> II <
finally someone find my ff. thank you :) there is second chapter :)
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Enjoy! :*
Jin 's POV
I forgot to call Jackson last night! With such a thought awake up early in the morning. I slept more than twelve hours. Now iseight o'clock, in Saturday.
I get out from the bed. I looked at the window - another nice day. Iwent to the closet, take out fresh clothes and went to the bathroom,to take the shower. I went sleep in my out fit and didn't wake up,until now. So now I think, that I'm stink.
Our apartment is quite. My home mates must have fun last night andcome back homer really late.
Iundressed myself and went into the warm stream of water. Ah,how nice! I wash away all hardships oflast day.
WhenI was clean and small really nice, with fresh clothes, I return to myroom. I sat on the bed and took my phone, which was on the floor nestto the bed. Ups! I'vegot 5 messages and 24 missed calls. All from Jackson. My phone hadturned off all sounds and I didn't hear anything. Jackson will killme! His first call was about 21:12 and next he called every tenminutes. All massages were similar:
"Everything is ok, right?"
"You only forgot to call me,right? You're fine?"
"Please call me. I'm worryabout you."
"Why don't you call me?!"
"What is happening? Do I needsearch you in hospitals?!"
I think,than in not that far future, Jackson will bring me to the hell. Hewas really worried and angry. He will be mad at me for long time,probably. I will need go thru this.
I went tothe kitchen, for same breakfast. But I forgot, that my fridge isempty. I don't have even bread. Oh, right! I start eat bread afterI came to Poland. In Korea it's less popular than here. And inPoland are a lot of kinds of bread. They all are delicious!
I havesame coffee and I eat last two slices of cheese, standing. I decidego to the shop. I make shopping list on my phone. I take my bag fromthe bedroom. I put the jacket and go out from the house.
The shopwas near to my block flat. I go in to the building. Wow, there is somuch people! It's Saturday, so it's obvious. I start my rallybetween shelves with food. As first I take some dark bread and rolls.Next were apples. From the fridge I take yogurt, kefir and sausagesIn the section of candy I choose a biscuits and gingerbread inchocolate. Since I finished my career, I can eat what I want anddon't bother with the appearance and my figure. There is discount onthe chocolates. I take some chocolates with the weirdest name. in thenext alley I take pasta and sweet - sour sauce. I will make simplyspaghetti.
I amabout to move for next product from my shopping list, but I feel myphone's vibration in my pocket. It's Jackson. Godplease save me! I take the call andcontinue walking with one hand on the shopping cart.
"I'mreally mad ad you! You had to call! Why don't you pick up thephone?! Did you know how many time I called you?! What was that?! Iwas worried about you! " Jackson saidit all on one exhale. I know he's mad.
"Hi,Jackson. It's nice to hear you." I start talk slowly. "I'msorry. My phone was muted. I went to sleep, simply in the world. Itold you, that I was really tired. I didn't wake up until today'smorning."
"Really?"he ask more moderate.
"Ok.I understand." – I didn't thinkthat he give up so easily "How are youfilling?"
"I'mfine. I recharged my strengths."
"Did you take your medicines?"
Hollyshit! I forgot. I ate really fast and went out from home, andcompletely forgot about my pills.
" Ididn't have anything for breakfast. I'll take it when I'll beback home.
" Youdidn't take you meds! What's wrong with you? What if somethingbad happen? He's yelling to phone. Heis worst than my physician.
"Anythingbad won't happen. I take it before I went sleep yesterday. I'llbe back home shortly and I'll take it. Don't worry. Relax."
" How can I be relaxed, when youdon't control your illness and you can't take care of yourself!"
" I'mo...."
I feltthat I hit something. I let out my phone from my hand.
"Mianhamnida. Je jalmos-ibnida." I said in Korean without thinking.
I look upand see a girl. She was next to the fridge, trying get bottle ofmilk, when I hit her in her back. Yes! That's right! She turned toface me. She had beautiful, big, green eyes and brown, wavy, shoulder– length hair. She was a little shorter from me. Her clothes wereall black, but she had blue sneakers. She was looking at me withshock, not anger.
