chapter thirty eight.


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"PAMELA SAY ANYTHING when you dropped her off?"

After the woman's close encounter with death the day before, Birdie had offered to drive the woman home. Birdie wasn't sure if Pamela would actually take her up on that, but if it meant she wouldn't have to ride in the car with either of the Winchesters, Pamela would take it. It was rather uncomfortable for Birdie after she overheard what Pamela told Sam back in the motel room, but Birdie just bit her tongue and drove with only the sound of the wind keeping her rampant mind at bay. Dean had loosely followed in the Impala with Sam and Hiro, still wanting to make sure that nothing happened to either of the women on the way. When they finally made it to Pamela's house, she simply got off Birdie's motorcycle and headed towards her porch, but not before she faced Birdie and said something that still lingered in the back of Birdie's mind, "Take care of Sam, Birdie. He needs your help more than you know."

Birdie pushed Pamela's voice out of her mind as Dean stared at her, zipping up her jacket a little more when the cold nipped at her neck. They were a few hours away from Pamela's, Sam, Dean, and Hiro having gone ahead of Birdie to find a motel for the night while Birdie went and got them some much needed food. At the thought, Birdie grabbed the food from the side bag of her motorcycle, offering Dean a sad smile as she stepped in front of him. "No," she said, faintly shaking her head. Dean puffed out his cheeks, momentarily raising his brows. He figured that much. "Did you guys get a room yet?"

"Yeah, two," Sam answered.

"Two?" Birdie asked with her surprise obvious in her voice. She and the boys rarely got separate rooms unless they were mad at each other. "Why?"

We figured you and Sam wanted a room all to yourselves for once," Hiro cheekily grinned.

Birdie scoffed out a laugh, her eyes flickering towards Sam. He nonchalantly shrugged, chuckling as Birdie playfully rolled her eyes. "How very thoughtful of you boys," she said, shifting her feet as she tilted her head.

"Yeah, yeah," Dean said, pulling out a room key. He started to walk towards one of the rooms, Birdie, Sam, and Hiro automatically following him. "Let's just eat. I'm fuckin' starvin'."

"That makes two of us," Hiro heavily sighed. The scent of the greasy food caused a small smile to appear on his lips. He had no idea what Birdie got them to eat, but he didn't care. He would eat anything at this point.

Birdie shared an amused smile with Sam, quietly shaking her head. Dean opened the door, his eyes scanning the dark room as he stepped forward. "Ah, home crappy home," he sighed.

Sam felt for the lights on the wall, Birdie and Hiro walking ahead of him into the dark room. He shut the door behind them, finally turning on the lights.

"Winchesters and Fowler."

Birdie's eyes snapped forward when she heard the deep voice, doing a double take when she saw Uriel standing in the middle of the room. He was in the same black suit he wore the last time she saw him, not missing the dark expression in his unkind eyes. She expected Castiel to be there as well, but when Dean opened his mouth to question where the other angel was, Birdie heard what sounded like fluttering behind her. She sharply turned her head, and just in time to see Castiel place his hands on Hiro's forehead.

"Who are——"

"What the——"

Sam moved before Birdie got the chance, catching Hiro as he fell unconscious from Castiel's touch. Castiel simply blinked back at Birdie while the woman glowered at him, making his way to stand behind Uriel without saying a single word.

"Oh, come on," Dean frustradedly groaned, scrunching up his face. Birdie's lips remained parted, watching Sam drag Hiro towards one of the chairs by the table. He carefully sat the man in a chair, helping him to partially lean on the table so he hopefully wouldn't fall out of the chair. Then he walked towards Dean and Birdie, disbelief etched on his face. 

"You are needed," Uriel said.

Birdie couldn't help but roll her eyes. Once again, the angels needed someone else to handle one of their problems. "Needed?" Dean repeated. "We just got back from needed!"

"Now, you mind your tone with me."

"No, you mind your damn tone with us," Dean snapped, taking a few steps closer to the bald angel. Birdie cautiously moved towards the table, setting the food down. Castiel watched her movements, quickly looking elsewhere when he caught Birdie's eye for the briefest moment. Birdie folded her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes when she saw Uriel glance at her with his lips twisted like he'd just eaten something sour.

