The Letter

*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

August 24, 2009

Dear Mr. President,

I am writing this letter to inform you of a recent incident that has happened in my life. You may know me better as Azalea Lennox, daughter of NEST Major William Lennox. Just a few days ago I was on board the USS Abraham Lincoln along with severeal of my friends just shortly after the battle of Egypt ensued. Those friends were Samuel Witwicky, Mikaela Banes, Leo Spitz, and agent Seymour Simmons of Sector Seven.

Your National Security Advisor, Mr. Theodore Galloway was also on board that ship with us. After I woke up from my anesthetic, he called my friends and I for a meeting though he disregarded Agent Simmons and Leo as Leo was incapacitated at the time.

He proceeded to inform us that we were no longer allowed clearance to be around the Autobots. He told us that we could no longer see them, speak to them, or even be within the same vicinity as any of them. Our direct lines to their communication links have been disabled as well. No one outside of NEST can communicate with the Autobots except for the Autobots themselves.

First Galloway claimed that this was because we as civilians held no legal authorized clearance to associate with them. After that he claimed it was a presidential order; this made me considerably angry with you. He then went on to turn the ordeal into a concern over our safety.

If you haven't been informed already of my relationship with one of the Autobots, then I should probably just go ahead and enlighten you on the matter. As strange as it may seem, Ironhide, the Autobot's weaponspecialist, is my mate. It doesn't matter to me what you think about it either. All I want to say to you is that I do not feel it is fair for you to separate me from him. It isn't right to take someone away from the one they love and it never will be.

The same goes for Sam and Mikaela. Sam has Bumblebee and Mikaela has Wheelie. They're best friends and they love each other so much. We're all lost without our Autobot companions and they don't just consist of Ironhide, Bumblebee, and Wheelie; our Autobot companions include every single Autobot that exists on this Earth right now. They're our family, our friends, and I don't feel that it was fair for you to take them away from us like that.

I am not happy at all about this situation and I am not happy with you. If anything I'm quite broken over this. If you knew what it was like to have your lover taken away from you, you wouldn't think twice about nullifying your request. I know you fear for the safety of the civilians, but there is no safer place for me than with Ironhide just like there is no safer place for Sam than with Bumblebee.

And truthfully, I do not believe we are a distraction to them like Galloway told us you said we were. I believe that us being away from them is more of a distraction than anything else; the constant worry they feel, the constant sadness they feel, the constant anger they feel. I can assure you that us being away from them does not help them complete their duties in any way. If anything bad were to happen again, they would be far too worried about anything but us to focus on their job.

For two years it has been absolutely okay for us to be in the presence of the Autobots. It's been absolutely okay for us to be involved with the secret so why would you choose now to finally rid our lives of the Autobots? Two years ago I probably wouldn't have minded considering the fact that two years ago I had no earthly idea what an Autobot was. I'm just way too emotionally involved with them now.

Also, I understand that they're on our planet, but they are also in America. As in the United States of America; land of the free and home of the brave. They are not your puppets, sir. An old friend of mine once told me that freedom was the right to all sentient beings and he wasn't wrong about that. You should not control who the Autobots communicate with and you most definitely should not strip their lives of the people they care most about.

I'm going to conclude this letter now though. You may not even read it but if you do, I just hope you think about taking my words into consideration. Please think about what I have written you, sir. I truly can not take this anymore. Thank you for your time.


Azalea Lennox

I frowned as I read over the letter in my hand. Adalyn and I had been working on this damn thing since four thirty in the morning and it was now nearing ten in the morning. Being up all night didn't exactly agree with my body and sooner or later it would start to show.

One of our biggest reasons for being up so long had to do with the fact that when I was mad, I had no filter and I was also very impulsive. Adalyn had to revise my letter a total of fifty four times and after that she just decided to rewrite the entire thing to save me from the risk of being thrown into jail.

"Are you sure about this? The format seems to proper for me," I claimed.

She snatched the letter from my hand and folded it up before putting it inside an envelope, sealing it shut.

"It's so much better than what you had in mind. You called him the reincarnation of Hitler, Azalea," she said.

I shrugged. That was harmless compared to what I could have and to what I should have called him. 'Hitler' was a dignified insult if anything.

"Shit happens."

She shook her head at me and began writing something down on the envelope.

"I still can't believe your boyfriend is an Autobot," she chuckled.

"Yeah. Sometimes I still can't believe it either. Just don't say anything about it. I could actually go to jail," I told her.

If Adalyn was going to help me with my letter then there was no doubt in my mind about her finding out about my involvement with the Autobots. I just didn't care enough about Galloway's rules to even obey them. He could kiss my white ass.

"I promise that I won't. I'm going to mail this though. I'll see you in a few," she chirped as she skipped out of the dorm room.

