~3~ Gasoline ~3~
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A week or two had gone by at UA and the kids were finally starting to settle down and relax. Little did they know that something crazy was coming their way. It was a Thursday, and all of the students of 1A were jittery.
They had heard from a certain someone that there was a field trip planned for their class only, and Izuku couldn't be more excited. He hadn't ever liked the thought of field trips, yet this one stirred up something inside of him. Oh, and forgot to mention; there's a class president now as well!
"Hello Problem Children."
"Hello Mr. Aizawa!" The kids' teacher was stood at the front of the classroom. "Let me just cut to the chase; for the next 3 years this class will need a president and vice president, and you all will chose who these people will be. Now, here are the ballots with each of your fellow classmates names on them. Circle who you would like as president and the person with the second most votes will take the place of Vice President."
Long story short, Iida won with a total of 6 votes, Midoriya taking the vice's spot with 4.
Izuku did not want to be the Vice but Aizawa said no backing out, much to his and Momo's disdain.
When Aizawa walked into homeroom that morning he could tell that his Problem Children know what was up. "Grab your Hero uniforms and just get to the bus, but try to be less obvious next time."
The kids nodded quickly and ran to their cases. Each of the students rushed to get their uniforms off, replacing it with their Hero attire.
Shinso had decided to go with something like an upgrade of his father's hero outfit. It's main color was black with purple and yellow accents (courtesy of him and his other father's hair colors). The base was a slightly structured black long sleeve with yellow accents at the collar, bottom, and wrists. The pants were also black, but holding them up was a tool belt. Inside held a few weapons, mostly close range, and one gun, that his Dad kept with him unless needed. (PS: Dad is Aizawa, Pops is Yamada) The shoes were also black, but more so purple. And, of course we couldn't forget the scarf adopted from his Dad and the voice modifier, his support item.
Izuku came out of the locker room and a few of the students gasped. His hero uniform was composed of a white base, the main piece being the shirt/chest cover. It had the open back for the wings and the shirt dropped in the back leaving something similar to the tail of a bird. The 'tail' had baby blue accents at the bottoms. The sleeves were skin-tight and looped over Izuku's ring finger and thumb. The front was adorned with little jewels near the neck, which went around and clasped together in the back. The jewels were an assortment of light colors, such as blue, purple, yellow, and pink. The pants were simpler white leggings with ballerina like slippers for shoes.
Shinso hid the bottom half of his face in the voice modifier, a light blush dusting his cheeks and nose. Aizawa noticed this and shook his head, deciding on mentioning it at a later date. He looked over the sea of problem children before pointing at the bus parked behind him. "Iida, please take control. Everyone should be on the bus in the next 2 minutes or I'm leaving without you." With that, he turned and walked to the driver's seat.
The class pres, A.K.A. Tenya Iida, moved to where Aizawa had previously been standing and put his arms in the Boi pose (As usual). "Everyone! You heard Sensei, please walk in a single file line onto the vehicle, and don't forget to keep your hands and legs inside at all t-"
"We get it you fucking Amusment Park attendee!" Bakugo growled, earning him a jab in the side from a certain winged student. "Don't be so rude Kacchan, he's just trying to do what he's told! Want to sit together?" They had boarded the bus by now.
"Sorry Izu but Shitty Hair already basically begged me. Though, I'm fine with ditching him for-" Izuku quickly saw through his friend's plan.
"No no no! I'm cool with sitting with someone else, go hang out with Kirishima, I'm completely fine with that!" And with that he pushed the blond lightly in the direction of the red-head. Izuku looked around and saw Shinso look up away from the window and wave lightly. 'Yay, Shinso!'
"Hey Shinso, I love your costume!!! Where'd the inspiration come from? Oh, did you create the voice modifier around your neck, that's a really cool idea! That would help out in so many situations like-" Said insomniac cleared his throat, breaking Izuku out of his rambling. "Ah, I should work on that...." He sat down, his head lowered in slight embarrassment.
Shinso decided that he didn't like the silence and once the bus had started to move, he thought he'd start a new conversation with Midoriya. "Hey, Midoriya, how'd you come up with your costume? It's nice." Izuku perked up at the mention of his outfit.
"Oh! so, uh, it's kinda a longer story... I've always not really fit in much and never had many friends, but Kacchan has always been there, even though he is a bit- ah,well, explosive. I've looked up to him ever since we were kids and since everyone didn't really like my quirk, they were afraid of me, all except Kacchan! So, he's kinda like my guardian angel and, well, I want to be everyone else's guardian angel, so that they don't have to be afraid anymore!" He looked up to Shinso at the end with a confident smile. Said teen's mouth quirked up lightly.
"That's really cool Midoriya. Also, is that your reasoning behind being a hero?" The green bean nodded. "What about you? What inspired your outfit?" Shinso knew that the other can tell that he and Aizawa are close, but he doesn't know about him being his adoptive father. 'Might as well tell him now...'
"You know that Aizawa-Sensei and I are close right? So, basically he's my dad." All he got from Izuku was a raise of the eyebrows. "I thought of his costume along with my pops' and then this beauty is born." Izuku nodded before looking over to where Aizawa was sitting, seemingly sleeping.
A bubbly anxious feeling settled in the pit of Shinso's stomach when Izuku didn't answer for a bit, bit soon enough "I'm just going to guess here but, Aizawa's married to Present Mic isn't he? I've been looking at their body language and they're both really relaxed around each other and seem to work together well, even if it's just the small things like hanging papers to each other and such." Izuku had kept a straight face throughout his little rant, while Shinso's jaw kept dropping slightly.
