Chapter 1: Team Keebo
There are hostages joining in at theend of this chapter. The reason they're not in the title is because alot of shit happens, a group of them split up and we don't know theirnames yet. They only come around the end bit. So, for now, we won'tknow what they look like. Besides, it would be hell to draw all ofthem. I will see if I can get right to it. For now, this is allyou're going to get. Enjoy!
I ran after Miu, knowing I was going toneed her help if I ever planned on surviving this second killinggame. As much as I would like to be treated like everyone else, Icannot deny the fact I am a robot and depend on someone to do anymaintenance, make sure I'm cleaned and I work properly. Miu hasalways been the only person to do that. I did not want to depend onMonokuma again, after using that hidden voice inside of me to controlme. Monaca person must have wipedmy memories of my robotic functions and how they work.
Originally, what I thought was a hiddenvoice was actually a transmitter. I often used it with myProfessor as a way to look after me when I was by myself at school oranywhere in the public. If the worst came, he would be able to typein the code to switch my AI to Manual Mode. This function can only beused by someone with a computer, iPad or smartphone with the rightprogram downloaded. With that, I am under the mercy of anyone thatuses the Manual Mode. Considering Monaca mentioned about our lovedones being placed hostage, she must have found the code when shekidnapped my Professor, then used it against me during the lasttrial. Luckily, I did have an Emergency Shutdown, but it could onlybe used by the Professor. He must've used it at the last few momentsbefore I woke up. Professor Idabashi always carried my EmergencyShutdown on his remote on his person. I need to find him. He's theonly loved one I have, aside from my friends on this ship.
Calling Miu, she ran across the halluntil she came to a stop at a cross way. Another hallway across fromwhere we came from looked to be like another hallway where each ofthe girls were assigned rooms. I noticed Tenko staring at the doorwith her name on it and a tablet. Himiko was now on the ground nextto her. Himiko turned around, and noticed her own room not too farfrom Tenko's with her own name and tablet that was easy for her toreach.
"Can someone tell me what the fuck isgoing on here!?" Miu shouted, I followed her.
"It seems to me like each of us havea room of our own, those divided between the boys and girls. Theserooms in this hall must be for the girls," I figured, turningaround and finding the hallway we came from. All the rooms to theboy's were located there, including my own.
"HA! It's always good to separate thegirls from any degenerates," Tenko grinned excitedly.
"Hmph, whatever! If this is my roomover here, this golden brain might find something that could beuseful against those Monokumas we saw behind that Monaca bitch,"Miu replied, her spirit seemingly higher than before.
"I agree," I said, looking back atmy forbidden action. "I'm going to check inside my room and see ifI can find anything. Afterwards, I think we could meet up back hereand figure out what to do next. If possible, Miu, I'd like to ask ifit would be okay to make weapons for us to combat against thoseMonokumas we saw on the screen."
"Hmph, I suppose I could whip upsomething, but why would you need it?" Miu asked me.
I hesitated. It wasn't that I didn'ttrust Miu or even the other two girls, but I still remember when themastermind took control of me against my will. I couldn't be sure ifI'd allow anyone to use Manual Control on me after that. Still, Icouldn't lie to them and Monaca certain knew what all our ForbiddenActions are anyways. Sighing, I showed Miu my forbidden action andshe rose her eyebrows.
"O-Oh... I s-s-suppose I could makesomething useful," Miu replied awkwardly, twirling her blond lockaround her finger. Then, she grinned, showing a braggadocios smirk."I mean, after all, I am the golden girl genius in thisbitch! I'll whip up something in no time at all!"
"Thank you, Miu. I'm glad I havesomeone I can count on," I thanked with a smile.
"Y-You better! I'm the only geniushere that can, you know!" Miu replied before unlocking the door toher room with the scanner on her tablet. That is some interestingpiece of technology.
I had realized at this point that Tenkoand Himiko were in their own rooms, so I went inside my own. Thetablet in front of my door scanned me before unlocking the door.Entering inside, I was amazed by the amount of robotic technology Ifound in this room. It was breathtaking to say the least.Unfortunately, I would never be able to use any of them. So, Icollected my hydrogen and oxygen capsules. They were my robotic fuelmy professor built on me, so I would be echo friendly.Normally, I had a function that could collect any oxygen and hydrogenaround me to use as fuel, but my forbidden action prevented me fromusing this function, so I had to live off of my basics, using thecapsules. I just hope these are enough to help me function throughuntil Monaca is defeated.
Even though I couldn't use any of theseamazing robotic functions, it wasn't to say they couldn't be useful.I'm sure Miu could find some use for them, so I began searching foranything that could be useful against those Monokumas. I found a fewthings and collected all of them before leaving my room, walking toMiu's room, then knocking on her door.
