Puzzle One: Completed!

I saw Sans standing at the side of the path with thin ice covering the terrain in front of me. The path seemed to end there but I'm pretty sure that I am going to do a whole lot of walking after this. I walked to Sans and he simply waved at me before speaking.

¨hey, here's something important to remember. my brother has a very special attack.¨ he explained, emphasizing 'special attack'. ¨if you see a blue attack, don't move and it won't hurt you. here's an easy way to keep it in mind..........¨

'UGH! I already told you this! Just tell him you already know!' 'We can't! He'll question why we know. And, what then? Sans will think I'm crazy if I say a dead child is in my head and telling me what to do!' Chara sighed angrily. 'Whatever.' I stopped talking to the girl and focused my attention on Sans.

¨imagine a stop sign. when you see a stop sign, you stop, right? stop signs are red. so imagine a blue stop sign instead. simple, right? when fighting, think about blue stop signs.¨ he finished. I nodded an 'ok' and walked towards the sheet of ice. I grabbed a nearby stick and hit it onto the ice, to make sure it wasn't thin ice. Thankfully, the ice is thick enough for me to slide across. I, hesitantly, slid onto the slippery ice. I slipped a couple of times but I was able to make my way to the sign that was in the middle of the icy area. However, when I got there, I slipped and fell on my bum. I grunt as I picked myself up and rubbed my sore bottom.

After getting up, I looked at the sign to see what it said:

North: Ice

South: Ice

West: Ice

East: Snowdin Town (...and ice)

I chuckled softly at the comment on the sign and, since the sign tells me to, I head East. When I got out of the icy terrain, I was met with Sans and Papyrus standing on the other side of the pathway. I stared at Sans, confused. 'How did he get here, if he was over there?!' 'He can teleport, duh.' Chara scowled. I rolled my eyes and stood there, looking at the skele-bros.


¨i think that's called........sleeping.¨ he said, with a cheeky grin.

¨EXCUSES, EXCUSES!¨ Papyrus accused, suddenly noticing my presence and regaining his 'Great' posture. Sans turned around to where his brother is looking; sending a small smile at me. I smiled back at both of them happily and waved.

¨OH-HO! THE HUMAN ARRIVES! IN ORDER TO STOP YOU........... MY BROTHER AND I HAVE CREATED SOME PUZZLES! I THINK YOU WILL FIND THIS ONE.........QUITE SHOCKING!!! FOR YOU SEE, THIS¨ Papyrus gestures to the empty space in front of me, ¨IS THE INVISIBLE............. ELECTRICITY MAZE!!! WHEN YOU TOUCH THE WALLS OF THE MAZE, THIS ORB WILL ADMINISTER A HEARTY ZAP! SOUND LIKE FUN??? BECAUSE! THE AMOUNT OF FUN YOU WILL PROBABLY HAVE, IS ACTUALLY RATHER SMALL I THINK.¨ I smiled at his doubting and let out a giggle. Sans looked towards me with a lazy grin and Papyrus seemed happy to see me happy. He takes out a light blue orb in his hand and gestures back to the invisible maze.

¨OK, YOU CAN GO AHEAD NOW.¨ I looked at the invisible maze, unsure about whether I should cross or not. I can't avoid this puzzle, so, sighing in defeat, I took a few steps forwards and I heard the loud zap. I yelped in fright and jumped back, afraid to get shock. But, I just realized that I didn't feel any pain and looked towards the skeleton; who is now zapped and singed. I let out a snort but look worried at the charismatic skeleton. He looked shocked at how his plan failed. He started having a tantrum and yelling at his brother.

¨SANS!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!¨ Sans looked towards me and back to his fuming brother with an amused smirk.

¨i think the human has to hold the orb.¨ This made Papyrus think for a moment before realizing his mistake. ¨OH, OKAY.¨ he simply said. He turned his attention towards me and made his way towards me, his boots providing me with a way to complete the puzzle. Once he got to me, Papyrus held out the orb towards me.

¨HOLD THIS PLEASE!¨ he asked, putting the orb on top of my head and walking back to where his brother stood. ¨OKAY, TRY NOW!¨ Papyrus ushered me with his brother, stuffing his hands in his pockets. 'Huh, do skeletons get cold?' 'Of course not, you idiot!' Chara snapped. Sheesh, no wonder she's so lonely. I focused myself on the puzzle and followed the footprints Papyrus left for me. I eventually reached the end and handed Papyrus back the orb. He stood there, his mouth agape in shock and Sans standing there with his lazy grin.

