No Good Deed

Was I Really Seeking Good
Or Just Seeking Attention
Is that all good deeds are,
When looked at with an ice-cold eye?
Four glanced up as he stood from the ground, dusting off his muli-colored tunic, he grabbed his satchel and reached in for his--Vio’s book. He shook his head as he pulled it out, its ancient Hylian text covering the front.

They were in his Hyrule, deep in the Minish Woods. The nine heroes had been on a small mission--clearing monsters which had attacked a group of children looking for the Minish themselves.

Vio had been wanting out for a while, he wouldn’t tell his brothers what the book even was. All he would say it was for a good cause and it would help them. Green didn’t like that answer, made him feel uneasy. Vio just wanted them to split (which was highly unlike him), and he refused to say why.

Four shook his head, his golden locks hitting his cheeks, he felt Twilight’s eyes on him.

“Something wrong?” The farmhand asked and the shorter hero smiled as he shook his head, “No,” He replied, “I’m alright, just thinking.”

Twilight nodded in affirmation and Vio’s voice spoke up, “Can we please hurry?”

“Where do you want to go so badly?” Blue spat, “You keep going on and on about your stupid book!”

“It’s not stupid.” Vio defended, “It’s something I’ve been researching for months. I’d like to be in my physical body to do so.”

“Why do we have to argue?” Red sighed, “We always argue...”

“Red is right.” Green replied, “Blue, you’re always starting stuff with Vio.”

Blue huffed at that and Four rubbed circles into his temple with his left hand. It was too early to argue, even if it was midday.

“Four, you about ready to head back to your place?” Time asked as he placed a hand onto the younger boy’s shoulder, Four looked up at him and smiled, “You can go on ahead, I’m going to make sure all it’s all clear still.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked as he walked over, “Time and I can do it.”

“Nah, I know these woods like the back of my hand.” Four grinned, “Keep going west and you’ll make it out.”

Twilight frowned as Time nodded, “Sounds good. Call for us if you need our help.”

Four gave them a thumbs up as he began walking north, seemingly towards Lake Hylia. He hummed to himself as he walked, allowing Red to take over, to which Blue began grumbling about how Red had a slight skip to his step.

“I just hate how it looks!”

“Well you’re not in control right now! Green said I could be.” Red pouted and in Four’s head, he could see Red sticking his tongue out at his brother. 

Four chuckled softly and he stopped as he walked into a clearing. “Fine, Vio.” He spoke, “As long as Green says we can split.”

The boy waited for Green’s response of, “Eh, why not, we’re at home.” He reached for the Four Sword strapped onto his back and raised it skyward.

One became Four.

“ugh!” Blue groaned as he stood from the clearing, he began to stretch his back out and sighed as Red clung to his arm, “Hey...”

Red giggled and looked up at him, “Glad to see you’re not Mr. Grumpy-Pants now!”

“Being stuck in with you really brings it out of me!” Blue spat and Red frowned. Green sighed, “Really, Blue?” He groaned as he put a hand onto his face and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Vio shook his head and went over to their shared satchel, he slowly pulled his book out and smiled softly. He turned to his brothers, “I have to go somewhere, okay? I won’t be long.”

Green blinked and turned to him quickly, “Wait, what?”

Vio looked at him, “You heard me correctly, Green. I have somewhere to go.”

“Like where?” Blue interrogated, “The others don’t know about us!”

Vio rolled his cool, lavender eyes, “The library. I have another book I need to check back in. It’s overdue.”

Blue scoffed and Red playfully hit his shoulder, “Don’t be mean, Blue.”

Green looked at Vio as he narrowed his eyes, “We don’t have any books checked out!”

Vio shook his head, “Why does that matter? Can I not check the library out?”

Green groaned and pointed a finger at Vio, “It matters because we can’t stray too far from each other! What if they come looking for us and you’re not back so we can’t form Four!?”

Red frowned as he let go of Blue’s arm and walked towards the duo, “ aren’t leaving us, right?”

Vio froze and looked over at Red, “Red...I...”

