Chapter 2: Team Kumuchi

Ugh! It was hard to post the lastchapter up, because for some idiotic reason, Wattpad decided thatinstead of pasting part of what I wrote and making me copy and pastewhat I couldn't, it decided to do this thing where I could copy andpaste all of my work, but everything I didn't write in bold would bebunched up without spaces. I tried placing another space in between.Wattpad just loves to make my life hard. never didthis. Anyways, I'm going to try posting this next chapter andHOPEFULLY not as hard of a time doing it. At least I found the trickto this if it does.

EDIT: I FINALLY got done coloring this fan pic. I had been working on it for so long that I forgot the name of the person, who did this. ~sorry~ Anyways, when I find the name of the artist, I will give that person credit or if anyone can send me a link or something. 

I was the first to wake up and amseriously hungry now. I saw a bag of food with the name Ouma.Blushing for a second, I heard my stomach and decided to worry aboutthe name later. Too hungry to think. I ate a yummy chicken sandwich,rice and grape Fanta before hiding the name from the rest of thegang. Kaito was the next one to wake up and also started eating,perhaps faster than Kumuchi. Maki woke up afterwards with anunsettling stomach before seeing the bag of food beside her. Seeingthat Kaito and Kumuchi were fine, she trusted that the food wasn'tpoisonous, then started eating. Gonta didn't think much beforeeating, being he was starving.

"Gonta never felt so hungry," Gontasaid.

"Same. I wonder how much time haspassed. Monaca never said how long we'd be asleep," Maki agreed,pulling her hair back.

"Well... at least we're stillalive," Kaito replied optimistically with a mouth full of food.

I doubt that every one of us on thisship is left alive, especially after vacuuming up my food. Nowfilled, I stood up, spotting a letter inside my bag. I quickly got itout, then threw my bag into the nearest trash can, making sure thename Ouma was covered. Reading the letter, my eyes widened andteeth clutched. Kaito spotted this.

"You got something? What's it say?"Kaito asked.

"...." I couldn't lie. I replied,"I can't say what it is. Some of this is too personal, so I willonly say what is needed, but it's bad."

"..." Maki shot a warning glare ofsorts.

"It's from Kirumi. We've been asleepfor two days and to give us a chance to move forward, she took herown life. Her corpse is inside her room. There's also others behindthat curtain over there," I replied, pointing to a curtain thatcovered a certain corner of the laundry room. Apparently, there was apile of white towels and blankets shaped into a bed, a shadow showingfour small children, who crawled from behind the curtain.

"Children?" Maki muttered. She thensaw the letter in her lunch bag, then eyes widened. "Huh?"

"Let me see that!" Kaito said,gently snatching the letter, reading it, then burst into laughter."She still thinks you're the Ultimate Child Caregiver!?"

"She... was exicuted before knowingmy true talent in the killing game," Maki muttered as the childrenwalked closer to her. "Um..."

"Hello," A little girl greeted, shelooked to be 4 years old.

"Where's big brother?" another girlof the same age asked, tapping Maki's shoulder as she heard a beepingsound on her wrist band. She read the name: Sora Amami. She looked tohave short light green hair and turquoise eyes in pink overalls, awhite shirt and white tennis shoes.

"Oooooooh, what's that?" The othergirl asked, grabbing Maki's wrist with the wristband as it made abeeping sound, showing Suzu Amami. She looked like Sora, only withlonger hair in french braids. Twin?

The other two were younger. One was ablond toddler sucking her thumb and the other one was an infant. Shewoke up, then was crying before grabbing her bottle, then starteddrinking. The infant was probably 1, while the other one was probably3.

"Aww, they're cute! You should syncwith them, Maki-Roll!" Kaito grinned.

"I'm not really the Ultimate ChildCaregiver," Maki replied, flushing slightly before the infantdropped her bottle, then started wailing. She sighed, then walkedover to the infant to give her back the bottle before her wristbandbeeped, then read the name in orange: Aiko Amami. She was an infantin a white onesies that had a flower print. She had white socks onewith ribbon bows at the hose of the socks and short white hair.

"Well, you just might be now," Iteased, though wasn't lying about that either.

"Shut up," Maki glared slightly asshe felt someone tugging on her sleeve, turning to see the toddlersucking her thumb.