"Um... Miu, I found some stuff in myroom I think would be beneficial for you," I said as the dooropened.
Miu speculated what was to be part ofmy robotic functions that I could no longer use. She smirked, thentook them. Grinning, she said, "perfect. If you find anything, justgive me a knock and I'll be there!"
I smiled, then nodded. Walking back, Inoticed Kaito being dragged out of that other room by Maki. Gontaseemed to be following them. All of them stopped, looking around andstaring at the rooms with everyone's names on them.
"Whoa," Kaito responded.
"Hey, it seems like we each haverooms of our own. We should probably check them out and find anythingwe can use as weapons against those Monokumas," I suggested.
"Sounds good to me," Maki agreed.
"I suppose. I still can't believethat little coward just turn the lights out and ran out from us,"Kaito seethed, raising his fists.
"Perhaps, but I think Kokichi made agood point about us splitting up. We might be able to cover moreground this way and heighten our chances of survival," I said.
"I suppose," Kaito muttered, hisface showing an annoyed expression.
"Why are you standing for the littlepunk? Didn't you forget how he screwed us over time and time againwithout end?" Maki asked, her eyes looking deadly.
"Look, I'm not standing for anything,especially not for Kokichi," I said defensively. "Though, if itis true about him being a victim of the Towa City Massacre and thathe was trying to end the killing game his own way, I can't deny thathe did have good ideas and was right on some areas. Despite whatKokichi was, Shuichi never ignored his ideas and always listened tohis side of the story and his ideas during the class trials. It wasbecause of that he was able to get to the truth. I know, if he washere... he'd want us to do the same," I said with a heavy heart.
There was a long pause, but I could seeon their faces that they couldn't disagree with me. Kaito seemed tobe agreeing with me especially. Gonta was staring at the ground for awhile. He came forward and said something.
"Gonta... knows that Kokichi is notalways friendly. Gonta knows that Kokichi lies and manipulates.But... Gonta believes Kokichi is good. Kokichi apologized to Gontafor tricking Gonta about Bug Meet and Greet. Kokichi saw Kokichi'sMotive video and hated to be alone," Gonta explained.
"So, you saw his motive video too.But, is that really why Kokichi tricked you or is that just anotherlie?" Maki asked.
"No, Kokichi was telling Gonta truthsthis time!"
"I believe he was telling the truthtoo. I mean you saw how Kokichi acted after Gonta's execution. I waspretty angry after the trial, but I knew why Kokichi was doing that.He was doing exactly what Shuichi was doing after Kaede's death. Ipunched Shuichi too. Sure, I was harsh, but I know the feeling oflosing someone you love. If you don't learn to control your emotions,they control you. I was hoping I could get through to Kokichi like Idid to Shuichi, but... the ass is a hard nut to crack, you know?"Kaito confessed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Kokichi says working together wouldmake us targets like Kaede. It was why Kokichi tried to spliteveryone up."
"I suppose it makes sense. If all ofus worked together, the game would've ended quicker. Didn't Rantaroalso tell Kaede that getting everyone together would make her abigger target? He is the Ultimate Survivor, whatever that means," Isaid. For some reason, I was sure it was Ultimate Adventurer, butmaybe it meant something else? Ultimates having their titles changewasn't uncommon.
"Should we all split up then?" Makiasked Kaito.
Sighing, Kaito replied, "I hate tosay it, but maybe we should consider Kokichi's words. He's a lyingsack of shit, but... I believe in him. Perhaps splitting up is a goodidea, for now."
"Then, it's decided."
"I'll be wishing you guys luck. I'llbe with Miu, Tenko and Himiko," I decided.
"Then, good luck, Keeboy. We'll seeif we can find that little bastard," Kaito promised.
"Be careful."
"No worries. I've got this," Kaitopromised, giving me a thumbs up and a wink.
I waved the trio goodbye as they eachentered into their own rooms. I removed my tablet and was amazed byhow organized this was. I was able to find Miu's, Tenko's andHimiko's information under the Team Section, though no leader wasdeclared as of yet and non of their forbidden actions are shown. Isuppose we'll need someone to lead the team. Maybe Tenko? She seemslike a leader type, though I don't know how Miu would feel aboutthat. They would clash for sure. I'll worry about that later.
After getting the hang of how thistablet worked, I left my room, then waited for Miu, Tenko and Himikofrom the girl's hallway. Tenko returned back with what looked to belike some sort of Samurai sword, if I ever saw one. The blade lookedvery sharp like it could cut through metal. Himiko appeared from herroom with some sort of magician's staff in her hand. I... don't knowhow she expects to use a magician's staff to attack roboticMonokuma's, but I'd rather not go into a debate over magic being realor not.
