Chapter Four - High Hopes.

Chapter Four - High Hopes.
Magnus was still sat at the bar watching the girl with black hair and emerald eyes from across the room. She was beautiful but not fully his type. An image of Alec's heartbroken face flashed before his eyes and he shook his head. 'This has to stop! You are over him!' Magnus thought.
'Are you really over him?' His conscience questioned.
'Not you again! Go away!' Magnus yelled internally. 'Why must you annoy me at these times?!'
'Because you are making a huge mistake!'
'I am NOT!!!' Magnus argued, 'I know what I'm doing!' He stood; walking over to her, tearing off the faint glamour spell he was wearing but leaving it so that it disguised his eyes. He didn't have to bother with them around the bartender seeing as he was a Downworlder himself. She caught his gaze as he headed in her direction; she hurriedly looked away her cheeks tinged with a pink blush. "I'm sorry; I don't think we've met." Magnus said as he stood in front of her, ignoring the guilt that rose inside of him for even talking to her. She looked at him again. "No. We haven't. Can I help you in some way?" Her accent was unmistakably Welsh.
"I didn't think I'd met you before. I wouldn't forget a pretty face like that." He replied and grinned as she flushed scarlet. Her friends that were surrounding her giggled slightly, nudging each other and whispering.

"Well... I erm... just moved here a few days ago from Wales." She whispered, staring at her shoes. Her face still bright red. Magnus nodded, "Well, then allow me to buy you a drink. As a sort of welcome to New York present then." He headed over to the bar and ordered a drink for himself and the girl, handing the first one to her. "Be careful Magnus." The bartender muttered; Magnus ignored him.
"Thanks." She muttered, her friends were really giggling now.
"Go for him Lau!!" One of them called.
"Shut up Cassidy!" She muttered, shooting Magnus an apologetic smile. He shrugged. "The only thing your eyes haven't told me is your name. So what is it?" She blushed a deeper shade of scarlet "Laura." She muttered, ducking behind her fringe again.
"Well Laura. Maybe I could hang round with you tonight?"
"S-Sure... erm... I didn't catch your name... sorry." Laura muttered, her timid voice barely audible over the loud music.
"That's okay. My name is Magnus."

Kicking open the door to his bedroom, Alec threw himself down on his bed leaving his weapons belt on. He lay on his bed clutching tightly onto his pillow as tears streamed down his face. "STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!!!!" He screamed, his voice muffled slightly. "STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!!!!" The feeling of warmth trailing down his hand caught his attention and he pulled his hand away from his pillow to notice the shallow cut that must have happened while he was running home. He pulled the shinning blades out of his belt, spotting the one he had cut his hand on. Surprisingly he found he didn't care much. "You IDIOT!!!" He yelled at himself. 'You should have stayed home!' His conscience retorted. He raised the knife so that the light shimmered on it showing the thin trail of blood showing on the silver, before throwing the weapons to the floor where they fell with a loud clatter. He pressed the fingers of his left hand tightly to the wound ignoring the pain he felt. It was nothing compared to the pain in his chest as he let the tears fall.

Jace cried out in pain causing Isabelle to whirl around to stare at him. He was clutching a hand to where his Parabatai rune was and holding his right hand in the air trying to spot what was causing the searing pain in his hand. "What is it?! What's wrong?!" Isabelle asked, concern clear in her voice.
"Alec." Jace whispered, pulling his left hand away from his Parabatai rune. His fingers were stained with blood. He glanced up at Isabelle, his face pale and her eyes widened. "Oh. My. God." She whispered as she ran towards the doors grabbing Jace by his left wrist. 'Oh my God! I should have stayed home! What's happened to my Parabatai?! My brother?! Alec. I'm coming, my brother! Please be okay. Please be okay.' Jace thought as they raced towards the Institute. His Parabatai rune still bled and his right hand throbbed with the pain his Parabatai was feeling. 'I shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have left. I should have stayed with him. He needed me.' He pulled his wrist from Isabelle's grasp racing along the street behind her as he ignored the pain from his rune. 'Please let me be in time!' He ran towards the stairs outside the Institute almost falling to his knees as another sharp wave of pain shocked through his body. 'Just let me be in time!'