"I'm hungwy," the toddler said asMaki heard her wristband making a beeping sound, reading in orange:Christine Sky. She had blond hair in small french braids tied ingreen ribbons. She was wearing a short green dress.

Maki sighed. It couldn't be helped now.She searched around the makeshift bed, then found a bag with somehomemade baby food for Aiko and a small meal with juice forChristine. She gave Christine the meal and juice, who started eating.The twins sat on the ground, folded their legs, then ate their mealsas well, which they found in their own little bags. While they werelearning how to read, they could at least read their own names.

"You gotta admit, Maki-Roll, they'readorable. I think you'll take really good care of them. You are theUltimate Assassin after all," Kaito said, grinning.

"What's assassin?" Suzu asked.

"Yeah, what's azazin?" Sora asked.

"She said assassin."

"That's what I said."

"No, you didn't."

"No fighting and you can ask yourbrother when we find him," Maki replied gently, then gave Kaito adeadly look, who gulped in fear.

"Those kids are sure drawn to you.I'd say I'm jealous, but I'd be lying. Though, I do wish I was asgood at caring for children," I said with my hands behind my head,then tilting it.

"Gonta wish that too. Gonta findchildren so cute," Gonta said with sparkling eyes.

"Be careful what you wish for,"Maki said. "It's not as glamorous as it looks."

"I know, but it would be nice if Icould be able to help children that don't have anyone to care forthem," I admitted sadly. I began thinking about Mom, my adoptedmother to be specific, her long pink hair and bright smile withtwinkling eyes. She was 14 years old when she adopted me as her own.I had two important people in my life, my mother and my sister,Kimiko. Kimiko was in my motivational video and hoped she's alright.

"Hey, are you alright there, Cap?"Kaito asked.

".... I miss my mom and sis. Mysister is here, but I don't know where. I'm worried about her."

"Oh, well don't worry. I'll help youfind her. I'm sure she's alright. I mean you're alive, aren't ya?"Kaito replied, grinning.

I snorted, "..."

"Hey Kumuchi, Gonta want to ask whatKumuchi's mother is like?" Gonta asked.

".... she's sweet. She's a lot likeKirumi, sweet but also scary sometimes. My sister was the same way,"I replied.

"Sounds like what Gonta's Mommy waslike too," Gonta replied, smiling slightly.

"Hey, after eating, how about we gotraining?" Kaito asked.

"Training? Kaito we have a limitedamount of time, like three hours. Besides that, we need to contactMom," I said, getting out my letter from Kirumi.

"Mom?" Kaito asked.

"Kirumi gave me a map to a computerthat will give us one chance to contact three people. The person shechose for me is my mom," I replied.

"Is she really thatimportant?" Maki asked with slightly glaring eyes.

"Of course she is! She's the CEO ofDICE!" I said as Maki and Kaito's jaws dropped.

"C E O?" Gonta questioned, notknowing what that is.

"Wait, isn't Kokichi the leader ofDICE?" Maki asked.

"Kokichi Ouma is known as the leaderof a branch of DICE around the west wing of Towa City that has tenmembers. Mom is the head honcho of the entire organization of over10,000 members," I said with a deadpan face.

Kaito seemed quiet about that, whileMaki angrily said, "that little punk!"

"We can train after we contact yourmom," Kaito replied with an optimistic grin.

"Gonta want to train too!" Gontacried excitedly.

"Is there a train?" Suzu asked.

"I wanna play choo choo train!"Sora cried excitedly.

"It's not that kind of train. It's akind of exercise I will show you when we do it," Maki said.

"Okay!" the Twins said together.

"Twan! Twan!" Christine criedhappily.

Just as Kumuchi finished eating, therewas a knock on the door. Everyone turned to the door, which still hadthe drier and washer blocking it.


"We gotta do something!" Kaitoshouted.

"What about the children?" Makiasked protectively.

"Gonta and I will take care of theseguys," I said.

"NO CAN DO! GONTA CAN'T WATCHVIOLENCE!" Gonta shouted freaking out.

"Gee, you hate violence that much?It's just destroying robots," I said.

"NO CAN DO! GONTA NOT ALLOWED!"Gonta cried, still freaking out, covering his eyes. That was when Isaw the wristband: witnessing violence.