Miu appeared with what looked to belike some sort of megaphone. She grinned proudly at her latestinvention.
"Feast your eyes on this! No need tothank me!" Miu bragged, showing off her invention.
"Some kind of megaphone?" Tenkoasked. "What exactly is it supposed to be used for?"
"Maybe it's a magicalmegaphone," Himiko guessed.
"It's no god damn megaphone!It sends programming code into any robotics or machines and forcesany command you give them, depending on what function you use," Miuexplained, showing the different buttons. "You can use Dance,Break, Throwback, Move, Paralyze and other functions. Though, juiceruns out quickly, so make sure you recharge it or switch out newbatteries. I'm sure you'll find some around this fucking dump truck."
"That's so cool!" Tenko said withglittering eyes.
"Neh, I feel like I've seen thesethings before," Himiko shrugged, looking bored.
It does seem familiar, but either way,it can certainly come in handy. I smiled, then told Miu, "thankyou. You have always been a great help to me."
"D-Don't mention it," Miu repliedbashfully, showing a slight flush on her cheeks.
"So, what's the plan?" Tenko asked.
"Hm... according to these tablets, ittells us the map of this ship, but only the ones we've been to. Myguess is that the more we explore, the more we'll know about thisplace. It also shows us information about our group, aside from ourforbidden actions," I explained, getting out my tablet.
"Not mine. Mine shows me yourforbidden action, but no one else's," Miu corrected me, showing memy forbidden action away from Tenko and Himiko on her tablet.
"Mine shows me Himiko's forbiddenaction!" Tenko cried out in surprise.
"Mine shows Tenko's, but it doesn'treally matter, since we told each other our forbidden actions,"Himiko said.
"Huh... so when we find out theforbidden actions of our comrades, these tablets seem to record itinto our tablets. But, how does it know when we discover someone'sforbidden action?" I wondered.
"Maybe it's maaaaaaaagic," Himikothought.
"Maybe, but you also remember thoseMicrokumas with those cameras?" I reminded Himiko.
"M-M-Microkumas!?" Tenko cried out,her eyes shaped like saucers.
"Wait, so that's what those fuckingnats are called!?" Miu almost screamed.
"So, you knew about it too?" Iasked.
"Yeah. Me and the dipshit. He told mehe didn't think Gonta was just fucking around about tiny bugsor something like that. He told me to make him a fucking bug vacuum.I looked at it and I found these tiny nats that looked likeMonokumas, only they had fucking cameras. I made some Electrobombs totake out those fucking nats," Miu bragged, grinning, while Tenkoseemed confused and freaking out over the fact we were all beingwatched. "I was planning to bust into that Exisul Hanger, aftershowing you the Virtual Reality World, before that Goliath decided tofucking kill me!"
"Y-You've gotta be kidding me!"Tenko screamed.
"But, didn't you try to kill Kokichifirst?" I asked.
"That was part of the plan, youfucktard! The little gremlin planned his death to create a crimescene that Monokumba would've never been able to figure out! It wasperfect too, until that idiot ruined it!" Miu explained furiously.
So, Kokichi was originally planning anunsolvable murder with Miu in the Neo World Program? I guess it makessense, considering Kokichi's character was purposely made to beweaker and, for some reason, Kokichi agreed to meet up with Miu onthe roof instead of staying where he was at, meeting up with Shuichiand Tsumugi or even just going to the telephone and leaving beforeMiu got to the roof. Though, a lot of things don't make any sense.Why would Miu help Kokichi? I could understand maybe Shuichi, he wasthe only person that considered Kokichi's words, but no one trustedKokichi. Then again, Kaito agreed to help Kokichi after attacking himmoments ago. Perhaps Kokichi's talent in leadership and manipulationis stronger than I anticipated.
"Why would you trust, Kokichi? He's aliar," Himiko asked.
"Y-Yeah and a degenerate malenonetheless," Tenko agreed.
"You guys really are stupid! Firstoff, the gremlin is a flat-chested bitch pretending to have a dick,"Miu corrected.
"Wait, you mean Kokichi's... AGIRL!?!" I almost screamed.
"W-W-WH-WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?!" Tenkoscreamed.
"A... girl?" Himiko asked, just asshocked as the rest of us.
"Yeah, I was surprised too, but youcan only hide your boobs for so long. But yeah. Second, thecocksucker knew more about what the fuck was going on around herethan any of us. She knew we were being watched, targeted if we triedworking together and singing kumbaya, along with our motivesattempting to split us all up so we'd kill each other," Miuexplained.
