Ghost from the Past

Rebecca was back at their unit headquarters, trying to find a lead on their case. After the long exhausting chat they had with the guy from the bar, all they got was a name he overheard, the Ghoul. He doesn't even know what that Ghoul does for the operation, but after thinking long and hard, it was all he could give that seemed relevant.

Rebecca searched every database for the alias, but didn't get much out of it. There were a couple of hits but they were either dead or incarcerated. It was frustrating that they still can't get another lead to go on with. All they have is an alias that they can't get a ny link to.

"How did your date go last night?" Tommy asked, spinning his chair around to her direction.

"None of your business." Rebecca said in return, not even glancing his way. The thought of the time she spent with Sara the night before eased some of her frustrations on the case away. The stories she shared made her feel closer to her. They sounded absurd but looking in Sara's eyes, she knew they were true. And she has a feeling that there's more to know about her.

"It went real well, huh?" Tommy said with a wide knowing grin that earned him a steely glare from Rebecca. Tommy backed up his chair a little and tossed his hands up in surrender. "Hey, it's just that you suddenly had that stupid smile creeping up on your face that says you had a great time and you can't wait to see her again."

"See who again?" Frank asked as her walked into the room followed by Kyle.

"No one." Rebecca answered, as she turned and punch Tommy on the shoulder.

"Is it the blonde that was looking for you before?"

"Yeah, Sara." Tommy answered after quickly distancing himself from her.

"Sara, huh? Seems quite the gal."

"Okay, if you ladies are done gossiping, maybe we could go back to work." Rebecca said turning back to her computer.

"What do we have?" Kyle asked.

"Again, nothing. All we have is the alias, but that doesn't get us any hits."

"What is it?"

"The Ghoul."

"Really?" Frank raised an eyebrow at that.

"Hey, I don't come up with these things."

"How about we ask around?" Frank suggested.

"What? You want us to poke the bear?" Kyle retorted, ever the voice of reason in the group.

"We're not getting anywhere. And they know we're onto them anyway."

"They know we have nothing on them."

"Yeah, and maybe if we ask around, we finally get something."

"Or we scare them off and they go hiding."

"We'll never know. Tommy, Rebecca, go check on your contacts and see what they might know. The kid and I are going on a trip of our own."

Rebecca and Tommy rolled out to the other side of town, hoping that somehow, someone out there somewhere could give them even the slightest clue. And of course, during their drive, Tommy poked his nose around his partner's business. He's not a particularly nosy person. It's just that he cares a lot about Rebecca. Yes, she is very capable of taking care of herself, though he never had a clue as to what goes on with her life outside of work, he just wants to be able to look out for her in every way he can. He likes Sara, and he can tell that they both like each other, but it does not erase the fact that they don't really know her. And he can sense that there's something a bit dark about her. It may not be something, but he will look out for his partner.

"So, you seeing Sara again later?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"We don't really have plans, but you probably noticed that she has a habit of showing up unexpectedly."

"Yeah, that she does. Find out anything interesting about her?"

Rebecca went back to the stories Sara had told about her; she doesn't think everyone would classify it as interesting. She's interesting, but some of the stories she had told her were just tragic. She can't imagine what she had been through, but she was still there standing, and that's what makes her so interesting; a strong woman who refuses to be broken by anything.

"Sure. You know she's an assassin, and I could have her kill you while you're taking a piss, if you don't lay off."

The look of horrified disbelief on Tommy's face was priceless. They pulled over at a small diner to meet a CI and grab a bite while at it.

"You're kidding, right?"

Rebecca just gave him a mischievous grin, feeling like she had won a game. It's always amusing to poke fun at her partner.

"You're just joking. She's not really an assassin, is she?"

"Would you care to find out?"

Tommy threw both his hands up in mock surrender, then opened the door of the diner for Rebecca. They went straight to sit at the corner booth and wait for their contact. A waitress immediately offered them some coffee, which they both gladly accepted.

"And we'll have two cheese burgers and fries as well."

Not long after, a big man entered and was warmly greeted by every staff and regular in the diner. He sat at the booth next to Tommy's and Rebecca's and was back to back with Rebecca.

"Tito." She said in recognition of his presence.

"Been a while, you two. Would have preferred it that way."

"You know we wouldn't have called if it isn't important."

"Yeah. Let's just get this over with."

"Okay. Have you heard of the alias the Ghoul?"

"The Ghoul? Hm. Can't say I have, but I could ask around."

In that part of town, there was very little that doesn't get by to Tito's knowledge. He's like the great uncle that everyone goes to. If he asks, people will definitely answer. Hoping they have anything to give.