I groaned and plopped down onto my bed before grabbing my phone off the bedside table. It had been a few days since I last talked to my dad and I was beginning to miss the sound of his obnoxious voice, so I thought I needed to call him and check up on him.

Quickly, I dialed his number and put the phone to my ear. I waited for about five rings until the sound of my dad's voice flooded into my ears.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. You don't have class today. What are you doing up so early in the morning?" he snickered

I smiled.

"I've actually been up since two o'clock yesterday. I haven't been able to sleep since then," I told him.

He sighed. "I know that this is still so hard for you, but you have to sleep, Azalea."

I rolled my eyes. He worried way too much sometimes. "That's only part of the reason though. I was actually working on something," I informed him.

"Oh really? What were you working on?"

I giggled. "That's for me to know and for you to not find out. Just be happy to know that you will not be bailing me out of jail any time soon."

"Oh god."

I laughed. "Anyways, I miss you. What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm sitting in a vehicle right now. I'm on the way to Washington to pick up your mom and Annabelle," he answered.

It was only now that I had become aware of the sound of the very familiar truck engine in the background. I sighed.

"Call him a vehicle one more time and I swear I will bop your flat ass back to Egypt," I warned him.

He scoffed. "My sincerest apologies."

I bit my lip. "How is he?" A small grunt could be heard. My dad huffed.

"He's not good. To say he misses you would be an understatement, I believe. He hasn't said a word to anyone since I called you the other day. He's not even speaking to me," he answered.

I frowned. "See, I'm not even worried about my feelings anymore. I swear I'm literally going to kill Galloway for making him this way. Just please tell him I love him."

I heard another grunt.

"He can hear you," my dad chuckled.

Thank you, Captain Obvious. .

"I know he can. But I have protocols I'm being forced to follow."

He just laughed and suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. Startled, I turned around and let out a small scream. I soon sighed in relief when I realized it was just Adalyn, but my father on the other hand was quite frantic about my outburst.

"Azalea! Are you okay? Did something happen?" I placed a hand over my fast-beating heart.

"No. I'm fine. It was just Adalyn," I told him. She giggled.

"Adalyn? Who's Adalyn?" he inquired.

"My roommate."

"What happened to Lexy?" he asked.

I groaned.

"I see Ironhide hasn't told you," I stated.

Another grunt. .

"I just told you he won't speak to anyone!" my dad exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. I forgot how annoying he was in the mornings.

"Gosh you're so damn annoying. I'm surprised you haven't been thrown out of his cabin by now. And he could've told you within that little departure time lapse and he also could have told you on the ship when I was asleep. But I need to go. I'll see you in a few days, daddy. I just wish I could see all of you," I said sadly.

He sighed. "I know, baby girl. But I'll let you go. We love you, Azalea."

I smiled at the sound of his words. "I love you both more than you'll ever know. Bye, dad," I parted.

"Bye, Lea."

The line went dead and I tossed my phone to the foot of my bed. I let out a groan and fell back onto my mattress. Adalyn was studying me with a frown on her face.

"Are you okay?"

I just nodded and a knock sounded on the door. Adalyn got up to answer it while I just laid there and stared up at the ceiling.

"Oh, hi. You must be here for Azalea," Adalyn spoke.

I looked over to see Mikaela standing in the doorway, a smile on her face as she looked at Adalyn.

"Yeah. I'm Mikaela by the way. You must be Azalea's roommate Adalyn. Sam told me about you," Mikaela responded.

"Yeah! Come on in. It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Mikaela exclaimed as she walked through the door and into the room. She laid her bags down on the floor and walked over to sit beside me on my bed. She smiled.

"I've missed you. How have you been doing?" she greeted me.

I sighed. "I'm just peachy."

She gave me a sad look. "I hate that this had to happen. I actually kind of miss Wheelie," she exclaimed.

"You and me both."

"Anyways, I've come to ask for a favor," she started, an innocent smile on her face.

I chuckled and yawned. "What is it?"

"Do you mind if I crash here in your room for the next few days until I have to get back home? I don't think I can take another night with Sharsky and Fassbinder," she whined.

I laughed. I felt for her. Even though I had only spent a matter of minutes with the two of them, they were just so impossible to tolerate and I couldn't imagine how she felt after spending an entire night with them.

"Of course you can," I yawned. Staying up all night was not a good call.

Mikaela patted my head and stood up.

"Good, but I can tell that you're in need of some sleep right now so I think Adalyn and I will head out for breakfast if that's okay with her. I'd love to get to know your roommate."

Adalyn smiled and nodded. I covered myself up.

"Have fun," I called as they walked over to the door.

Mikaela and Adalyn smiled at me.

"Bye, Lea."

The two of them exited the room and before long I was drifting off to sleep.

*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*

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