"Pamela almost died because of us," Sam said, stepping forward as well with his arm nudging Dean's to prevent him from getting any closer. A frown appeared on Birdie's lips, realizing the guilt Sam and Dean must've been feeling for bringing Pamela in to help them.

"Pamela——you know, psychic Pamela? You remember her. Cas, you remember her." Castiel turned his head at the sound of his name, but he remained silent as he looked at Dean with a blank expression. "You-you burned her eyes out. Remember that? Good fuckin' times! Yeah, then she almost died again saving one of your precious seals. So maybe you can stop fucking pushing us around like chess pieces for five fuckin' minutes!"

"We raised you out of hell for our purposes," Uriel calmly replied.

"Yeah, what were those again? What exactly did you want from me?"

"Start with gratitude."

"Oh," Dean sarcastically smiled. Then it fell, his annoyance and frustrations replacing his smile.

"Dean, we know this is difficult to understand," Castiel said.

"And we——" Uriel peered over his shoulder, giving Castiel a significant look before he faced Birdie and the boys again "——don't. . .care." Dean's eyes flickered over to Castiel, noticing the angel turn his gaze on the wall so he was no longer facing any of them. It almost seemed like he was hiding something from them but couldn't say with Uriel in the same room. "Now, seven angels have been murdered——all of them from our garrison. The last one was killed tonight."

"Demons?" Dean wondered. Uriel tilted his head as if in a silent way to say yes. "How they doin' it?"

"We don't know."

"I'm sorry, but what do you want us to do about it?" Sam interjected. Birdie adjusted her posture, feeling her hands grip her arms a little tighter. "I mean, a demon with the juice to ice angels has to be out of our league, right?"

"We can handle the demons, thank you very much."

I highly doubt that.

Birdie bit back a smirk, fighting the urge to snicker under her breath.

"Once we find whoever it is," Castiel said.

"So you need our help. . .hunting a demon?" Dean asked, a hint of amusement etched on his face. Birdie raised a suspicious brow, subtly glancing at Sam and Dean, but their focus remained on the angels.

Castiel walked closer, coming to a stop next to Uriel. "Not quite. We have Alastair."

That's one last dick to worry about at least.

"Great," Dean said. "He should be able to name your trigger man."

"But he won't talk. Alastair's will is very strong. We've arrived at an impasse."

"Yeah, well, he's like a fuckin' black belt in torture. I mean, you guys are out of your league."

"That's why we've come to his student," Uriel replied. Dean's features faltered slightly. Birdie's grip on her arms loosened, a strange feeling creeping into the pit of her stomach. "You happen to be the most qualified interrogator we've got."

Dean looked down, furrowing his brows together. Birdie stiffened, a look of disbelief on her expression.

'They can't do that to Dean.'

Yes they can, or they will just force him.

'Not if I have anything——'

"Dean, you are our best hope," Castiel said, his voice interrupting Birdie's thought.

"No. No way," Dean firmly denied. "You can't ask me to do this, Cas. Not this."

Uriel silently chuckled, walking closer to stand in front of Dean. Birdie dropped her hands at her sides, balling them into fists. She didn't like how close Uriel was to Dean. Sam suspiciously narrowed his eyes, watching the angel as if he didn't like it either. "Who said anything. . . about asking?"

Dean turned his head towards Sam, but just then the angels and Dean disappeared with a flutter.

Birdie's eyes almost tripled in size along with Sam's, facing each other just as they opened their mouths at the same time, "Fuck!"

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It appeared that being put to sleep for just a few minutes was enough to make Hiro despise angels.

Six minutes after Uriel and Castiel left with Dean, Hiro awoke hunched over the table and the scent of food still filling his nose. At first he didn't believe that an actual angel had simply touched his forehead to make him go to sleep, but he soon realized that Sam and Birdie weren't lying. He could accept the fact that monsters were real, but the idea that angels were too. . . It seemed too far-fetched of an idea.

He remembered hearing about angels from his mother as he grew up, stories about how they were watching over him and his siblings, which he truthfully didn't believe in; not until now, anyway.