Red ran over to him and pulled on his arm, “Vio, you can’t leave us again!” He had tears in his eyes, Vio winced at that. “Red, please.”

Blue growled as he marched over, he grabbed Vio by the front of his rich purple tunic, “Don’t tell me what I think you’ve been doing.”

“And pray tell,” Vio spat, “what is it?”

“You’ve been trying to research on how to get Shadow back.” Blue accused and Vio’s face paled at that, “I...”

“Admit it!” Blue yelled, “You’ve been trying to mess with it again!”

Green looked at his brother, “Vio,” He sighed, “you can’t bring him back...” he bit his lip, “At least, not yet.” He whispered, “We can’t mess with dark magic, Zelda warned us against it.”

Vio shook his head, “I’m sorry.”

Green reached for Vio’s hand slowly, who in return, pushed Green away. “I’m sorry.” Vio replied, “I’m doing this...this for a good reason!”

Red froze as Vio pried him off and Blue looked at him “Why...? Vio...he...” Blue groaned, “Shadow isn’t coming back!”

“How do you know!?” Vio yelled, “I have my reasons, Blue!” He glared at his brothers as he clutched his book tightly to his chest, “I don’t want you three involved in my own mess...” He replied, “Trust me on this. I’m doing a good thing!”

“Really?” Blue spat, “or are you just doing it for attention?!” His hands were clutched tightly, knuckles completely white. “Vio--”

“Enough.” Vio replied as he turned his back on them, “I’m sorry.”

The other three looked at one another and watched as Vio threw a deku nut on the ground. Gasps filled the silence and as the light flashed and quickly faded, Vio was gone. 

“VIO!” Green called and looked at his brothers, “Dammit...Blue, you and Red need to stick together. I’ll have to pretend to be Four if they--”


“A-ah...” Green spoke as he turned to the voice, “L-Legend, how did you find us?”

The Hero of Legend stood there, arms crossed as he walked out from behind a tree. “I saw the whole thing.” He spoke as he ran a hand through his blonde (almost pink in the sunlight) locks.


“I saw you I followed.” He sighed, “I won’t spill your secret, I promise.” He replied and looked at Green, “Purple has some dark energy around him.”

“Vio.” Red corrected, “His name is Vio...a-and...” He began to cry as Green wrapped an arm around his shoulder, “And he’s trying to get our friend back.”

“With dark magic?”

Green sighed, “He...he’s been researching it because our friend was...he was with Vaati. He’s my--Four’s shadow. Our shadow, I should say.” He explained and Legend hummed, “Ah, I see.” He looked at the three, “Clearly you’re all distraught over mentioning him.” He bit his lip, “I...understand how you feel.”

“You do?”

“I’ve lost someone near and dear to me as well...” The veteran explained, “I...won’t go into much detail but,” he sighed, “again, I understand.” 

Green nodded and glanced over at Blue, who was rubbing Red’s shoulder as his brother wiped his tears. “Sorry, Red is emotional...” He rubbed his own shoulder in embarrassment.

Legend chuckled, “No wonder...” He shook his head, “No matter, let’s go see if we can find Pur--Vio.”

Vio ran hard, deep into the forest, clutching tightly at his book, this book would finally give him the answer...hopefully. He looked up at the sky, the sun was beaming down still, he had to try it.

The dirty-blonde boy looked up and bit his lip. He glanced around and nodded as he saw a small cave. He quickly ran inside and placed his hand onto the rock wall. He smiled softly as he pulled their shared lantern out, “I sense some magic here, not Minish but...” He began to walk back, “The book said something about a cave located close to the castle. This is the closest one I can think of.”

Vio looked around the darkness and smiled to himself, he walked over to a staircase and walked down. The boy gasped as he dropped the hardcover book and it opened. His lavender eyes widened as he quickly picked it up, he looked at the page and began to read. 

“What are these words even...” Vio whispered, “Shadow died from the mirror breaking...just because I read them in front of a wall, doesn’t mean anything.” He slowly touched the rock wall in front of him and whispered, “Shadow...are you there?” He looked at his own shadow and frowned, “I’ll bring you back.”

