I've Got You
Rebecca was in a small black dress, that accentuated her curves perfectly well, to get herself into the private club their persons of interest were said to be. She had easily caught the eye of a lot of patrons the moment she walked through the guarded door; most of all, Sara, who was chatting up some slutty-dressed waitress at the bar.
It was like a dream come true for Sara. She had always wondered how Nyssa would have looked like in a flattering dress like that. She knew she would have looked undeniable stunning. She knew every curve and every inch of Nyssa's body for it to be easy for her to imagine. But now, she no longer has to. And it was breathtaking.
Rebecca walked up to the bar and pretended not to have noticed her, but how could she have not? Sara had the brightest smile in the room even before she saw Rebecca in that dress. She liked that she had caught her attention with it, but it was beside the fact that she was there flirting with another woman, and that Rebecca was there to work a case. Talk about timing.
"You do this a lot you know?" Sara said as she found her way to Rebecca's side.
"Do what?" Rebecca asked without turning to look at her. She was still pissed about the timing of it all. And she can't afford to be distracted; not by those gorgeous blue eyes staring right at her.
"Taking my breath away."
"Is that a line?"
"No, the truth. You're stunningly beautiful tonight. And you're breathtaking every time I see you."
Rebecca can't do that right now, as much as she would love to hear more of those lovely words that surprisingly sounded so sincere to her, she has to focus on the job at hand.
"What are you doing here, Sara?"
"Yes, it's nice to see you too."
"Now is not the time."
"You shouldn't be here."
"And miss this?" Sara said, looking up and down her body, admiring the way she was dressed. "I don't think so."
"You need me here. I can help you. The men you're looking for are at the back."
"How did you know?"
"There are a lot of things you still don't know about me. But trust me. You can use my help. Your back up is way outside and I'm betting it's just Tommy, and you're here all on your own. Those guys you're looking for, they've got guns. And since they pat down everyone else, I figure you don't."
"And you do?" Rebecca responded. She doesn't get why Sara would want to get into that. It's dangerous. "I don't want you getting involved in this."
"I don't need a gun. You see, I can't just walk away. Not anymore. I know this is important to you. I wouldn't want to get in your way, but I will do what I have to. Or you could just let me lend you a hand."
Rebecca looked at her, waiting whether she would still change her mind and back down. But Sara wouldn't budge. Stubborn as the first time they had met. And she was surprised to find herself smiling at Sara.
"So do you have a plan?"
"Do you trust me?"
"Not quite." Rebecca was surely uncertain of letting Sara be involved. What else could she do but just make sure that she doesn't get herself killed. She had already been caught in the crossfire at the bar she had worked at, but purposefully putting herself in the middle of things is way more dangerous. She has to keep her safe. And the only way she could do is keep her at her side.
"Good enough for me. First, we drink." Sara called out for the bartender and ordered a couple of shots.
"Really? Do you think that's a good idea right now?"
"Relax. It's all part of the plan."
"How is that?"
"Are you here for all three?"
"Of course not, because that could tip your hand again. Good thing that one of them frequents going out here to pick girls up. And tonight, that would be us."
"And you got that from your friend?"
Sara smiled at how she put emphasis on the word friend, clearly talking about the flirty waitress earlier.
"So you did notice."
"Notice what?"
"Me." Sara was suddenly mere inches away from her breathing out that word so softly it could barely be heard. Rebecca didn't just hear the word, she felt it crawl up her spine, making her incredibly aware of their closeness from each other.
And to Sara's surprise, Rebecca did not flinch or back down. She stayed still, deeply looking back into her eyes. Nyssa. She remembers clearly the first time she had gazed into those lovely dark hazel eyes.
She had been fighting for her life and was completely drained. She thought that her time had finally come as she lied down by a tree on a far side of Lian Yu. She closed her eyes and simply waited, waited for her end. She heard low distant voices, but she was too tired to move or even open her eyes. Was that finally it? Then she heard a soft female voice and felt a tender hand touch her face. And when she opened her eyes, she saw those lovely hazel eyes staring at her and she thought that they were the most beautiful thing she had seen in a long time. She smiled, even though she really had not seen who those eyes belonged to. She just smiled into those lovely eyes and lost herself to exhaustion and fell unconscious. Looking back, she could say that even for that brief moment, she had already fallen for those dark hazel eyes that gave her hope when she was ready to give everything up.