"It just doesn't make any sense," Hiro murmured, faintly shaking his head. He was still seated at the table, leaning back in the chair with his arms folded over his chest. His food was long forgotten, having been stored in the fridge along with Sam's until they actually had an appetite. Sam was sitting across from Hiro with a map stretched out across the table, eyes flickering between Hiro, Birdie, and the map. Birdie was sitting on the edge of the bed closest, her half-eaten sandwich in one of her hands; she wasn't about to let her food go to waste. Hiro glanced over at the younger woman, brows furrowing together. "The angels want Dean. . .to torture a demon for information? But why him?"

"Because they're too afraid to get their own hands dirty," Birdie replied with an annoyed huff.

"They think. . .because of Dean's time in Hell with Alastair. . .that Dean knows all of Alastair's tricks to make someone talk," Sam answered. Hiro let out a shaky breath. He'd only learned that same day that Dean had died and came back a few months later, having spent that time in Hell getting tortured day after day, night after night; neither Sam nor Birdie added that Dean gave in and started to torture other souls so that it would no longer be him that was getting carved into and beaten.

Hiro shifted in the chair, his features faltering; no doubt pity towards Dean for what he had to go through all those months——months that actually felt like years to Dean. "And. . .does he?"

Sam leaned back in his chair with a sigh. Birdie balled up her empty sandwich wrapper, catching Sam's eye just as she rose from her chair. Sam turned his attention back to Hiro, a distant look looming in his eyes. "No, he doesn't." Sam stood, peering down at the map as he placed his hands on both sides of it. "That's why we need to find him."

"But how?" Birdie wondered, tossing her wrapper in the trash can.

Sam turned his head, locking eyes with Birdie. She wiped at the corner of her mouth, suddenly catching the look in Sam's eyes as he tilted his head without responding. Hiro suspiciously narrowed his eyes, noticing the silent exchange between them. He noticed they did that often, perhaps their years of friendship and now being in a relationship allowed them to tell what the other was trying to say without ever opening their mouth. He would've thought it was cute. . .if he didn't need to know what they were talking about.

"We need her to find out where they took Dean," Sam said.


"Need who?"

"She has to know a way——"

Relax, Bird. I got this.

"Can someone please just tell me what the bloody hell is going on?" Hiro demanded.

Birdie bit the inside of her cheek, keeping her eyes locked with Sam's. Sam pleadingly raised his brows and Birdie pursed her lips, eyes swiveling back over to Hiro. "About a week after Dean died. . .some demons snatched me and took me——used me as bait to lure Sam to them. We ended up on the roof of some old warehouse in the woods and. . .I got pushed over the edge." Hiro's eyes noticeably widened, jaw dropping in shock. "I. . .I probably wouldn't have survived if it weren't for. . ."

"Weren't for who?"


Hiro's brows knitted together, his confusion only becoming more apparent.

Perhaps I should just take over. I promise not to frighten him. . .too much.

Birdie rolled her eyes, reluctantly nodding her head in agreement. As much as she wanted to actually be a part of the conversation, she knew it would've been easier if Felicity took over so Birdie wasn't having to go back and forth. "Fine," she murmured, holding her hands out at her sides as she looked at Sam with a forced smile.

Hiro's gaze flickered between the two, stopping on Birdie when he saw her momentarily close her eyes. "Uh, is she——"

Birdie's eyes fluttered open a couple of seconds later, a cheeky smile spreading across her lips the second her eyes fell on Sam once more.

Sam stole a curious glance over at Hiro, snickering at the man's confusion. "I have to say, I've been waiting to meet you," Felicity told Hiro.

Hiro's expression remained the same, gaze snapping towards Sam for an explanation. "Wait, that's not——"

"Relax, Hiro, I'm not a demon."

"She's. . ."

"I am a Knight of Hell."

Hiro's still expression didn't deter. Every time the Winchesters or Birdie talked about demons, it was clear that they despised them and wanted them all gone. There was no room for those monsters and part of their job was making sure they went back to where they belonged.

How could being a Knight of Hell make any sort of difference?

Sam softly sighed, faintly shaking his head. "Hiro, this-this is Felicity," Sam said. "It's. . .a long story."

"But we don't trust demons," Hiro said, suspiciously glancing between Sam and the woman.

Felicity cocked a brow in his direction, placing her hands on her hips as she matched his expression. "Don't think of me as a demon, Hiro. Think of me as. . .as a friend."

"A friend?" Hiro repeated.

