~2~ Migraine ~2~

•*+»Here ya go! 💛 Enjoy«+*•

The new UA students were all extremely excited about their upcoming school year, unaware of all that is really going to happen during their time at UA.

The class was let out of school at 3:00, having had a majority of the rest of the school day as a free day (thanks for that, Aizawa). Nothing huge happened accept for the occasional Katsuki outburst, which was quickly diffused by Izuku.

Said Green haired boy had been lightly chatting with a few people, that group being Iida, Shinso, Tsuyu ("I told you to call me Tsu!" "Right sorry-"), and Todoroki. Well, most of the talking came from Izuku, the other 3 pitching in here and there.

Katsuki had been adopted by the newly dubbed Bakusquad and Izuku couldn't be happier. They both were the only friend each other had growing up, and when each of the two 'brothers' saw the other getting along with more people, that really made them happy.

Iida had started small talk on the topic of training with Todoroki and Tsu had gone to find Ochaco, leaving Izuku and Shinso to talk. They both quietly fell into a comfortable silence, and Shinso took this opportunity to really examine the person across from him.

Starting with his build, Shinso could see that he was true to his word about training his body. Even though he was tiny, he had a heck of a six pack, Shinso saw it while they were changing (totally not checking him out). What perplexed Shinso was how, even though he was so built up, Midoriya was able to have a babyface. He looked to be around 5'3 and the wings on the back of the boy looked to be around 4'8, surely destined to grow out more. The wings themselves could be described as one word; interesting. They were both a different type of wing which none of the people in his class had really ever seen before, not even the teachers.

One was an almost pure white Angel-looking wing. It looked to be made of clouds almost, the feather's shivering whenever Izuku walked or really did any movement at all. The other wing was almost a polar opposite; a devil's wing. It wasn't as wide-spread as the other wing, but made up in sheer power. The area where the wing met the boy's back was more built up than the angel wing. The material seemed almost leather-like. It was colored a deep red, the area's with bone being closer to black. Each end seemed sharp enough to stab through concrete.

Another odd feature was the horns. Yes, horns. These, too, were different types. One was the horn of a ram, not too grown out, barely being seen amongst the bush of green atop Izuku's head. Where the horn connected to the head of the boy, one could see a piece of blue ribbon wrapped around the base. Shinso noted this and decided to ask about it at a later date. The other horn was an antler. This one had also not grown out much, but it was longer than the ram horn. Shinso guessed that the horns grew along with Midoriya's age, similar to the animals the horns belong to.

Speaking of the boy's hair, it was some of the fluffiest stuff he's ever seen. 'I kinda wanna touch it...' Shinso shook that idea out of his head before he actually decided to put it to action. Izuku had set his phone down by then, pulling out a notebook and pen. Shinso thought of this as a good opportunity to spark a conversation.

"What's the notebook for?" Shinso asked, shifting his chair so that he was facing Midoriya more. Said boy quickly darted his eyes to Shinso, acknowledging his presence, before responding. "I've always found people interesting. Well, not just people in general, more specific, like their actions and emotions and such. So, I've started a notebook or two and each page is filled with observations I've made over the years. Sadly I haven't been able to write in it yet today but in these last... Ah, 50 minutes of class, I should be able to get some of what I want done! Oh, and Shinso?" Shinso popped out of the daze he was in- what, Izuku's eyes are distracting?!- and lightly nodded his head.

"If you were to, lets say, witness a murder, what would be your first action?"

That questions led to multiple others, and, sooner than the both of them wished, the bell rang. Izuku's mouth bent to form a small pout, piling his books into his bag. Afterwards, he turned to his new Purple-eyed friend.

"Bye Shinso, I had a good time today, see ya tomorrow!" To which Shinso lightly smiled. "Likewise."

"C'mon Kacchan let's go!" Izuku ran past the front of the class, the blond not far off his trail.

Shinso pulled out his phone as the rest of the class trickled out of the classroom. "Hey, dad, the bell rang. Don't you have a teacher meeting or something?"

