Welcome to the Void
I felt something cold touch my face, waking me from my slumber. I open my eyes only to be blinded by a bright artificial light. Keeping my eyes shut, I get up on my hands and knees on the cold concrete floor. I cover my eyes from the light and squint. On each side, I am blocked off by concrete walls and a wall behind me. In front of me, an electric laser system is preventing me from escaping. Its light blue lasers, full of life. Above me, a single light fixture shines brightly. Suddenly, I hear a small voice speak up from the eerie silence.
¨ WHO IS THAT, BROTHER?¨ a curious yet docile voice asks.
I snap my attention towards the child who spoke. On the floor, a small skeleton sits cross-legged in front of me. His face long and tilted in wonderment. His mouth slightly agape like he's about to speak again. He was only covered by a dusty blue gown like the ones you where at the hospital. On top of a bed, another skeleton, smaller than the other, sits attentively. He wore the same attire but his appearance was contrasting to the taller skeleton. His skull was more round and his eyes round. White pupils stared down at where I was and his thick-boned arms pushing himself off the bed.
I back up a little as the smaller skeleton approaches me. I was ready to shield myself when I hear the sound of the fences shutting down. The skeleton, quickly, lays on the bed nonchalantly. The taller skeleton watches the front as another skeleton appears. He wore a white lab coat with a grey turtleneck under it. As his black dress shoes echoed in the tiny room, his black pants swayed with his movements. His eyes round yet narrow and white pupils looking towards the two younger skeletons. His mouth tightened to a serious frown.
Then, I notice something peculiar and rather........intriguing. His hands. They had a hole on the palm where his fingers were holding a clipboard and pen.
¨Subject 2, come forward.¨ the man spoke with a low yet confident voice. The taller one, or Subject 2, gets up and walks with the stranger out of the room. With a quick placement of his hand, he closes the room off from the hallway. I could hear their mumbling but was more interested in the smaller skeleton. He stares at me warily, sitting up against the wall. I look to the beams as Subject 2 runs to the hallway and, after a few minutes, the doctor walks after him.
¨what are you supposed to be? you another experiment or something?¨
I look towards the skeleton and shake my head.
¨heh. then, why are you here, then?¨
¨I........I don't know. I don't remember being here but..............that man-¨
¨the scientist? i overheard his name being gaster or something.¨ he shrugged.
I look back at the beams. Gaster. I don't know anything about this guy, apart that he's a scientist. But, he dragged me here but somehow............
¨why did he bring you here, anyways?¨ he asked, putting his elbows on his thighs and eyes narrowed. ¨what are you? where did you come from? why are you dressed so weirdly?¨ I hesitated. I don't know if what I say may create some sort of problems in the present. It could be the past or the future or......some alternate timeline for all I know! I will need to word things carefully.
¨I really can't explain that to you, I'm forbidden.¨
¨why? you working with him as well? i wouldn't be surprised, especially with how you keep avoiding my questions.¨ he said, darkly. His eye sockets empty, emotionally and literally. I widened my eyes and didn't speak any further. Something about that tone.........its............familiar. It kind of sounds like..................................
Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled away from the scene. The room before me being, rapidly, engulfed in darkness. Then, in a second, I was taken to another scene. I shriek as I fell to the concrete floor and groaned as I made impact. I get on my knees and see blood on the floor. I, slowly, reached a finger to my lip and pull back, my eyes widening. A splat of crimson blood lays on my finger. I make my way to the nearest window and gasp, seeing my lip bleeding and a cut forming from my soft, pink lip. It continued to dribble down my lip so I did the only thing I can do.
I licked my bottom lip, reluctantly tasting the revolting iron taste of my own blood. I didn't understand how I could get hurt, how real the pain felt. I thought this was a dream, that everything I feel. Everything I see. Is just a figment from my own unconsciousness. But......
it's not.
This is real.
I am stuck here.
A different place.