"Huh?" I asked, still trying toprocess all of this, this new information I didn't know Miu knewabout.
"Third, Kokichi and I were alone.Thanks to Monoshitheads, the two geniuses that knew all the damn shitgoing on were isolated through those fucking motives. Why do youthink Kokichi was one of the two people that didn't have someoneelse's motive videos? That fucking bitch was trying to isolate herfrom everyone, so she wouldn't be able to befriend anyone. Did youthink Kaito's friendship with Poochi was coincidence? HELL NO! Theyhad each other's fucking motive videos! Monokuma was trying to pairthem up. The same with Himiko and Angie. That fucking relationshipwas no accident. That bitch was trying to separate the two of you andgive a motive to murder. That was all orchestrated!Had it not beenfor those motives, the lying bitch and her detective boyfriendwould've hooked up faster than dogs mating, and that would've endedthe killing game for good, so those two can breed like rabbits."
..... Ignoring the last bit, so Kokichireally was one step ahead. This was a lot to process, but for somereason, I believe it. I can now understand why Miu worked withKokichi or was possibly close with her. They were both girls nottrusted or liked by anyone. It was hard to believe there was even arelationship, considering how Kokichi treated Miu, but maybe that wasa lie in itself. After all, working together made them targets, so itmade sense to treat each other like dogs. But, why would Miu go alongwith it?
"You two never seemed like you gotalong," I said calmly.
"Maybe, but Kokichi was the only onethat didn't ignore me, that actually gave a damn at the time. Yeah,she can be as catty as fuck, but she wasn't fake. She was a liar, shealways said she was a liar, that she wasn't trusted. I'd rather trusta liar than a fake, someone who claims they're honest and truthful,when they're just some backstabber that lies to your face beforebetraying you when your back is turned. I didn't know who to trust.There was you, but... I knew about the inner voice and I couldn'ttrust it," Miu confessed.
I'll be honest, I felt really bad forMiu. Even though I could trust Miu, it hurt she couldn't trust me forobvious reasons. Tenko seemed to feel the same way, including Himiko.Miu was right, Kokichi was a liar, but he... she wasn't a fake. Whatyou saw in Kokichi was what you got. Kokichi never lied about who shewas. She was a liar and you either loved or hated it. Can't be saidfor Tsumugi, who lied about everything from who she was, to hermotives. I suppose, if not for the killing game, I could've learnedto adapt to Kokichi's lying tactics and perhaps even became friendswith her.
"So... what now?" Himiko asked.
I looked at the timer on my wristband.It was about an hour and a half before we'd be put to sleep. Isighed, "first, we'll need to decide on who will lead this group."
"Well, obviously the girl genius!"Miu grinned.
"No way! You're just as bad as thedegenerates!" Tenko refused, then turned to me. "I vote forKeebo."
"M-Me?" I asked, if not for being arobot, I'd probably be sweating right now.
"Well duh, you're not a degenerate,you seem to know what you're doing and you're keeping us together. Iwould follow you," Tenko replied.
"Neh, if Tenko agrees, then you havemy vote," Himiko agreed.
Miu sighed, "I suppose I wouldn'thave a problem having you lead. You don't seem to have that fuckinginner voice bullshit anymore."
"Then, leave it to me," I smirkedwith confidence. "First, let's get out of here."
All of us left the girl's hallway, thenfound a group of Monokuma robots heading our direction on the hallwayon our right. I got my megaphone weapon ready as Tenko unwielded hersword, Himiko took out her staff, and Miu took out some sort ofmechanical gun of some sort. All of us attacked the Monokuma robots,Tenko stabbing her sword through one of them before cutting off itshead. I used the break function, aiming it for the red eye, thenshooting it several times before it exploded. I could hear theMonokumas saying "troubling" before exploding. Himiko mostly usedher small size to sneak around the Monokuma robots before spreadingsome white dust around one of the Monokumas. From there, Tenkoslashed through that Monokuma covered in white dust.
"Good job, Himiko!" Tenko cheered.
"Suck it, dickheads!" Miu shoutedas she shot her gun at a Monokuma, making it explode before using aknockback toward my side as I aimed for the red eye of Monokuma,shooting it there and making it explode.
"Whoa!" Himiko responded, herfinger on her chin.
"That. was. AWESOME!" Tenko shoutedexcitedly like a little child.
"Yeah, no thanks to the golden girlgenius of this group and her fucktastic invention!" Miu braggedaloud.
"I agree. This sonic megaphone thingyou created is amazing," I grinned.