The lump of yellow at the front of the class stirred, slowly peeling back to reveal Shota Aizawa. "Thanks Hitoshi. Hey, thanks for not calling me dad in front of anyone else today, it would probably cause a but of chaos if they knew you were my son. So, go say hey to Yam-" as Aizawa said this the class door opened abruptly, Izuku standing in the doorway, which scared both insomniacs.

"You're, *gasp* you're Eraserhead! I knew you seemed familiar!" He semi-yelled, looking pointedly at his new teacher. "How did you know, I'm an underground hero?" Father and son were both silently hoping the boy catching his breath in the doorway hadn't heard their previous topic of conversation.

"I prefer heroes, like you, that try to stay outside of the limelight. Sorry for scaring the both of you, but that's been bothering me all day!" He shyly rubbed his neck, waving with his other hand.

💛Before with Izuku and Katsuki«+*•

"So, saw you talking to Mind Freak, you friends now or some sappy shit like that?" Izuku rolled his eyes at Katsuki's remark. "Yes, Kacchan, and the name-calling already? That's pretty rude. And you can't really talk now that you have your little Bakusquad!" Izuku giggled at his last remark, Bakugo reacting very differently.

"Oh shit, they've already named it?!" The shorter boy nodded, lightly bumping his arm into Katsuki's, taking on a more mature tone. "I think it's good that you're finding you're people Kat, we need to get more friends, it's not like we can be each others' only friend all our lives!" Said blond nodded lightly at his friends' words.

"I know that, and I'm glad that we're finding new people, but it's..." He trailed off. "Different?" Izuku picked it up, to which Bakugo nodded. They walked in silence almost out of the school when Izuku suddenly grabbed Katsuki's arm, mumbling something about an eraser, and ran back to where they had just came from. "Zuku what the hell?!"

Izuku looked back, still running, and yelled "I'll be right back Kacchan, I finally remembered where I've seen Aizawa's face before!!" And with that he turned a corner and left Katsuki in a crowd of students, the majority slightly confused at the scene that had just unfolded.

💛 Present«+*•

Izuku had just run all the way back to where he had left his friend, Bakugo standing against the wall on his phone. Izuku was running so fast that the blond had to catch him before he fell face-first into the ground. The shorter muttered a quick thanks before the two left the campus.

"Glad you got that crazy ass quirk of yours under control for the training today, huh Zuku?" Bakugo noted lightly, both walking along a pretty quiet area.

"I'm happy, but also confused. How did I control it so well..? I know you can't answer that question but I had to voice it. I'm glad that I was able to fly for a bit, though. I've missed that." He rubbed his neck, looking down at the ground.

The two boys left it off at that, heading up the sidewalk towards their neighborhood. They had just reached the park when suddenly "Hey Freakshow!". Both Izuku and Katsuki cringed at the name, turning their attention to the two teens standing to their right. There stood Meiwaku and Sōzōshī.

💛 Flashback«+*•

"Hiya Auntie, can I play with Zuku today?" A 5-year-old Katsuki looked up at Inko, a wide grin broken out on his face. "Of course Katsuki, one second." She looked back into the house. "Izuku, Katsuki is here to play- oh!" Before she could finish her sentence, Izuku had already leapt up and hugged her. "Thank you!" She giggled lightly, patting her son on the head.

"You boys better be back home before dinner, alright? And Kat, your parents are coming over for dinner!" She had to raise her voice slightly as the kids sped farther away towards the woods.

"So, what do you think Mama is making for dinner? I hope it's Katsudon!" Izuku swung his and Katsuki's interlaced hands back and forth as the two walked by a small creek. "I hope it's something spicy, but Auntie usually doesn't made spicy..." The blond frowned, Izuku pouting when he saw.

Izuku suddenly got an idea. "Hey Kacchan, guess what?!" Kat looked down at the shorter boy who had unlatched his hand from the other. He then backed up and shook his little wings, almost in a fluttering motion. It got faster and a small breeze picked up around the boy and soon he was 2 feet off the ground!

"...you can fly?!" The blond stared up slightly in awe. Izuku dropped down, clapping excitedly. "Yeah!!" Izuku was about to continue when someone interupted.

