Facing the Demon
Nyssa stayed to help them out in finding that earth's Ra's al Ghul, it's not like she could say no to Sara. And it was nice to be able to spend some time with her again, despite the circumstances. She'll stay for as long as Sara needs her to. She's not the one who has to go back and save her friends anyway.
Sara took them to her safe house, which had been her base of operations since she started her own investigation. Rebecca was quite surprised at how much information Sara had amassed about the case, more than her own team had been able to since the case landed on their desks. And at the top of the crime board was the same name and question mark they had on theirs: Ra's al Ghul ?
Rebecca looked around at Sara's collection of weapons. Her guns, knives, bow and some other stuff that didn't look familiar to Rebecca. Damn, Sara really was in a whole different level for her, and she was from a whole different world.
Rebecca watched them interact and listened on as Sara caught Nyssa up on the leads of the case. They talked about it like it was an everyday thing for them, more everyday than her, a cop, and her team, who deals with those sorts of things for a living, but it wasn't an ordinary case was it. It's probably the biggest and hardest case they've had to date, and other than the fact that after months of investigation they're nowhere near on closing it; Rebecca has a feeling those two has some more insight about it that they haven't shared that would make it as bizarre as them being from another earth.
"What more aren't you telling me?" She finally asked.
Sara and Nyssa both turned to Rebecca, pausing their conversation.
"I haven't told her about the pit." Sara said to Nyssa. "I don't know if it exists here."
"Let's hope not, because on our earth, the one on Nanda Parbat wasn't the only one; but it's better to be prepared for the worst." Nyssa replied.
"Okay. So, on our earth, there was a man, known as Ra's al Ghul, head of the demon, who had lived for about a century and a half, leading an organization of trained assassins, whose ultimate goal was to keep balance in the world, hunting down and killing those who are a threat to it. Despite the thousands of deaths Ra's and the league have caused, they still abide by a deep code of honor."
"You're saying the one here doesn't?"
"My father may have been cold, cruel and ruthless, but he never sought to harming innocent lives." Nyssa offered in remembrance of her father. They may not have had the best relationship, but his honor and adherence to his code was something she had always looked up to. She had always wanted to be like him, but meeting Sara and having lost her, made her want to be better.
"And what do you mean by lived for more than a century? He's immortal?"
"My father's dead, so no. He had access to magical healing waters called Lazarus pit giving him longevity." Nyssa gave Sara a side glance, both looking back at Sara's own experience with the pit.
"What if there's one here?"
"Then we deal with it." Sara replied, there was nothing more they could do if there is one there. She knew with the look in Rebecca's eyes that she doesn't have to emphasize how bad things could be.
"What if it's him?" Nyssa asked the burning question to know where everyone stands on the matter.
"Whoever it is, he's not my father. I don't know him, so he'll never be my father. It doesn't matter who it is, they're harming countless girls, children. We take them down no matter what." Rebecca replied, adamant with her stand. She spent her entire life trying to let go of that horrid past of hers, and nothing, not even the possibility of knowing her real father could make her want to revisit that. For all she knows, he was the same person that got her in the situation she was in when she was little. She wants nothing to do with him, other than bring him to justice for what he has done.
"Okay." Nyssa and Sara replied in unison.
For days they tracked down every lead and shut down every operation they came across on. It was the most progress Rebecca and her team had with the case. Sara and Nyssa's input had been valuable thus far, though she still isn't crazy about Nyssa's presence back in Sara's life.
Then a tip from a CI came about a warehouse where more victims might be held. It was suspicious since they have never gotten a direct tip like that before. Anyone who knew anything probably wouldn't have said something if they knew what they have been investigating.
"This might just be a trap." Rebecca cautioned.
"It's definitely a trap." Nyssa chimed in. "So, how do you want to go about this one?"
"We're still doing it?" Rebecca asked.