Felicity nodded. "Yes, a friend. That's what I said, isn't it?"

Hiro breathed out a scoff, turning towards Sam in utter disbelief. "Sam, what the bloody hell is going on right now? You don't actually mean to tell me that-that you're letting that thing in your girlfriend——"

"Woah, hey now," Felicity hastily interjected, shaking her hands out in front of her to recapture Hiro's attention. "First of all, Hiro, I am not a thing. Secondly, Sam doesn't get to decide what Birdie does. This was her choice."

"Look, we know this is difficult to understand right now," Sam said, shooting a look towards Felicity who nodded in agreement. "But Felicity is our friend. She can help us find Dean. You just have to trust us on this."

Hiro twisted his lips in thought, glancing between Sam and Felicity. Perhaps. . .if they trusted Felicity, then maybe he should, too; or at least tolerate her for the most part. "Fine. I'm trusting you, and Birdie, but not her."

"Good enough for me," Felicity grinned.

Sam rolled his eyes and moved closer to the table so they could get back on track. Hiro stood up, peering down at the map. It faced Sam, but Hiro could still make out the different highways and landmarks that were spread across the states. "You can find him, right?" Sam asked when Felicity came up beside him, her eyes raking over the map with interest.

"Course I can, Sammy Boy," Felicity cheerfully replied. "But, I'm not so sure we need to find him."

"What?" Sam asked.

Felicity nonchalantly shrugged. "Maybe he'll manage to get Alastair to talk."

"Or maybe Alastair gets free and kills him," Sam retorted.

"Then the angels will just bring him back to life again."

Sam scoffed, giving Felicity a dirty glare. "Felicity, can you help or not?"

"And if you can't, how about you let Birdie take back control, yeah?"

Felicity blinked, slowly turning her head to look across at Hiro. His lips smacked shut, clearing his throat as he turned his attention elsewhere. Felicity made a humph sound, facing Sam again to see his glare reamined. "Why don't you want him to do it?"

"He can't do it," Sam said.

"Sam, I get it, really, I do," Felicity sighed, a frown on her lips. "But I think he can handle it."

"No. I mean, he can't do it. He can't get the job done," Sam said. Hiro watched Sam, getting the feeling that something was different about the man. He seemed. . .more angry. . .more agitated, but he wasn't sure why. "Something happened to him downstairs. He's not what he used to be. He's not strong enough."

"And you are?"

"I will be."

Felicity hummed, slightly lifting her head. "Okay, fine."

Hiro shifted again, folding his arms over his chest. "So, does this mean you actually do know how to locate Dean?"

Felicity pursed her lips as she faced Hiro, her smirk reappearing once again. "Are Sam and Birdie in love with each other?"

True to Felicity's word, she had a way to locate Dean. She stood in front of the map, Sam and Hiro on both sides of her as they closely watched her movements. She had a lit candle in her hand, beginning to chant something in Latin once they were all ready. She held it near the corner of the map, watching it spread around the warped edges. She continued to speak, more and more of the flames spreading across the map. She noticed both of the boys tense as the fire spread, snickering to herself. "Boys, relax," she chuckled. "It's just a little flame. We only need one part of the map. Out."

With that, the flames immediately vanished. Most of the map was charred and crumpled into almost nothingness——except for a small circle that was completely untouched.

"See, boys? That's where Dean is," Felicity said, pointing to the remaining piece of the map. "I would say I'm surprised it was this easy, but I guess those dick angels are not concerned with hiding their dirty business. They're probably not used to being spied on. I mean, who in their right mind would be stupid enough to try?"

Sam nodded his head, moving to stand on the other side of the table where he could see Felicity and Hiro. "Hiro, do you, uh, mind giving us a few minutes?"

Hiro nodded his head, letting out a sigh as he ran a hand along the side of his face. "Uh, yeah, sure. I. . .I think I need a drink, or ten." Felicity offered him a small smile, but he just looked at Sam instead. "Just let me know when you guys are ready."

"We will," Sam firmly nodded.

Felicity watched Hiro walk out of the motel, letting out a content sigh as the door closed shut. "And then there were two——"

"Felicity," Sam interjected, "Bring her back."

Felicity scoffed, playfully narrowing her eyes on Sam. "Wow. As soon as I'm not useful, you don't want anything to do with me."

