would you stop moving?" Acheron griped, trying to clean my wounds.

"I'm fine. It's just a scrape," I argued. "I just want to go to sleep."

"You're not going to sleep with these wounds gushing blood like this. Just because you're a Dark Hunter does not mean you're immune to infection. Now sit still and let me-"

He was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I glanced at him in alarm, wondering who on earth would be calling at my house this late at night. But my boss seemed unperturbed, ordering me to stay down while he went and answered. Acheron disappeared into the foyer for a brief moment. Within five seconds, he was back with a familiar Squire and a feisty blonde.

"Oh my gods, are you okay?" Kiara demanded worriedly, her eyes trailing down my body, taking in all the wounds he'd taken. Nick's eyes were wide.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped at her. Her face fell into one of utter ire. Turning to face Acheron, she said, "You told me he knew I was coming."

"I told him Nick was coming. I didn't know you were coming too."

"Acheron Parthenopaeus, there are demons out there going after people I ca-" She stopped herself, nostrils flaring out, before continuing, "There are demons out there going after people they think I care about. Of course if someone I know gets attacked by a demon, I'm going to come find out information so I can go after said demon."

"I know you would. He apparently doesn't."

"I'm fine. Acheron is freaking out for no reason," I interjected.

"What demons attacked you? What did they look like?" she queried, focusing her attention on him.

"Demon. Singular. And it looked like someone gave a kid some animal parts to throw together."

There was a tic in Kiara's jaw, a gesture I knew too well. She was holding back her temper. Rather than making a sarcastic comment, she proceeded to prod, "What body parts? Wings? Tail?"

I sighed. "It had the body of a wolf except its tail was that of a serpent and it had wings. Oh, and it breathed fire. Thankfully only its claws got me. Dark-Hunters and fire don't mix well."

"A Marchosias. I haven't heard of one of those in ages," Kiara said.

"You know it well?" Acheron questioned, sitting back down next to his me and continuing to try and stop my bleeding wounds.

"I encountered it hundreds and hundreds of years ago, and it was no easy task to get rid of. It must've of reformed and come back. Whoever got this demon to come after Kyrian either expected me to be here for some reason, or thought I told Kyrian the answer about the Malachai. Either way, I need to hunt it down."

"I can hunt it down on my own. I have a score to settle with it anyways. Besides, I don't need fighting my battles for me. I can handle myself."

"You know what? Fine. Go after the Marchosias. Good luck taking down one of the greatest leaders of Hell who commanded thirty legions of demons. Hope you don't burn, Mr. Hunter. Nick, Acheron, I'll see you two around."

"Kiara, wait," Acheron called out, rushing after her. In the blink of an eye, he had grabbed hold of her arm to stop her, something that did not go over well with her. I didn't know many people, if any, who could rival Acheron in his strength. But Kiara somehow yanked her arm out of his grip. Then again, maybe the fury in her eyes gave my boss the bright idea to let her do as she wanted.

"What? It's obvious he doesn't want me around here, even if it's just to find out information on a demon so I can go after it. This demon attacked him because of me so yeah, I want to find it. And I'll find it with or without his help or your help."

"I'll help," Nick offered.

She gave him a small smile. "I don't want you anywhere near that beast. But if you want to help, make sure Mr. Hunter here stays on bedrest. He's just going to get himself killed, and I don't want his blood on my hands."

"Kiara, he'll play nice if I ask him to," Acheron said, giving me a warning glare that said if I didn't, there'd be hell to pay.

"He might, but you shouldn't have to ask him in the first place. This is strictly professional, nothing more. I don't see the point in getting personal issues mixed up with all this. But while I can do that, he obviously can't. I'm going out hunting. I'll be back."

"No, if you're going after that demon, then you're taking Kyrian or I with you."

"Do not tell me how to do my job and when to do it," Kiara snarled, taking a step towards Ash. If I wasn't mistaken, there was a flash of apprehension in my boss's eyes. "I will do as I damn well please, and I will remind you that you are not my boss. We may work side by side, and we may work together, but you do not control what I do if it is not your mission. I will say this as many times as I need to, that this is dealing with me and the Malachi. My mission, my rules. If I say I'm going out hunting, then I'm going out hunting. And if I say I'm going alone, then I am going alone."

"Kiara, your eyes," Nick said.

"What about them?" she replied, her voice much calmer.

"They're glowing orange."

"Oh shit," she muttered, turning to look at the Squire, and allowing me to see what Nick was talking about. I'd heard Kiara's eyes had glowed when she took down the demons that had taken me captive, but I hadn't seen it personally. Now, I had. I would never admit this, but she was terrifying with them, while simultaneously being ethereally beautiful. She looked like a pissed off goddess about to take vengeance for something or for someone. I was just silently glad that, for now, her anger wasn't directed towards me.

Kiara blinked a few times, and her eyes went back to hazel. Nick gave her a smile, but I could tell he was unnerved by it.

"If you need me, call me. But I'm going hunting," Kiara said. With a quick glance at me, and a smile to Nick, the Arean left the room. All of the tension in the room left with her.

"I thought she was going to kill you," Nick said when he saw her pull out onto the road in her car. "Like I don't think it's possible, but I think she could've figured out a way."

"If she could find the Malachi, she could probably find a way to kill me," Ash mused.

"Should she be out hunting that demon by herself?" I asked, standing up to put on my shirt. Acheron pointed at the couch, silently ordering me to sit back down. Reluctantly, I did so.

"I trust her when she says she can handle it. She's strong. Besides, I think she has some anger she needs to get out. Now I see why Ares chose her to be one of his. I'd hate to get on that girl's bad side," Ash replied.