It took a bit for Hitoshi to speak up. "H-how-"
"Oh! I like to analyze Quirks as a hobby and I guess I absentmindedly observe people too, but it isn't really anything special..." He lowered his head almost in a submissive manner at the last comment and before Shinso could say anything further the bus came to a stop, along with all other conversations going on around them.
Their teacher got up and stood at the front of the bus. "Please get out quickly and stand at the entrance to the facility. A hero is there to tel you about what we're doing today." Izuku smiled up at him before looking over to Hitoshi. "C'mon Shinso!" He took his hand and pulled him out of his seat, basically dragging him to the front of the bus.
As they passed Aizawa, Hitoshi made eye contact and his dad just grinned at him with a knowing gleam in his eye that screamed "I'm definitely going to talk about this over dinner".
Once the class had been herded at the entrance, Ochaco gasped once she saw what hero would be helping the training activity. "Oh my gosh, it's Thirteen the rescue hero!" She grabbed Tsu's arm and jumped up and down, grinning like she just won the lottery.
Thirteen laughed lightly before clearing their throat. "Hello Class 1-A! I'm Thirteen and I'm going to be helping you all train here at the Unseen Simulation Joint, or USJ!" Kaminari and Kirishima looked to each other, confusion painting both of their faces, along with a lot of other students. "Just like Universal Studios Japan..."
Izuku looked over to where Bakugo was standing and shuffled over quickly, trying to make sure not to hit anyone with his wings. "Hey, Kacchan, are you excited? This is our first real hero training activity!" (I know there was that first one but it's a fanfic and I can bend the rules >:3)
"If you pair me with Shitty Hair again I'll blast you into the sun." He growled. "Love ya too Kacchan!" He hugged his friend's arm. Mina looked between the two as Thirteen and Aizawa talked a bit. "Now are you sure you two-"
Bakugo cut the girl off before she could finish, "For the last fucking time, him and I are not together, ya hear Pi-"
"Uh, Kacchan? What is that?" Katsuki followed the shorter's gaze, his own landing on the growing misty spot at the central plaza of the USJ. Aizawa noticed his class' (Read: Problem Children) chatter lessen and looked to where a sudden commotion had started to occur.
"Kids, stay back! This is not a drill, these are real villains." Aizawa said this as he and Thirteen positioned themselves in front of the class.
One of the seemingly head villains stood by the misty villain and made an annoyed noise. "I heard the Symbol of Peace would be here, not just all of these NPCs!!" His hand-covered face rose and his gaze fixed on the class somewhat hidden behind their teacher and and Thirteen. "Well, I wonder if he'll come if we kill a few of his pawns..." That comment shook Aizawa to his core.
"Thirteen and I are going to hold them off, you guys run!" Izuku's eye's widened and looked to Shinso, his face holding a grim look. most of the students had started to back away and Katsuki had started to pull Izuku who was trapped in his thoughts, before suddenly his eyes widened. 'The mist guy, where'd he go?!'
His head whipped around and he ran to meet the clump of students running to the exit. "Guys wait-" Too late.
"I see that you all tried to pull a disappearing trick, however that does not work against us." Izuku ran and quickly tapped Iida's shoulder while the villain monologued. "I can teleport someone out of here to go get the heroes at the school, you're the fastest and I won't teleport more than one person so I don't waste too much energy." He whispered this quickly and Iida looked to him.
"I wish that there were another option, and I do not want to leave you all behind, but you're idea is the quickest. Be safe Midoriya." Izuku nodded before grabbing Iida's wrist and then he was gone in a burst of green and black. Momo, who was stood beside Iida, jumped lightly as the disappearance, looking to Izuku. "I teleported him out of here." She nodded at him and looked back to where the villain was starting to branch out.
"Now, time for some fun." He sent a large portal at the clump of the class and Izuku ran and grabbed the hands of two people blindly before he, along with the rest of his class, was sucked into the portal, being separated across the USJ.
He landed with a thump on top of a soft surface and quickly scrambled to get up, still slightly disoriented. Midoriya looked over to what he had landed on and gasped. "Oh Kacchan I'm so sorry!!" He rushed to pull the boy up. Right after he'd pulled Bakugo up he saw Kirishima standing to their right, and the portal was still above him as it dropped a final student.
"Oh FRIK-" Kirishima yelped as he caught Momo clumsily. Her outfit consisted of a red top that stopped at the bottom of her chest and left her stomach and back exposed. The top itself was able to unzip in case she needed to create something larger. Her sleeves were long but a gap was left at the elbow area. The shirt had gold/yellow and white accents. The bottoms were red shorts with white stripe accents that stopped mid-thigh. The belt consisted of little yellow/gold pouches that held imperishable foods so that she could get more energy for her quirk on the fly. She also had knee pads and armored finger less gloves, as well as combat boots for her shoes. There also was a yellow satchel she would carry up to 3 books. (I changed Momo's hero outfit, picture at the bottom -It's for the better-)
Kirishima helped her stand and all 4 of them— Midoriya, Bakugo, Yaoyorozu, and Kirishima— surveyed their surroundings and realized that they were in the Mountain Rescue Terrain.
"Houston, we have a problem..." Izuku muttered as he saw the number of villains standing in front of the group. Everyone looked to Izuku who's wings shuttered at the attention. "What, have none of you- oh nevermind! We need to kick these baddies asses before our teacher gets murdered so move it!"
Bakugo was proud of the bush.
Words: 2303
"You can't wake up this us not a dream!"
Hiya my sprouts!! Heh yep, I'm actually gonna keep calling you guys that! So, it's been a while but ta-da! I have another chapter for you. I hope you all have a great day, kisses!
Hey, uh, sorry for the re-post, I had to actually link the picture of Momo's hero costume and describe it soooo yeah! I know I'm not the best artist but I hope this helps a bit!
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