"Oh, it's his forbidden action.Gonta, you stay here and watch the kids, while Astronaut Boy helpsout," I said as Kaito grinned.

"Leave it to me," Kaito repliedcockily.

Gonta removed the washer and drierbefore I opened, the door, getting out my sling-shot, then witnessinga small boy with short black hair pushing away a giant monokuma witha poll. He looked scared. I quickly got out my electric capsule, thenshot it at the red eye of the monokuma, who then began shooting boltsof electricity before exploding. The explosion hit the otherMonokumas and they exploded as well.

The boy looked at me with hopeful grayeyes, then grinned before running to me with arms around me.

"Thank you! Thank you!" The boycried happily as I heard a beeping sound from my wristband. Inorange, it read: Mokoto Naegi Jr. Huh?

Mokoto Naegi?" I asked, incrediblyconfused, but looking at this kid, he did seem very familiar.

"Yep! Monaca kidnapped me before youtook off. I was scared, but I'm alright now!" Mokoto said with hischildish smile. "At least I found out my talent, though it's notvery good."

"Who are you and whose loved one doyou belong to?" Maki asked.

"Everyone... I think. Monaca says ifI die, everyone dies. I don't know why though. I'm nothing specialreally. Even my talent sucks," Mokoto admitted.

"You have a talent? Aren't you 10 orsomething?" I asked, still confused.

"Yep. Little Ultimate Hostage,"Mokoto replied. I stared at him dumbfounded. "I told you itsucked."

"How is that a talent?" Maki asked.

"I don't know, though luck and hopeare talents too. There's also an Ultimate Affluent Progeny, so..."Mokoto replied, shrugging.

"Well, either way, you're myresponsibility now, kid," I said.

"I ran into Doctor before we passedout. He told me to give you this," Mokoto said, giving me some sortof shot needle. I was confused until I read the label, then nodded."Also, since you're the leader, you can use your leader tab on yourpad to contact the other leaders from the other groups, includingDoctor. You can find out information about their current location orupdate any information needed, except for information on ForbiddenActions. That will only be updated, if you found out about it on yourown or if told by a third party."

I took out my pad, then tapped on theLeader tab. Compared to before, I was able to see the names of theother leaders: Kaede and Keebo, Shuichi's name being on the bottomhighlighted in black. I tapped on Shuichi, who showed Doctorunder Nickname. It showed his bio and two buttons showed message andrequest. I tapped request and it took me to a page with Shuichi'sicon on to top left-hand corner with a quote bubble reading "whatdo you need?" There were choices: first aid, food and lessons. Iclicked first aid and it showed poison, cure, bandages, cold pads,heat pads, masks, Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen. How the helldoes Shuichi know how to make this shit!? I mean I know his researchlab included poisons of different kinds and cures for them, but fuckme Lord Nagito! This bastard's got the goods!

I clicked under food and it showedFanta, water, milk, sandwiches, rice balls, chips and burgers. Therewas a warning under red: food is limited, so please use thesesparingly and be aware of the other teams that need this. Underlessons, there was CPR, Treat Injuries, Treat Burns, Treat Frostbite,Treat Hypothermia, Treat Heat Stroke, Splinting, Treat Poisoning,Shock, Tooth Knockout and Bites. Again, how the fuck does Shuichiknow this shit? At least the food one makes perfect sense, being heknows how to cook and it's not chef quality, but lord Auta help meplease! I mean, I suppose it makes sense for Shuichi to show simplefirst aid as being a part of the police, but knowledge in medicinesand cures is kinda pushing it. We're going to need a serious talkafter this. Actually, I can.

I typed message and typed, 'How thehell do you know about medicines and cures?' then sent it.

"You can also put in any knowledge orsupplies you are willing to offer to your other teammates or requestany items. Since there is limited supplies on this ship, you mightneed to share any items you may find with the other teams or keepthem for yourself. Try it," Mokoto replied as I tapped Kaede'sname, then saw nothing. I guess she didn't place anything yet. Ipressed Keebo's name and there were several items, including onesthat Shuichi already had, but new ones included upgrade weapons andbags.

Under my name, I included rags andtowels, since there were plenty of them in the laundry room. We couldmake a knapsack. I turned, then began collecting rags and towels.

"Kumuchi, why do we need those?"Kaito asked.

