> LV <


Knowing that in a few minutes Viki will return to the city and will be only 15 minutes away from me again, made me all excited. I hope that these two days she spent with parents helped her relax and she'll be back in a better mood, and we'll finally talk.

I dressed nicely, took earlier bought chocolates - a little gesture to placate her and went to her apartment. I didn't informed her that I'll come, I wanted make her a surprise.

I stood in front of her door, I straightened my clothes, I glued a big smile on my face and rang the bell. My face quickly thinned, when Kaya opened it.

- Viki does not back yet. - she said without preamble - Come on.

It was not friendly. She is the second woman who treats me coldly. And what I even did to her? I transgressed threshold resigned.

- Do you want something warm to drink? Outside is a terrible cold. - Kaya said, walking into the kitchen.

- Yes, please.

I undressed in the hallway and headed for the girl. I sat down next to the table. Kaya set before me a drink and biscuits. And sat down also.

- Thank you. - I said - Kaya, I ask you something? - I started.

- Depends what it is. - she shrugged.

- Do you know what happens to Viki? She changed and is avoiding me.

- It's your case. I will not involve between you. - she turned me away.

- There's something, you know. Please tell me. - I said, almost pleading.

- No, Jin. You have to explain it yourself.

- Then give me at least a hint of what I did wrong.

She could not answer, because we heard the sound of the door key, and after a while Viki came to the apartment. She smiled. I have not seen her smile for a long time. She dropped the bag from shoulder, and the keys hung on a hanger.

- Yes, I'm safe in the apartment. And you? - she said.

Only now I noticed that she was talking on the phone.

- I'm glad to hear that. - she said after a moment and hung up.

She took off her jacket and turned in our direction. Her smile faded when she saw me.

- Hey. - I got up from the stool and walked over to her with chocolates in hand.

- Hey, Jin. What are you doing here? - she asked and reluctantly took my little gift.

- I wanted to surprise you.

- You should have let me know. - She said coldly, which makes me very hurt.

- Then it would not be a surprise.

Without a word, she walked to her room, dodging me. I looked blankly at Kaya. Such ignoring I did not expected. Kaya shrugged her shoulders.

- Go to her. Faighting or something like this. - And she also left me.

I took a deep breath and walked into the room of my girlfriend.

Victoria POV

Jin's presence really surprised me. I was not prepared for it. I still do not know how to talk to him. Additionally I ashamed to admit it, but my head was busy with thoughts of Charles. At the sight of my boyfriend, I realized that I'm slowly beginning to betray him. I know that we moved away from each other, or rather, I pulled away from him. It was my way to facilitate his decision of leaving. I know what he wants this and if my person will not keep him there longer, he will depart immediately after the end of the academic year. I do not know if I am doing well. I would have preferred that he has good memories of Poland.

I went into the room and quickly threw bag on the bed. I knew that Jin will soon come after me. I did not know either what Kaya said to him, but knowing the girl, she does not interfere in our affairs. And what am I supposed to say? I'm not ready for this confrontation. And these chocolates! I admit, this small gift touched me. I would like to throw herself into his arms and say that all is well, and make it like we used to be, but I could not. He deceived me and did not say about an important matter. I missed our meetings, common laughing and speaking, all those little happy moments we shared. I was angry at him, because he didn't say anything to me. And for myself because I treats him so bad.

When I was at my hometown, for a moment I forgot about it. Renewal of contact with Charles affected me too. We returned together to Bialystok. He changed so much. Once he was such an overgrown, peevish child. He used to make a lot of childish things that made me mad. He was fooling around and making jokes of me. Now he has become a serious man. We can talk on a variety of topics. I feel good with him, not intimidated like I used to be around him. I know he was my first love, and maybe I should stay away from him, but I can not. His person intrigues me.

I felt that Jin stood behind me and hugged me. His touch was so pleasant. I wanted to feel this from the week. I fought now with two feelings: the desire to push him and snuggled into him even more.

- Viki, I missed you so much. - I heard whispers in my ear.