"Felicity, I need Birdie."

"No, you need me, but it's easier when Birdie is the one you're looking at."

Sam clenched his jaw. "We don't have time for this."

"Sam, we don't have time for the other thing either," Felicity said. "You wanna find Dean, don't you?"

"We already did. But now I need to make sure I'm strong enough."

"Strong enough for what?" Felicity wondered. "Do you really think you can take on Alastair?"

"His powers didn't work on me the last time."

"That doesn't mean they won't this time." Sam sucked in a heavy breath, anger sparking in his eyes. Felicity placed her hands on her hips, softly gazing at Sam. She was impressed Alastair's powers didn't work on Sam when he attacked them at a cemetery, but that didn't mean he was immune. "Sam, I truly am trying to help——"

"Then let Birdie back out——"

"I will, I will, but Sam. . .I don't think it's time. It's too soon."

"Felicity, it's been weeks. I need it."

Felicity deeply frowned, tilting her head as she let her arms fall back down at her sides. "You never seem too happy about it."

"You think I wanna do this?" Sam asked, walking over towards one of the beds. "This is the last thing I——" Sam sighed, plopping down on the edge of the bed as if in defeat. "But I need to be strong enough."

Felicity hesitated, but then she reluctantly nodded. "Okay, Sam. As long as you're really sure."

"I am."

Felicity nodded, closing her eyes.

They reopened a few seconds later, a weary smile appearing on Birdie's face. "Miss me already?" she teased.

Sam breathed out a forced laugh, gazing up at Birdie. "Yeah, I did."

"I know you said you are. . .but Sam, are you absolutely sure about this? Felicity doesn't seem to think it's such a good idea."

"I am. I need to be ready."

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Hiro wasn't back from the bar down the road by the time Sam and Birdie were ready, but they saw that as a good thing. If they were going to take on Alastair yet again, he didn't need to be anywhere near that. Birdie had wondered if he wouldn't like that he wasn't included again, but perhaps dealing with angels and Felicity was enough excitement for him for the rest of the night. They did leave a note on the table for when he returned, saying that they went on ahead as it was safer that way and would be back soon. They took the Impala, leaving Birdie's bike behind along with the keys in case Hiro were to need to go anywhere; though, Birdie hoped he wouldn't need to. Their duffle bags were in the trunk of Baby, weapons already loaded and ready to use. Birdie had her gun and knives safely tucked on her person along with some holy water. They wouldn't do much against Alastair, but hopefully she wouldn't actually need to use any of them.

Birdie stayed close behind Sam as they crept through the grimy warehouse, hearing a voice becoming louder as they neared a large metal door. Sam stopped in front of it, peeking inside. Birdie came up beside him, taking a look for herself. There was a hexacle standing in the middle of a large Devil's Trap, but it wasn't like any Devil's Trap they'd ever seen before. There was a rusty cart to the left with knives, needles, a bucket, and bloodied cloths on top of it. Birdie could only assume it was used by Dean to try and get information out of Alastair. However, Dean was splayed out on the ground on the other side of the room, his face brutally beaten and bloodied as he laid there unconscious. Alastair and Castiel were fighting near the hexacle, taking turns throwing blows.

Birdie's eyes darted to Sam, seeing him clench his jaw.

Alastair slammed Castiel against a wooden post, blood trailing down the side of Castiel's temple. Alastair spoke, causing a white light to begin illuminating from Castiel's eyes, mouth, and even his nose.

"Stay behind me," Sam quickly instructed, quietly opening the door so he didn't alert Alastair to their arrival. Birdie wanted to object, but Sam was already making his way into the room. Birdie made sure she felt her weapons and holy water were still in her pockets and crept after Sam, anxiously biting the inside of her cheek.

Alastair continued to speak as the light inside Castiel grew brighter, but then the demon started to grunt, choking on his next words as they got trapped in his throat. His grip on Castiel loosened and he was thrown against the brick wall beside him. Sam walked further into the room, his hand raised with a dark look in his eyes when Alastair spotted Sam and Birdie. Castiel slumped to the ground, head lulling to the side.

Alastair's eyes burned into Sam, annoyance written on his features. "Stupid fucking pet tricks."