"Wow look Sōzōshī, what a freak!" The two friends jumped at the disembodied voice. They both turned around and saw two boys slightly older than them, around 6-7. Kat pushed Izuku behind him slightly. "Hey, leave him alone you jerks!" the boy, who Katsuki guessed was Sōzōshī, snickered, walking towards the shorter and got in his face. "Well, looks like we got a little fireball on our hands huh Meiwaku? Why don't we-" he put his hands on Katsuki's shoulders in a flash "teach him a lesson!" At the end, he pushed Kat over into the river, laughing his snarky ass off while his other friend laughed behind him.

Izuku gasped but stayed still as the mean boys walked a bit further away. Once he thought they were a good distance away, he splashed into the creek. "Hey, are you alright? That fall looked like it kinda hurt..." The blond looked up and saw Izuku holding out his hand. Without hesitation, he grabbed it and pulled himself up. "Stupid older kids, always being so fucking high and mighty-"

"Kacchan! Don't say a bad word!"

💛 Present«+*•

Those two 'mean big kids' have been messing with the two brother-like friends up to this point, and Izuku had almost attacked them... multiple times...

The green haired teen looked back and forth between Kacchan and the two boys before something he had said earlier popped in his mind. "Hey, Kacchan? Can I hug you?" The blond looked over confused, but nodded nevertheless. Izuku smiled and hugged Kat around the waist. The two bullies sneered at the sight. "Aw, is the little Freakshow scared?"

But Izuku had other plans. "Hold on tight Kacchan..." He muttered into the boys shoulder. The blond finally understood and nodded. In the blink of an eye, the boys were in the air, Izuku carrying Katsuki bridal style. The blond had a grin that no one but Izuku and his mother and father had seen split across his face, the wind against his hair making it rustle like a leaf. He looked over to Izuku who was also smiling. "This is really fucking gay, you know that right?!" The blond had to shout, the wind being so loud. Izuku shook his head as he guided himself towards the front lawn of the house. "No homo?" Izuku stated it as a question, to which Katsuki just chuckled. "I mean, not between us, that's just ew... But our gay asses have so much homo it should be leaking out of our-"

"WAH!- Ow..." Midoriya tripped and fell against the grass, Katsuki tumbling out slightly ahead of him. "What the fuck happened Zuku?" The blond groaned as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. The green was in the same. "Still need to work on my landing. Hey, look on the bright side! At least we landed in the grass!"

💛With Shinso and Shota💛

The two insomniacs had just arrived home when a certain loud mouth had decided to start to karaoke while he cooked. "Hey Shota, hiya Hitoshi, I've just started on dinner, so go chillax! Try to be as quiet as possible though, Eri is napping in her room. Both males nodded tiredly and walked through the kitchen towards the living room.

Aizawa and Shinso had collapsed on the large couch and were relaxing when Aizawa spoke up. "So, I saw you made friends with a few people in class, what are they like?" Shinso smiled lightly when he thought of hanging out with Izuku and the others. "Iida is a stickler for the rules, but a huge softy around the people he loves, I can tell. Todoroki is quiet, yet his mind is racing, he definitely has some past trauma of some sort. Tsu is a very sweet girl, but a gay-ass frog if I've ever seen one." He fiddled with the end of his blazer. "Midoriya is also great, I don't understand how he has tamed that angry blond, Bakugo I think, but there's something there that hasn't really surfaced, ya know?" Aizawa looked over to his son and sighed. "I'm glad you're making friends Hitoshi, that's good. I'm thinking of bringing Eri to UA a few times later on in the school year, that okay?" Hitoshi nodded before he felt something move to the right of him. "Oh, hey Ake." Hey picked the small cat up and set her in his lap, stroking her lightly. He smiled as he stretched, leaning on the back of the couch. He let sleep take hold of him a few seconds later.

Words: 2411

"And my pain will range from up, down, and sideways!"

I hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the flashbacks! I really am looking forward to this :3

P.S.: look up the meanings of the two bullies names

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