A couple of days passed, and they still have nothing. And to make things worse for Rebecca, she has barely heard from Sara since their date. She hasn't seen her around or anywhere at all unlike before when she seemed to be wherever she was. All they did was exchange a couple of texts here and there. She thought their date went well, but what the hell. She picked up her phone, thinking about calling Sara. Then moments later, it rings with the name she was waiting for appeared on the caller ID.

"Hey." Rebecca answered.

"Hey to you too." Sara replied on the other side. "So..."

"So?" Finally hearing her voice was enough to calm Rebecca's nerves, making her smile.

"Are you free tonight?"

"Maybe." Rebecca teased, though she very well knew that they have nothing for later that day. They still hadn't got another lead, and they just closed the other case they had gotten.

"Okay. If you're free, then maybe we could go on that second date."

"Sure, I'll think about it."

"You'll think about it. Why? Have I scared you off now?"

"No." Rebecca smiled as she recalled Tommy's reaction when she had told him about Sara being an assassin. "Tommy, on the other hand."

"You told him?"

"Not sure if he believes it, but he was being too nosy, it was annoying."

"What did you say?"

"I said you could kill him while he was taking a piss."

"Really? Of all situations?"

"It was at the top of my head."

They shared a light laugh at the expense of Tommy, then Rebecca's phone beeped, indicating another incoming call.

"Hey, I gotta go. Got another call coming. Might be about the case."

"Still nothing on the Ghoul?"

"How did you?" Rebecca was shocked for an instant then she recalled the stories she had told her. "I shouldn't be surprised you know. Look, I really have to go."

"Text me if we're on later."

"Okay. bye."

Rebecca ended her call with Sara, and still managed to get the other call before it went to her voicemail. It was Tito.

"You have something?"

"Would I call if I didn't?"

"What is it?"

"Not over the phone. Meet me at the alley behind the diner, around 8."

"Okay. We'll see you there."

Rebecca informed Tommy about the meet and on their way to the diner, she texted Sara for a rain check on their second date. She got an immediate reply of "Ok, but you owe me." She hopes that whatever information Tito has for them would be worth it, because she will be ultimately pissed for having to cancel on Sara. She's been dreading on seeing her again, but the case is more important that her own personal needs.

Tommy parked the car at the side of the diner and they made their way to the back alley. It was a bit dark but there was enough light to identify the person you're talking to, and Tito was already there waiting for them. Something seemed off to Rebecca but she couldn't tell what, until they got closer to Tito to see that he was nervous. Why was he nervous? He was rarely nervous. Was what he found out that bad?

"You look nervous, Tito."

"Well, you should be too."

Then there were movements in the dark around them, making both Rebecca and Tommy reach for their guns.

"What the hell? You set us up?" Tommy pointed his gun at Tito, but he was clearly more afraid of what he found out than Tommy and his gun.

"It's this bad, huh?" Rebecca added.

"Yes, kid. Sorry." Tito looked at her straight on, telling her that he regrets what he was doing, but he would do what he has to survive, and he is owning up to his actions. He is scared. He would never have done it if he really wasn't.

Rebecca heard someone come up behind her and was about to turn around to shoot, but whoever it was was already too close and had hit her with the butt of a gun across her cheek knocking her out. When she came to, she was tied down to a chair and she felt the stinging pain on her cheek. She looked around and saw Tommy not too far from her also tied up on a chair, but still unconscious.

"Tommy." Rebecca said in a loud whisper, in hopes of waking him and not have anyone else hear. She hasn't spotted anyone, but she doubts that they were all alone.

"Tommy." She kept calling out to him while she scanned around to see where they had been taken, like that would be any help to them at the moment. All she could tell was they were in some kind of warehouse.

"Tommy!" She called out louder and finally her words got to him and Tommy was conscious.

"What? What the hell? Ow." He cringed at the pain at the back of his head where he was struck. "Where are we? Are you okay?"

"We're both tied up, Tom. In god knows where. What do you think?"

"Okay. Stupid question. So where are they?"

And as if on cue, three men were walking towards them. Clearly the man in the middle wearing a suit and tie was the man in charge.

"Great. You're both awake. We may begin." He walked around the two of them and paused behind Rebecca, pulling her hair back and spoke in a harsh whisper. "Tell me what you know."


The following morning, Sara was completely restless. She could feel that there was something wrong. She got her phone and texted Rebecca.

Hey. Where are you?

She waited a while for a reply but nothing. It was already late in the morning. She thinks Rebecca would have at least replied she was busy at work. Sara hated the tight knot forming in her gut. She went to their headquarters to see if she was there and just ran into the one they were calling trainee.

"Hey. Is Rebecca around?"

"No. She hasn't checked in. Why?"

"What about Tommy?"

"Haven't seen him this morning too."