Maybe, even a different time.
I, suddenly, hear the sounds of footsteps and quickly hide in the nearest closet. I left a small crack so that I could see through. Then, voices came. All to familiar voices.
¨I didn't ask for your opinion.¨
Then, a sound of a metal door opens and I swiftly move behind them, watching as the scene played before me.
The child gasped as he saw what was happening. Subject 1 was strapped onto a chair, both his wrists and neck. His bones shaking in fear and the sight of a laser drilling through his eye socket; the machine whirring with life. I shrieked as I ran up to the small skeleton. Then, I hear the other scream.
¨BROTHER!! HOLD ON, I'LL SAVE YOU! I'LL........¨ Then, silence. I look to the chair and see that Subject 1 is not present. The straps hang loosely from where his neck was and the sounds ceasing.
¨W-what?¨ I ask myself, brushing my hand up against the chair to see if it was real. How could I see this stuff if I don't remember any of it? Am I seeing this through another person's perspective? Possibly, the taller skeleton?
¨You saw something, didn't you.¨ Gaster asks, a hint of anger in his tone. I gulp and look towards the child.
¨I knew it. You saw 1-S, didn't you?¨ he asked, his voice increasing in volume. I hold onto the skeleton's shoulders, trying to comfort him. He stiffens but remains in his frantic state. He probably doesn't want the man to know that he sees me. That would just make it worse for him.
¨N-..........NO, I DIDN'T...........I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!!¨ he cried, backing away.
¨He's scheduled for tomorrow, but you saw him now, didn't you? You saw him just now, in the chair.¨ he growled, approaching the monster child. His shoes clicking with each step, the suspense increasing. The child shook and looked at the scientist in fear. The way he cowered. It was how I felt. The feeling of helplessness. Having no hope.
I've felt that.
I know how it feels.
To live in fear.
I guess monsters did to.
¨I guess we are know different.¨ I growled. Then, as quick as lightning, I pushed the scientist down with all my might. He gasped and fell forward.
¨W-......WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!¨ the skeleton yelled at me. I looked towards him, angry tears in my eyes. I ran up to him and hugged him. Something about hugging this stranger makes me feel nostalgic. Like I could stay like this forever. I pulled away and saw as a dark hole was, slowly, reaching for me. The hand coming for me. I look to the skeleton and gave him a soft smile.
¨Don't let someone get you down. I believe in you. I know you will do great things someday and have people who love you. Just don't give up on him, okay? Everyone deserves a second chance.¨
His eyes brightened and he smiled, nodding his head. He pulled me back into another hug but I was taken back by the hand. I gasped as the hand pulled me. Then, I looked to the child and waved. He smiled.
My eyes widened and before I could say anything, I was engulfed by the darkness. That..........That was Papyrus! I-It all makes sense now. The scientist, the skeletons............I gasped. Sans. His past. 1-S is Sans! Wait. If Sans and Papyrus were experimented on by Gaster and Gaster is the man with me, then........................
I feel the shallow breathing of a man on my neck. And, I feel tears coming back to my eyes. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around, my face looking towards him. His smile terrifyingly large and eyes looking through me. I gulped and he came closer, shushing me like a crying child. I close my eyes and clenched my fist as his hand reaches to my chin. He lifts my chin up and speaks in a dark yet smooth voice.
¨Look at me, Lily.¨
Fearing that I might make him angry, I open my eyes and wait for him to do something. He chuckles and tilts my head in different directions, observing my features.
¨My, my. You've grown, little one. I'm sure Queen Adela would be pleased with your presence.¨
¨W-Who?¨ I squeak out, my breathing picking up.
¨Now, now. You should ask questions later. I'm sure you know who I am, no?¨
¨Your......Gaster.¨ He shakes his head in dismay.
¨I prefer my full name. Dr. W.D. Gaster. And, my dear, welcome to the Void.¨
Oh god, am I dead?
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