Birdie cautiously moved around Sam, narrowing her eyes on Alastair as she made her way towards Dean. "Who's murdering the angels?" Sam demanded to know. Castiel sat up a little more, looking over at Sam with an unreadable expression. He didn't understand how Sam was able to control Alastair like that. "How are they doing it?"

"You think I'm gonna tell you?" Alastair asked with a laugh.

"Yeah, I do," Sam firmly answered, twisting his hand.

Alastair's amusement washed away when he started to feel pain begin to spread throughout his entire body. His eyes rolled back in his head, choking sounds spilling out of his mouth. Birdie peered down at Dean as she crouched beside him. She could hear his rugged breath, the sound offering slight relief that at least Alastair didn't kill him. But blood still pooled down his face, bruises already beginning to color his skin. Birdie deeply frowned, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder as she looked at Sam and Alastair again.

"How are the demons killing angels?"

"I. . .don't. . .know."

Sam kept his hold on Alastair. "Right."

"It's. . .not. . .us."

Castiel slowly looked away from Alastair, gaze falling on Sam. He was now standing, a look of disbelief on his face as Sam continued to hold Alastair in place. The angel glanced over at Birdie, but she just looked down at Dean again.

He'll be alright.

"We're. . .not fucking doing it!"

"I don't believe you."

Alastair grunted, more and more pain spreading through his body. "Lilith. . .is not behind this," Alastair said. Castiel's eyes slightly widened, his blue eyes swiveling over to the demon. Alastair managed to laugh, slightly shaking his head as he stared back at Sam. "She wouldn't kill seven angels. Oh, she'd kill a hundred. . .a thousand." Sam breathed out a heavy breath, lowering his hand as his chest quickly rose and fell. Alastair panted, leaning forward as Sam's hold loosened. "Oh, go ahead," he said, a fake smile on his blood stained lips. "Send me back. . .if you fucking can."

"I'm stronger than that now," Sam smirked. "Now I can kill."

Castiel furrowed his brows together at Sam's words. Birdie gulped, keeping her hand on Dean as if to make sure she could still feel him breathing under her hand. Then Sam lifted his hand out towards Alastair one more time, momentarily closing his eyes as he prepared himself. Alastair started to grunt and groan again, his insides flickering as Sam began to exorcize him with his mind. The demon began to scream in agony, Sam's eyes hatefully burning into the demon. Alastair's body grew even brighter, his screams increasing until it all stopped a few seconds later. Then the entire room grew silent, the body collapsing to the ground.

Both Alastair and the host were dead.

Birdie's eyes were locked on Dean, brows furrowed together as she listened to the heart monitor beep beside her. Dean was asleep in a hospital bed, multiple bandages on his face while a breathing tube was stuck down his throat. An IV was stuck in his hand, the stand beside Birdie as a liquid dripped down every so often. There wasn't much noise inside the hospital, only hearing the occasional beeps of monitors and the voices of staff and visitors. Being in a hospital again brought a heavy weight onto Birdie's shoulders, flashes of Kaiya popping into her mind whenever she looked at Dean.

Sam shifted in his chair across from Birdie, his movements catching Birdie's eye. She saw his expression harden as he looked at the door, causing her to turn around to see who or what he was looking at. Her eyes immediately narrowed, spotting Castiel standing in the doorway with a blank look on his face.

Castiel silently looked at Sam and then Birdie, turning to walk down the hall. Sam and Birdie simultaneously stood up, hastily following the angel. Castiel turned, coming to a stop just as Sam and Birdie reached him.


"Get in there and fuckin' heal him," Sam demanded, his anger swirling in his eyes. "Miracle, now."

"I can't."

"What the fuck do you mean you can't?" Birdie seethed, doing her best to keep her voice from growing any louder than it already was. If she didn't want to get kicked out of the hospital and not see Dean, she wouldn't have bothered to watch her tone with the angel.

"You and Uriel put him in there——!"


"——because you can't keep a goddamn devil's trap together."

"I don't know what happened," Castiel firmly replied. "That trap. . ." Castiel sighed in thought, briefly looking away. "It shouldn't have broken. I am sorry."

"This whole thing was fucking pointless. You understand that?" Sam snapped. "The demons aren't doing the hits. Something else is killing your soldiers."