"Of course we are. At the very least we know to expect that it's a trap, and it also means we're in the right direction. So we keep at it." Sara's not one to back down from a fight, and she has fought much worse. She's fought hell and came out alive, for goodness sake.
"We'll need back up."
"No. If it is a trap, less people, less casualties. Nyssa and I will handle things on the ground. You're over-watch. You can position on the building across. Got it? You can make those shots at that distance, right?"
"Yes, but why am I over-watch?"
"Because Nyssa doesn't do guns, and she and I know better how to fight the league. And also I don't want you down there. It's safer. Before you argue, I know you can handle yourself, but remember that this is different from what you normally deal with."
"Fine. Let me at least have Tommy aboard. He's my partner."
Sara thought about it. It would be good to have someone watching Rebecca's back. Even if she would be perched from afar, she could still use some back up of her own, they're still dealing with the league after all.
"Okay." Sara conceded.
Rebecca called Tommy to Sara's safehouse. Upon arriving, Rebecca greeted him by the door.
"Thanks for coming."
"Of course. Is this about the case?" Tommy replied casually, like it was no big deal. They were partners and he has always had a soft spot for Rebecca; if she calls, he comes no matter what.
"Then why all the... what the fuck?" Tommy said when he looked around the place and finally took notice of Nyssa who was talking with Sara. He went back and forth looking at Rebecca and Nyssa, making sure if his eyes were just deceiving him. "You have a twin I don't know about?"
"No. Ah. That's...complicated." Rebecca didn't want to go into detail of who Nyssa was, but she knew they might just have to explain her to him.
"Tommy." Sara walked over to him and Rebecca, leaving Nyssa at the other side of the room.
"Sara." Tommy acknowledged her, but all he could do was stare at the woman who looks like his partner who was also staring back at him.
"Yeah. That's Nyssa." Sara told him as if it answers all the questions in his head. Then she began to lay it all out for him. "So basically, she and I are from another earth. The multiverse theory is true. We both knew the Ra's al Ghul from our earth. We were trained by him."
"He was her father." Rebecca added.
"What?" Tommy finally reacted through all the information he was getting.
"He was Nyssa's father and if it's the same Ra's al Ghul, I'm afraid that he might be Rebecca's birth father. Are you catching up so far?"
"I guess. So, she's here to help?"
"Yes. We're the best ones equipped to handle the league and whoever Ra's is."
"And you have a plan?"
"We have intel about a warehouse they're using." Rebecca told him of the tip she had gotten, the lay out of the area and the plan they have roughly put together.
"If you think that it would be heavily guarded, why not call for back up?" Tommy shared the same thought Rebecca had earlier.
"They'll just get in the way." Nyssa offered her sentiment, a sentiment she knew Sara shares, because like they have discussed over and over, it's not like their everyday operations. And from knowledge and experience, it doesn't matter how much back up they have, if the league is indeed prepared for them, regular cops don't stand a chance. And she never cared for law enforcement, the only cop she ever got along with was Quentin Lance and that was simply because of their mutual love of his daughter.
"We got this, Tommy." Rebecca reassured him.
"I'm trusting you here, Rebecca, but if things turn for the worst, I will call it in."
"Of course."
He's trusting her on this. Even Rebecca wasn't sure herself when she told him that they got this. She was then second guessing her decision in bringing her partner along. With everything Sara and Nyssa had told her about what they could be dealing with, was it right for her to drag him into it? Did she just sign him up for worst possible mission ever? Sara would be there. She seems to be sure that she and Nyssa can handle things. She may have her doubts but she would just have to put both of their trust on her.
"You're still upset with me?" Sara asked Rebecca when they found themselves alone as they all got ready for the mission.
"I'm not. How could I be upset? I get it, okay? That was some crazy shit to tell just about anyone."
"But you're still upset about something."
Rebecca paused as she processed her thoughts, contemplating whether to say what was really bothering her or not.