"Anything can happen and since wehave babies and limited supplies, we might need something in case thebabies start throwing up or one of us starts bleeding," I replied.

"Kumuchi smart," Gonta replied.

"Yep. We can also make knapsacks withthem, so if you don't have anything to carry supplies in, use those.Also, since we are together, we need to be prepared for anythingsudden that happens. If anyone starts hurting, just tell me and Iwill get Doctor to get us something," I explained.

"Doctor?" Maki asked, narrowing hereyes slightly.

"There's someone named Doctor that isoffering any medical needs. For any emergency situations, we'll beusing codes. Code Blue means passed out, code Red means fire, codeblack means bomb, code yellow means missing person and code pinkmeans bleeding. Any questions?" I asked.

"Yes, Gonta can't see violence. Whatshould Gonta do?" Gonta asked.

"If any of you are in danger fromyour Forbidden Actions, say code white and you can cover your eyes,Gonta. Just make sure you're behind us," I replied.

"O... Okay," Gonta replied.

"I think we're good," Kaitoreplied, grinning.

"Then, let's go," I said, Maki wasabout to get up before her eyes widened, then sat back down.

"Um... code pink," Maki said, herface showing a hint of red. I already knew what she meant. Shit.

"Code pink. That means bleedingright? Where are you bleeding? Are you alright!?" Kaito asked,freaking out.

"Kaito, calm down, there are kidshere and it's not that big of a deal. I just need a rag," Makireplied as Gonta tossed her a rag.

"Change behind the curtain, while Iget you some pain meds," I said as Maki nodded, then rushed behindthe curtain where the kids were found. There was a puddle of bloodwhere she sat.

"Oh my god, Maki, that's not just abig-" Kaito shouted, before I slapped him.

"Cut it out! It's not internalbleeding. Did you ever take Sex Ed?" I asked with slightly glaringeyes.

"Uh... I fell asleep during that,"Kaito said. I facepalmed. The idiot!

"GONTA HAS! Oh... is that what thisis?" Gonta asked, cheeks flushing before getting a rag to clean theblood up. The twins helped.

"It's okay, we have big sisters thathave that too," Sora replied.

"I'm still confused," Kaito said.Lord Atua help me! Luckily, Mokoto whispered it to Kaito, whose eyesturned to saucers. I had to laugh at that one.

After Maki came out, I decided to ordersome Ibuprofen from Shuichi. The girls finished cleaning up theblood, then we headed out. Maki held Aiko, while Gonta held Christineon his back. The twins followed Maki. We walked down the hallway.There laid a hallway full of broken Monokumas that reached throughoutthe entire hallway to two separate hallways that connected. Accordingto the map given to me by Kirumi, we are supposed to go on the left.

I heard a banging sound from theceiling and saw a black figure in the vents dropping me some pillsand a message reading 'My uncle knows and taught me about poisons andmedicines.' Okay, that makes sense. I tossed the pills toMaki, who smiled and nodded a 'thank you.' I guess Shuichi travelsinside the vents to protect and deliver shit to the groups. No wonderhe's nicknaming himself Doctor. Clever.

"Who was that?" Kaito asked. Ilooked up at the vents, then at my forbidden action.

"Doctor. He's a friend, providingmedical needs and food. That sort," I reply.

"Whatever you say."

"I know that we need to depend oneach other, but I feel as though we are walking around here blindly,"Maki said with a voice showing discomfort.

I groaned, "I'm doing the best I can,but I can't tell you everything or else it could mean someone'slife."

"Gonta don't want to lose friends!Not good!" Gonta replied, scared.

"Fine, but can you at least tell uswho this Doctor person is without killing someone?" Maki asked,trying to calm herself down.

"He's a part of Gofer like the restof us with the responsibility of defending Gofer against Junko or anyof her followers," I replied.

"Wait, seriously? So, there's somesort of security that monitors and protects the ship against Junko orany followers like the crazy Monaca gal?" Kaito asked, looking upat the vent where Shuichi dropped the medicine.

"Yeah, several of them actually.Doctor is one of them. Actually, all of you came to Gofer withassigned stations and missions. Each of you worked on different partsof the ship. I was the Captain, of course, so my assigned mission wasto keep everyone safe and make sure we were able to make this colonymission a success," I explained.

"W-We were? That's cool! To behonest, I feel honored you'd choose all of us!" Kaito grinned.