"Perhaps Alastair was lying."

"No, he wasn't." Sam then turned on his heel, heading back into Dean's room.

Birdie lingered in the hallway, turning to face Castiel. His expression sunk, moving slower as a heavy sigh left the angel's lips. His lips pressed together in a permanent frown, something looming in his eyes. Birdie thought she saw a look of defeat on his features, but it was gone as soon as he caught her eye. "You are an angel, right?" Birdie asked.

"Of course I am."

"Then start fucking acting like one."

"I am," Castiel said, slightly narrowing his eyes on Birdie. Yet, his overall demeanor did not change as he matched her glare. "And I suggest you be more careful."

Birdie blinked, taking a step closer. In a low voice, she continued. "Are you threatening me, Castiel?"

"No, I'm warning you, Birdie," Castiel replied, voice unwavering. "Uriel sees you as a liability, and the moment you stop being useful to him he'll——"

"Let's get one thing straight right now," Birdie interjected, shaking her head as she spoke. She jabbed a finger into his chest, not missing the way he raised his brows. "I don't give a shit what Uriel, you, or any other angel thinks of me. The only reason I do anything to help you, is because of those two boys in that room back room. And after last night. . .you all can go to fucking hell for all I care."

With that, Birdie stormed off on her heel, anger still pumping through her veins as Castiel silently watched her walk away.

Thankfully, the breathing tube was able to be taken out sooner than the doctor thought. Birdie was sitting beside Dean again, remaining there while Sam went and got them something to eat from the cafeteria. Birdie hadn't seen Castiel since their little spat in the hall and she was glad. She had no desire to see him or any angel ever again. A few nurses had come and gone to check on Dean and mark down his vitals as the hours ticked by, occasionally trying to talk to Birdie though they didn't get much out of her. The doctor stopped by again not that long ago and said he didn't think Dean would wake for a few hours at least, but he was proven wrong when Dean opened his eyes almost ten minutes after.

"You just need to rest, Dean," Birdie softly said, giving him a small smile.

"Bird . .what happened with Alastair?" Dean asked, voice gruff and hoarse. He'd struggled to talk when he woke up and Birdie had given him some of her water to drink, but it wasn't doing much to help the ache in his throat. Birdie advised him to just rest until he was feeling better, but he kept bringing it back to Alastair. Birdie quietly sighed in defeat, offering Dean her water again. He took it, taking a large gulp before he focused his gaze on Birdie again. "Bird, please."

"Alastair. . .he's dead," she said. "He won't be a problem anymore."


Birdie twisted her lips as she stole a look down at her entwined fingers, contemplating telling him the truth about how Alastair died. After how much trouble she'd had about lying and keeping things from Dean, she couldn't do it this time. He wouldn't like the truth either, but at least she was being honest with him. "No," she answered, fiddling with her fingers in her lap. "No. . .Sam."

Dean heavily sighed, closing his eyes. Alastair's voice echoed in his head, causing Dean to wearily look over at Birdie. "What. . .what else aren't you telling me, Bird?"

"That's it," Birdie said, frowning as she took in Dean's expression. "Sam. . .he-he killed Alastair. And the host. . .he'd already been dead for some time."

"I'm not talkin' about that," Dean said. "What-what happened. . .while I was gone? What really happened?"

"Nothing you don't already know, Dean," Birdie said, giving Dean a forced smile. She wasn't sure where this uncertainty was coming from, but she didn't like it in the slightest. "And I-I promise you, from now on, I will be completely honest with you. No more lies, or secrets, or anything. You. . .you don't deserve that."

Dean silently gazed at Birdie for a few seconds, managing to offer her a small smile despite the words that continued to echo in his mind.

If you don't like what's inside your brother, I can't imagine how you must feel about that little friend of yours.

⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅

HI EVERYONE!! I was going to wait to post this, but I decided not to!

Did Felicity kinda replace Ruby in this, yeah, she did, but all for good reason! Ruby is still a part of this and will definitely show up again, so she's not completely being side lined lol. I feel like this chapter was kind bland, but we are near the end of act two so things will start picking up again!! Will it be good, bad, sad, a mix of everything? Whose to say? 😅

Anyways, please don't forget to leave your feedback in the comments and I hope y'all enjoyed!

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