'This is my fault! All my fault! I'm so stupid! We should have stayed home tonight like Jace said! There wasn't any bloody Demons anyway! I should have trusted Jace's judgement!' Isabelle thought as she attempted - for the third time - to place her keys into the lock on the door. Her hands were trembling and she kept dropping the keys. 'I can't lose Alec. I can't lose him. My brother. I won't cope. First Max, and now Alec. I can't lose Alec, I can't.' She thought as she scooped the keys up from the stairs and finally slotted them into the lock. "Jace!" She yelled as she opened the door; he leapt to his feet. "Alec?! ALEC!!!!" She screamed the moment the door swung shut behind Jace. "ALEXANDER GIDEON LIGHTWOOD!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!" She screamed again, tears were making her eyes sting and burn, she blinked them back furiously. 'Now is not the time for crying!' She thought.
"He's this way!" Jace called, moving towards the staircase.
"How do you know that?!" She demanded.
"I can feel it. ALEC?!!!" Jace yelled. "ALEC?!!!" He began to race up the staircase leaving Isabelle no option but to follow him. "Alec. Please be okay." She muttered as she raced along the corridor that led to her brother's bedroom.

Magnus held back the curtains to the private booth he had once sat in with Camille years ago. He led Laura in by the hand, her friends followed but they didn't enter the booth, they stood outside as though waiting for someone. He sat there listening as Laura began to talk about how she had planned to come out here to New York to do some sightseeing and then return home to Wales in a year or two. She spoke little about her family or Wales and she hardly spoke of why she had chosen New York of all places. But Magnus just continued to listen to her, even when she began to talk about writing a book based on the supernatural. He barely paid her attention, he was still trying to contain the feeling of guilt he had inside him just because he was talking and casually flirting with her and he still couldn't shake the image of Alec's heartbroken, tearstained face.

Just then one of her friends poked their head into the booth, "Lau? Your friend is here." She smiled at Magnus and backed back out of the booth.
Laura blushed, "I'll be right back. You can stay here if you wish."
"Sure." Magnus muttered. "I will wait here for your return." He sat staring at the opposite wall of the booth, barely aware of the company he had until somebody said his name, "Magnus, this isn't going to solve your problems. You of all people should know and understand that. Look what happened to me." William Herondale muttered from where he was sat opposite Magnus. He still looked like the same old Will. The same blue eyes and black hair. Like Alec. Magnus's heart gave a painful throb.
"I know that, William. Of course I do." Magnus replied.
"You also know who you truly love and it isn't that Mundane stood out there." Tessa sighed sympathetically, she was sat beside Will and Magnus was pretty certain they were holding hands.
"I did love him Tessa. Once before. But that's the past." Magnus sighed.
"And you believe it to be truly over? You can really go and start again, without Alec?" Jem asked.
"You wouldn't understand James. None of you truly would. He betrayed me." Magnus answered. "And I hurt him. Even worse than his betrayal, hurt me. I hurt him."
"And I hurt Tessa," Will said, "But she forgave me. She understood my reasons for it. It will sort itself out in the end Magnus. You have to give fate a little push."

The curtains to the booth opened and the bartender walked in, glancing over at Magnus. "I told you to be careful. She's a right jailbait, that one." Magnus glanced over the bartender's shoulder: Will, Tessa and Jem were gone. The bartender grabbed the glasses again and left, Magnus followed behind him. It was time to go home, he replaced the glamour spell and left. On his way out he spotted Laura and her friends flirting again with another guy. 'Jailbait.' Magnus thought and headed home. His apartment was only a few blocks away from Pandemonium but he cast a spell to transport himself home quickly. He was tired and needed sleep and a nice cuddle with his cat. The spell faded along with his glamour and he found himself stood in his living room, scooping Chairman Meow into his arms he sat down on the sofa. "You've met the ghosts of those who've come and gone tonight Magnus." He muttered to himself as he fell asleep with his cat perched on his lap.

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