"Yeah, you should," I grinned,though I don't remember why they were chosen or my relationship withthem. While my memories are slowly returning, it isn't happeningevery few minutes. It happens in a trickle. Sometimes I don't evenknow I remember something until it comes to me. I only remember asmuch as the flashback lights have shown me.

"So, what was I assigned?" Ofcourse, the idiot would ask that.

"Pilot, of course. You are theUltimate Astronaut."

"HA! Yeah!"

"What about me? I can't imagineanyone picking the Ultimate Assassin for an important mission,"Maki asked, tugging on one of her pigtails.

"Hm... actually, you were likeDoctor, you were part of security to protect this ship from Junko orher followers," I replied as Maki stared at me with saucer-likeeyes.

"What!?" Maki gasped.

"Maki was supposed to protect Gofer?Was Gonta supposed to protect Gofer too?" Gonta asked.

"Na, you were in charge ofVegetation. You know, planting fruits, vegetables, and herbs formedicine," I replied. I could only guess that there was some sortof green house where Shuichi was getting his ingredients for themedications he was giving out. Still baffles me that he knows how tomake medicine.

"So... I was supposed to protectGofer...?" Maki asked, her eyes seemingly filled with doubt andsome sort of regret. Was she blaming herself for not protecting Goferfrom Monaca?

"Look, I'm just as equallyresponsible for not spotting her on this ship. If there's anyone toblame, it's me. Don't put all that weight onto yourself. Put it on meand I'll help you out. You three are my subordinates. Don't blameyourselves for Monaca pulling her bullshit. I'm the one to blame, notyou three. The same goes for you, Kaito. You got that?" I said in atone I have only heard myself say to my subordinates of DICE. Kaitostared at me with shockfilled eyes as if he was trying to remembersomething. Did I trigger a memory? Does he know I'm the same lyingKokichi? I don't think so, since I've never shown this side to mebefore.

"You sound a lot like a true leader,"Mokoto grinned, I returned it with my own.


"Yeah, though it's no surprise.You've always been like this, even when it was just you, Kaito, Miuand Keebo."

"..." I stood in silence, knowing Icouldn't reveal I didn't remember.

"What do you mean?" Kaito asked.

"Well, you see, all of you wereoriginally supposed to take off on Gofer after you graduated, but itturned out that the ship had to take off a year early. Everyone ranaway, except you, Kumuchi, Miu and Keebo. Dad thought that Gofermight end up taking off with just the four of you," Mokotoexplained.

"So.... I ran away too?" Maki askedsadly.

"Gonta too?" Gonta asked.

"I don't blame anyone for beingscared. I'd be scared too. Leaving on Gofer meant that you wouldleave your families and friends behind and never see them again.There was also a chance the world would be destroyed. Everyone wasprepared to sacrifice everything," Mokoto said, moping slightly.

I stared down at the floor. This mustbe so much weight to carry and for everyone to run away, except thefour of us, I know I would've panicked. I was responsible foreveryone and knowing that everyone was leaving, I couldn't just dragthem back. I had to use what I had with me. Man, how was I able tosurvive working with Kaito, the bitch and roboboy as the onlysubordinates I had? I barely tolerated the idiot.

"I can't imagine not being scared, ifit was just the four of us. I mean damnit, how the hell am I supposedto run the shit with just the four of us!?" Kaito asked with a bitof hint of frustration. It then dawned on him. "I was scared."Yeah... he was. I remember how scared all of us were, even Miu.

"You remember?" Maki asked.

"Yeah... a bit. Actually, I've alwaysremembered, but I couldn't exactly pinpoint who it was or where itwas."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... you remember how I madeShuichi my sidekick?" Kaito asked as Maki nodded. "Well, thereason I did that was because I saw his motive video." Am I theonly one that saw that coming? Like seriously called it! "Irealized he was having to solve all these cases on his own and... Iknew the feeling, of feeling like you're the only one having to runthe god damn ship and everyone's counting on you. I remember mycaptain telling me to leave everything to him and everything would beokay, or at least I thought it was a him. Heh, who would'vethought it would've been Captain Kumuchi that inspired me? Nooffense, but you're way too cute to be the leader type." I'm goingto ignore that, but he did seem to be joking. Still...