And there it was again, a different woman, but the same eyes, and making her feel the same emotions she had felt for Nyssa.
Their moment was then interrupted by the arrival of their drinks. Sara broke eye contact. She knew if she didn't back away, she wouldn't be able to stop herself. And they had more important things to attend to, other than their primal desires and her reminiscent emotions.
Sara took a shot glass and handed another to Rebecca. She thought of a fitting toast for the occasion.
"To an uncertain future up ahead."
Being a legend, she knew very well how uncertain things are. She knew how the littlest of actions can have an enormous impact on the most distant of futures. But things are simpler now. There is no doomsday that she has to worry about. No invasion. No great and immortal villain. There's just simple and plain old criminals.
"Your plan better work."
They clinked glasses and downed the shot. The alcohol burning down their throats. Then Sara quickly took another.
"Hey, I can't have you getting drunk."
"Don't worry about me, I can handle my liquor."
Rebecca looked around the room for anything suspicious. She needs to get her target and not be made.
"Are you sure about your friend?"
"Yes, so relax. Have another."
"I'm good. At least one of us needs to be sober."
"Okay. So tell me something about you."
"What about me?"
"What's your full name?"
"You honestly want me to believe that you still haven't found out about that?"
"What makes you think that?"
"First, you easily found where I work. Second, you even know as much, if not more, about what I'm working on here. So don't tell me that you do not know my name."
"Maybe I just want you to tell me."
"Okay. Enough small talk. This isn't a date."
"Yeah. I wouldn't want to lose conversation topics when we finally do."
Sara downed shot after shot, much to Rebecca's dismay. Then she got up from her barstool and started to sway with the playing music.
"Come on, dance with me."
"No, you're drunk. I knew I shouldn't have let you."
"I'm still good. Oh, I'm great! Come on! Dance with me!" Sara shouted in glee, catching people's attention. She kept pulling at Rebecca until she bumped into a tall, well-built guy.
"Oops. Sorry." Sara turned and smiled at the guy.
"Careful, sweetheart." The guy smiled at her in return. "Looks like you're enjoying yourself."
"Want to have some more fun? We could take this party elsewhere."
"No, buddy. She's not going anywhere." Rebecca intervened, furious at how out of hand the situation was going. She can't believe she allowed herself to get distracted with Sara. She can't believe that Sara would get herself drunk after she had told her that she would help. She knew it was important to her.
"Oh, come on. He's just being friendly. I told you we'll find a charming guy to help you forget about that jerk." Sara was slurring her words a bit and she didn't make much sense at all to Rebecca. Was that her play? Was he their guy? Why did Sara have to drink so much?
"My friend can come with us, right?" Sara turned to the guy. "She just broke up with this asshole and she could use some fun. If you know what I mean."
"I get it. Sure. Of course your friend can come. We'll have the best of time."
"See! Let's have fun tonight." She turned back to Rebecca, and Rebecca was surprised how clear her blue eyes were when she smiled at her and whispered a promise. "I've got you."
"Okay." Rebecca went along with it, though still confused.
"So, where are we going?" Sara asked.
"Well, we could go to another bar for more drinks, or have a more private party at my place."
"Oh, the latter sounds intriguing."
"Sara. I don't think this is a good idea."
"Oh, trust me. It will be fun."
Tommy saw them walk out the shady establishment. He was about to approach them as he did not like the situation when he saw a seemingly drunk Sara arm in arm with Rebecca and one of their intended targets, but Rebecca shook her head at him to fall back. It was still too risky for them to take him out there with a drunk Sara.
They got into the guy's car, and Tommy followed with a distance as not to be noticed but still close enough not to lose them.
Sara kept going on and on, chatting the guy up. She told him some made up story about the break-up she mentioned earlier that Rebecca was supposedly going through. And in between, she would ask some questions about him. Not long after, they arrived at a five-story apartment building. They were led up to his place, which was well decorated and well kept.
"You ladies make yourselves comfortable while I get us some drinks." He went to the kitchen, leaving them sitting on the couch.
"You stay here. I'm going to have a look around." Rebecca told Sara. She needs to find any evidence of a connection in case they don't get him to talk. It wasn't a very difficult situation really, the complication for her right there was Sara. She can take care of herself, but then she has to worry about her. While searching the other rooms, Rebecca heard the guy ask for her. Shit. Sara, she thought. The guy still has his gun with him. She rushed back to the living room and before getting there she heard a loud thump to the floor.
