chapter ten

Beatrice tilted her head upwards to see Teresa prepping a needle to give her stitches. Her head was killing her and it was proving very difficult to stay awake.

After the group went round in a circle saying how they didn't know how to do stitches everyone's eyes landed on Teresa and the girl admitted to being able to do them. Thomas then offered to carry the girl to a flatter surface to which he then put her down and Teresa got out the mini First Aid kits they had retrieved from the abandoned mall.

Now the rest of the group were sitting a couple metres away on a few boulders resting, drinking water and eating a small snack as nobody had eaten all day. However, Thomas' eyes were trained on the wounded brunette girl. The guilt was eating him up that she risked getting fatally injured just to save him.

Bea's eyes flitted back to Teresa who had just finished prepping the needle.

"I'm just going to clean your wound first so it doesn't get infected," she explained, getting out the wipes and gently dabbing it onto the girls skin. Bea hummed in response, finding the cloth cooling against her burning hot skin. She was feeling even more drowsy from the blood loss and the concussion than before and wanted nothing else but to have a nap but she knew she had to stay awake.

Back in WCKD she was put on medics course which taught her that sleeping when you had a concussion could put you in a coma, inevitably leading you to your death.

At least I learnt something useful back there.

"Okay this is going to hurt," Teresa said, putting away the wipes and picking up the needle, "So I'm just gonna talk to you to distract you from this." Bea squinted her eyes shut, ready for the immense amount of pain but her eyes flew open when all she felt was a prick.

Oh. That was a bit underwhelming.

"Why did you work for WICKED?"

Wow I guess we're cutting straight to real stuff.

"Well - ugh," she groaned, now feeling the needle digging into her skin, "It wasn't exactly a choice Teresa. If I knew what they were doing to you guys I would have left that shithole years ago."

"Did you enjoy working for them?"

"What sort of question is that? Of course I blimmin' didn't but I had to unless I wanted them to chuck me out into the scorch," Bea replied incredulously.

"Oh," Teresa said thoughtfully, finishing the first stich, "Do you think what they are doing is right? I mean they're just trying to find a cure to help and save people."

Bea frowned, confused at the girl's choice of words, "I don't know if it's the fucking concussion that's making you sound weird but no, I don't agree with them. There had to be a more humane way of getting a cure. Not harvesting fucking children."

"Would you ever go back? Do you think we should? They could help us-"

"Help you my ass. If you lot go back there, they won't hesitate to hook you up to them wires. I saw it with my own eyes Teresa. Trust me, we are way better off without them," she cut off her off. "Now enough of this WICKED stuff, please."

"Thank you," Teresa whispered quietly after a few moments, "For saving Thomas."

"No problem," Bea smiled weakly. Even in her current state she could see how much Teresa liked that boy. "You guys seem pretty close, ay?"

"Oh-um, yeah I guess..." Teresa trailed off, her cheeks tinting pink and Bea couldn't help but crack a laugh.

"Don't worry, you're secret's safe with me," Bea said watching Teresa's face turn even more red.

"Wha- no! I don't like him," she tried to cover up but failed miserably, "He just-we... I-Whatever. He seems to like you though- I mean trust you a lot. You seem to have gotten close pretty quickly considering-"

"Relax! I ain't tryna steal your man," Bea said rolling her eyes, "Now enough chit chat, you're doing my head in."

Teresa huffed but stopped the conversation anyways. Eventually she finished up the stiches and packed the first aid kit away.

"You should change your top. Just to make sure it doesn't get infected," Teresa spoke, "Plus don't think you'd want to wear a t-shirt with a slit in it anyways." Bea nodded in agreement, digging into her bag and found one of her replacement tees.

Well these certainly came in handing.

Teresa stood up, blocking Bea from the other boy's view, giving her a bit more privacy. Bea quickly changed into a fresh navy blue tee and chucked her jacket back on, discarding the old bloody tee.

"You two ready to go?"

The girl's heads snapped to the side to see Thomas calling for them. They nodded in response and Bea slowly stood up, grasping onto Teresa's arm to stabilize herself.

"Are you sure you're okay to walk?" she asked worriedly.

Bea nodded, "Yeah I'll be fine, I'm just a bit dizzy and my head hurt's but apart from that I think I'll be fine."


It had been an eventful day to say the least. Winston's death, Bea being stabbed. It was like everyone was waiting for someone else to be injured. It was a domino effect at this point.

The group walked for a couple more hours, Bea having to lean on Aris occasionally to stop herself from stumbling all over the place, before they reached another stone fallen pillar (like the one they rested at earlier) and stopped there for the night.