"Na-ah. It's called a Mega ElectoCommand Gun or Miu's Awesome Gun," Miu bragged.
"I think I'll just call it a MEC Gunfor short," I decided.
"Mec? I suppose that's easy toremember, since it reminds me of McDonalds," Himiko said, smiling abit.
"If Himiko likes it, then I like ittoo. MEC Gun it is," Tenko replied.
"W-Whatever you say. I don't care,"Miu replied bashfully.
At this moment, I knew we were allgoing to be okay. We were going to make it.
Then, we heard some banging on theceiling, Monokumas falling from the vents one by one behind us. Thatwas when we noticed a small group running toward us, three of them inwhite outfits and an older man in a navy suit, dress pants and a redtie. He started attacking the monokumas with a crowbar. That was whenI noticed the orange wristbands. They were hostages.
"Hey, are you the hostages?" Iasked.
A girl with lavender hair turned to me,glaring, "what's it to you, roboboy?"
"Hey, that's robophobi-" I snappedbefore I heard Miu shooting a monokuma with the MEC gun.
"Now is not the time to be PC,Keedick!" Miu said and I nodded in response.
I aimed my gun, then began using Break on the Monokumas one by one. I was barely able to notice, but I sawthe small group eventually hiding in one of the rooms in the hallwaybefore locking it behind them. We had to get rid of these monokumas,if we were to guarantee their safety. If one of them dies, then sowill one of our classmates and I get the feeling the three of themare one of Kokichi's loved ones, judging by their outfits androbophobic comments.
We came across three doorways, each ofthem leading to a different direction, if I had to guess. MoreMonokumas were approaching through those three doors. Tenko wasslicing and dicing her sword through every Monokuma coming her way,while Himiko seemed to use stealth to get around them before usingsome sort of screwdriver she picked up from the ground to launch intothe Monokuma's red eye. She must've noticed the weak point. Ofcourse, I already figured that when using the MEC Gun.
More Monokumas seemed to be breakingfrom the door on the very right, I noticed. Suddenly, I witnessed agroup of people storming from that side. It all started with onelittle boy that looked so familiar. He had jet black hair and waswearing some sort of black school uniform. He ran passed me and myteam, screaming at the top of his lungs.
"RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!"The boy screamed, storming through the other Monokuma's withoutbeing hurt. How he was able to do that is beyond my comprehension. Idid notice an orange wristband on him. Who is he?
I was unable to figure out his identitybefore a group of people, hostages, burst through the door on theright, most of them young girls between the ages of 3-12 years old.Each of them were attacking Monokuma's with hammers, knives,drumsticks, crowbars, screwdrivers, forks and any sorts of items theysomehow got their hands on, smashing them on the red eyes of theMonokumas or wherever they could reach. This overwhelmed themonokumas.
"Everyone stick together!" I heardthe oldest girl of the group shout. She looked to be no older thanus. There were more girls arriving. In all, there were 12 girls, allof them from ages 3-18 years old, if that was possible.
"ALRIGHT! That's what I'm talkingabout!" Tenko shouted, grinning.
The oldest one joined with us, asking,"that wristband, it's not like ours. Have you seen our brother,Rantaro?"
Wait, these are Rantaro's...?
"Uh... I think he's over there," Isaid, pointing to the hallway we just came from. "I saw him withKaede."
That was when I saw Kaede and her grouprushing over to the boy's restroom. I was about to call then when Miu said, "hey fuckers! We've got almost no time before these fuckersput us to sleep! We need a place where we won't be Monokuma dinner!"
"Let's go in the pantry! There's lotsof food and no vents!" A girl with emerald hair suggested, pointingto the area all of them just came out of before Monokumas begansurrounding us.
There were a bunch of screams from thegirls. We all fought our hardest against the Monokumas, but therewere just too many. The girls eventually split, the younger onesscreaming each other's names at the top of their lungs. This wascruel, too cruel. I did the only thing I could do and grabbed ontothe oldest one with one hand. I heard a beeping sound from mywristband, too busy fighting the Monokumas to read what it said inorange letters. Tenko took two of the younger girls, the youngest oneand another one age 10. Himiko dragged another girl that was crying,she looked to be about 5 years old. A beeping sound was heard onHimiko's wristband.
With no time to think, we all draggedthe girls to the closest room to us, being we were all dragged intothe door on the very right. By miracle, we finally made it inside thefood pantry pressing the door shut before pushing a deep freezer infront of the door to prevent more monokumas from entering. All of uspanted.
"Look what you did! My sisters arestill out there and-" The oldest one yelled at me before sleepinggas filled the room, putting all of us to sleep.
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