I was insupermarket and I was trying grab bottle of milk, when suddenly Ifelt, that someone hit my bottom with shopping cart.
Whatthe f....! Pay attention how you walking! I scream in soul. I wasturning back to yell to that stupid one, when I heard:
„Mianhamnida. Je jalmos-ibnida."
Koreanlanguage?! How Korean may be in Białystok?
I turnedand sow a guy, who was taller than me and about my age. I haveproblem to define Asians people's age. For me they all look young.He has light – brown hair with standard bang on his forehead anddark eyes, hidden by big glasses.
He wasdressed like European: blue jeans, appropriate length!, whiteT-shirt, black hoodie and black leather jacket.
I guess,that my shocked face was obvious. I'm sorry, I can't hide it. Heprobably waited for explosion of anger, so my reaction shocked him aswell.
I smiledto him and say:
His eyesgot bigger.
I don'tknow Korean very well. Only some basics or lyrics from songs ordramas. That's right, I'm fan of Korean dramas and k-pop.
He don'tsay anything. I try recall some useful phrase and I asked:
"Yeong-eohalsu isseoyo? Han-gukeo motaeyo."
" Yes, Ispeak English." He said in English. Ufff... " I'm sorry aboutall this. I was talking on the phone and don't look ahead."
" Ican't say that nothing happened, but there is no blood, so don'tmake a fuss.
He breathwith relief.
"Jin!Jin! What happened?" I heard somemuffled voices. I look around and sow that his phone is on the floorwith someone on line. I bend down for it. This guy carefully observeall my moves. I pass phone over to him.
" Here.Someone worry about you"
He lookedat me with soulless sigh. He looked on my hand and hesitantly takephone, trying to not touch my hand.
"Jin!Jin! " I still can hear someonecalling him.
He putphone to his ear and say:
"Jackson relax. Everything is ok." – moment on silence – " No.You don't need come to me" – silence – " Yes. In fewminutes I'll go home." – " Ok. We call each other later.Bye." And he disconnect their call.
Ilook at him carefully. He look somewhat familiar. I never meet thereal Asian. My housemate, when I showed her some pictures of Koreansingers or actors, or MV's, she always say: "Theyall look the same for me." I laughback then, and now I don't know how he reminds.
Wait aminute! Singers? MV's? Jin in the phone?
Insurprise I open my mouth.
How thismiracle can happen? My lovely idol is in front of me and I talk withhim!
I can'tbreath for a second. I have a lot of thought in my mind. I rememberone of BTS' interview, in which they said that, they miss him andfor them he still is a member on BTS.
He look atme again. I close me mouth and gather my senses together.
" I'mname is Wictoria" I pulled a hand in his direction.
He wassurprised, but hesitantly take my hand.
" I'm..." He stopped. I know! I know!"... No Min Woo."
" Huh?!No Min Woo? Are you kidding me?"However I fast figure out that he is incognito in Poland and doesn'twant to be recognized by his fans. He is extremely smart so when Ianswer him in Korean, he add two and two together and the result was= ATTENSION! FAN! I understand that. I need pretend to be fooled. Ismiled radiantly.
We shakeour hands. I remembered even about the way which Koreans shakes handsand to bow. I know we are in Poland and such manner aren't in use.But this is his culture and I know about it, so I don't want be anignorant. I see that, I surprised him again and fear in his eyes."ATTENTION" in his mind must be bright red right now.
" It'smy pleasure, No Min Woo-ssi"
His eyesopen widely. He open his mouth like he wont to say something, butclose them without a word.
" I'mglad that I meet you, but I need to go" That were his next words,he said to me.
" Sure "I answered lightly, as if I didn't have heart palpitations.
" Seeyou later." – and he fast go away.
I look hawhe moving away. His back is much better than front. Be honest – heis sexy! I noticed that he limp on his right leg, but he still isamazeballs. He rapidly disappearing around corner of the alley.
I need tocalm down, so I continue my shopping.
Inside I'mjumping. My love is in Poland, in the same city as me an I eventalked with him. My housemate won't believe me.
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