The violet clad boy looked back down at the book and began to read out more. He kept his hand to the wall and opened his eyes. “This is the deed I have set out to complete...” He whispered, “I mean well.”

Vio froze as nothing happened, “Shadow...I know you’re alive.” He spoke, “You have to be alive!”

The boy’s usually calm demeanor broke, “Am I really seeking good...?” He whispered, “I...” He bit his lip, “Can I even succeed in saving you?”

Legend looked at Green, who was leading them through the forest “I spoke to a few Minish, they saw Vio running this way.”

Legend nodded, “So, these Minish are important?”

“Yes,” Red grinned, “they helped Link--Four forge the Four Sword! They put things in the grass for us to find, like rupees!”

“Makes sense.” Legend nodded, “I always thought someone just had a hole in their pocket.” He laughed and Red giggled as Blue rolled his eyes.

Green sighed, “Legend, are you sure the others won’t be worried. I mean...Four hasn’t been back for a while now, and to them, you’re missing.”

Legend scoffed, “Wolfie will be searching for us soon, no doubt. So, let’s hurry and find Vio.” 

As they spoke, Red ran over to a small entrance. “Hey, guys! This wasn’t here before, right, Blue?”

Blue raised an eyebrow and walked over to him, “You’re right...”

Legend looked at the duo, “Do you sense him?”

Red slowly nodded and Blue looked at Green, “Should we go then...? Vio has the lantern I think”

“I have my fire rod!” Red grinned and Legend smiled, “Ah, so the firecracker gets the fire.”

Blue rolled his eyes at that.

They walked in silence as they entered the cave, Red’s fire rod’s light showing them the way.

Vio froze as he heard four sets of footsteps, “Green...Red...Blue...” He turned back to the wall, “Shadow...Shadow I...”

“Vio!” Green called as he ran down the steps, “Vio, what are you doing?! Don’t you remember how dad told us to not mess with dark magic after we sealed Vaati?!”

“Enough!” Vio spat, “Let everyone in Hyrule know how truly wicked I am. Wicked for wanting to bring the one I love back! They already think we’re wicked beings since the Four Sword was pulled!”

“He’s...he’s...” Green’s voice faltered, “Vio, he can’t come back...we’ve talked about this many times!”

“How do you know?” Vio asked and looked at his brothers, “Red, please, talk some sense into Green. We all agreed to find Shadow again.”

Red bit his lip, his amber eyes filling with tears once more. “V-Vio...”

“Yes,” Blue interrupted, “but not like this!” He spat, “We didn’t agree to using dark magic.”

Vio looked down and gasped as he saw Legend’s boots, “L-Legend...” he looked embarrassed at showing his emotional side again.

“Vio, I know how you feel.” Legend spoke, “I know how it is, to lose someone you love and you just can’t bring them back. It’s hard and you are allowed to hurt.” He held a hand out to the boy, “Using dark magic isn’t the way to go.”

The younger hero blinked, “ do you know?”

“Vio, messing with dark magic is the most stupid thing you can do.” Legend spoke, “He’ll come back one day.”


“Saving him won’t happen with darkness.”

“S-Shadow tried to come to the light.” Vio whispered tearfully, “He broke the dark mirror a-and...”

“No good deed goes unpunished, Vio.” Legend explained, “He tried to do good and he meant well.”

“He did...” Vio nodded and looked down at his shadow as he whispered, “Shadow I...”

Legend wrapped an arm around Vio’s shoulder as he knelt down to his height, “Vio, I know I can be an asshole, but,” He whispered, “I know you’re going through a lot of pain.”

Vio looked at him, “I..” he nodded, “I think I understand.”

Legend nodded, “I believe your friend will come back soon. Keep researching, but look in the way of light.”

Vio nodded once more and Legend looked at the others, “Let’s get out of here, okay?”