"Tell me, Sara, after you're done helping me with this and you go back to your earth with her," Rebecca lingered on the word 'her' before she continued, "to help your friends, will you come back?"
Sara took a deep breath, as she hasn't really thought about it again for the past days. And now it wasn't just her asking herself what she would do, someone else was waiting on her answer, and it feels heavier.
"To be honest, I don't know. I want to say I would, but I don't know. Maybe I would if I could, but when I go there, I don't know what will happen. I might suffer the same fate. That's why I want to help you end this before I go back to my earth. I'm not sure if I'd be able to when I do."
It was a valid point, but they both knew it wasn't the answer she was looking for. It was about whether she'd be choosing her or Nyssa. And Sara still doesn't know her answer to that either. Things has been great between her and Rebecca. She's happy, after a long time, she's happy again. But then it's Nyssa. She could never really just set her aside. She can't just set either of them aside.
Sara pushed back her emotions once more as they made their way to the warehouse. Rebecca and Tommy posted themselves atop the building across with clear views on some of the windows and the general vicinity of the warehouse. As Sara had instructed, they are not to engage unless necessary as not to reveal their position. And through her scope she could see Sara and Nyssa side by side behind a parked truck, waiting for the perfect timing to make their move.
"You have four hostiles by the front, and two at the left of the building that we could see." Rebecca said through their comms.
"Ready?" Sara asked Nyssa as she drew an arrow from her quiver.
"Always." Nyssa replied, drawing her own and taking out one guy as soon as they stepped out from behind the truck.
They made quick work of the four at the front, but one from the side was able to get a shot off before they got to him, thus inviting others to their position. Sara waited by the door for anyone coming out, while Nyssa had her bow ready for anyone coming from the other side of the building.
Two men went through the door, and Sara grabbed the hand with the gun of one guy and struck him at his throat, a knee to the ribs, and in one flawless move continued with a kick to the jaw of the other guy with her other leg. Disarming the guy she had kneed, she punched hard at the same spot, breaking his ribs, puncturing his lungs, further incapacitating him. She then wrapped her arms around the neck of the guy she had kicked.
"Sara, what are you doing?" Rebecca asked in her ear.
"We don't want him getting back up do we?" She replied as she broke the guys neck. "We do what we have to, Rebecca. Tell me you wouldn't do the same."
Sara was right. Rebecca would have done the same. She would do everything she has to do to save those girls, those kids. She has put so much of herself into it, she won't stop at anything now.
"So who is she to Sara?" Tommy asked Rebecca, off comms.
"The greatest love of her life." Rebecca replied, clenching her jaw, as her scope landed on the woman they were referring to.
"Damn. She here to get her back?"
"I don't know. Looks like it, though." It doesn't matter what it looks like, because if they are each other's greatest love, why won't she want her back? How would she not want Sara back? Having gotten to know Sara, and having fallen for her herself, Nyssa would have to be crazy not to want her back, because she doesn't want to let her go. And watching them as they work together down there isn't helping any of her worries.
Sara and Nyssa both abandoned their bows when they ran out of arrows and drew out their weapons of choice: Nyssa, her sword, and Sara, her metal batons that she can combine into her bo staff.
Sara's and Nyssa's movements are so in sync, it's like watching a perfectly choreographed action movie. They know exactly where the other is, each other's moves, when and how to assist the other, all without having to say anything.
They both missed fighting side by side. They had almost forgotten how good it had felt to know that they are the one's who has each other's back. They know each other's strengths and weaknesses. They know each other's capabilities and techniques. They know each other's bodies. And they know that neither of them would let anything happen to the other. And they have always been willing to lay down their lives for one another, and are prepared to die in battle together. And it also feels good to be able to simply turn around and find the other by their side once more.
As all hell broke lose, assassins coming at Sara and Nyssa from every side, Rebecca gladly joined the chaos as she picked off one assassin after another with her rifle from their perch. She shot one coming at Sara.
"I had that." Sara said looking at them through the window.