They had made a fire to keep themselves warm and so they were not sitting in complete darkness and were now resting, nobody saying a word. Aris came back, dumping another pile of wood on the fire and Bea watched it roar at it's new fuel, the flames flickering in every direction. Thomas was currently standing away from the group, staring into the night sky and Teresa eventually sighed, standing up and walking over to him.

"I never thought I'd say this," Frypan murmured, a single tear streaking down his cheek, "But I miss The Glade." Bea saw his friends nodding in agreement and guessed he was talking about the maze they were in. She sympathised with the boy; the maze to them was their only home as they had no memories of their life before it - kind of like Bea in WICKED. She couldn't even remember her own family.

A comfortable silence grew amongst the shelter as everyone stared into the blazing fire. The roaring orange flames swirled in the air, capturing sand particles and swallowing them into the pit of heat.

"Why did you save Thomas?"

Bea's eyes flashed to the person who had asked her the question which happened to be Newt. His eyes were clouded, deep in thought. She shrugged and opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by him asking a series of question.

"Why did you let yourself get stabbed for him? I mean you don't even know him or any of us very well. Do you like him or something?" he blurted out, looking at her with an unreadable expression in his eyes that were darkening by the second. Bea paused for a few seconds waiting for the punchline before bursting out into laughs.

"Him? Thomas?" she snorted, an eyebrow raised in question. Her eyes moved to where Thomas was standing in the distance talking to Teresa and she couldn't help but laugh even more.

"Nah he's not really my type," she grinned, finding the whole situation pretty funny, "I do-"

"Then why'd you do it?" Newt asked harshly with a grave expression on his face. Bea could see his vein pulsating on his temple, his soft brown eyes now looking an almost deadly black. The shelter was now silent and Bea was now starting to realise the blonde boy was pretty serious.

"There has to be some reason? Right? I mean nobody goes out of their way to get badly injured for somebody they don't even know," he continued, "And why are you even helping us? I mean you worked for WICKED so it makes no sense you just ditched them unless you're still working for them. You saved him and got yourself stabbed so-"

"Cause it would have meant fuck-all if I had died."

Bea had had enough of Newt's excessive pestering so just came out with the truth. The group went silent and Newt's lips pressed into a thin line.

"If I died it wouldn't have made a fucking difference, okay. I have no family and I have no friends - I have nobody who cares about me and I certainly don't have anyone to care about back. If he died it would have been a completely different story. Thomas is your guy's best friend - family at a push - so of course it would have mattered if he died instead of me."

"And if he died I am pretty sure we would all end up dying too. I think we've all figured out by now that he's the leader of this group which makes me pretty irrelevant so if he died we would have ended up dying from dehydration or lack of food before we even came in contact with The Right Arm."

"And don't you dare sit there and say this is all part of a plan. How low do you think of me? To think that I would risk my fucking life just to say I'm still working for WICKED and bring you back to them? I get you might not like me but I would never, even for a second, think of sending you guys back to that hellhole."

"So for your information," Bea finished, "I saved him because he has a more worthy life than I do."

Her chest heaved up and down to catch her breath as everyone looked at her in shock because of her rant. Newt was staring at the brunette girl, his eyes softened and his lips formed into a circle shape.


"Yeah. Oh," the girl scoffed, standing to her feet, dusting her clothes and walking out of the shelter as quick as she could.

"That was shucked up man," she heard Minho say as she walked further away from the shelter.

Yeah definitely shucked up. Whatever that means.

She trudged quickly away from the shelter - well as quick as you can with pain searing through your side - not wanting to be near the others .

She lifted her leg, kicking the boulder in front of her in annoyance but then felt pain shooting through her body. A string of curse words left her mouth as she reached down and clutched her foot in her hands.

"You good over there?"

Her head snapped to the right to see Thomas had finished his conversation with Teresa and was now making his way over to her with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah just think I dented this rock with my almighty, powerful kick," she replied, cracking a smile and placing her foot back down on the floor now the pain had subside.

"How's your hip?" he asked nodding towards her wound.

"Still there," she shrugged nonchalantly, picking at her nails.

"Ha, ha very funny Bea. But seriously - how is it?" he asked again, folding his arms across his chest.

"It's alright," she sighed, raking a hand through her hair, "Teresa cleaned it and did the stitches pretty well I think so it should be fine for a week or so."

"I don't think you're understanding my question," he said rolling his eyes, "Does it hurt?"

"I pain no gain right?" she said giving him a weak smile. Thomas just shook his head at the girl, letting out a breathy laugh.