I wanted to say the same thing, but I could not overcome.

- What did I do wrong? Why you angry at me? - He said again.

I could hear the sadness and despair in his voice. He misses me too. What has happened with us bothered him as well. I disentangled myself from his embrace and turned to face him. The pain in his eyes made something in me snapped. At this moment I committed to myself the thought that he would not deceive me. Maybe he did not want me to worry with the though that in few moments I have to part with him. For him it also was easier not to think about that in a few months we would have to say 'goodbye' to yourself. I reached out and touched his face. He immediately buried his face in my hand . Maybe it was a good time to talk to him.

- Jin - I began, looking tenderly into his eyes - I'm sorry for my last behavior. I should immediately tell you what's bothering me, not push you away. I'm sorry.

- Nothing happened, darling. Just tell me what I did wrong. I'll fix it if I can.

- We have to talk calmly. Sit down, and I get changed after the trip, I'll make us something to eat and we'll talk, okay?

- Sure honey, anything you want. - Smiled at me gently, let me go and dropped into a chair.

I took the shirt and track suits to the bathroom to change. Then unpacked food brought from home into the fridge. I prepared sandwiches and tea, and then joined him in the room. I wanted to sit on his lap, but I was certain that the conversation in this way will not be easy. Although I missed the closeness and had enough of coldness towards him, I had to persevere form more minutes. I sat in the second chair on the opposite side of the table. We will explain everything and will be all better.

- Jin, is there something you want to tell me? – I began cautiously.

-I do not understand. - Looked at me quizzically.

- It may be something that you tell the guys and not me?

I noticed the moment when he realized what I mean. His eyes widened even more, and began to breath faster.

- You heard our conversation at the hotel. – he stated.

- Yes. I'm apologizes, I did not want to. I heard it by chance, when I returned from the bathroom. Why did not you tell me?

- Because I do not want to leave. I do not let such an option, so the state of my leg is here irrelevant.

- Excuse me? Irrelevant?! Jin, we fought so hard for you back to health before the accident, and you're telling me now that it does not matter!

I pissed up in a second. My momentary goodness for him and longing for him faded away. I was mad on him again.

- I will not return to the band. I want to be here with you.

- But you miss them so much. Until now you have not had the courage to return home due to health. Now you can. You healthy.

- But here I have you. I can't live there without you.

He got up from his seat and walked over to me. He took my hand and looked deep into my eyes.

- Do not talk nonsense! - I snatched hands from his grasp and stood up from my seat. Jin also rose. He was slightly shocked by my voice rising. - There you have a family and friends. Dreams, of which the loss you could not accept. You must to go back.

- Wiki, you are the most important for me. I'm not going anywhere. Without you I do not know how to live.

- That's why I did not want to start this whole relationship. - I said sharply, perhaps too sharply. - Think about how I'll feel some day when I'll see your face longing for them. And I'll know that I am the cause of your unhappiness.

- What are you talking about? - he smiled nervously - I'll never be unhappy being with you. - He wanted to embrace me, but I run away.

- Jin, you didn't realize it yet. And I won't let it happen.

- And what you do, huh? - He lost his kindness. He threw the sentence through clenched teeth and glared at me unpleasantly.

- Everything what I have to, to make you leave. And I'll start with... breaking up. – my voice broke down at the end, but I still looked into his eyes, which were now without expression.

- You can not be serious. Why should we break up?

- You're saying I'm the reason you want to stay in Poland. So I have become a reason for you to leave.

-What you're saying is without sense.

- Jin, I'm serious. I break up with you. Please do go out.

I was at the end of my endurance. I wanted him to left already, so he won't see my tears. He must believe that this is what I truly want.

- I'll go, but it's not the end yet. – he said shortly.

And he left the room. I heard shuffling of inserted shoes and jacket, then slamming of the door. I fell helplessly on the floor, in the place where I stood and broke down. After a while Kaya came and hugged me. She certainly heard our conversation, it was not the quietest one.

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