"I... inspired you?" I asked,feeling both flustered and flabbergasted.

"Yeah, you taught me to believe inmyself and everyone around me. You can't run a ship, unless you trustyour subordinates, right?" Kaito asked with a bright grin and apumped up fist.

So... it was me. I'm the reason he's anidiot. He believes in everyone, because I inspired him. Myskills as the Ultimate Supreme Leader taught him that a leader is totake responsibility for every action that happens. Of course, I didthat, because it's my job. The idiot did it, so Shuichi wouldn't feelso much stress. Two different things. Still, I suppose taking theblame for my subordinates does raise their moral and perhaps theidiot saw that. Believing in your subordinates is different frombelieving blindly in everyone, but at least I understand now why he'slike this.

I chuckled, "you really are somethingelse."

"Huh?" Kaito asked confused.

"It's true that trusting in yoursubordinates is important, but it also means you know when notto trust them. Because you trust them, you also trust what theircapabilities and incapabilities are. I think you're very capable ofproviding great moral, but even that can come at a price. In thisgame, it's important to know that every single one of us is equallycapable of taking out a life, but how we take it is where our trustcomes," I said as Kaito stood in silence. I looked at Maki. "You'llbe looking after the kids. Your life is in their hands, so stay closeand use your Assassin talent to watch your back." Maki nodded as Istood at the front. "I'll lead the way. Everyone make sure thatMaki and the kids are in the middle. Gonta's in the back."

I was at the front, Mokoto at my side.Gonta was in the back, being able to spot if an monokumas werenearby, then cover his eyes. Our routine was set. If monokumas came,I would be at the front, Gonta would be protecting the children,using his body as a shield and the other two would help me fight.

As we walked down the hallway, mefollowing the map to a location that seemed to be a library. I openeda door to the left, which led to what looked to be like an elevator,only without buttons on the inside. There was only one button on theoutside and according to the instructions on the side, after pressed,we were to close the door and it would cut off our gravity. We werein outer space, so it made sense that there was some sort of gravitygenerator.

"Everyone inside!" I instructed aseveryone huddled inside the room and I pressed the button. Afterclosing the sliding door, gravity was cut off and I felt myselffloating in midair. Kaito looked like a kid at a fair as he beganswimming up.

"WHOOHOO! I've always wanted to dothis! HAHAHAHA!" Kaito laughed excitedly.

"Idiot," Maki chuckled, followingher man. I'm calling it now!

"Okay, Maki-Roll, when's thewedding?" I teased as Maki's face turned red, then shot me a glare.Yep, worth it!

"What wedding? Is someone gettingmarried?" Kaito asked.

"Geez, you're denser than a rockright now," I snorted.

"What do you...? oh..." Kaitoreplied, staring at Maki's reddened face. He smirked at me. "So,you can tease."

"Duh, I can't exactly be a goodcaptain without any comedy," I grinned.

"Yeah, but... never mind," Kaitosaid before I pulled out the platform beside the door on the top,then opened the sliding door. As soon as I did, the gravity generatoractivated and we all landed on the platform.

As soon as I opened the door, a groupof monokumas turned, then faced us, but they weren't just the regularmonokumas we saw piling up. They were all Monokid's.

"HEY, YOU FUCKERS! GET READY, BECAUSEI'M ABOUT TO SMASH YOU HARD LIKE A WRECKING BALL!" The Monokidsshouted, getting out their guitars and running after us.

"Gonta, hide the kids!" Makishouted, handing Gonta Aiko, while the other three hid in front ofGonta, who covered them with his body.

"Maki!" Sora cried.

"Stay with Gonta, okay," Maki toldthe kids before getting out her crossbow, then pointing at theMonokids. She had swallowed the pills earlier in the kitchen, butthey still hadn't kicked in yet. She could feel the cramp painsaround her thighs and abdomen. If she didn't focus, she would likelybe hurt and she was bleeding more blood than everyone else, so shehad to be careful.

"Kaito, stay by Maki, the medshaven't kicked in yet and I can tell from this side she's havingcramp pains," I commanded as Kaito stood close to Maki with hisfists up. I'm going to need to get him some better weapons. Maybethese Monokids could help.

I smirked, getting out my capsule,placing it inside my sling-shot, then pulling it back.

"Rock this, Monokid," I mutteredwith my signature smirk.

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