"You are impossible..." he muttered under his breath as he watched the girl laugh at him. The two fell into a comfortable silence; all that could be heard was their breathing and the crackle of the fire a few metres away.

" I heard some shouting earlier," Thomas spoke up after a few minutes, "What happened?" Beatrice looked up to make eye contact with him and exhaled and jerked her head to the side, wanting to be out of earshot of the rest of the group. After a few seconds, she turned her head back round to see Thomas hadn't moved an inch and was looking at her with a confused expression.

"Follow me idiot," Bea called out shaking her head at the stupid boy. Thomas' face relaxed in realisation that the girl wasn't walking away from him and he quickly caught up with her.

She paused at a spot where the two would definitely be out of earshot but they would still be able to see the fire. She sighed sitting on her bum before lying down and looking up at the sky. Thomas sat down next to her, resting his elbows on his knees and staring at the girl.

"So what's up?" he asked.

"Just Newt being a dick," she mumbled, not bothering to make eye contact with him. Instead, she kept staring at the rich, black, velvety sky lit by thousands of tiny enigmatic stars and a faint thin moon.

"What'd he say?" Thomas asked, looking at the girl curiously.

"He was just like...bombarding me with questions about why I saved you and got myself fatally injured blah blah blah and how I barely even know you lot. Then he tried to say I saved you so I could take you back to WICKED and I can't even begin to describe how wrong he was."

"Oh," he responded after a minute of letting this new information sink in, "He didn't mean it y'know. He's just scared."

"Thomas, I think we are all scared and if I said something crappy to someone every time I was scared enough to shit my pants then everyone would be sick of me," she scoffed, turning her head to face the brunette boy. He was staring at her, a thoughtful look on his face.

"You're right," he agreed, "There's no excuse for what he said but you can't expect them all to trust you, right?"

"Ugh I know that," she sighed. She turned back to stare at the starlit sky, Newt's words still whirring in her head. She'd be lying if she said they didn't affect her - because they did.

"Thank you."

"Huh?" Bea said, her eyes knitting together in confusion, "For what?"

"For saving me earlier," the brunette boy explained, "I never got a chance to thank you so I guess I'm doing it now. Although I wish you had-"

"Thomas there's no point going on about what you wish I had or hadn't done," Bea cut off him off, "Besides, I have no regrets doing what I did."

Bea turned to face him again and their eyes locked and she found the boy giving her a genuine smile. A pure, soft smile, one she doesn't think she'd ever seen him wear. She returned the gesture, placing her hand on the nape of her neck to rest her head on it.

The pair sat there in a comfortable silence, thinking, as if they were in a world of there own.

"Can I tell you something?" Thomas spoke up after a few minutes. Bea hummed in response.

"I don't really know how to say this without seeming weird so please don't take this the wrong way but you look familiar. Really familiar," he rambled, letting out a low exhale at the end. He searched Bea's face for any sign that she recognised him too but she hid her emotions well.

"You seem really familiar to me too," she murmured, finally sitting up so she was eye level with Thomas.

"Do you-do you think I could have known you before the maze?" he asked nervously.

"Yeah. It could be a possibility," she responded.

"Wait if we knew each other wouldn't you remember?" he said, confusion spreading around his face. Bea shook her head.

"Well," she parted her lips to speak, "That's the thing, last night or the night before I had this dream...except I don't think it was a dream - I think it was a memory." Thomas didn't respond, instead waited for Bea to carry on speaking.

"In it, I was in WCKD, and I was getting my memories taken away. I-I don't know why and this must have happened recently because the girl in the dream - me - didn't look that much younger than me."

Thomas nodded, letting out a shaky breath, "Wow."

"Wow indeed," she muttered.

"Back in the maze there was this thing called the Changing and when you went through it you got some of your memories back," he explained, "I-I used to work for WICKED."

Beatrice's eyes widened at this new information, her jaw dropping slightly.

"Teresa worked for them too. But there was also this other girl in some of the memories and...I think it might be you."

" make sense if I was in them - if we're going with that we used to know each other before both of our memories were taken away," she theorised, "I've had these other dreams too, except I don't know if the girl in it is me. If the girl in it is me and that a big if, then.. I-I think we used to pretty close."

I can't tell him that the boy and the girl are siblings. It would just make this situation a whole lot messier than it already is.

Thomas swallowed a lump in his throat, not knowing what the say.

"We should probably pack it in, get some sleep," Thomas mumbled, standing up and dusting his clothes. He put out a hand for Bea to pull her up which she gladly took. She sighed, nodding, dusting her clothes too and following him back to the shelter to sleep, so tomorrow they could wake up and do this whole thing all over again.

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