A completely sober Sara was standing over the unconscious body of the tall and well-built suspect. When the guy had come back from the kitchen and saw that Rebecca was not where he had left them; Sara knew they could still talk their way out of it, but she was getting bored and impatient. She called him out, threw a quick chop to the throat to prevent him from making anymore sound, a hard punch to his left ribs which she most likely have punctured, and a swift roundhouse kick to the head for good measure.
Rebecca looked curiously at her. She checked the unconscious body lying in the middle of the room for a pulse.
"Don't worry. He's still alive."
Then Rebecca checked for his pockets for anything useful, but found nothing. She took the gun he had tucked on the back of his jeans, and gave Tommy a ring. She told Tommy of the situation and where exactly they were.
"Could you look for something we could tie him with? Tape. Rope. Anything."
Sara got back with a roll of duct tape, when Tommy came knocking on the door.
"Hey." Sara said opening the door for him.
"Hey." He said back. He scanned around the room in assessment and was impressed that they managed to knock out that big of a guy without any struggle. "Okay. So how do you want to do this, Becca?"
"We can just tie him up and question him here. From the looks of things, his neighbors don't meddle with his business."
"Okay." Tommy set up a chair in the bedroom, dragged the guy over there, and tied him up securely with duct tape. "This guy is seriously knocked out. What did you do to him?"
"Ask Sara. It was all her."
Sara stayed in the living room while the two set up to question the guy. And she was sure they have questions for her as well. She wants to tell them. She wants to tell her, Rebecca, her story. Maybe not all. Not just yet. But even a little. She just wants to share with her who she really is.
"And I thought she was drunk." Tommy added, baffled by Sara completely.
"So did I, but she seems completely sober even after all those shots she had." Rebecca looked back at the moment that Sara had said to her that she's got her, and it sent butterflies to her stomach to realize how Sara had truly meant to keep her promise that she has indeed had her back. She was worrying so much about her, but Sara had always been in control of the situation. She wasn't going to let anything happen to ruin the case for her. It was important to her and she understood that.
"I'll go check on her, call me when he wakes up."
Rebecca found Sara quietly sitting in the living room, looking deep in thought. She wants to know what's on her mind, but she thought it wasn't the right time to ask about that.
"You okay?" She asked instead.
Sara gave a light chuckle at that. She didn't even break a sweat in knocking the guy out.
"Yeah. You?"
"Well, you had me scared a little, earlier." Rebecca said as light as she could, but she could feel the weight of how much she had come to care for Sara. "How are you not drunk after six shots?"
"Well, practice and human biology, I guess. Sorry about that. I should have told you what I had in mind."
"Don't worry about it. It panned out anyway. Just never do that to me ever again."
"So, you're going to let me help out again?"
"Would I be able to stop you?"
Then there was silence between them. At some other time, maybe she would have said no; that as long as she could she would lend her a hand and finally put the case to bed, but she was not ready to lose her just yet. She was just getting to know Rebecca, and she doesn't want her to know all her crazy stories and scare her off. So, for now, she would keep her distance and just let her do her job. She'll just find a way to help her, if there's a need to.
"Look, I think it's best if you could get going now."
"Really?" Sara was relieved to hear her say that, though she doesn't want to leave her side even for a minute. But she knew what she could and would have to do to their captive, if she were to stay.
"I don't want you getting involved more than you already have been."
"Sara, please." Rebecca knew by then that Sara is very capable of taking care of herself, but it doesn't stop her worrying.
"Okay?" Rebecca was taken aback by how easy it was for her to concede; she was sure she was going to fight her to allow her to stay.
"But don't think for a second that you have gotten rid of me."
Rebecca smiled and replied, "I know I couldn't, even if I wanted to." And she really doesn't want to.
Sara left without another word, just hopes for their coming date. But Sara didn't go far; she walked a couple of blocks and climbed up the roofs and made her way back to where Rebecca and Tommy were. She stayed at the rooftop across for as long as they were there, watching over them the way she used to watch over her sister, Laurel, when she first came back to Starling City from Nanda Parbat. Then the realization dawned on her as she remembered her sister, she can help Rebecca with her cases without worrying her of her involvement. She has to go back to the life she wanted to get away from. She smiled at herself; who was she thinking that she could escape the life of adventure, the life of a hero.
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