Green smiled, “Yes.” He put a hand on Vio’s shoulder as they walked out of the cave, back into the sunlit grove, “Vio, don’t do that again.” He laughed, “We don’t need you pulling another Vio betrays us to spy on the enemy.”

Vio laughed, Green looked relieved at that. “You never laugh, Vio.”

“I feel better now.” Vio replied, “I just didn’t realize how much I had been keeping in me.”

Red looked at him, “Oh, Vio!” He cried and hugged him tightly, “Don’t leave us again, you already promised us that before!”

Vio smiled, “I know, I’m sorry, Red.”

Blue huffed at him, “Seriously, you need to talk to us Vio...” He replied, “I...I’m not good at sharing my feelings but you’re the level-headed one! You’re always on our cases about not talking it out, but you bottle it all up!”

Vio looked at his brothers and nodded, “Yes,” he nodded, “I need to practice what I preach. I apologize.”

The four boys looked at one another and Legend looked at all of them. Four similar faces, but yet, four different personalities. “Ah, you might want to merge back, Four. Time will have our asses.” He laughed and the four heroes nodded.

Red looked at Legend, “Before we do...” he ran up to him, “Group hug!” 

“H-hey!” Legend cried and Green laughed as he pulled Blue and Vio with him to join it.

Red smiled and slowly let go after a few seconds. Legend groaned and Blue shook his head, “It’s better to let him do what he me.”

Legend nodded and looked at the four, “Okay, hurry and merge back because if Wild has cooked already, I’ll be eating your share.”

“Fine,” Green laughed, “come on guys.” He spoke as he pulled his Four Sword out.

Four blades touched.

Four became one.

“There you are!” Time called as Legend and Four entered in Four’s house. “We were waiting for you. Almost sent out a search party for you.”

“Sorry,” Four smiled, “I found Legend in the woods as I was walking, and we got caught up with me showing him the sights of my first adventure.”

Legend nodded, “Yep,” He smiled, “That’s exactly what we were doing! It was quite interesting, he told me a few interesting things.”

Time smiled, “I’m glad you enjoyed yourselves. Four, if we’re still here tomorrow, mind showing us around?”

Four nodded, “Of course,” He smiled and looked at Legend, “I’d love to tell you more about my home, you can meet Dot.” He looked over at the archway to the next room, where his grandfather was at. “I promise.” He smiled.

Four looked down at the shadow in front of his feet, he waved ever so slightly to it. “Good deeds are done with good intention...Shadow helped us for a good cause and one day...he’ll be back with us.”

Vio’s voice spoke softly, “Maybe he is still truly with us, we still have a shadow. We are just not able to see one another just yet.”

Four smiled at that response, no good deed goes unpunished, for his sword was made for a good deed, then it shattered him. Just as Shadow did a good deed for shattering the mirror during that eventful battle.

No one mourns the wicked...” Blue spoke, “Ezlo once said that to us after we sealed Vaati away for the first time...but yet, we mourned Shadow...we still mourn for him.”

"We may mourn today,” Vio began, “but as Legend said, we’ll find him again one day, for now, I feel Shadow is still here. I just needed to realize it. Good deeds are so hard to find that when we act upon them, we do not think about what will happen.”

F our nodded and muttered under his breath, “Yes...and we take it for granted.”

The smallest hero walked over to the window and sat down on the chair next to it as the others talked amongst themselves. He looked out the window, at his reflection. He rested his chin on his hand and looked up at the darkening sky, as twilight began to take its hold upon it.

May he find his long lost friend, the person Vio fell in love (but won’t admit it to his brothers, but they know) with. Four closed his eyes as he prayed a quick silent prayer to any Goddess that was listening, all he asked was for the Goddesses to keep his grandfather and Zelda safe...and for Shadow to come back.

He opened his eyes as he felt a hand on his back, he looked up and nodded as he saw Legend.

“Come on,” Legend whispered, “let’s go see if Wild is done cooking yet.”

Four smiled, food sounded amazing. As he walked with the older hero, he didn’t notice his shadow, giving a thumbs up at them.

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