Victoria POV
We walked into the house. It's after 6pm, so parents should rest in the living room.
- We are home already. - I yelled.
Parents were sitting on the couch. Dad with a book in his hand, and the mother of a piece of work.
- That's good, honey. We were worried, because sun begin get down slowly. - Mom said.
- I want to introduce you someone. Came in. - I called Jin.
The boy walked slowly and unsteadily stood behind me. He was laden with flowers and bags with bottles. The parents looked at each other and put down things that they do a moment ago. If only you believe me last time, you would not be surprised now.
- It's Jin. My boyfriend, in who you did not believe me.
- Good mor-ning. My na-me is Kim SeokJin. It is nice to meet you. - Jin said slowly, in broken Polish and bowed. We learned that during packaging.
Dad stood up slowly. Mama got up too but fell back. She was pale in the face and barely breathing. Oh no, soon we will have to call an ambulance.
- Nice to meet you, Jin. - dad gave hand to the Jin and say hello.
Jin with a smile shook hands with my dad. Good thing is that father was able to stay calm in this situation. However, I was concerned about my mother. She stood up after another attempt and stood one step behind Dad. I could not exactly read her expression.
- Jin has gifts for you.
I stabbed the boy's side and showed that he should give them gifts. He looked at me quickly and then gave them things. Dad took all the errands and thanked, with fear that my mother could drop something. While Jin was visible only little behind a large bouquet, it's seems small in the hands of my dad. Father is tall, has some 180 cm, is well built, and the slowly graying hair and mustache gave him a serious and somewhat stern look. But it does not reflect his character. He is likeable and a really nice man. Mom is a bit smaller than me and has a plump physique. Her hair are dyed on cherry color, are always tense in a high bun. She is a woman with a short-tempered and easily get upset, and rather introverted.
- Well. Let's sit down. - Said the father again. - Tosiu, children are definitely hungry. Let's bring them something to eat.
Mom nodded in relief and went to the kitchen. When you hear the name 'Tosia', everyone expects a sweet little girl, not a woman almost 60 years. Dad called Mom caressing her nickname since I can remember. I've never heard him talk to her 'Antoinette'. He says it's serious and it sounds old-fashioned. Mom always calls Dad by 'Tadeusz'. She believes that 'Tadzio' or 'Tadek' is cheap.
- Let's sit down. - I said, and went to the couch. - Parents offered us something to eat. - I translated.
- Should we help them?
- Give them carry a council of war alone. They do not know how to behave. - I smiled at him.
He shook his head and sat down. He looked around. Hands nervously rubbing his knees. I could not quite imagine how he feels, but his nervousness emanated out of high power. I took him by the hand. He winced and looked at me.
- Relax. They do not eat you. They are nicer than they seem at first glance.
Corner of my eye I saw my mother pulls food from the refrigerator and begins to do sandwiches. Dad inserted the water and pulled the cups from the cabinet, preparing everything needed to make tea. When they both stood next the table they began to whisper to each other. I know that's difficult and strange situation for them, but I believe that they will handle it.
It not took long, as parents returned with food: sandwiches and tea and cake and fruit compote. We sat at the table that was next to the couch.
- Let's eat. - the mother urged us.
Those were her first words she said since we entered. I was glad that she gathered up her mind and tried her best. I smiled at her gratefully.
I put two sandwiches on Jin's a plate, because I was not sure if he dare do this by himself. Then I did the same thing for myself. The boy watched my every move. Not yet begun to eat before I took the first bite. He puts off, sipping tea at the same time as me. All the time I felt at the sight of us parents.
When we done eating, my mother filled the glass with compote and suggested us a cake. I did not have space, but I saw that Jin wateringly see at it, so I took a piece and began to slowly eat. He did the same thing. My, frightened baby.
- How was you, dear? - the father asked.
- Relax. There were not too many cars, because it's midweek. - I answered, and then I translated to Jin. We learned the language, but some of the words he could still do not understand.
- He does not speak Polish? - Mom asked in a whisper, which was very rude, but did not comment on this.
- No. - I said out loud - but understand so much, so watch your mouth.
- So how we are going to talk? I would like to exchange a few words with him.
My parents' English level was zero. They grew up at a time when the school learned Russian. A later English, they did not need for anything.
- I'll translate if needed.
- Okay, so we start. Jin? - Began Mom, what surprised me positively. The boy looked at her. - How do you like Poland?
I did not have to explain. I saw on his face that he understood. He replied in English, which I translated.
- He said that more and more. That at first it was hard for him, but slowly acclimated.
We talked for a long time. Parents asked about all sorts of things. From the beginning it was stiff, but then atmosphere relaxed. We started to laugh and joke. The role of the interpreter was quite hard, but I had to manage it. Jin was also less and less tense. He was smiling almost all the time and stopped moving leg under a table.
When we agreed that was time to sleep, we went to the second floor. I led the boy into my oldest sister's room. He stood empty for five years. There was clean, although small wipeing off the dust would be useful.
- You'll sleep here. Is it ok? - I asked when we entered the room.
- It's perfect. I do not need much.
- We clean up here a little tomorrow. Today, I have no strength.
- Sure. Do not worry.
I pulled his suitcase in the corner, and then walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a clean, beige linen. I put her on the bed and sat on it. Jin was still staying in the middle of the room.
- Come to me. - I patted the seat next to me. He walked over and sat down. - It's over now. Now it will only get better.
Jin took a deep breath, perhaps with relief. In the end, we were alone and could again feel at ease.
- It was so bad? - I asked.
- Probably not. - he replied hesitantly - It could be worse. - He smiled slightly.
- I told you. - I patted him reassuringly on the hands - It's late. Let's go to sleep, okay?
- We should. This day was terribly long.
- Ok, then there are several organizational issues. You have a private bathroom across the hall. My room is the last door on the left side of the corridor. - I explained - If you need anything to speak boldly.
- Thanks.
- And, I would forget. - I got out of bed and went to his desk. I pulled out shortwave transmitter from the drawer - To not have to come to other rooms or yelling across the hall or up-down, we have it. It was introduce by my sisters when they still lived here.
Jin picked up the device and began to laugh.
- Seriously you use something like this at home?
- It just came out. It is so much easier.
- Why we never came up with this in dorm? How do I use this? - He asked.
I started to explain to him, here press, hold down here, talking here.
- I'm 4. 2 is the kitchen, and 3 is bedroom of my parents.
- 4. I like it. - smiled at me flirtatiously.
I think I finally stopped by nervous for good.
- I know. - I answered him with the same smile – So I'm going to my room. Good night.
I walked to the door, but he grabbed my hand.
- Do not you forget about something? - He asked. I looked at him with mock surprise, because I knew what he meant. - A goodnight kiss? I think I deserve it.
I smiled from ear to ear, wanting to tease him, I turned to him and very slowly approached his mouth. He prepared for kiss on the mouth, but did not get it. I kissed him gently on the forehead, like a small child. I heard a groan.
- Good night. - I said and wriggled out of the gripand left the room.b
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