Shit. And without another word, she left the trainee by the sidewalk. She went around looking for her, then she finally spotted their car at the diner. Sara went inside hoping to see her sitting in one of the booths or at the counter, but Rebecca wasn't there. Sara approached the waitress at the counter and asked if she had seen either Tommy and Rebecca that morning.

"Oh, those two. No. They haven't been here this morning, but I saw them drive up last night, and looks like they left their car here I guess."

"You didn't see anything weird last night? Heard anything?"

"I don't know. Not really. Sorry."

"Okay. Thanks."

At least she was getting somewhere, but the answer she got just tightened the knot in her stomach further. Something happened and she's already worried. She has to find her. And she will, even if she has to wear the suit again.

Sara went to her safe house to gather her things. She smiled a little to herself despite the situation as she opened the box Cisco had given her. She knew what was in it but she had never opened it before that day, and she didn't expect to find a note. In case you just couldn't stay away from trouble. Inside the box was her White Canary suit, and when she lifted it up, she found that there was another, a black one. Leave it Cisco to think about making her a Black Canary suit, and it was what she needed. In any other situation, she would have preferred her White Canary suit, no longer hiding in the shadows; but she has someone she cares about again, and she has to protect her.

Long into the night, Sara found the warehouse Rebecca and Tommy were being held in. There were a couple of guards on patrol, but she easily and quietly took care of them with a couple of arrows. Lurking in the shadows, she made her way inside the warehouse. She took high ground for a better vantage point and saw Rebecca and Tommy being held at the other side of the main floor. There were three men with them, plus two on the upper floor that she could see, one below her, and she just can't tell if there was anyone past the stacks of crates, boxes and shelves behind Rebecca and Tommy's position.

There were too many guards. They wouldn't have that many men just to question two people. What else was there?

She took another close look at Rebecca and Tommy to assess whether she could still search the place first. One of the men hit Rebecca with a backhand across the cheek, she turned back to face the guy, spat blood at him, and said something with a smile. It was probably some snarky remark to piss the guy off even more. And it certainly did, because the guy was gearing for another strike. No. No time to search.

Sara drew an arrow back and it came flying through the guy's upper arm before his hand could hit Rebecca again. He screamed in pain and that announced her presence to the whole place. She was already jumping off the railing before they could turn and shoot to where she was. She threw a knife at the guy below her on her way down, and knocked him with her bow when she landed for good measure.

She shot arrows at the two on the upper deck that were shooting at her, as she dodged the other shots hailing at her on the main floor. Then she quickly slid behind some crates for cover.

Everything went so fast that it barely registered to Rebecca and Tommy what was going on. They didn't even see what their captors were shooting at.

"What the hell's going on?" Tommy whispered to Rebecca.

"I don't know, Tom." Rebecca replied, trying to get out of her restraints. "We have to get out these."

"Yeah. You think that's back up? Rescue?" Tommy wondered as he worked on his restraints as well.

Rebecca motioned to the man with an arrow through his bicep. "You think that's back up?"

"A man can hope."

As the shooting subsided, Sara waited another moment before making her move. She came out from behind the crate when she heard one of the men move closer to her position. She swept out low with her bow hitting him hard on the side, making him fire his gun in jerk reaction, which almost got Sara. In one swift move, she gripped his hand holding the gun with her left, then whipped him in the head with her bow on her right, took his gun and shot him twice in the leg and shoulder. Then the other with an arrow through his bicep came rushing at Sara, emptying his clip at her. Luckily, she was able to dodge every shot. He then threw his gun at her in a last ditch effort for hope of an advantage. Sara smiled at his guts thinking that he could take on her with one hand. If she wasn't much in a hurry, she would have engaged him with a proper match, but he was also the one beating on Rebecca, so Sara just drew on her last arrow and finished him off.

She was already in clear view of Tommy and Rebecca, who were still struggling with their restraints. They still had no clue as to who she is as she had her back to them.

"Don't make another move or I will shoot her." The man in the suit had moved behind Rebecca. He pulled at her hair and had his gun to her neck.

Sara turned with an unreadable expression on her face. Using a voice modulator, she masked her voice as she spoke next. "What made you think I'm here for them?" She bluffed.

The guy made a quick glance to one of the rooms on the upper floor and Sara followed his gaze. That's where whatever else he was hiding is. Gotcha. Then the man fired two shots at her and tried to make a run for it, but Sara wasn't about to let him get away. She caught up to him, disarmed him before he could get another shot off, and fought him hand to hand.

Tommy and Rebecca almost forgot that they were tied up watching the leather-clad woman fight off their captor. Then they were pulled back to reality when someone else started shooting towards their general direction. Sara turned to look at the shooter and saw that it was one of the guards on the upper floor. Shit. Looks like she didn't get him. Sara then shifted her attention to Rebecca. She has to get them free before they get shot tied to those chairs.