"I know." Rebecca replied with a smile. She then turned to check on Nyssa on the other side of the floor, and shot another a bit too close to Nyssa.
"I think your girlfriend's trying to shoot me." Nyssa remarked without breaking her rhythm.
"If I was trying, you'd be out by now." Rebecca shot back.
"Ladies, keep it cool." Sara tried to diffuse the situation.
"Hey, guys. There's someone in the room at the far end of the third floor." Tommy said as he spied the guy through his binoculars. The man then turned his head facing their direction. "Shit, I think he just looked at me."
"That's got to be him." Sara commented.
Sara made her way to the room on the third floor where Tommy had seen the man who could be Ra's al Ghul. She fought off every assassin that was in her way. The man had his back to her when she entered, but she knew he was expecting her.
"Ta-er al Sahfer. I have been waiting." He said turning around.
Sara let out a breath as she gazed upon his face, Nyssa's father's, Ra's al Ghul.
"It's him." She declared.
"Sara, I'm heading there. Don't be a fool. Wait." Nyssa said as she kept fighting off assassins.
Nyssa's cautions were completely ignored as Ra's drew his sword at Sara. She expertly blocked his advances with her bo staff and used the length of it to get strikes at him. Having been trained twice by her earth's Ra's al Ghul, she had no problem keeping up with the one she was currently fighting. No, she realized as she had evaded his attack and struck him in the temple with her staff and landed a strong kick pushing him back; she wasn't just keeping up with him, she has the upper hand, she was in control of the fight.
Nyssa finally got through all the assassins and rushed to where Sara was fighting Ra's. She had her sword and dagger both out and ready to help Sara, but her code and honor halted her to do anything but watch as they engaged in a League style duel. Even Rebecca just watched from the distance as Sara dominated the fight.
"You're not Ra's al Ghul." Sara said under her breath, pulling him close to her face, studying him very carefully.
"No, I am not." He replied with a smile. What he had said next took Sara by surprise, she pushed him away from her and had almost lost her balance. He took advantage of her slightest loss of focus and was about to deliver a finishing strike of his sword.
"Sara!" Nyssa and Rebecca exclaimed at the same time, and before Ra's connected his sword to Sara, Nyssa had quickly thrown her dagger to his chest, and Rebecca had shot him in the head.
Sara collected herself and stared at the lifeless body of who they thought to have been Ra's al Ghul. Nyssa came to her side and retrieved her dagger from his chest.
"He's not Ra's al Ghul."
"But he told you who is."
Sara looked at Nyssa somberly. She thought they have found him. She thought it would finally be over, but it still isn't. Nyssa pulled her close and wrapped her in her arms as she was able to read everything in her face, in her eyes. Sara didn't have to say it, she knew.
And Rebecca hated that she was on the building across, so far from Sara. And she hates it even more to see Nyssa holding her, being the one there to comfort Sara instead of her. And it breaks her heart to see Sara sinking herself in Nyssa's embrace.
"Sorry to ruin the moment, guys, but shouldn't we check the rest of the place for any prisoners?" Rebecca was glad for Tommy's interruption as Sara and Nyssa pulled away from each other.
"Why don't you go down here and check yourself?" Sara replied.
Rebecca and Tommy gathered their equipment and made their way to meet Sara and Nyssa at the warehouse. There, they found Sara and Nyssa at the main floor talking.
"Are you okay?" Nyssa asked.
Sara nodded that she is or at least would be.
"Anything?" Rebecca asked them if they have found something.
"No. No one else here aside from all these." Sara gestured at the littering bodies of dead league assassins.
"So who's Ra's?"
Sara shot a glance at Nyssa who was already looking at her. She loved that she hadn't had to say anything to her, that Nyssa just knew, but she and Rebecca aren't as well connected, not just yet, or maybe it's that she's newer to those kind of things than they are. Sara took a deep breath and looked at Rebecca straight in the eyes.
"I am."
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