¨INCREDIBLE!! YOU SLIPPERY SNAIL!!¨ Papyrus commented, making me blush at being complimented. ¨Thank you!¨ I thanked the tall skeleton. ¨YOU SOLVED IT SO EASILY......TOO EASILY! HOWEVER! THE NEXT PUZZLE WILL NOT BE EASY! IT IS DESIGNED BY MY BROTHER SANS! YOU WILL SURELY BE CONFOUNDED! I KNOW I AM!¨ Then, Papyrus laughed happily and ran excitedly to the East. I smiled at the bubbly skeleton and walked up towards Sans.

¨hey, thanks.......... my brother seems like he's having fun. by the way, did you see that weird outfit he's wearing?¨ he asked, stuffing his hands deeper into his pockets.

¨Uh-huh. How could I miss that?¨ I joked, earning a chuckle from the pun-loving skeleton.

¨we made that a few weeks ago for a costume party. he hasn't worn anything else since......... keeps calling it his 'battle body'. man. isn't my brother cool?¨ I laughed genuinely and nodded. It wasn't a lie; Papyrus is pretty cool and sweet. To have a family like that again................. I frowned at that thought. 'No. I can't. I don't know where my family is. And my foster parents probably got a new kid too.' I sighed, thinking about Ethan. He was the only person that I could call part of my family, except for Naomi of course. I remember how he would take me to the park and climb on the monkey bars with me. Afterwards, we would both go to Baskin Robbins to get some ice cream. I would get chocolate raspberry and he would get caramel pecan. Then, we would go to my 'thinking tree' and start cloud-watching while enjoying the frozen treat. I can still remember his laugh at whenever ice-cream would drip down my chin.

And, on cold nights, he would pull me on his lap and we would watch the fire crackle in our fireplace. And, on cool nights, sometimes, Ethan and I would lay down in the backyard and watch the stars. I smiled happily at those memories. Such memories always help remind me why I'm here. I want monsters to experience the good things the Surface and humans have to offer. I feel like most of them don't even remember what a sunset looked like, might not even know what it is! I started spacing out again and was interrupted by Sans, who was snapping his fingers to get my attention. I got startled by the snapping; making him laugh in response.

¨seriously, do humans always do this?¨

¨No........ Just me.¨

¨alright, kid. i might need to get goin'. pap won't be happy if he can't find me. see ya, lily.¨ he shouted over his shoulder, sending a wink towards me before leaving. I smiled but then widened my eyes when I realized what he just said. 'H-He knows my name! How does he know?!' 'Eh, who cares. I just want to get this over with.' I growled at Chara and continued walking East, to where Papyrus ran off to. When walking to the next place, I caught sight of a sad bunny with an ice-cream cart. My stomach started to growl as I stared at the frozen treat plastered on the cart. I walked towards the cart and waited for him to notice me. The bunny man had blue fur, a yellow shirt, red overalls, and no shoes. He let out a sigh and started talking to himself.

¨I don't understand why these aren't selling........... It's the perfect weather for something cold.......¨ he looked down at me and his face broke out into a happy grin. ¨OH!!!! A customer!!! Hello! Would you like some Nice Cream? It's the frozen treat that warms your heart! Now just 15g!¨ I thought for a moment. It would be nice to have a frozen treat. I am hungry and it is 15g. But........ I don't have money! I frowned at myself and looked down, sadly.

¨I don't have any money. I'm sorry, I know you really want money. But, I don't have that type of currency.¨

¨Well, I'll take any type of currency!¨

I thought for a moment and searched through my bag for some money. All I could find was $5 and I don't know if that is enough. Might as well give it a shot.

¨Uh. I have $5? Is that ok?¨ I ask, holding up the five-dollar bill. He seemed extremely happy about it.

¨Oh, wow! That is enough for 2 Nice Creams! I'll take that, if you want.¨ I happily hand him the money and he hands me the frozen treats in a package. He gave me a wave and a big smile.

¨Here you go! Have a super-duper day!¨

¨I will, thank you!¨ I exclaimed happily and ran off to find a good place to enjoy one of the Nice Creams. As I walked to the possible direction towards East, I run into Sans again.

¨hey, kiddo. i've been thinking about selling treats, too.¨ he said, pointing out the Nice Creams. ¨want some fried snow? it's just 5g.¨ I thought about it for some time. I don't want to be mean and, luckily, the Nice Cream guy gave me some monster currency as change.

¨Sure!¨ I accepted, giving him the correct amount.

¨did i say 5G? I meant 50G.¨ he said with a mischievous grin. I groaned at the change in cost.

¨Fine.¨ I accepted, fishing my backpack for more money.

¨really? how about 5000G?¨ he joked.

¨SANS!!!¨ I yelled. He laughed at my attitude and raised his hands up in surrender.

¨hey! i was just joking. besides, i really don't have any snow.¨ he said, sending me a wink and walking away. I frowned and started fuming, but ended up bursting out laughing. I can't believe he did that! Man, it might not be as bad as Flowey said it was!

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