Sara kicked her opponent in the shin, making him drop to his knees; giving her the opportunity to throw a knife perfectly at Rebecca's right hand restraint. The ties snapped and Rebecca's hand was free. She glanced to and fro the woman and the knife she had thrown at her. And everything came to perspective. Not getting stuck in her head, she took the knife and cut her other hand loose, then her legs, and then Tommy.

After getting themselves out of their binds, Rebecca and Tommy ran for cover, but Rebecca's gaze never left the woman that had saved them. Watching her move as she fought, it would have been hard to believe, but somehow she was certain of it; it's her. It's Sara.

Sara knocked the guy in the suit out with a spinning back kick to the head, before she went after the shooter from the upper floor. She waited until she heard the guy reloading his gun, then she used the crate next to her to kick herself up for a higher vantage point to throw a knife straight to his chest.

Rebecca got up from where they were squatting down to see that it was safe to come out. She looked around and saw a number of bodies littered all over the place, and the only person standing was the blonde woman she believes is Sara.

"Hey, what are you doing? You don't know if she is on our side." Tommy cautioned. He knew that he was the hopeful one earlier, but seeing what the woman had done, and her saying that she wasn't there for them, makes him unsure of their safety still.

"She is." Rebecca said with certainty, walking up to Sara. Tommy followed suit to have his partner's back just in case.

"They're hiding something in the room upstairs." Sara said through the voice modulator and pointed to the room the suited man glanced at earlier.

"Tommy go check it out. It might be the girls." Rebecca instructed him.

"Rebecca." Tommy wanted to reason. He didn't want to leave her with the masked woman.

"Don't worry, Tom. It's Sara."

Sara wasn't really surprised that she was able to tell. She wasn't trying to hide herself from her anyway. She masked up to prevent other people from knowing who she is to protect her. And Nyssa always knew if it was her.

"Rebecca. Tommy." Sara turned off her voice modulator.

"Okay." was the only thing Tommy could think of saying before he went upstairs to check on the room.

"If our date was too boring for you, you could have just said so. You didn't have to get yourself kidnapped." Sara kidded as she dragged the unconscious guy in the suit to the chairs where Rebecca and Tommy were tied to.

Rebecca smiled despite the unfortunate predicament they were just in. She was making sarcastic jokes while being questioned earlier, but she was afraid. No one knew about their meeting that turned out to be a set up. She was afraid that no one would find them in time. And she was afraid that it would end for her there and she would not be able to help those girls or that no one ever would. But there she came; Sara came. And she was making jokes like whatever she did was just nothing.

"So this is what you do?"

"Saving damsels in distress? Pretty much."

"You talking about Tommy?"

"Definitely talking about Tommy."

Sara tied the guy down to a chair with some cables she found lying around, then finally walked up to Rebecca.

"But I'm not here for him."

Tommy was rushing down the stairs followed by five girls, about the same age as the girl that had been shot at the bar Sara was working at.

Heartbreak and relief was written all over Rebecca at the sight of those girls. They finally got some of them out and safe. She knew that it wasn't over, but she will take that win after the past 24 hours that she's had.

"There's still a car outside that I didn't disable. Get them out of here." Sara suggested.

"What about him?" Tommy asked about the guy they had tied up.

"Take the girls to safety, Tom. Then you can come right back for us or call it in. Get them out here first." Rebecca instructed him. Those girls shouldn't have to spend any more time in the place where they have been kept imprisoned. And she needs them far away for what they might have to do next to get some answers.

"Tell me. Who's 'The Ghoul'?" Rebecca asked when the man had come to consciousness.

The guy laughed at the query as if it was the most absurd thing he has ever heard. Rebecca clocked him with her right hook and asked again. "Who's 'The Ghoul'? Are you him?"

He spat out some blood, smiled and responded, "Is that the best you've got?"

Losing some patience, Sara came from behind Rebecca and stuck one of her knives into his thigh, making him scream in pain and even more when Sara twisted the knife.

"She asked you a question."

The man stared at her intensely, gritting his teeth through the pain.

"My master will not let you get away with this." Master. Sara and Rebecca thought that it seemed too formal.

"We are onto something. And your master is it? He's threatened. That's why he sent you to take us out." Rebecca provoked.

"Threatened? Don't flatter yourself, detective. You are bothersome to his operations, but you are no close to being a threat."

"Maybe they're not, but I can surely be one." Sara added.

"It doesn't matter who you are or what you think you can do. You cannot stop him. There is no stopping the reign of Ra's al Ghul."

"What did you say?" It was something Sara was dreading to hear. When she first heard the alias that Rebecca and Tommy were asking around about, she hoped that it was just that, The Ghoul; and not the demon's head.

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