"Speak for yourself..."

"Nick, why don't you go upstairs and get some rest. You've had a big day and if Kiara is right about these demons going after people she cares about, then you'll be on that list. I have Talon looking out for your mom so don't worry about her too much. When I'm done with Kyrian, I'll get you home."

"If you needed some private time, you don't have to make excuses. Do you need to prepare for your imminent death by Kiara?" he joked.

"She's not going to kill us."

"If you say so. Boss, if you need anything, just let me know."

"Will do. Thank you, Nick," I said. The two of us waited for the Squire to be upstairs, shut safely behind the bedroom door, before continuing our conversation. "Are demons really going after people she cares about?"

"Yes. They went after Valerius, Talon, and another friend of Kiara's. Kiara happened to be there for that one, so the demons didn't last long."

"Who's this friend?"

"You don't know her."

"Oh... So why did one go after me? It's not like Kiara and I are together all the time anymore. And I think it's quite obvious after tonight's conversation that she wants nothing to do with me."

"No, but she still cares about your wellbeing. If she didn't, she wouldn't have rushed over here like she did."

"What was she doing with Nick?"

"Said she needed to check on him. Probably making sure he was okay. Besides, I think they're friends."

I stared at a spot on the carpet as Acheron worked on my wounds, finally getting them to stop bleeding and patched up. I mulled over what happened with the demon, and Ash's words about how Kiara rushed over here when he called her. It was interesting that she apparently still cared for me when she wanted nothing to do with me. But then again, that was my fault. I never should have called her crazy. But I hadn't been lying to Julian at the ball either, though. I genuinely believed I couldn't have forgotten a girl as incredible as her, mind block or not.

You always felt like you knew her from somewhere, you idiot. My mind snapped. That probably was your sign.

"What's on your mind?" Ash asked. "I know that look."

"There's no look," I said.

"Not on your face. Your eyes, however, tell everything. What's wrong?"

"Nothing you can fix."

Ash hesitated for a moment before saying, "You miss her."

"We were together almost twenty-four-seven for a few months. It's been weird without her here."

"Young love is a bitch."

"We're not young. We're two thousand years old."

"Everyone's young to me."

I rolled my eyes. "Are you done, old man?"

"Yeah, you're good to go. I've talked to Julian. He's coming over here to keep you company until we get whatever situation this is under control."

"We? I thought Kiara said she didn't want help."

"She doesn't. And this demon, I know she can handle it. But I believe that whatever is sending these demons after people is much stronger, and much more powerful. She might not want it, or need it, but I don't want to risk not helping her and seeing her die. We need people like her in the immortal world."

Acheron didn't have to explain what he meant when he said 'people like her'. Kiara had this spirit about her, this light, that never seemed to waver whenever you were around her. She remembered how to love, and that was something I rarely saw in an immortal.

"How long will it take her to figure out?" I asked. "Who's sending these demons, I mean?"

"Not long. Now that you and three others have been attacked, she'll be out for blood. More so than she already was."

"She won't do anything too reckless, will she?"

"No, she's not you."

"Really?" I demanded in irritation. "That was one time."

"Do not get me started on what you have done since your fight with her. The list of recklessness is endless."

I knew better than to argue. Instead I asked, "Why Julian? He has a family he needs to take care of. I can handle myself. The only reason the demon got me was because I was outside with Terminator."

At the sound of his name, my dog lifted his head, staring at me with big, brown, soulful eyes. It reminded me of the time Kiara had said that animals were better than people. They didn't care who you were or what you were. If you were a good person, they liked you. I proceeded to point out she seemed to hang out with Dark Hunters a lot, to which she grinned and said, "Most of you are like animals."

"Because you're a brother to Julian, and the only person I could think of to ask would be Kiara, and I didn't think either of you wanted that."

"It hurts to be away from her, and it hurts to be near her. I don't know what to do."

"What hurts more?"

"I don't know. They hurt for different reasons I guess."

"Things will work out, especially if they're meant to be. That's what I've learned time and time again. Get some rest. Julian will be here in a moment."

I nodded, throwing on his shirt. Terminator got up to come sit next to him, nuzzling his owner's hand with his nose. Kyrian bent down, ignoring the pain in his aching muscles, scratching the side of the dog's neck.

"You okay, boy?"

Terminator licked my face.

"Do you miss Kiara?"

The dog let out a small whine, which I took as a confirmation of 'yes'.

"Maybe we'll get past this. I don't know how, or when, but we're immortal. We have all the time in the world."

"You really need to get out more," Acheron said, standing in the doorway. "You're talking to Terminator like he's human."

"Yeah, well, I needed some intelligent conversation tonight because all I've had was you."

"I have to pretend to be dumber when I to talk to you. Maybe I've done too good of a job of that."

"Are you sure you're just pretending?"

"Are you sure you're pretending you're not in love with Kiara?" I glared at my boss, which the latter took as confirmation that he was right. "That's what I thought. Looks like Julian just pulled up, so I'm heading out. Don't do anything stupid."

Acheron left the house, leaving me alone for a brief few moments. Julian soon entered though, a basket of chocolate and other goodies in hand.

"Grace insisted," Julian said sheepishly. "She was at the store when I called her. I hope you like Ghiradelli."

Despite my sour mood, I couldn't help but grin. I loved Julian's wife. "I always have time for chocolate."

Julian glanced at me, as if it dawned on him that I was injured. "What did you do now?"

"Why does everyone always think it's my fault?"

"Because it usually is. Now what happened?" Letting out an annoyed sigh, I dove into the story of the night's events while we opened up the chocolates, sitting on the couch and catching up.


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